HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 20, 2024

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 20, 2024

August 22, 2024


“How to stay asleep vs wake up every night (around 3 am)? I've tried so many ways.” [0:02:48]


Well, it would be interesting to know a bit about your life, your age. I'm presuming you're a female and I would like to know your stressors. Are you married? Are you in school? Do you have children? Do you have young children? Are you on a shift-type work? What is your background medical history? How old are you? Have you gone through menopause? Many of these kind of things. Have you had close head injuries, Severe blows to the head, or loss of consciousness? these can impact your sleep as well.

What medications are you on? Do you have any history of prior substance abuse? Alcohol dependency? What kind of diet have you been using? Do you exercise? And then we would want to know if you're on any hormone replacement therapy. If so, how much, what are those levels? Do you use any light protection, for instance, are you trying to protect yourself from electromagnetic energy sources that may be in or about your bedroom? Are you a heavy user of the laptop computers all the day long? So there are many, many questions that would go into this. 

I would say I'm going to make some assumptions here. I'm going to say that you probably don't have any serious prior medical problems or substance abuse problems or addictions. And then I'm going to say that you're probably either perimenopausal or postmenopausal because sleep disturbances and waking in the middle of the night are very often associated with menopause and its interruption in sleep. So, as we lose our hormones, our estradiol in particular, and of course, progesterone, we won't omit, but estradiol has a calming effect on the female brain. We rather abruptly lose that with menopause, and therefore our sleep then becomes hindered. We don't get as deep a sleep and sustaining a sleep. Therefore, the littlest sounds or the littlest disturbances can arouse us out of our deep REM sleep, and then we will awaken. 

Now, what tends to help this? Well, of course not eating late at night. So if you could stop eating by 5 o'clock in the evening or shift to eating breakfasts and lunches and omit dinners for a season. Exercise helps to restore sleep patterns. Avoiding stimulants. You might be using some over-the-counter cold or anti-allergy seasonal allergens in the fall and the spring. I would avoid these over-the-counter medications. I would also encourage you to make sure you shut off all your electronics probably by 8 o'clock at the latest, if not sooner. You might also consider keeping your phone out of your bedroom. You might even consider shutting off the breaker to your home in the evenings and then just turning it back on in the mornings. Another thing would be to learn to wake up with the sunrise and to stand in the moist grass, the wet grass in the morning, the dew, and be in your bare feet and then have yourself standing in the grass in the sunrise. Take your glasses off or contacts or whatever, so that long infrared light waves can penetrate your skull, your eyes, and your clothes, and you will, in your bare feet, draw up the electrons from the earth and the infrared, far-red wavelengths that are very slow that can penetrate our skull and our skin and our clothes. They will then help to synchronize your sleep cycle and circadian rhythm, no matter where you're at. And if you do this morning after morning, you should find yourself able to get a better, deeper sleep. Maybe find a doctor who could test your hormones, and give you natural estradiol and progesterone. Progesterone is also a natural hormone for women, and it is a hypnagogue. It will help you to sleep as well. I've given women as much as 800 milligrams, anywhere from 100 to 800 milligrams. Some are very sensitive and they go to sleep and sleep very well. Some need 200 two to 400 mg. Rarely in my life have I gone up to 800 milligrams. 

So, the other thing would be being well-hydrated. Using enough water is very calming as well to the body. So I would drink half your weight as pounds as ounces every day. That's another important thing. So that would be some of the beginning things I would say about this waking up at 3 a.m. and that would be the beginning area. And start finding someone you could work with and make sure that the list of various things I brought up doesn't pertain to you, the other factors we want to rule out that might be disturbing it. 


“I am searching for good OTC medication and supplements for my mother who is 84 years old with a history of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) a few years back. She went on steroid treatment and she’s off steroids now after showing no signs of PMR in her blood work, but still dealing with pain in the mornings, waking up with stiffness (fingers, arms, and legs). Any recommendation?” [0:09:29] 


Well, I think the number one thing I would recommend is water. Very often elderly people are dehydrated and I would make sure whatever her weight is in pounds, that's the number of ounces that she should be drinking every day. And I would encourage her to go on a carnivore diet for a month, just eating meat, fish, chicken, tuna shrimp, sardines, lobster, crab pork, bacon, eggs and that's it, and see if she doesn't suddenly do better. The other thing you could give her is systemic enzymes.

Probably the easiest and the most potent, which is a pharmaceutical systemic enzyme made in Japan, is called Vitalzym Xe, and I would give her five twice a day on an empty stomach. So, if you hydrate her, you give her the enzymes and you take away all inflammatory elements that are in the plant kingdom.

She should within the month feel much better. Then, if you're comfortable with it, I will start very often women like her on estradiol. Hormones help with joint pain tremendously as well, estradiol and natural progesterone, both of them. And then we can look from there. But that's the direction I would head in.


“I'm a 53-year-old perimenopausal woman. Would starting vaginal estradiol 0.01% cream be beneficial? The packaging warnings are daunting!” [0:11:47]


Well, estradiol is a natural bioidentical human female hormone. And I would ask you to read the book called Estrogen Matters. Estrogen Matters is the title and it's a 200-page rough book. We did a review of it. If you go to our website www.tlcdoctors.com and you go to the videos, I think that's on YouTube, but I think it's on our website also. And the title of the website, we review the book, Estrogen Matters, and the safety of using it. We have Dr. Meric and Dr. Mitchell, both board-certified gynecologists, reviewing the book, Estrogen Matters, and how really quite safe estradiol is. And then with that, I think the name of it is Hormone Replacement Therapy to Gynecologists, And then that's the title, Hormone Replacement Therapy to Gynecologists, and that's in our TLC, Tustin Longevity YouTube series. If you look under the question, you'll see it. It's a very good video to watch. There was just another paper that came out two years ago, a little under two years ago, and it addresses even hormone replacement therapy in women with a history of breast cancer. It goes all the way back to 1980, and it addresses the safety of hormone replacement, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in women who have had breast cancer. And I think they went through 24 or 25 studies from 1980 all the way through 2021, and they found really no additional recurrence or mortality risks for women who went back on hormones because they help our bones, they help our sleep, they help our immune system, they help our mood, they help our cardiovascular system. There are so many benefits to natural hormones. To deny yourself this is a sad thing. And don't let fear guide you. Natural hormones are not causative of cancer. It is the inactivity, the high carbohydrate high fructose corn syrup, the sodas that we're drinking, the late-night eating, and the highly processed foods, that with our inactivity, and our insulin levels rising, stimulate fat and a tumor to grow. This is a great concern, and that's where the data should be addressed instead of these silly questions. All pharmaceuticals are going to discourage you. They don't want to have any liability, but I've been practicing 43 years, and I just don't see any risk in these 43 years of all the years I've used it and given it to women. It's just been quite safe with human-identical, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. 


“Hi, what would be the best products to take for Crohn's to help with inflammation?” [0:15:29]


Crohn's disease is an autoimmune inflammatory process involving the colon and gastrointestinal system, and they really don't have an answer as to why a lot of wheat grain, and gluten sensitivities may or may not be involved, but we're seeing so many of these gut issues, sensitivities, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, abdominal cramping, abdominal discomfort. And we're seeing it in vast numbers of patients. I think the extremely wide variety of food selections and the extreme variety of plant foods and grains and the genetic modification and glyphosation of these foods, the plant lectins, phytates, oxalates plant tannins and oxalates, and other plant material can irritate the lining of the cell membrane, which is only one cell membrane thick, separating between you and the inside of your body. And if that's irritating, remember we always show you these pictures of an injured cell membrane, and then we show the repaired cell membrane. The injured cell membrane can occur from just one meal and then you can get diarrhea and the inflammation and recruitment because 80 percent of your immune system is lining your gut there, can generate this inflammation, storm, cascades, cytokine storm you've heard of in the past, referred to. 

So, what would we do? Well, if the cell membrane is made up of a double layer of phospholipids and fats and protein receptors, then you want to eat what you're made of so you can repair it. So that's protein and fat. So, basically, the best product to take would be to go on a carnivore diet for a month to three months. I would certainly say three months is better than one month. The products that we would use, I keep them handy because I have a vast, vast majority of my patients that have. Some forms of inflammatory bowel, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's, or various varieties, diverticulitis, is the fat, the Phospholipids, those fats that hang up and down to make the one membrane. And then we mix it with SBI Protect, which is a protein immunoglobulin A from serum bovine immunoglobulins, which is a protection for the gut lining. So, we mix these two, a scoop of each in warm water, and then the fat will mix into it a little bit better. It'll still be a little lumpy, but you can still take it. And then we usually put in a packet of these probiotics, these healthy bacteria with it. So, this is what I keep on my desk in this fashion, these three like this. So all three of these, the Phospholipids, the powder, and the probiotics with a carnivore diet a very, very good ways to heal the gut lining anytime it's irritated. So that would be the direction I would go. 


“A new really good book just released by two great local doctors entitled “Unavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered” by Dr. Ed Geehr and Dr. Jeff Barke. Highly recommended for child vaccine truth.” [0:19:32]


I've never heard of the book before, but I will take a look into that. And I usually refer to Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ book calledDissolving Illusions”. She has probably the original tomb of all the data research back to the 1700s on all sources of vaccines and their historical usage and impact. So yeah, the title is called Unavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Reconsidered by Dr. Ed Geehr and Dr. Jeff Barke. All right. Very good. 


“Dr. Ellithorpe. Thank you for your lifetime of dedication.” [0:20:43]


Well, praise the Lord. I'm doing my job. God, I always see myself as being on active duty for the Lord and my commander is the Lord Jesus Christ. So I'm just on active duty every day to him trying to build his kingdom here on earth. So there's no retirement from that. I've read the Bible cover to cover so many times. There's no retirement, folks. All right. Well, I think everyone for their job, we're all part of a body. God's no respecter of persons and we each need to do what we can do, and love our neighbor as ourselves, and then of course, love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and body. 


“Would you, or can you refer me to someone able to view blood samples under a microscope comparing before and after EDTA/vit c IV, looking for EDTA’s ability to dismantle synthetic biology (self-assembling nano-circuitry), which is being seen in those covid injected and in dental anesthesia?”  [0:21:31] 


I don't know. That's called dark field microscopy. I have the microscope. I choose not to use it, and the reason is, I suppose, number one, there's only so much I can do. I pretty much work six days a week to some extent on my patients and their needs and research and studying and caring for patients. The second thing is when I did my second doctorate in integrative medicine and we were trained in how to use darkfield microscopy, it isn't, in my opinion, a strong science. It has been criticized by many very learned professors, and I'm able to do everything I need to do without the darkfield microscopy. Therefore, I know how valuable EDTA chelation is, high dose vitamin C is, other nutraceuticals, oxygen therapies, and enzymatic therapies, certain lifestyle behaviors, exercise, and avoidance of electromagnetic energies to keep myself well, so I haven't missed my dark field microscopy unit. So, there you have it. I don't know anyone anymore who's currently doing it. It has been around for over 40 years. I mean, I did my doctorate in that in the 90s, and that was around a long time before when I did it 30 years ago. So, if it was going to be such a breakthrough or phenomenon, I don't know that I would have, in other words, why haven't we seen it used as a reference for more research? 

Now, maybe it's being shunned. Not every piece of science that has some value is recognized, I understand that. But I put darkfield microscopy in a class of its own simply because it's just not giving us enough reproducible data that I've seen to be worth relying upon. So, there you have it. 


“Hi doctor, I’m in my late 40’s. I’m active and work out often—about 1.5 a day. I’ve been on a protein diet, mainly with chicken, whey protein, and veggies. I’ve dropped 65 pounds in the last 2 years. Yesterday, I had a colonoscopy and confirmed I have diverticulosis. In the last 1.5 months, I’ve been to the ER twice and given IV, antibiotics. This last time, I was given morphine to aid with the ​​intense cramping. I’ve experienced nausea, back pain, pain in the abdomen. Now, I’m feeling fatigued and in need of rest. Now that I’ve undergone the colonoscopy, what steps should I consider next?”  [0:24:40] 


Very good. I'm so proud of you. There you go. The good things that we know to do, they do work if we stick with it. If you're impatient and you have to have results in two to three days, or you're just, you're done with that item, then I think you're going to always be challenged in many endeavors throughout life. It is the known conservative, steady as she goes, you know, getting through most every trial through our life. And so I'm proud of you. 

Then it goes on and they go on to say, I had a colonoscopy and confer confirmed, I have diverticulosis. All right. That's just the outpouching of the tube. It's got some like nipple outpouchings. Apparently, those little nipples are getting some collected waste material and bacterial overgrowth, creating inflammation and pain. 

In general, we approach the colon health understanding that is a tube that is one cell membrane thick. I showed you the products of the Phospholipid, the SBI Protect (Serum Bovine Immunoglobulin), and the probiotic and mixed that with warm water, morning and evening for maybe a month or two. Once you finish that with a carnivore diet, then your entire colon will have had the materials that need to repair itself, all the plant inflammatory lectins and phytates and oxalates and tannins and so forth will have been eliminated, and there should be a lot cooling down. So, a carnivore diet with phospholipids, Immunoglobulin, and probiotics is what we recommend. Drinking half your weight in water every day. Try and eat just morning breakfast and lunches, don't eat dinners, and stay active, and then that is how we would begin reminding you.

The other thing is you need a good multivitamin that has vitamin C in it. We give Juice Plus here. We give a TLC Energy Core for the multivitamin-mineral. We also are using vitamin C. It comes as a powder. I now prefer my Buffered vitamin C capsules because vitamin C is important in the elastin and collagen to hold this tissue from tearing out and making these evaginations in the lining and vitamin C is very helpful with hyaluronic and these other collagen things to make a nice tight repair of the colon. So that's how we would do that. 


“Hello, I’m asking about water and drinking more than just filtered water. I know the doctors want us to drink half our body weight and water but what about cellular water I’ve heard a lot about it. Would that include electrolytes? potassium? Magnesium? Alkaline?” [0:28:54]


The issue is, you know, if you're eating plenty of meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs lobster, shrimp, clam, sardines, you know, they're, they're so rich in minerals, you probably would not need to take a mineral supplement. But very few Americans eat enough meat, fish, chicken, pork, eggs, or bacon. So, we do recommend a multi-mineral that has all those electrolytes and minerals in it. Ours is called TLC Multi Min. It's a special amino acid chelated Albion-produced TLC Multi Min, three once a day or twice a day to help prevent cramps or anything like that. Drinking your water, I would use a pinch of Himalayan salt or Celtic salt in the water, just a pinch. That'll get you trace minerals, and that's the direction that I would go. 

I've been talking about drinking water that has been treated with the Analemma wand. This crystal right here has pure structured water in it. And through the crystal, it is transmitting the energy and the information of the structure so that when I have it in my glass like that, I am sipping out of my straw and I'm getting this structured water. You can watch a YouTube called Dr. Gerald Pollack, PhD, The Electric Structure of Water. It's a fantastic video. It's about 50 minutes long. It'll revolutionize your understanding of the energy of the light and the Infrared and red long wavelengths of sunrise in the morning and putting your feet on the wet earth or on the wet sand or on the grass that has the morning water on it with your bare feet to let the electrons come up, along with that long wavelength of the red morning sunrise come in before 8 in the morning. And then that will charge up all the electrochemical energy of the structured water surrounding, like an envelope, the cell membranes in your body. I did it, and my energy went up. 


“​​Dr. Rita, I have been having ongoing problems with vertigo. I am tired of this and have been dealing with it for over 20 years. How can I get rid of it?? Thank you!!!!”  [0:32:07]


That is a challenge. Benign positional vertigo often is associated with aging. The onset of aging then is associated with the shrinkage of the fluidity of the endolymph in the loops of Henle in your middle ear.

The lack of water, most people as we age, don't drink enough water, so we get dehydrated. We lose our minerals, our cell membranes don't get repaired as well, and they have more holes and injuries in them, so we leak out of our cells the electrolytes and contents. So, life, aging, and then death are associated with tiny micro damage. It's like death by a thousand paper cuts.  

So, what we are recommending is to do EDTA chelation therapy on a regular consistent basis, 30, maybe 60 IVs over the course of a couple of years. That improves all the microcirculation. How do we know it works? If you watch Dr. Tony Lamas or TACT Update 2019 with Dr. Gervasio Lamas, you'll see him talk about how the microcirculation is so improving, that it improves gangrene of the feet and how orthopedic doctors are using chelation to get the microcirculation back and stop amputations in their diabetics. So, if you can save a gangrenous toe, it can certainly help in the circulation in the brain the cochlea, and the area of the hearing. The other part of it is the second video on the same page, where you'll see Dr. Gervasio Lamas, and then one or two scroll downs, you'll see Chelation Therapy Data Review and Development and Inside Look with Dorothy Merritt. Dorthy Merritt, a medical doctor, does an excellent job of talking about how the data summary over the decades is associated with even less than one microgram per deciliter, which they call normal, is associated with all-cause mortality, and is very, very cardiovascularly damaging. So, not only does chelation revolutionize microcirculation and heart health, but it is all cause of death and disease because whenever you improve the circulation, you improve it everywhere else. So that is the direction, along with an uninflaming lifestyle. Of course, the most uninflaming diet is a three-month carnivore diet that gives healing time to your gut, disinflaming your whole body, and the Systemic Enzymes as anti-inflammatory twice a day on an empty stomach.  


“Would you use the same protocol for GERD? Carnivore for 3 mo., probiotics, phospholipids, and IGG? recently purchased analemma. I took Fibrenza enzymes for over a month, but my esophagus is too sore.”  [0:35:51] 


Absolutely. Any gut GERD is the gastroesophageal reflux disease, where acid burps up. Many women who have had babies, have some degree of gastroesophageal strain, hiatal hernia, and then the acid in our stomach can burp up and we can get that heartburn or silent reflux syndrome. So yeah, it would be the Phospholipids, the SBI Protect, and the probiotics. That would be the direction on that as well. 


“Hi Dr. Rita, I recently had oral surgery and had bone grafts in my lower jaw. Would taking Vitalzym help or hinder the healing process? If Vitalzym helps how many should I take? Thank you so much for answering my question.”  [0:36:35]


It'll definitely help. The general rule we tell anybody is if you're having acute inflammation, especially after surgery, five twice a day on an empty stomach, and do that for a week or two until you feel much better, then you can reduce it to four twice a day, then to three twice a day. But I always take 5 or 10 a day all the days of my life. 


“For sleep, what do you think about gamma-hydroxybutyrate instead of trazodone for my friend who's a patient of yours?”  [0:37:22]


Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, that's a Schedule Three drug. That's what I think one of the nicknames for it is. Gamma hydroxybutyrate is the date rape drug that you slip into a drink and knock the person out. I wouldn't touch it. Gamma hydroxybutyrate. 

Now, on the other hand, you might be confusing that with beta-hydroxybutyrate. Beta-hydroxybutyrate is just a supplemental ketone. Ketones help calm the brain. So, being on a carnivore diet, you make lots more ketones and you feel healthier, you think clearer, and your brain can relax better. It runs on ketones. So, beta-hydroxybutyrate is a wonderful ketone that you can buy exogenously over the counter and use a couple of times a day to suppress your appetite, to help your mental focus and clarity. There are all kinds of data on this, but that's beta-hydroxybutyrate, not gamma. Gamma is the date rape, and it's a controlled illicit drug. In the common market, it's a date rape drug. 


“Hi Dr Rita, do you have any recommendations for a supplement or other for achy knee? I'm 64 female and weight and health, no issues but I drive a lot during my work and my right knee is really bothering me.”  [0:38:53]


I would walk backward. Go on YouTube and watch a YouTube on backward walking and you'll use different muscles and strength and tendons for the strength of the knee. You’ve got to drink your water, and I would take the enzyme Vitalzym five twice a day for a week or two on an empty stomach. And then as it's feeling better, then you can drop to once a day, but I probably wouldn't go any less. Consider natural hormone replacement therapy. Here, I'm in my 70s now, and I have no pain. I have no joint problems. I have zip, oh, praise the Lord, and I'm on natural hormones and I take enzymes and I'm a carnivore. So, there you have it. So that's what I would recommend.


“Which do you think is more accurate, the challenge urine test or the red blood cell blood panel?”  [0:40:12]


I'm going to say the challenge urine heavy metal toxins list because the red blood cell is a snapshot of what they see on nutrient minerals and the presence of toxic minerals, and that can vary. If you eat fish that's full of mercury, you can see that shoot up. And if you did the same thing and did the challenge, yes, you could see it shoot up as well, but it is a reproducible test if you try and eat the same diet. So, if you're a fish eater, that could make, for instance, mercury go up, then you'll see the consistent improvement over chelation over time. We've been using the 24-hour urine collection or the 6-hour urine collection. I do the 6-hour because I don't want to burden my patients. As long as you're reproducing the same test, you're going to get very reasonable accurate information. So, yeah, that's the direction I go, is the urine test. 


“What are the best supplements and foods to eat to reduce inflammation? I've heard that inflammation is the source of many ailments.” [0:41:40]


Well, we are eating largely a manufactured diet. If you go into a health food store today, close to 80 percent of the foods that you have to choose to buy from at a grocery store never existed 40, or 50 years ago. So, that's why they say shop on the outer rims where the real food, the eggs, the meat, the vegetables are. But our vegetables, with industrialized farming and even organic farming with chemtrails dumping all the alumina hydroxy…what are some of them, the other metals that are in these chemtrails, aluminum, and I'm drawing a blank right now. I'm having a senior moment of my 70’s but these are actually landing on the ground all over, even the organic ground, and that's being drawn up to your fruits and vegetables. The nutrient density is diminishing in the population. Therefore, if you say, what's the best supplements and foods to eat to reduce inflammation, I'm going to say classically, the carnivore diet for a month minimum, three months for a very good body bodily cleanse. And I'm not saying cheating. If you're going to do a carnivore, you do it for a month, and you don't make any excuses, and you probably, depending on your age or your blood type, A’s would definitely need Ortho Digestzyme with betaine hydrochloric acid. This will help digest the meat, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, bacon, ham, and that kind of stuff. Then I would use the Systemic Enzymes on an empty stomach twice a day, five twice a day. 


“I understand there are different supplements and diet regimens that are beneficial depending on what type of cancer you have. Is there a special diet you recommend specifically for colon cancer or adenocarcinoma of the colon? Also, what do you recommend for supplementation?” [0:43:43]


Really, if you could do, if someone has adenocarcinoma of the colon, and they can do a water fast for a week, that's very valuable if they're not an insulin-dependent diabetic. So, a fast of just water for as many consecutive days as they can comfortably do under the care of their doctor. The other thing would be when they do eat, I would only eat breakfast and lunch. I would never eat a dinner and I would be a carnivore, absolutely, if I had that diagnosis. We would recommend a high dose of vitamin C 50 grams. You would have to see a doctor to get this ordered and get a test for G6PD. It's an enzyme to make sure you can metabolize high-dose vitamin C. I mean, you know, 99 percent of all people can. It's just, to be safe, you would want to G6PD done. And then I would do that no less than twice a week. 50 grams will take you about two hours of infusion. Then we would use the enzymes, the Systemic Enzymes, five twice a day on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and then last thing at night. I would use high-dose vitamin D. I would probably take 20,000 international units with vitamin K2 and then have a follow-up blood test in a month to see the blood levels for it. I would take a multimineral chelated amino acid Albion-chelated multi-mineral rich in selenium. Ours is the TLC Multi Min. I would use three in the morning, and three in the evening. I would take a capsule of vitamin C, 500 to 1,000 mg twice a day. I would take Juice Plus probably to stay away from all vegetables. I would just use the phytonutrient content of Juice Plus capsules. And then I would drink half my weight in water. I would definitely get the Analemma wand and drink all my water as structured water. I would drink half my weight as pounds as ounces of water every day. I would exercise. I would definitely do weight lifting three times a week as I could tolerate it, and then I would walk the other days for half an hour minimum. I would go to bed with say 8 – 8:30, and I would be up with every sunrise with my feet in the moist grass watching the sunrise for a minute and a half to three minutes every morning. That would be how I would begin.


“Hi, I was wondering if you would recommend a good pillow to sleep for neck ailment? Also, is it best to sleep with one or two pillows, and what position is best for heart health?” [0:47:04]


I don't know that I have the exact answer to that. I like MyPillow, Mike Lindell, supporting his company and his pillow. I have them and I like my Lindell and his love of the Lord and his patriotic constitutional republic support. So, I'm biased whenever I think of pillows. But definitely, you want your neck in alignment. So, if you're laying on your shoulder, you need a pillow there that will hold your neck in alignment, so you're not bent in or out. Either direction would be bad. For cardiovascular health, you really want to keep your mouth shut. Everyone should sleep either with their lips taped or have the pillow jammed up under their chin. So, I take a pillow and jam it up so my pillow is right under my neck. So when I'm sleeping like that, I'll have a thin pillow here. I have that little patriotic Mike Lindell MyPillow right here, and then I have the bigger MyPillow type two around my arm and it jams up here so that you breathe through your nose. That's excellent for oral health. Cardiovascular health is dependent on good oral health and good saliva production. If you open your mouth and snore a lot, you're not going to make saliva, and then your teeth and the gums are going to get acidic, and it'll erode away your enamel and promote periodontal disease. 


“Hi Dr. Rita, what would you recommend for a toothpaste for kids?”  [0:49:13]


Honestly, I would just put baking soda in a glass, a teaspoon or two, and put a few drops of water, and I would take a soft, their brushes should be soft, and I would just put baking soda in there, and then have them brush their teeth. Really, it's the acid of the bacteria that creates the erosion into the enamel and cavities. Of course, you’ve got to have them stay away from sugar candy and things like that. But that's exactly the best toothpaste, is baking soda.  


“Hi, Dr. Rita. I know so many of my friends’ mothers suffering from dementia. Does hormone replacement help to protect? Besides diet and lifestyle, any other select suggestions?”  [0:49:59] 


Does HRT help? Absolutely, it does. I would do EDTA chelation to improve the microcirculation. I would involve them in mandatory exercise three times a week. I would get them outside with their feet in the grass earthing for a minute and a half, three minutes every morning with sunrise, whether they like it or not, and I would get them drinking their water. I would put them on hormone replacement therapy and I would give them multiple minerals and vitamin C twice a day, with Systemic Enzymes and iodine. I would give them an iodine tablet every day. And really, I have turned people around who are on Aricept and Namenda, which are Alzheimer's, dementia, and cognitive deficit drugs, and turned people all the way around on that. 


“Hi, dear Dr Rita. there seems to be a lot of info on nitric oxide supplements. What is your opinion of this please? [0:51:13]


I would do chelation therapy. Chelation therapy will really help with nitric oxide. I would exercise. That's your number one nitric oxide generator. I would drink plenty of water. I would sleep with my mouth closed. We're finding that people with their mouths gazing and snoring. You have a lousy nitric oxide level, so tape your mouth. Those are some ideas there. 


“Hi, Dr Rita. What is your protocol for keeping kids’ immune systems up? My 15,14 and 9-year-old grandkids keep getting sick. They are all healthy athletes but seem to pick up viruses.”  [0:52:00]


I would put them on Juice Plus, each one of them, fruit and vegetable. If you can afford it, the Purple Vineyard as well. I would put them on vitamin D 10,000 each, and I would give them extra vitamin C, morning and evening, and I would give them iodine just to help them be intelligent, and quercetin 400 to 600 milligrams a day. Those five things, really that's all I do, and that's the only thing I did during the alleged pandemic with COVID. So, I never got ill and I've stayed well since and that's been years and years and years now. 


“I'm Dr. Mitchell's/ PA Gonzalez, an 85-year-old patient, using topical estradiol/testosterone. The prescription is 3 mg estradiol. If I add "your" 1 mg estradiol facial cream - where you've stated the estradiol is still absorbed systemically, should my other topical be reduced to 2 mg? Is your face cream available to purchase? Thanks once again for your help.” [0:53:19]


Well, it's just estradiol cream. It's not a face cream label. It's just estradiol in the cream form. But if you're already on a prescription of a 3 mg estradiol, I don't see why you don't use that once a week to your face to help with your skin and the collagen and the elastin there. So, instead of wherever else you put it, put it once a week to your face and that'll solve the problem without any change in cost to anything. Talk to PA Gonzalez about that. If yours is in a cream form, you could use that to your face. 


“I am blood type O and have noticed you have been discussing blood types with different issues. So I have a question. I bought your Phospholipids and SBI Protect because of my digestive issues and hiatal hernia. I'm wondering if you have any blood type O advice for the use of these products. Also, I miss TLC. Nothing like you here!!”  [0:54:35]


Well, we're raising up wonderful doctors. One day I'll be gone and dead, and I will need to have taught and raised up some good doctors here. Only God is the one who gets all the glory. But I want to point out that the O-type blood person is someone who, a general class, makes more acid than a B and AB or an A-type blood person. So, they're the ones who might get some heartburn, ulcers, things like that more easily. The Phospholipid with SBI Protect is an excellent thing to do as a preventative. Anytime you feel a sense of heartburn or indigestion, just mix a scoop of that with the SBI Protect in some warm water. Drink it down like a hot toddy before you go to bed, and you could add the probiotics. It supplies the repair material needed for the irritation on those injury sites that are on any cell membrane. So, that's what you're doing. There's nothing amazing about it. And if you eat a large carnivore diet, you'll also be helping yourself with that. 

The mantra, as we all age, the older you get, like I'm in my workout clothes because as soon as I sign off here, my husband and I are going to go across the street to a crunch, and I'll be working out for a half an hour doing heavy weightlifting on the machines. I don't do free weights, that's how I can injure myself. If I'm on a machine controlled in a set position, I won't injure myself. So, the older we get, we need to weightlift. We need to change our eating patterns to have breakfasts and lunches and skip dinners. That's the better way to live. And we should eat more as a carnivore because as we lose our muscle mass, we need to take in more protein. And as we swallow it, our digestion gets diminished, so we need digestive help, Digestzyme, when we eat, so that we can take that protein and absorb it and put it into our muscles. So, aging is to be a weightlifter, a carnivore, and to eat breakfast and lunch and skip our dinners. But there's nothing more miraculous to bring up about it. You’ve got to put the work in and get the results. 


“I'm continuing to struggle to solve my insomnia. This past weekend, I went to an event in central CA and stayed at an AirBnB Saturday night. Three things I did differently from my usual nightly routine: 1) was not on my PC all day -which I can't avoid when home as I have to work on it almost all day, 2) Forgot to take evening supplements and 3) AirBnB had an air conditioner. I slept better. Why?”  [0:57:46]


Well, if that's the case, then get the blue lights in your lens to help diminish. There are screens you can put on your computer to diminish the type of frequency of the light coming at you, and you can put it in your glasses. You get rid of all your LED lights buy some incandescent bulbs and get red light. So, that when you're in the home, you can get red lights. So, when the sun goes down, everything is kind of red-looking, especially if you have sleep trouble. She forgot to take her evening supplements. That might be irritating you, so just use them in the morning. That's possible. Eating late at night, and alcohol will all upset your sleep. The Airbnb had air conditioning. So, apparently, you normally don't have, because if you sleep cooler, that's well known to help you sleep better. So why? Well, I think we explained why the light frequency coming at you off the computer is a synthetic harmful thing, get blue lights in your glasses or get a screen. You can buy these glasses. They look yellow. You can get rid of your light bulbs and get the incandescent ones and screw them in, get red lights, and turn them on. Get outside, and get your feet in the wet dew at sunrise for three and a half minutes. Let those long waves go through you. Hopefully, that'll help you stay well-hydrated.  


“What helped me get rid of all my joint pain was to give up flour. After giving up all flour products, which I now spell ‘inFLAMation’ like this: In-FLOURation. Good luck.”  [1:00:13]


Yeah. So, they've genetically modified since the 1950s and they made the short dwarf wheat stock, which has like 42 genes, whereas the original tall grain ancient wheat had only 14 genes. Yeah, we’ve really messed ourselves up, ladies and gentlemen. 


“Where on earth can you find incandescent bulbs anymore?” [1:00:51]


On the internet. Get them or take a drive over to Arizona and do it.