YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 26, 2023
September 28, 2023
“I recently had H. pylori, I took the antibiotics, but since then I haven't been 100%. I feel bloated at times, my stomach will hurt after eating certain foods. I have lost a little weight at times. I am not taking anything besides probiotics and have changed my diet a lot but still don't feel like I'm back to normal. please advise on anything that can help heal my gut.” [0:02:30]
I would want to know your age and background of course. For H pylori, that’s a bacterial infection of the gut that is treated with a double antibiotic and antiacid therapy, over a week, 10 days period of time. This will usually kill off the bacteria. Doesn’t mean it will not come back. You will have serum-positive antibodies.
And I don't find any particular blood types this happens to more than the other. But blood type does matter for having a healthy gut. Because the A type one is generally having a less amount of stomach acid and biotin hydrochloric acid. And so, with that inefficient digestion, there tends to be food prolonged and held in the stomach and this is complicated by our high carb diet and these sugars tend to feed the bacteria, the opportunistic bacteria, and start to get these problems.
We have to always ask the question when we're looking functionally, is the body designed to defend and heal itself? And the answer is yes. So, if the body is designed to defend and heal itself, what are the first steps? Well, the stomach acid is supposed to be good enough to be able to kill off any bad bacteria, fungi, or viruses that would come into the stomach. Our stomach pH could get down to as low as a 2 or a 1.5. Even the pylorus, at the end of the stomach, before it opens up to empty the stomach into the duodenal, is waiting for a pH to drop low enough. And if it doesn't, it's going to keep food in your stomach longer. And if you bend over to tie your shoes or shoelaces or something like that, you'll maybe get some backup burping regurgitation reflux into the esophagus. And if your pH is only a four or 3.5, that acidity is going to be picked up by your esophagus sensors for generalized pain. You will perceive this as discomfort, heartburn, and chest pain. So, stomach acid has to be adequate. And you have to take a digestive enzyme that has hydrochloric acid with the enzymes in it and we use the Ortho Digestzyme, or what we private label here is the proven MD digestive enzyme, and enhance it in there and I would take one or two. Sometimes I'll take three, four, or five if I'm eating a bigger piece of meat or steak. The older I get, the more that I find I need it.
The other thing that the body does naturally to defend itself is the gut is lined with all types of lymphoid tissues called the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. And if the very delicate membrane here, see this double membrane here, and here's a little hole in it, a breach. If it's breached, then material from the stomach can abnormally pass into the gut wall and then into the inside of your body, and that alarms your immune system. And you can waste your immune system and develop allergies to foods that normally you wouldn't. So, how do we protect that lining? Well, we protect it by eating in a mature, adult, self-governing way. We don’t eat late at night. We try to have 12 hours at least on an empty stomach. We try to take the components that make up this membrane of our gut and every membrane in our human body and that is made of protein and fat, these double layers, top and bottom. It looks like a little sandwich here. And wherever there's a breach or a hole in that, these phospholipids arrange themselves. You get from the egg yolk, the meat, the chicken and the skin, the pork, the shrimp, the lobster, the crab, the bacon, meats, etc. When we eat this and digest it, we repair this area here. We are able to recover.
The gut is very good at repairing. In fact, every three days, there's pretty much a new single layer and it's only one cell thick. So, we're designed to heal. We have to have stomach acid and the digestive enzymes. We should not eat late. We should not eat processed foods. We should not eat high-sugar foods. The carbohydrates and fruit sugars will depress the immune system that allows the bacteria and opportunistic commensal biofilm to overgrow and this then will promote illness. We are designed to heal.
We use phospholipid powder. There is one called Bio PC Plus from Ortho Molecular. Ours has a little more stuff in it. We put other things into our Phospholipids. Mix it in warm water. Take like a hot toddy, a warm drink, not hot. Fat will dissolve into warm water. Drink at night and first thing in the morning so you have the healing material that is repairing the line, all these little holes here. That should be a big help.
You already said you're on the probiotic. So, probiotics are very beneficial. And that's the way we were designed to heal. It could be that you should go carnivore for a month or two where you're just eating totally of carbohydrates severely lowering the sugars so that you amplify the healing message and the supply of the material here. And then of course use your digestive enzymes when you're eating all that meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, and butter, and things like that. Outside of that exercise is beneficial eating in a six-hour window. So, using your stomach less, all these things should work along with the way we were designed to heal and help you.
“I have a dear friend who lives in Dubai. She is 30 years old who after an ultrasound was told she has mild PCOS. She has been trying to conceive for 2 years with no success. She tracks her cycle with an ovulation detector kit which never peaks. Her follicular phase is very long and the entire cycle can be 40-plus days long. it seems she is not ovulating. Her insulin is 9.2. could this be the reason she has PCOS? Her primary Dr in Dubai wants to start her on birth control pills! I told her not to and to seek out a functional medicine Dr in Dubai. There has to be a more holistic approach than birth control pills. Is bio-identical Progesterone an option and how would she go about that? Where should she start to regulate her cycle?” [0:10:39]
She is a high-carb person. High carb creates polycystic ovarian syndrome. It's that insulin-stimulating tissues that are very responsive to growth and development and polyps and your breasts and your uterus fibroids, all of this is driven by a high-carb diet. She would be a perfect candidate for a carnivore diet to heal quickly.
Well, I would you know, ask her to find a doctor who will use natural progesterone. You can buy it over the counter at a low dose concentration. We have Kokoro here, it's about 25 milligrams per gram. It is allowed to be sold over the counter. I would have her use it 15 days after her menstrual cycle starts. And if it is the low dose over the counter, I would take four pumps to eight pumps and rub it on her arms and legs as a moisturizer to try and get the progesterone level up. And do that for 10 days from the 15th day from her period starting to the 25th day. And be on a carnivore diet.
I would encourage her to be at a very good multi-mineral vitamin. We have TLC Energy Core, vitamin D 10,000 with K2. Iodine, Iodoral 12.5 milligrams. And a multi-mineral, we use TLC MultiMin. It's got the zinc and the magnesium and the potassium and stuff like that in it. Along with systemic enzymes to help to up those cysts. I would take the enzymes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, four or five once a day, and then in time and it'll take two or three months, she should be ovulating. And then, she should be successful. That is how I would proceed.
Find a doctor that will work with her and maybe prescribe progesterone. She can get a prescription for 100 or a 200 milligram capsules and take that day 15 through 25 as well. And this will promote her health.
But again, find your doctor. These pieces of information are meant to be general guidance, not individual treatment, advice, or medical practice over the YouTube but this is how I would begin to think about treating someone with that and she's got to get out of that pre-diabetic range and move to a carnivore diet to dramatically stop the impulse that is creating insulin from those carbs and stimulating the cysts so she can ovulate.
“Do you advise a person in their 70s, who has had chicken pox as a child, to get a shingles vaccine?” [0:14:47]
No, I don’t. I can’t give informed consent for it because the manufacturers and many of the concerns about law fair and stuff, their openness has come into question. To give informed consent, I would have to have answers. With so much questionable litigation going on and challenges, I would not be able to give informed consent.
Now, on the reverse of it, I’m at 70, and I won’t take it. Now, why not? Because my immune system is supposed to protect me. So, how do you protect your immune system when becoming an older adult? Exercise is one way. Older adults don’t exercise by lifting heavy weights, upper and body. That is the muscle stress that you go through with a weight training program, the little myokines that are generated, the stimulation. It stimulates the immune system, it lowers the blood sugar, and brings the blood sugar down helps the immune system because we know all diabetics, that high blood sugar will lower the white blood cell and immune performance in a human being. I would eat on a restricted time phase. Never eating late. Because 80% of your immune system lines your gut. So, if you want to stay healthy with aging, you want to not eat past six o'clock at night. I even try to not eat past five. Eating in a limited time rich in protein and fats. White blood cells are made of protein and fat. The cell membranes are made of protein and fat. A low-carb diet, lots of protein, and exercise, plenty of water, taking vitamin D, check your level, I like to get the units to 80 international units per deciliter. Then have them check your blood sugar, hemoglobin A1C, insulin, triglyceride, and fasting blood sugar. If those are all in the safer ranges, ours are lower, our fasting blood sugar is 85, and our triglycerides we want to be no higher than the high-density HDL, so that’s roughly around 50/60 on the triglyceride. And triglycerides are the simple fats that you make from consuming too many carbohydrates. We want the insulin under four or less. We want the hemoglobin A1C 5.2. That’s what I suggest.
I also recommend getting a multi-mineral that has zinc in it. We have two ways, you can do both, TLC MultiMin has the higher dose of magnesium, potassium, and zinc in it. Zinc is very valuable. Use the Quercetin helps get the zinc access to the membranes here that you are repairing with a healthy protein-rich, healthy fat diet, with the essential fats in them. And that zinc gets then into the inside of the cell and it will stop the replication of viruses and so forth. A good night's sleep, reducing stress, and exercise helps you reduce stress. These are the ways to think about lowering your risk for shingles. Not thinking some injection from some company that may have dubious leadership and quality and lack of transparency as your resource.
“An internal ultrasound found a 4.1 cm complex cyst with septation, on an ovary. The gynecologist said it will go away on its own but if I’m worried about cancer, we can proceed with surgery, as that is the only way to know if it’s cancerous. Does that sound correct? I requested an MRI but was denied. Also, what supplements can I order from TLC to help with low iron and neurological pain & twitching?” [0:18:58]
That is true.
Again, in this situation, please work with your gynecologist. We could concern about complex sis cysts that have material in them and septic patients and stuff like that. This tends to have a higher rate of becoming cancer, especially larger cysts that are over four or five centimeters in diameter. You could do a CA125, a tumor marker associated with ovarian cancer. But again, all the things I have mentioned, stay healthy, a low-carb diet, exercise, enzymes, systemic enzymes, zinc, a good amount of vitamin D, drinking plenty of water, eating in a time-restricted timeframe, and natural progesterone, cyclical natural progesterone or even continuous progesterone will help suppress any stimulation for the cysts.
But if it were up to me, you know, I would tend to go for the surgery. But you work with your doctor, and maybe check some of those things, certainly a CA125. And do repeat ultrasounds in a short period of time, within a month or two to make sure it isn't getting bigger if you are going to choose to wait and see. But please do follow that up with your doctor. I would tend to go for surgery.
“I've been dealing w/a skin condition for last 4 years. Palms, fingers, ankles itch till several layers of skin peel off. Have open wounds constantly. Have been to several doctors & specialists. None can figure this out. Biopsy coming back inconclusive. Seems like my body is boiling from inside out. suggestions? other tests I should consider?” [0:20:55]
Well, thicker skin on the palms and feet is not something that we don’t see from time to time. These are areas that get more trauma when we are touching things, walking on things, and our feet sweat. God has allowed us to build up a thicker layer of dead cells on our feet so that we have more protection from the damage of walking and the trauma, the crunching of the bones, and the tissues.
As we get older, the circulation to this constant area of trauma, the little tiny, tiny, tiny hairline capillaries become damaged. And when they become damaged, repair and delivery to help repair all the cells that are in between your bones and your feet and your toes and between you and the surface of the skin, that capillary layer in the skin gets shorter and shorter. And then the skin gets thicker and thicker and dried out, especially if you're not eating well. And eating a high-carb diet, which most Americans are not eating well, and to higher carb and they're eating processed food. Because if we're going to repair the lining of the inside of a little, teeny, tiny capillary, we have to be low carb. We have to eat the protein and fat that that cell membrane is made of. We have to drink enough water to get the hydraulic pushing through and healthy osmotic pressures and the electrochemical charges that draw things in through these delicate, delicate areas. And to feed your feet and the tissues and your skin in your body. You have to have a wonderful capillary bed.
So, the same solution for everything in the body is the same solution for everywhere in the body. Whether it's your feet, and excess thickening, or the trauma you give to your hands all the time from using them so much. We would recommend EDTA chelation therapy to enhance that micro-chelation, and micro circulation to the capillaries. We would recommend the low-carb diet. We would recommend a rich protein, healthy fats, more like a carnivore diet to keep the sugars low. We would recommend the enzymes to chew up the debris in there. And we would recommend plenty of water to keep your circulation, half your weight as pounds as ounces every day. And then, we would not get wet. We would try and let the skin get dry and flake off, over time. Getting those healthy oils in. We have people who are really poor at digestion. If you are a blood type A, you could not be digesting very well. Take that digestive enzyme.
Something else we use, the essential fatty acids, this is Clinician’s Preference. This comes as a liquid too. In this picture here, that hourglass you can see right there, these essential fatty acids hold the protein receptors for the proper behavior of the cell. That's the sensory perception of the surface of the cell are the membranes. Those delicate oils are in this material here. It’s not fish oil. Fish oil is for a fish, we are not fish. I disagree with the fish oil push. That is how I would begin to work on that.
“My daughter started having really bad pain on the first day of her period four years ago. It does not happen every cycle, but when it does, she gets very nauseous and lays on the floor for about an hour until it gets less intense. Symptoms include blurred vision, numbness of the hands and feet, throwing up, diarrhea, and severe cramps. She is confused why it only happens on the first day of her cycles and only lasts for about an hour.” [0:25:40]
Well, a woman’s menstrual cycle is a time when the lining of the uterus you're going to have a disengagement of the bloody lining to come out. And that disengagement of that, buildup of that lining, is like breaking a scab. It’s like ripping off the scab on your knee if you cut it or something like that. It can bleed. That process, where the blood vessels pinch is an inflammatory period. This is why inflammation goes up in a menstrual cycle, the first day is the worst day, and so eating a very healthy diet, plenty of water as you anticipate the day that your menstrual cycle is going to start. I would start using systemic enzymes, or be on them all the time. Push extra water and push extra anti-inflammatory oils. This would be a good oil, a teaspoon each morning. And be very, very, very low carb. Eat a one menu day, as you get near the beginning of your period. That should be a time when a woman is very careful to eat a quiet, uncomplicated, not spicy, easy diet to shed the lining of your menstrual cycle. That’s how I would begin to do that.
“Is it okay to take the systemic enzymes at the same time as Thyroid NP in the morning (on an empty stomach)?” [0:28:02]
Yes, it is.
“My daughter is 14. She just got her first period about 6 months ago. Her cycle is irregular. She gets her period every 40 days and sometimes skips a month. I know they say it's ok for the first 2 yrs to be irregular but I am trying to see if I could help her. Can I have her use Kokoro progesterone cream and if so how many clicks? I am not sure if she is too young to use the progesterone cream.” [0:28:16]
Irregular cycle is not unusual. Yes, she can use the cream. I tell mothers today, the stress on young ladies today is probably the worst that I have seen it in 42 years of practicing medicine. So, getting some over-the-counter progesterone cream, and using it day 15 through 25 of their menstrual cycle. And progesterone and boys and women are fine to mix together. So, even Dad can remind put a squirt on her. Rub it on her arms and legs, and do that on days 15 through 25 of her cycle. And then she should come around and start having a more regular ovulation. Now remember ovulation will not occur if there's a lot of stress. Remember the mind pituitary cortisol stress will inhibit follicle stimulating and luteinizing hormones.
So, it is a stressful time in the days and months, and years ahead. So, getting a good night's sleep, being reassured by her parents and her father, using the progesterone, being on a healthy diet which is the low carb diet, drinking plenty of water, and eating by six or seven o’clock, no late night eating. These are the things that I would tell her.
“I’ve heard on a podcast if you take too much of the wrong magnesium it will leech calcium out of your bones. Is that true? Will the high levels of magnesium show up on a blood test? They also said that sodium-based electrolytes, such as in a product of 1,000 milligrams of sodium, 2,000 milligrams of potassium, and 60 milligrams of magnesium when used on a daily basis will dehydrate you instead of hydrate you. What do you think?” [0:30:18]
I don’t know if that is any real truth statement. We can do a serum magnesium level. We can do a red blood cell intracellular measurement of it. How do I say this, I think we think that being healthy you have to be a chemist.
I would salt your food to taste. I would use Himalayan salt, mine salt. Because the atmosphere has pollutants in it so you want to get salt from a mined source, like Red Salts and Himalayan Salts. So, salt to test.
If you are a high-performance athlete, you're working out, or you're doing hot yoga, then salt your food more heavily to taste. But adding salts all the time can create a hypernatremia, too much of ionic material, and the tendency of Americans is not to drink enough water. I take my salt, I have right here, got it from Sprouts, this is Himalayan. I tend to put a dash into my water and use it on any of my food. I make sure to drink enough water every day.
Magnesium that are good are typically our amino acid chelates, like magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium sulfate, kind of smells funny, stinky sulfur smell. If you take too much magnesium, you will have diarrhea. We never see problems of people abusing magnesium because if you take too much orally, you will get diarrhea from it. And then that'll be over with, you will stop doing that.
So, salt your food. Get mine salt. Drink your water as you should. And salt your food a little more if you are an intense person with a lot of exercise. I would not try to find extra salt or materials. Taking a good multi-mineral. The TLC Multi Min is the standard dose and all your body needs. But yes, we can test the levels.
“I have been on the carnivore diet for just three days and have had great relief from gastrointestinal issues. No more gas and pain. Bowel movements are now normal.” [0:33:39]
Thank you for telling us that. That is the healthy diet. That is what we are made of. We are made of protein and fat. That’s what all the cell membranes are made of in your body.
“I'm in my early 40s and was told I have breast calcifications that have been growing. What causes those? Is there anything that can be done to prevent/reduce further calcifications? What about preventing those calcifications from turning cancerous?” [0:34:03]
Live a healthy life. Every area in your body that's traumatized, if you breastfed several children, are intimate with your spouse and there is trauma to your breast, these micro-traumas to your breasts can generate little cellular damage points. And if it happens over and over in the course of a lifetime of a woman, these little micro damages will attract calcium deposits. We do not recommend taking extra calcium supplementally as a general rule. We have seen people take God-awful amounts like 1500 milligrams of calcium thinking they are helping their bones. We get all the calcium we should really need by eating our meat, fish, chicken, turkey, pork, eggs, cheese, crustaceans, and things like that. We get rid of microcalcifications in the breast from the micro trauma of a lifetime through EDTA chelation therapy. We do that.
I have had that in the past. I have had two mammograms in my lifetime. I’m 70. I did my first one when I was maybe 38. I was on Active Duty. I guess they had told me to do it. Anyway, I had one. They saw microcalcifications then. I did it again one more time when I was 58. But I had done a lot of chelations, they were all gone. If we live a life where we're trying to eat healthy repair ourselves members with healthy fats and proteins were made of, take systemic enzymes to reduce inflammation, low carb to reduce inflammation, drink enough water, exercise our body get the hydraulic pumping going on, get a good night's sleep and improve the tiny microcirculation with EDTA chelation that pulls out heavy metals, find a doctor in your area that can do it or contact us. And we'll try and help you. That's how I would get rid of it.
And that will help prevent cancer. Because what is cancer, it is not a genetic disease. It's not caused by hormones. Cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease. And when you mess up all the time choking up your calories, capillaries choking them up with high carb sugars creating micro-trauma and inflammation then the mitochondria are spitting out all these reactive species and they flip into a more anaerobic facultative metabolism, and that can tuck up in genetically to the DNA. The DNA can revert back into a more primitive survival form that we all came from and start to grow independently depending on a high carbohydrate diet to grow cells and new capillaries.
Look up Thomas Seyfried, PhD on YouTube. It’s called, Cancer is a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease. It is just not a genetic disease. That should be put to bed.
“The Vit D3 (5000IU), K2 that I am currently using has a combo of Vit K1(phytonadione 1000mcg) and K2 ( menaquinone 1000mcg). I know you mentioned before that M7 is the good form. Is 1000 mcg K2 M7 too much? I just want to make sure that dose is safe to give to my teenagers also.” [0:38:01]
It has a longer half-life for the MK7 over the MK4.
I don’t know if there is an upper limit on that dose. I have never seen a need for anything more than 300 micrograms of the MK7. That would be the brief answer there.
“My 42-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with diffuse systemic sclerosis. Do you have any dietary suggestions to help cope with this disease? She is currently on methotrexate, and I am concerned about the side effects of that medication.” [0:38:46]
Yes, I understand. We have many scleroderma patients with systemic scleroderma, which is a more generalized form. The skin tends to have an autoimmune and it becomes stiff and inflexible. Well, what is your cell membrane supposed to be made of? It's supposed to be fluid and flexible and soft and is supposed to be made of fat and protein. And these protein receptors, here's a protein receptor, the outside of the cell and this would be the inside of the cell here. They're supposed to have these fatty acids holding that protein in place snuggly and these would be the phospholipids here that you're seeing down on these areas here in this colored picture. But these phospholipids and the bottom ones are there, and there are very special fatty acids that hold receptors so that they can get proper perception and receptor, effector for healthy cell behavior.
If we eat a diet that is in flaming because they genetically modify things, they market them and resell them, and pimp them out to us remarketing, eat your McMuffin and eat your cereal and eat your pancakes and eat your sourdough bread at Subway and eat your spaghetti at night and your pizza crust at night. You're getting the same food that's genetically modified very likely, over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. This is coming down your throat, cracking through the little breaks, the leaky cell membrane, and leaky gut. Your immune system is inflamed. This autoimmune attack then occurs. It is associated with many different expressions. It can be rheumatoid arthritis, it can be psoriasis, it could be multiple sclerosis, it could be many various forms of autoimmune. And scleroderma is basically just one of these.
Now, if she would become a carnivore, she would immediately be removing all the genetically modified plant-based plant toxins and then she would be abundantly supplying the repair material to make herself with. But she probably already has some of the poor circulation, Raynaud's syndrome often tends to go with that. So, she needs EDTA chelation therapy to try and get the capillary system rejuvenated and to restore and bring repair, and remove debris. She needs to be on a high dose systemic enzymes, like four or five on an empty stomach, morning and evening. And she should be on those healthy essential fats so she can hold in these proteins here correctly. And she should be probably on the phospholipid powder with SBI Protect, which helps the immunoglobulin A to really quiet the gut. And then on a carnivore diet, she needs to exercise, she needs to eat in a six-hour window of time, and she needs to be on her vitamin D. She probably should be on a good multivitamin mineral like the TLC Energy Core. And I would probably leave it at that. That would be working on all the things that the body is designed to heal itself, but it has to have a capillary and EDTA chelation will help with that microcirculation. That’s what I would do for her.
“Years ago I saw a naturopath who was helping me with my Hashimoto’s and she had me take Bovine adrenal cortex for my afternoon fatigue. It was fantastic. Then I saw an MD for a general physical and she noted on my chart that I was taking steroids by taking this supplement. It kinda scared me off from taking it. What is your opinion, is this a safe supplement to take daily for afternoon fatigue?” [0:43:06]
So, you were taking some cortisol by taking the actual gland. It is a form of steroids.
Well, this is usually put out by supplement companies that deal with glandular animal extracts. And so, the adrenal gland is where cortisol is made. Cortisol is a steroid. And this is helpful if you've been so under-stressed and so wiped out and your DHEA is low, it could be a help.
Now, the thing that I would use, and don’t tend to use adrenals from the animal source. I use the precursor which is DHEA. Then I would follow the patient, I would do a cortisol beforehand, in the morning, and in the afternoon. I would give the DHEA and check the levels and the testosterone level. I would tell them to do all these healthy things, and exercise, drink their water, and low carb, eat the rich phospholipids. Cholesterol makes up your hormones. It’s important for making cortisol and all these other derivatives. That’s the direction I would go. But I don't know that it's harmful by using these glandular bovine adrenal cortex. I would have to measure it to know.
“Your monthly newsletter addresses bruising easily may be a source of lacking certain vitamins. I’ve always bruised easily. I have used arnica cream right after a trauma that would lead most people to bruising and have successfully not gotten black and blue marks. It’s been wonderful. More often though I get a bruise on my leg or arm and do not know where I got it from. Could you suggest what vitamins and dosing would be helpful? Or if doing blood work for deficiencies would be best? What foods help?” [0:45:18]
In general, as we age, our skin thins. All of us begin with thinning skin and the capillaries are closer and closer to the surface. Any bump can create a physical trauma and a bleed. The older you get, your skin thins and you can see all the bruising. As capillaries die off, the retrieval of the debris is harder. Enzymes are made less as we age. So, if we take enzymes systemically, if we drink enough water every day, if we do some hydraulic exercising every day, a good night's sleep, and take the healthy tissue material and use our hormones, you should with aging have thicker skin. I feel that I have done quite well. I don’t have as much bruising as you would anticipate at 70. I’m at the age now, 42 years of practicing, even in myself I am seeing the energy, longevity, the joint health, the skin health, and hair health, because I’m all natural. I do believe this is a result of this lifelong healthy living that my father and food research told me about.
“Is it ok to use EDTA suppositories 3 days in a row or is it better to spread it out throughout the week? How long does EDTA stay in the system? Does it lower the blood pressure? I felt a little lightheaded this morning after I used 1 suppository last night.” [0:47:18]
Yes, you can use three days in a row. I don’t think it matters if you spread it out.
Our pharmacokinetic studies showed that it lasts a little longer because it goes through a bi-phase re-entry because it’s in the gut. It is going to last about 16 to 18 hours, whereas an IV is about six hours. But I would never see a risk for overdosing with it.
“What are the best ways to strengthen the pelvic floor for women?” [0:47:56]
Well, we lose our hormones, the skin thins, and the uterus that is hanging on the pelvic floor, which is a thinner membrane. And then if there's sexual activity there can be straining on the tissues that are thinning out. So, natural hormone replacement therapy, eating the foods that make up healthy cell membranes, and then those natural hormones will help thicken even the skin all throughout your bodies and your bones and your cartilage all that. And if we give you some vaginal cream like estriol with testosterone, we could put a little bit of testosterone in there which will help that musculature of the pelvis be tighter and firmer. So, if you practice Kegel exercise, trying to stop the stream of urine, breaking it breaking it squeezing it down, then you should see improvement and that should be a help.
“I have had COVID and I am no longer positive however I am very weak and have had a lot of body aches and morning congestion, nasal drip, etc. How long do these symptoms last? Also, I have experienced a groin pull. Do I see an orthopedic or a pain management person for that? Hurts to lift leg. I am a patient of Dr. Meric.” [0:49:04]
Well, the older we get, the slower we heal. The less capillaries we have, eat less of the healthier rich proteins and fats because we don’t make as much digestive enzymes. We don't have as much hydrochloric acid produced so we move to more carbohydrates. We lose our hormones for repair. We are more easily stressed, and we get tired. The holes in our cell membranes allow leaking out and inflammation on our body which as to the weakening of the tissues, and we constrain ourselves and we don't drink our water. So, it's a pathway to death.
So, all I'm doing here is teaching my patients that you were designed by God, and the design plan works. The blueprints are great, Let's cooperate with the construction plan and put the right material for building our bodies in it. Let's cooperate with the cleanup crew and our laborers at the site. Let's listen to the engineer of God and the way he did it. Let's get a doctor that will work with the big picture and with the fact that we will heal.
I do workouts five days a week, I pulled my inner groin against weight so that my right inner thigh, it would hurt me to lift it up. Well, I just took it easy. I dropped the weight in half. And I fasted for a day or two took more systemic enzymes, and I'm slowly building up my inner thigh again.
“Recently an ENT recommended I begin using daily saline nasal rinses and Flonase for sinus pressure which he says are allergies. It seemed like it helped some at first, but I'm still having symptoms. I do take Quercetin daily. I have used Argyntyn 23 nasal spray often the past few years, especially when going out in crowded areas. I'm going to be in some large crowds soon, and on a long flight. I’m wondering if I can still use it with taking the Flonase, and if so, how long after using the Flonase is it OK to use Argyntyn 23?” [0:51:01]
Yes, to Flonase. You can use them at the same time.
So, the older we get the thinner the tissue is even in the concha, which builds up our sinuses. So, if you breathed in some pollens when you were 20 years younger, you had a thicker membrane, and the mucin and barriers were stronger, and you wouldn't have been affected. So, we thin out everywhere, even in the lining of our gut. And so, it's so important to eat healthy, to build up, to exercise, to drink your water, to take your enzymes. And Argyntyn Silver is a natural rinse and a natural silver antifungal, antiviral, and anti-bacterial. Taking the vitamin D helps your immune system, a low-carb diet will help your immune system. So, you see, God didn't make this complex. We just don't want to hear it. It is our responsibility to take care of our own health.
“What is your best advice for parents to build up their children's immunity with Fall coming? When kids do get colds or the flu, what is the best remedy or treatments?” [0:52:48]
Well, I would absolutely pack their lunches because the American Dietetic Association is destroying the health of America with their horrific high-carb, high cereal, high juice, high sugared up drinks, and microwaved material that is absolutely damaging to the immune system. So, pack your children their lunch. Tell me you're trying to preserve it as your young boys go into puberty, you're trying to help them build their muscles. And for the girls, you're trying to help them and their brothers not have acne. So, a low-carb diet, pack them some protein, whatever dinner was, if you had turkey, beef, chicken, pork, lamb, eggs, fish, shrimp. Put the protein in there. Put in their vegetables and put in some nuts and seeds, maybe some carrots to munch on. And that's enough.
We do not need this foolishness of having all this carbohydrate starch, good food becomes bad food when there's too much food. So, what that child needs to grow up is protein and fat. And we need to emphasize that. Pack their lunches, give them vitamin D. There are liquid drops or swallow them. If they can eat a piece of a hamburger or a pizza, they can swallow that little capsule of vitamin D.
You know, for toddlers, you know, I usually give them 1000 international units a day with vitamin D3. When they are maybe 50 to 60 pounds, starting school, I start giving them 2000 international units. When they're about 80 pounds, I treat them like an adult and I give them 5000 international units a day. And as they get into heavier weights, you know, 120, 150, 170, I make sure there's somewhere between five and 10,000 every day. I have their doctor, and their pediatrician check their level, and I feel very safe between 80 and 120. I have them do the chemistry so that they can look at the liver enzymes because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. So, lower their carbs, and give them the D. We use Juice Plus. It has the most research on nutraceuticals in children. We have millions of children and parents filling out outcome reports on their health, their doctor visits, the medications, allergies, constipation, academic performance, athletic performance, and others throughout the world in many different countries and many different socio-economic groups that are on Juice Plus. Those on Juice Plus are avoiding all the starchy sugars and fruit sugars, they're getting the phytonutrients of the fruits and vegetables, and they're taking that and eating their otherwise routine diet. If you emphasize the healthy meats and fats, give them the D, and I would if you want a very intelligent child, I would give them one tablet of 12.5 Iodoral, which is the iodine. Immune systems will be up, sugars down, athleticism and academic performance is up, and their allergies, colds, and asthma should really be a thing of the past.
“Sometimes I can feel my heart rate in my back. Is this normal? I’m 39. Never had any major health issues. Eat mostly healthy. My son and I have had a virus for the last week. His voice is horse and has a slight cough. My lymph nodes feel off, what can I do?” [0:57:09]
I would fast. The minute I get sick I stopped eating for a day a day and a half. Because your mind is designed to handle most things. So, I would fast for a day and do chicken broth. Take vitamin D, high dose, for five days, 50,000. And then take the TLC multivitamin that has the high zinc in it for the five days as well. Be on a carnivore diet if you eat anything so that your sugars do not go up and can fight off this with the zinc and the vitamin D. I would get Argyntyn silver, and spray it up your nose. I would take a sip of it, gargle it, and swallow it, three to four times a day. In the course of a week, both of you should be much, much better. I also would be on Juice Plus.
“How can you treat a fatty liver? What supplements do you recommend?” [0:58:36]
I would treat the fatty liver with an extremely low-carb diet, meaning I would go carnivore, that is the best way to lower it because fructose is processed through the liver and the high carbs, starches, and fruit sugars are going to put a burden and create triglycerides which will then create a high, tiny fats in your body. You need to go on an extremely low-carb diet or a carnivore diet. That's the best way.
Now one of the supplements that helps with that is our TLC Metabolic Formula which has berberine in it. And many people identify berberine as the backbone for Metformin. And then there's a lot of research about metformin and being low cancer. Because if you have better sugars, you're not going to have mitochondrial metabolic disorders. So, you see how this all runs together. Go carnivore on that.
“I am Dr. Mitchell's patient and wondering about your last transcription re: using Estradiol on the face. I'm 84 with good skin (you'd recognize me) and use Compounding Pharmacy's compounded cream containing 3 mgs. of Estriol (as recommended by a Women's Int'l Pharmacy article) and 1 % Retinoic Acid. Every night on the face and neck. With increasingly concerning Thermography (although Mammograms of my dense breast tissues is fine) we decreased my regular topical bio-identical hormones from estradiol - 5.8 mgs/ testosterone .4 to estradiol 3 mgs/testosterone .4 mgs. When is estradiol applied to the face (I know there are receptors there) does it also affect the rest of the body so comparative blood tests would be valid? Would I add the suggested minimum of 4 mgs. estradiol to the face while continuing with my topical 3 mgs? applied on my wrists? Seems like too much estradiol. Also, want you to know that my fasting insulin, Hga1c, and other lab work meet your specifications. So, basically -- I'm looking for the loveliest, healthiest skin (trying to address the sagging and laxity - although almost no wrinkles) but not to negatively affect my breast health. Once again, thank you for all that you do for us, your patients.” [:]
“Follow-up to question I just submitted. I know iodine is recommended for breast health. I did the Iodine challenge test and results show I'm low in iodine. You seem to recommend 12.5 Iodoral (as used for the test) daily but I have 2 concerns. First -- that I've read that too much Iodine can put someone with low thyroid into Hashimoto syndrome. (I'm on 15 mcgs. of Liothyronine (T3) and 50 mcgs. of Levothyroxine (T4). Secondly, that an Iodine supplement that contains some Molecular iodine is a better choice because the molecular goes to the breast first -- aiding the breast tissue while sparing the thyroid.” [1:00:00]
Yes, it would, and it will affect the body. That's where I put my estradiol. You have to work with Dr. Mitchell. I only put 1-milligram to my face, at most 1.5-milligrams. We are not all identical and why lab tests are done. You have to balance it with progesterone. I never give or want to give estradiol without progesterone. That will absorb through your face and work systematically. I never put four or more milligrams to my face.
About 96% of my patients are low in iodine. It is not true regarding Hashimoto’s.
You should do fine with 12.5 milligrams, that is just the thought. Iodora is the salt, not the hormone.
“(1) What are your thoughts on mouth taping to force nose breathing during sleep - are the benefits of nose breathing that significant? (2) Can years of mouth breathing change the shape of your face?” [1:03:18]
I’m all for it. I like that. I agree with that. Because it's the air conditioning system before it hits the lungs and many other components.
“What do I say when well-meaning people ask me "what's the difference between starving and fasting"? How do I know fasting isn't hurting metabolism like starvation?” [1:03:42]
Well, starvation is where you have such a lack of food and nutrients. Like you've seen the little African, little black child with that huge tummy. They have calories, but they do not have good nutrients. They need protein. They start to get dimittis and swelling in their stomach. The starving is all calories, both carbohydrates and micronutrients, and protein and fats. That is called marasmus. That takes a long time to kill someone, months’ worth.
So, when we talk about fasting, we are not talking about months of fasting. We're talking about stopping eating in an eight-hour or a six-hour or four-hour window or a one meal a day. So, you're always getting healthy nutrients every day. You would never suffer anything that is associated with the severe life-threatening starvation associated with prolonged multi-calorie nutrient essential fats and protein deficiencies. That has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Doing a 24-hour fast, 48-hour, 72-hour, once a month is very cleansing. You have plenty of fat to live off for all your energy. You do have a store of micronutrients in general.