YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 5, 2023
September 7, 2023
“Does Argentyn help with toe fungus? [0:04:47]
My husband has fungus on one of his big toenails that he has had for years. He has been putting iodine on it for about a year but it still hasn't gone away. Is there something you can recommend he try? His mother also had this problem.” [09:05]
The nail, toenails really grow at a much slower rate than the fingernails. The toes, overtime, distal parts, our feet, take a lot of damage as we live on the tiny, tiny capillaries that make up the blood perfusion of the toe. They get beat up pretty badly as we age. And those little tiny, teeny, hairlike, thread-like spider web-like, much tinier even though the diameter of a single strand of a spider web is the capillary that is going to bring the health repair and nutrition to the toe. Therefore, you can easily mess up the circulation to your toes and to the nail bed by eating a carbohydrate, sugar, and fruit sugar treat which clogs up the circulation. You can harm it by eating late at night and making your blood flow have to work on your gut for hours, instead of having free or blood flow at night to work on repairing your body. I emphasize the blood flow because that's the only way you're going to get any repair to a cell membrane. And the immune system will bring the white cells, and the repaired nutrition, the oxygen that will help prevent the overgrowth of fungus. Fungus loves sugar. Fungus loves a low-oxygen environment and the dark. So, get your feet out of covered toes and try to have an open-toe shoe. Try to rotate your shoes and wear white socks. Don’t sleep with socks on. Drink enough water to get the perfusion and the hydraulics going. Exercise so you burn down your starch carbohydrates and fruit sugars for the day. And then, if you paint on with Argentyn Silver, this is a known antifungal, antibacterial, anti-viral element. Argentyn Silver is 23 parts per billion of the silver. That is very good at killing fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Over the counter, I think the product is called Sovereign Silver. But if you're getting it from the clinic here, physicians can get a much higher strength called Argentyn Silver.
Now, enzymes help, kind of like Pac Man to get through those capillaries to open them up with your low-carb diet, your exercise, your water. And that would be the approach that I would take. It's going to take you a full year of doing this regularly to gradually see the improvement going away. You should see your doctor and have them test your fasting blood sugar. You should get your fasting sugars under 85, your insulin should be tested fasting, and your insulin should be under 4. And the triglycerides should be no higher than your high-density lipoproteins. So, if your HDL with exercise is in the 50s or 60s, then your triglycerides should be in the 50s and 60s. And your hemoglobin A1C should be 5.2 or less. Otherwise, you will promote the growth of yeast and fungus. And have the sugar inflammatory damage and it'll be difficult to heal. So, that's what I would do there.
To the second question, referring to the first would be important with the circulation. Another thing would be to helps circulation and tissue repair to resist fungal infestations is EDTA chelation therapy.
Can you explain what EDTA chelation is?” [09:37]
So, EDTA is a manmade amino acid that has a 3D spatial relationship and a charge on it. And all heavy metals that are toxic, lead, mercury, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, gadolinium, and uranium, all of these are positively charged and the amino acid that is made, EDTA is negatively charged. And it attracts it. So, it pulls it out and you pee it out through the kidney. It has been around for 70 years. It is used by forward-thinking clinicians and practitioners for 70 years. The American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine was built upon helping to provide advanced training for chelation therapy for practitioners, and medical doctors. It is by prescription. And we have done a tremendous amount of research on this, we worked on the pharmacokinetics for the suppository delivery system. But again, is by prescription only, so you'd have to see your doctor.
Now, if you go on to YouTube, and you type in TACT Update 2019, Dr. Lamas. This is a National Institute of Health-funded study that went on for 10 years involving over 1,700 adults who had suffered heart attacks, managed under the standard of care, and were additionally given the EDTA chelation. From the half that received it, there was a massive improvement in our cardiovascular health and longevity and not suffering the secondary consequences of heart attacks at the rate of which a typical heart attack with the standard of care would have for getting another heart attack, more unstable angina, and things like that.
So, the trial to assess chelation therapy is TACT Update 2019, Dr. Lamas. It is a 15-minute summary by the head of Cardiology at Cedars Sinai, who I know and when we were running the study over the 10 years he spoke with us at the American College for the Advancement of Medicine and described how he was not for EDTA chelation. And then due to the persistence of doctors providing it and finally his patients requesting it, he finally succumbs to using it and seeing its benefits. He then had the study. Now he uses it regularly. You can hear it from his own mouth on the details of the trial.
On the same page that you see the TACT Update 2019, Dr. Lamass, about a video or two right underneath it, you will see an image of a woman, her face, and the ACAM Conference. It is a one-hour lecture. It goes over the entirety of the science of EDTA chelation therapy and research for all-cause diseases. This is a one-hour lecture that is excellent, Dr. Merritt, an internal medicine from Texas. She is narrating this. She does a fantastic summary of the entirety of the chelation improvement for kidneys, cognitive, anti-aging, longevity, and on and on. And is tremendously cited well with excellent documentation. So, that's the other one I would watch. So, hopefully, that'll help you.
I do chelation all the time. I try and do it once a month or 10 times a year. I've probably done 200 or 300 IVs since age 16 and I am not 70.
Sugar suppresses the immune system so that fungus can grow more easily. You have to change your lifestyle so that the damage does not come back. It’s the American Standard Diet that is hurting. There is an article, Conflicts of Interest for Members of the United States 2020 Guideline Advisory Committee. This would be for if you were advisory on the committee and supporting the pyramid that they have done since 1980 with the grains, cereals, bread, pasta, 7 to 11 servings a day is the foundation of a healthy diet in America, recommendations. But you are also sponsored by Kellogg, General Mills, etc. You cannot be an advisor if you are paid by the industry that is asking you, what is the best thing to eat? One of the statements here published at Cambridge University Press, published March 21, 2022, the principal author is Melissa Mialon. The conclusion here: “Analysis found that 95% of the committee members had conflicts of interest with the food and/or pharmaceutical industries. Particular actors, including Kellogg, Abbott, Kraft, Johnson, General Mills, and so on, so forth, 95% of the members.” In this lengthy thing, one of the members whose name is listed there, had 152 conflicts of interest connected to 31 different industries. But she gives the right advice on how to eat for the hospitals, school systems, military, retirement centers, etc. It is dictated by these bought-off people. It’s just criminal. This is just one article.
“What do you recommend for pain and inflammation? I have sciatica, unstable SI joints, and arthritis.” [0:14:14]
Well, I would go to a functional doctor who's going to find out your blood type. Because blood type does matter because I find arthritis to be more dominant in O-type blood people. You can of course get it if you're an A and AB as well, or a B. But O’s tend to have reactivity to the genetic modification of grains so much in society along with homogenized pasteurized dairy. The dietary tube of the stomach is so impacted and inflamed with damage to the single membrane of the one-cell membrane separating the world outside, that what you swallow in is actually still the outside of the world. There is only one membrane thick, like this picture here, separating you from the outside world from what you take in and all of the lectins, food, and inflaming activities, that are contained in the structure of the fruits and vegetables and the grains. These are called lectins, oxalates, tannins, and so forth. That would be one thing, find out your blood type.
I would fast. Usually, if we empty our stomachs out and we don’t eat. By the way, this is the day after Labor Day, and as most of my patients know, I do that five-day fast twice a year starting after the Labor Day dinner. I’m in the middle of it. I’m empathic to people who haven’t fasted. I worked up to this. I’m not recommending that you just jump into a five-day fast like me. My husband has O-type blood. It’s always been an argument in my family about what I want to feed him. I asked him because it's 75 now his hands are very painful, even to turn a doorknob, or to use his hammer. He's an English teacher and then a carpenter. And he was just in so much pain. I finally said to him, will you please not eat for two days, just go on a fast. And he reluctantly obeyed. And he really did it he at one on a water fast. And on the second day he came to me and of course, he used systemic enzymes for the pain. We use Vitalzym XE here. We use systemic enzymes or Vascuzyme. These are taken on an empty stomach. They work as little Pac Men to get rid of inflammation, damaged cells, and cell membranes that are poked through whether it's your cartilage, tendon, sinus congestion, bacteria, or whatever it is. So, enzymes help clear away the injured cells. And the fasting stimulates growth hormone secretion. So, it's a win-win situation. And then when you're fasting most people drink a lot more water. And water is excellent for the lubrication and diffusion into the cartilage to moisten it. Cartilage doesn’t have circulation.
So, on the second day, he came to me and was flabbergasted that 80 to 90% of all his intense pain had gone away. He was so motivated; he went to the third day. He has remained absolutely grain-free and dairy-free ever since. That is what I would do, go on a two-day fast. Drink a lot of water, if you are not an insulin-dependent diabetic. This is how we approach in otherwise healthy people who have arthritis. We tell them to drink half their weight in water. If you are 150 pounds, that is 75 cut in half as your pounds. That would mean 75 ounces, along with the enzymes, along with the two-day fast. You should see a tremendous improvement.
Now hormone replacement helps arthritis. And eating enough healthy phospholipids. Remember this membrane here is made of phospholipids and protein fat and protein. It is not made of fruits and vegetables. You have to repair your joints by eating enough healthy proteins and fats.
“My 19 yr. old daughter is taking a course this semester which requires her to work with horses once a week. She is moderately allergic to them and I was wondering what could she take. She gets hives and itchy throat. Benadryl worked for her but it makes her tired. If you have a natural or homeopathic recommendation that work be great.” [0:19:10]
I would say, Quercetin. Which is in the D-Hist seasonal item that we carry here. It is made by Ortho Molecular. It is very, very rich in Quercetin. That is God’s natural antihistamine in the world. Plenty of water also would be helpful. That would be the direction that I would go. How much would I take? It is not a capsule or two. To load up all the reactive receptor sights that react to allergens, you would have to take a loading dose the first day. If you are taking D-Hist seasonal allergies, I would take 8 the first day, 6 the second day, 4 the third day, and I would stay on at least two a day. That is how I would run that.
I'm not against standard medicine loratadine and cetirizine, that's Allegra and Zyrtec. It's a non-drowsy synthetic, antihistamine. And there are some people that have such bad allergies, they have to take them. I use the D-Hist seasonal allergies, using two every day of my life. I’m a B-positive blood and tend to have tremendous allergies. So that helps me with my animal here, hopefully, it will help your daughter.
“Do you have a referral or suggestion for an integrative psychiatrist in the area? My loved one has bipolar 1, currently unmedicated, and is in mania with paranoia and delusions for 6 months. He does not think he is ill.” [0:21:23]
Of course, you need to have your loved one go to a psychiatrist for management. The bipolar and schizophrenia, these have been well-studied in Ortho Molecular medicine. If you Google, Dr. Abramson. He is an old, I don’t think he’s practicing anymore, but one of the foundations of the functional movement, integrated healthcare. He worked very hard with the psychiatric, especially schizophrenics and the gut health. So, gut health is associated with your production of serotonin and serotonin is very valuable in our mood. And a bad American standard diet will destroy the gut, along with all the genetic modification. So, we typically say, an all-natural, no-process food. In particular, if you wanted to go 100%, a carnivore diet. And then the B vitamins, methylated B complexes are very, very valuable. Along with the clinician’s preference for parent essential oils. These are the very fats that help the membrane be less irritable and less triggered with the membrane potential that is in the body. We're electrochemical beings. So, our diets have been stripped of healthy fats, and healthy foods, and clogged up with all the hydrogenated fats and processed food to extend its shelf life. Therefore, the cell membranes, more than you realize that are damaged like this area here. And it's difficult if we don't eat healthy fats, like linoleic, alpha-linolenic fats that come from eating the egg yolks, the meat, and the chicken with the skin, the fish, and healthy seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, etc. These have phospholipids and the essential fats in them. A diet that is a carnivore diet, with egg yolks in it, is all very valuable. The methylated B complex is very valuable.
There is a doctor in Newport Beach, his name is Dr. Amen. It is called the Amen Clinic. There are functional psychiatrists there and they have a tremendous impact with functional medicine and the diet and exercise for people and they really respond in my opinion what I've seen from it very, very well from there. So hopefully that helps you.
“Dr. Meric and I were puzzled why my Fructosamine was 247 after I have been on the keto diet for many years. (Dr. Meric said it should be under 200) All my other labs were great. I eat meat and cruciferous vegetables and have done so for years. Also, I do a 5-day fast twice a year, take juice plus, take systemic enzymes, and drink 1/2 my weight in oz's of water. (i.e. all the TLC recommendations). I don't eat any fruit and avoid any sugar. Where is it coming from?” [0:24:48]
Well, here is the shocking news. When the glycosylation, the advanced glycosylated end products called aging products of fructose come into the body, they stick to the protein, like a crab and it's irreversible. It is irreversible. You have to literally recreate the whole cheek so to say to get whole new cells growing and everything, which takes years. So, that fructose is locked on kind of like the alien, if you saw the alien and it jumped on the guy’s face. Fructose is an irreversible biochemical reaction. You could have had a Coke 15 years ago, full of high fructose corn syrup and that is still being measured in your body. So, that is why young people are really hurting their immune system and you have to wake the parents up.
There is a wonderful video out there that is by a pediatric endocrinologist who is so upset about the corrupt American dietetic and nutrition advisory board that created the American dietary guidelines. He went on a sabbatical to go to law school. He’s trying to fight the corporations here. The children are really suffering, even the kids are having to get liver transplants because the fructose is so damaging to the liver where it’s essentially, primarily metabolized. The name of the video is called, Sugar, The Bitter Truth. He says the word sugar, because a sugar molecule is a dimer of two pieces of sugar. One is glucose and the other is fructose. 50% of that white stuff in the teaspoon of sugar is fructose. And on top of that, they synthetically created high fructose corn syrup that is in everything. It’s the most sweet-tasting, addictive, hunger-driving food substance that we know of. You watch Sugar, The Bitter Truth and then you will hear about the irreversible attachment of glycosylation to a protein. And that's why the fructosamine is so, so hard to change. I tell my patients, even a year from now, if we see a fructosamine of 250, go down to 245, I’m happy. Because I can see that they changed their diet and lifestyle. It’s not building up.
“Does it break your fast if you have a teaspoon of coconut creamer in your coffee? It has 1 carb and 1 gram of organic coconut sugar.” [0:28:33]
It is not really breaking your fast. If you have pretty much a fasted state and only have a cup of coffee with coconut cream, I would call it a fair fast. So, don’t let that inhibit you either. A lot of people will put a tablespoon of butter in their coffee when they go on a fast. When I first started learning how to fast, and fast for myself, I started with coffee with butter in it. Now, when I fast, like these five days, I’m just hardcore, I guess. I just stopped eating, period. I keep my exercise, work schedule, and everything up. Maybe as I get older, maybe I will have to slow it down. I drink black coffee. I have my rules and my 20-ounce cup right here of water. I have to drink for every glass or mug or coffee that I allow myself. So, enjoy your coconut creamer there.
“What is your experience with Tiglylglycine testing? Is it a valid test to assess mitochondrial DNA damage? Also, is fasting insulin level a good marker for mitochondrial functioning?” [0:30:23]
I am going to have to Google Tiglyglycine testing. I have never heard of that. I have heard of Triglyceride testing and yes, that is very predictive of mitochondrial function.
One of the things you have to realize is I would like you to visualize this. Let's say you're cold, and you want to warm up and you have this wood-burning stove in the middle of your room, and the windows are all shut and so forth. And you take a bunch of sawdust, and you start it on fire in the stove, and it flames up very violently and has a huge flame in the stove, and the heat goes up. But in minutes or seconds even, that very flaky sawdust is going to burn down. So, you have to take another scoop of sawdust, and you're stuck feeding that stove all day long with another scoop of sawdust, another scoop of sawdust. That is what eating sugar, starch, bread, pasta, crackers, beans, cereal, bagels, you know, cake, soda pop, juicing, all of these things have such a high sugar, quick fast, energy kick to the cell to be burnt up in the little stoves or engines called the mitochondria. And so you're constantly putting on a flare like that.
Whereas let's say you used a handful of sawdust to create a flame, but you put logs on top of it. And then the logs caught on fire and are snuggled up to each other and they're kind of reflecting off of each other in the stove. And you get this constant slow burn, and warming of the room, through the heavy big thick logs. That is like metabolizing fat. I want you to understand the marketing and it has made us all addicted to cheap, quick, stopping for some French fries, donuts, sugared-up coffee latte, a candy bar, or fake things called protein bars that are really just excuses for getting a sugar fix. And you flame up with all this metabolic energy and there are waste products to that. So, every molecule of glucose that's processed through the mitochondria to convert into energy has free radical waste. That free radical waste, that smoke, soot, you might say, have to be handled with antioxidants. So, if you're not taking a good antioxidant, drinking water, I think of drinking enough water as basting your body. You're like a 98.6 temperature slow roasting roast for 70 years, 80 years, 90 years, 100 years of your life. So, the waste material is going to damage the mitochondria. That's why people who fast do intermittent fasting, eat a higher fat content diet, have sustained energy, slow burn, and they can go days without eating and mobilize and use their fat. So, they generate far less free radicals and they live longer for that reason.
So, insulin is a reflection of the alarm bells so if you take down your throat, the sugar, cheap energy, high carbohydrate, bread, pasta, Bagel, whatever, Krispy Kreme, you know, and so forth, then the pancreas is going to shoot out a lot of insulin. That insulin is a growth-promoting factor, probably one of the most potent. It is responsible for getting skin tags if you always have a high carbohydrate diet and you get the skin tags around your belt line, and in your groin, on the inside of your legs, where your thighs rub against each other, wherever there's constant friction, you'll wind up getting all these skin tags and that just reflects the high spike of sugar and then the insulin promoting growth, abnormal skin repair from the chronic little rubbing and irritation. So, yeah, fasting insulin needs to be low as well.
“What is the healthiest, most effective way to lose weight for a woman who may be perimenopausal? I'm 5'5", 140 pounds and my cardiologist and gastroenterologist want me to lose weight but it's been a struggle. I'd like to get down to at least 130 pounds and maintain it. What do you suggest?” [0:35:50]
Well, that's the question of the ages, isn't it, with all the marketing and the TV, Instagram, and social media. But we have too much food availability, we're eating it, snacking all the time, we're spiking up our sugars, and the insulin is rushing in. The insulin is going to be held on to fat and storage. There is a constant drive-up of sugar, trying to shove it into cells for storage so that the mitochondria aren't over-burning up is why we see this as a simplistic way to describe it. So, you would have to go and learn about intermittent fasting, adequate water, time-restricted eating, to always have yourself only eat in a four-to-six-hour window, and live with that. You would have to start eating fat-rich diets so that the largest proportion of your calories comes from fat. The second largest portion would be from healthy proteins, free-range, wild-caught sources. And then the lowest would be the carbohydrate content, fruit sugar content of your diet.
You would have to put in weight training because if you're perimenopausal, your muscle mass is starting to diminish with aging. And so hard, you know, weightlifting, weight resistance training needed, will need to be used. And then doing a brisk walk 20, 30 minutes three times a week, where during the walk, let's say the first three minutes, warm up. And then you burst out as fast as you can walking or until a little jog for 20 seconds, 30 seconds. And then, you stop. And you go back to your fast pace until you recover three minutes later. Then you start up again, for 30 seconds, 20 seconds burst. That puts some intensity and stimulates mitochondrial production that helps burn down fat and carbohydrates. That’s where I would begin when I see one of these questions.
“Do you have any idea when you will have the DRS bars back?” [0:51:00]
Yes, the bars are in a whole new plant. The pandemic created all the damages to shipping and production. Long and short of it, we are in a new place, running a pilot as we speak. I will be giving them away for free, the pilot bars. If we approve it, we will run them as the regular ones. So, probably going to be October, late October, or November, right before Thanksgiving. For 10 months, I’ve had to go through this hell of dealing with this on top of all the stuff I need to do here.
“Is it the chemical makeup of oral synthetic estrogen that increases cancer and/or the route of the delivery?” [0:52:15]
Women were initially in the 1950s, 1960s, and ‘70s, we all had equine horse-based estrogen, and is still out there in the prescription. When you say synthetic, we are going to say horse-derived. Way too powerful for a woman. A mare may be 2,000 pounds, a woman is 120, give me a break. I think the hormone for a horse is going to have a lot more power than we should be taking as women. So, I think it was overstimulation. Natural estradiol is beneficial and only human. The progestins, were the synthetic fake, absolutely fake progestins. There is only egg ovulational corpus luteum production of natural progesterone and that’s what it is. So, I only use progesterone. And when that's balanced like that, you should do fine. But the studies like the Women's Health Initiative that came out in 2002, they used that on thousands and found that the increased rate for breast cancer and really ascribed that to the progestin. It wasn’t really blocking horrible Premarin, equine estrogen-based, foreign estrogen molecule. Hopefully, that answers it. It’s not really the route of delivery.
“I recently got my lipid panel biomarkers back from the lab and my Lp(a) was at 78. The HS CRP was 4.7 and my Cardio IQ showed cholesterol at 240 with high LDL and low HDL. Lastly, the Apo B was 132. Most of the Lipoprotein Fractionation and Ion Mobility markers were in the high cardiovascular risk column. I am a 66-year-old female with heart disease in my family. Blood type is AB. I am on my way to show my Kaiser primary care doctor these lab results, as I went out of the Kaiser system to get these more advanced tests done. My doctor will probably want to put me on statins right away. What would be your plan of attack? Do you see patients like me?” [0:54:31]
It isn’t in your family by genes, but you are in a country that is corrupting you with American dietary guidelines and they are not being open and honest with you that the American Heart Association finally had to admit that there is no scientific data that implicates saturated fat in heart disease, the reverse is true. But there is science that says the seed oils are associated with increased cancer rates and inflammation that does impact heart disease incidents.
So, it is such a nauseating, corrupt community, purchased lobbyists, and sell-out scientists, sell-out physicians who are flooding our schools with foods that are metabolically, chronically inflaming us, damaging our military with it. You know, are recruiting for the military right now, and I was a big military person associated and I had to get out because it was so corrupt. I gave up my income, I was going to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. I just said, “No, thank you. I’m not going to be in a centralized authority, government-imposed medical practice.” I had to get out.
So, when we get this down to the masses of the stupid people down here, they are telling us how to eat, how to practice medicine, that's when you have totalitarian, globalist, Marxist, and they sell it to you, “Well, it’s free.” But I'll tell you, I was the ER doctor for years and years, and it was lousy health care. Everyone was coming into the emergency room because waiting at the guaranteed free medicine clinics in the military was a joke. How did I get on that? Anyway, she said it was in her family history. It’s not, it is in the sad American diet history.
Why don’t doctors get their own practices and stop selling out to corporations and stand on your own two feet with a medical practice? Take care of and become dedicated to a sphere of people. If you fail, you are doing something wrong. We vote with our feet and our dollars. The patients will not come to you if you are a lousy doctor. That’s how to do it. Not hide under some military medicine or world government medicine. That’s another article. Dr. Marilyn Mass is having her medical license suspended in Maine because she is so outspoken. She’s an internal medicine doctor. She’s about my age, practicing at the same time, 42 years. And they are taking her license away because she is speaking out against things.
Well, she wrote up this tremendous article called, “Who’s Proposed Amendments Will Increase Manmade Pandemics.” And that means the World Health Organization. This article is published at Brownstone.org. And she published this on August 17, 2023. Now what's nice about Brownstone is it is a collection on all kinds of topics from doctors, scientists, journalists, physicists, clergy, architects, and climate people, who think outside the box. This is a tremendous amount of reading, 30 some pages. You can click on it and you can get the audio so it can be read to you. You miss all the charts, so you will have to go back and take a look at it. But she lays out the risk of the World Health Organization that is going to co-opt our sovereignty as a nation through our membership in the United Nations. And it will co-opt our individual national sovereignty through medical tyranny giving the centralized authority of the World Health Organization to declare a virus of concern and implement international requirements on lockdowns, mandates maskings, you know, forced distancing, being injected with modified RNA, impactful materials. And you will have no say as a doctor and you cannot protect your patients. This is where the tire meets the road, ladies and gentlemen. Brownstone.org. They are going to vote on this in May 2024. You will not even know about this. Isn’t this newsworthy? Shouldn’t we treat our patients as intelligent, fantastic beings who have discernment, knowledge, ability to sort things out? Get on your phone and call your congressman for many things. Give your opinion, an ear full, at 202-224-3121 or call your Senator at 202-225-3121. In no way do we want to be in the United Nations and World Health Organization under the pandemic preparedness. They always flour it as if they are protecting you and giving you free healthcare, with control. You will be sorry if it is ever enacted. Get on the phone. Let them know.
It is not the genetic situation primarily in my experience. It is the American corrupting and flaming obese, insulin-stimulating cell membrane-damaging diet that you're on. And when the cholesterol goes up, that's your liver sensing damage and it wants to try and help repair this membrane here and cholesterol has to be in the membrane. You have to go on the low-carb diet just like we said. You have to learn fasting, intermittent fasting, eating grass-fed, wild-caught, free-range of meat, fish, chicken eggs, you have to stop eating at five or six o'clock, you have to exercise you have to do some weight training, and you have to see a health care provider who is a functional doctor. Come to a place like Tustin Longevity Center. We have 10 healthcare providers here, all working to try and chip away from the damage that has already been done.
“Do any of your products include N-Acetyl-Cysteine? I take this product on its own but I’m trying to see if I can find a product of yours that includes it.” [1:02:36]
We have this as NEC. It’s a high dose, high quality, Ortho Molecular produced for us supplement. I take it, it’s 500-milligrams. I use it once a day. It’s also in my TLC Energy Core, which is our multivitamin.
“Can you suggest some natural remedies/nutrition for someone who has High Blood pressure? My Dad -70 years old was told recently his blood pressure is high. I don’t have the numbers. He has never been on any form of medication and does not intend to start, he is moderately active, not overweight, he does not smoke or drink.” [1:03:19]
He has to do all the things I have been telling him, with the fasting, low carb, more carnivore-type diet. He probably needs digestive enzymes at his age since he’s your father and I know how old you are. So, EDTA chelation therapy will help the microcirculation so that the heart isn’t pumping against such stiff capillaries that are getting clogged up with the standard American diet and seed oils, and hydrogenated fats. He needs to be on enzymes. Do aerobic and weight training. He should see a qualified doctor to see how healthy he is to do exercise. He should be on enzymes to dis-inflame him. Fasting, intermittent fasting, never eating late. And have his insulin, triglycerides, and items like that tracked. Then you add in things like nitric oxide-promoting supplementations like we have here. So, bring your dad here and see one of the doctors.