HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 3rd, 2022

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 3rd, 2022

October 6, 2022


“What would you suggest for someone with relapsing, remitting multiple sclerosis? Is there something that might help with the pain and relapse symptoms? What should they do to prevent future relapses?”


All we can say is is the cause of multiple sclerosis, it is a chronic disease that attacks the myelin sheath that lines the nerves. So, this fatty insulating lining that covers your nerves and the lining, the covering of your cell membranes in your brain, has an autoimmune attack to it. Everything that we teach here, I don’t know if you are my patient or someone else’s patient here. But we believe that most of the autoimmune phenomenon begins in the gut. If you're a blood type A, you have difficulty in general as a class of people with digesting proteins and fats. And so, if that is happening lifelong, by the time, you're in your 30s, or 40s, this chronic male digestion and lack of absorbing your fats can lead to a lack of the lining on the sheath. It can create a chronic inflammation in your gut, that inflammation itself will trigger. The inflammation will trigger damage. And if you don't drink enough water, if you're eating foods that you are slowly allergic to and don't know about, if you are clogging up your tiny capillaries with too many sugars, and carbs. If you are not eating enough healthy fats, because there are specific healthy fats that have to be consumed to make up the membranes of every cell, whether it is your myelin sheath covering your nerves or not or in your brain. As we age, we lose enzymes. So, this is a double disadvantage as they age in general, not every A and all As are equally affected by this. But as a class, this is what we have seen. And no, it’s not taught in medical school. But this is what we see happen.

So, to work on this, you have to work on your diet with a very simple menu. The less the immune system has to surveil, if you take in a lot of variety of foods and spices on any one given day, it’s going to put stress on your immune system lining your gut. And close to about 80% of your immune system lines your gut. If you don’t digest well, and can’t absorb your fats, you will have these problems.

So, we get one menu day. For instance, if you have a chicken theme day with a vegetable, you have that for all your meals within 24 hours. I start my meals with-- I typically only eat once a day. So, it really wouldn’t matter. If you eat dinner, make the dinner, and make enough for your breakfast and lunch as well the next day, then in 24 hours, you are eating a one menu a day. We tend to recommend not eating breakfast because the longer your stomach is empty the greater it is the body’s healing and growth hormone. We tend to teach our patients to eat in a restricted time frame. We ask them to eat organic, wild-caught, prairie-raised foods so it will minimize the toxins, pesticides, fungicides, and chemicals that are in them. So, if you have free-range chicken and organic raised green beans or something, and you have that for dinner and your lunch the next day, then that’s going to be a great immune relief. That will dis-inflame your body which will benefit everything, not to mention the benefit to MS.

Then the other thing is we would give you essential fats. We would be using our-- What is it, patient clinical-- Clinician’s Preference oils. And these are the oils that have the linoleic, alpha-linoleic oils that are in the cell members. Not fish oils. Then we would give you, probably phospholipids that help the membrane, lining membrane of the cell phospholipids. That would be called Bio PC Pro. And that is a phospholipid. It is in meat, in fish, and in chicken with the skin on it. It’s in your egg yolks. So, this is a supplement form of it. So, this is Bio PC Pro and this is NT Factor. It is the same thing essentially. We find this to be kind of sticky, where this is better and gets into the water better when you solubilize it to drink it. Ortho Molecular makes that. So, we’re moving to the bigger bottle called Bio PC Pro.

If you are repairing the membranes, the fat on every cell membrane, that includes your nerves with the oil and the phospholipids that are in these things here, and eating low carbs, so you are not clogging up the capillaries. So, all the healing can reach its destination. And you are narrowing the timeframe you are eating in. And if you are drinking enough water, and if you’re going to bed on time, doing some exercise, resistance training, and taking certain good nutrition like high dose Vitamin D, it’s very important with MS. And I would want to achieve a level of like 80-micrograms per deciliter and have your doctor check that. And I would also be on natural hormone replacement, if possible. The natural estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone for your muscle mass. And I would always be in some form of physical therapy and exercise.

Those things along with systemic enzymes to dis-inflame and minerals that help Vitamin C help the elastin collagen. I mean, you know, we could spend an hour on biochemistry and all the things that help make tissue and fat and repair. But, you know, it really is a feature of you learning to eat a more simplified, one menu day, and to use certain well-researched nutrients, such as your phospholipids and your essential fats, not fish oils. And then, work with your doctor over this, your neurologist or rheumatologist that's working with you on your MS. And we seem to see our MS patients do quite well and certainly stabilize. Hopefully, this helps you. 


“When taking 25 milligrams of DHEA, extreme breast tenderness occurs after one week. The benefits of DHEA are needed in multiple respects. But the side effects are not tolerable. Guidance is appreciated.”


If that’s all you are taking, I have never really in 40 years had anyone tell me that the DHEA was creating breast tenderness. So, I would ask, how much coffee are you drinking? How much wine or alcohol are you taking? Are you on natural hormones or synthetic estrogen? Are you taking systemic enzymes to dis-inflame? Are you drinking enough water?

There are so many other things that are associated and usually, if you start natural hormones, the women have mature breasts, and they start that. When we are young girls, very small, we had very small breasts. So, as our estrogen increased, our breasts slowly increased. And we really didn’t get the impact. But when you have mature womanly breasts and you start estradiol, you have more tissue that will be noting this. And it typically goes away in about three-month cycles. But we always put progesterone to help modify this with systemic enzymes like Vitalzym, Vascuzyme, and ProteoXyme on an empty stomach, twice a day. And I would maybe take five twice a day on an empty stomach, with lots of water, and avoid all alcohol and see if you don’t feel better within a day or two. But discuss that with your doctor. And that should be a help to you.

But I really never had DHEA associated with “extreme breast tenderness” after a week of using only 25 milligrams. But I will look into it. You need the levels done so that we can see what level you are achieving. So, please let your doctor know so that they can order a level of the DHEA while you are on it daily 25 milligrams so that we can see the impact. 


“Do you have any thoughts on how to calm a milder case of essential tremors, mainly affecting the hands?”


As we age, the tendency to get benign tremors increases. Our handwriting may not be as smooth. And this is a process of aging. So, a new car will drive nicely, but after 15 years and you know we kept our van for almost 23 years, I wanted to keep the van and make it a planter. It was such a memory to have that wonderful van all those years with my family. But anyway, it rattled with time. In the end, the little wind sounds that were never there. So, use created enough vibration that there were little disengagements, and weakening screws, and so the van had its own little rickety rackety sound after about 15 years of use and only progressively got worse.

So, as we age, our junctions are not as tight, and our cell membranes are not as robust and smooth and well repaired. Remember, you have to have a healthy membrane, if in fact, you have an injury, a poke through the cell membrane, and you're not eating enough phospholipids, that's going to be a depolarization site, a trigger site for the inner cell to become irritated that would maybe lead to atrial fibrillation, palpitations, a tremor, anxiety, muscle weakness, muscle twitching, a whole host of things.

So, what do we do to relax this? So, all the principles you just heard me talk about, the simpler menu, one menu a day, eating within a time restriction, drinking enough water, and the importance of hormones because they help direct, repair, and reconstruction and monitor them with your doctor. But we would also be very cautious to make sure you're on a very good chelation. Chelation is an intravenous in the vein to improve microcirculation to enhance the flow dynamics like sprinklers throughout your body so that those nutrients, those phospholipids, those essential fats, that repair material can get to the very distant little parts and stop this little tremor of again.

So, really, the same thing is what-- You know, you use a screw on the space station to repair things and you use a screw down here on your car. So, you see, we might say, well, a screw is a screw. It’s really important. And you have to have them whether you are in the space station or down here on Earth. So, that’s why you hear me repeatedly say, the water is important, the microcirculation for which EDTA chelation helps, the multi-minerals, the zinc, the magnesium, the fat for the soothing and tissues of the cell membrane, getting a good night sleep, exercising to have a little hydraulic pumping. One of the very best exercises for tremors is the rebounder, the little indoor trampoline with the bar on it. And that is a very good balanced, neurological pattern. Natural hormones, all the things that were made up, help keep us well. So, hopefully, that is a heads up on how to address essential tremors. 


“My daughter is six months PG with her second baby. First birth was pretty rough, so she now has hemorrhoids. Is there a natural remedy for them as they get worse with the second birth?”


I would certainly suggest the high, high importance of adequate water. So, half her pound in weight as water every day, and hopefully that's filtered water. That's the number one thing. Then the next thing, I would suggest is, this isn't necessarily natural. But there is a thing called nitroglycerin gel. And you can have a very low dose, 0.5% nitroglycerin gel, and you can put a little dab on your anus where the hemorrhoids are. And that helps dilated it so that the fluid of the water and the healing dis-inflammation can occur.

There's another thing, the lining the stretching, the tearing apart, pulling apart of blood vessels whether it's your aorta or a hemorrhoid, or even your own tissues sagging with aging. We need elastin and collagen. And eating plenty of meat, fish, chicken, protein, beef, eggs, all that is very important in picking up the collagen in that and the protein for, you know, the assembly of all this elastin collagen. But you also need vitamin C. So, take a very good multivitamin. 

Our pregnant women we put on Juice Plus for both baby and mom to have powerful antioxidant protection. And there are clinician studies of superior pregnancies, less Neonatal Intensive Care use, better birth weights, fewer C-sections, and better Apgar scores on all the mothers who used Juice Plus. It’s just fruits, vegetables, and berries, concentrate in capsule form. But it also helps as a bowel movement and for the elastin collagen of the tissues. Vitamin C is also important in that.

So, maybe you could find a doctor who would prescribe some nitroglycerin cream for a hemorrhoid. You just apply a tiny gap a little teardrop amount to the area and that will relax the smooth muscle and it will allow better flow and then hopefully nutrients and repair of the lining there. But water is number one. Hopefully, that's a help. 


“My last TSH third generation with FRFLX was one.”


I don’t know exactly what this is saying. 


“This is the only test that they give me for thyroid. In the past, this test has been below 1 sometimes. I take 50 micrograms of Levothyroxine daily, 30-minutes before breakfast. I feel very depleted and anxious like I’m running on fumes. Do you think this could be a thyroid problem?”


If your Free T4 is 1.0, that’s average. Your TSH, if it’s one or less, that’s average also. I would want to know what your Free T3 is though. Because the Free T4 is a precursor, that means you have the thyroid hormone with four iodinated links to it of the sale iodine. But the active thyroid for energy and well-being is T3, only 3. So, you have to take T4 and iodinate it, and take one of them off to get T3. And Levothyroxine is just essentially T4. So, your body has to do the work to iodinate the hormone. Maybe you are not iodinating enough. Maybe you are and they are not testing the right thing. You need the Free T3s. I would need you to have your doctor get a Free T3 to really see if this is a thyroid issue. And you could ask them to give you Cytomel, which is Liothyronine. It is the T3. And it comes as a little 5-microgram tablet. And you can try that and take it in conjunction with your Levothyroxine of 50 micrograms. Take the 5-microgram of the Free T3, the powerful real hormone active and they make it in a five, and then a 25 would be the next up. But try two or three of them under the supervision of your doctor’s care. And have them give you the Cytomel and measure the Free 3T before you start that to see what the starting point was. And then after you start something like that, to see how you feel, and then correlation, look at the new level. 


“Why do some women have lumpy fibrocystic breasts before their cycle and some don’t? Is it generic? Is it okay to up Iodoral intake?”


Usually, fibrocystic breasts, as far as a cause, we don’t have knowledge of the cause. We feel that is aggravated by things like caffeine, alcohol, and lack of iodine. So, if you take iodine, the breast tissue needs and metabolizes iodine to help it be ready as a hormone if it's needed for producing milk and lactation. So, you need adequate iodine. If you're postmenopausal, there is a low-grade maintenance of the breast tissue and if there's not enough iodine, the breast wants to grow bigger to try and capture iodine to do its job. The thyroid wants to grow like a goiter to capture iodine and there's a lack of iodine generally in our diet.

So, I think iodine is fine to take, a 12.5-milligram tablet, one a day is very safe. Two of them, 25 milligrams are fine. But maybe drink less coffee or less alcohol or stop alcohol and coffee and see how it is. And take systemic enzymes and see if that will help with your breast health. And you can track it with an ultrasound of your breasts. 


“Over the last several months, I have been having a significant amount of hair loss when I wash my hair. I take Vitalzym, Estradiol, progesterone, DHEA, TLC Multi-Minerals, K4, Quercetin, C, and Digestyme. I drink half my body weight as ounces of water daily. I work out six days a week and teach ballet and pilates. I don’t eat sugar or gluten. I follow a low-carb diet. I am wondering if I have some kind of vitamin or mineral deficiency or an imbalance in some other area that I’m not aware of.”


Hair loss is a common theme with concern for women, especially as we age. Stress can generate hair loss. My own father, when my grandfather died, I never knew him because he died when my dad was 9 years old I believe. He died in Chicago. He worked on the L-trains and was accidentally hit by an L-train in the Chicago city and killed traumatically. This shocked my father, and he lost all his hair. Now it all came back, my father had a robust, thick amount of hair. But it just shows your stress is associated with hair loss. So, very often we're living in some of the most stressful times I've ever seen. And so, I would wonder what your stress situation is. Because it sounds like you're doing so many of the wonderful healthy things.

If you would take a very good methylated B complex with biotin, vitamin B7 it's sometimes called. We have a product called-- What is the name of that product? Regenemax. Regenemax is a designed product to support hair with rich amounts of Vitamin B7, which is biotin. That would be the only thing given seeing what you’re doing already. And work on your stress. And see if that might be a help.

But again, you have to give it maybe four to six months of time to see the value and the impact. Remember, microcirculation is very, very important to your capillaries, to your skin, your scalp, and everywhere in your brain, and tissue is also where EDTA chelation might be a big help. I know that is one of the things that has always helped me. 


“What would you recommend for someone with low secretory IgA immunoglobulin that has shown up on a stool test for the last few years? I know this can be due to many things, such as chronic infections, and stress. My energy has been low with chronic inflammation. I have tried so many other things such as addressing my hormones, thyroid, and adrenals, with little to no improvements. So, wondering if this can factor in. I know the body is a whole.”


Yes, we are interrelated. And I’m glad you see the whole picture here. And it's not like low secretory IG allopathic drug medicine one item to fix it. That isn't how it goes. You have to eat just like we've said, with a more simplified menu, and try and use digestive enzymes especially to help you as you age. But we do have lactoferrin in it. Lactoferrin is a type of support biochemical that is very important in secretory IgA, which is one of the immunoglobulins. If you took something maybe for a month or two to help build up your stomach lining, which would be the phospholipids with the SBI Protect powder, mix these two together, twice a day, and a probiotic, with a healthy diet, a one menu a day eating in a time-restricted frame. And then, using lactoferrin in it. I have always seen the secretory IgA go up. Make sure you are on Vitamin D also. Vitamin D is very important in your immunoglobulin production. And you’ve got to eat protein, plenty of it in order to make protein immunoglobulins. Remember, secretory IgA is a protein. So, you’ve got to eat a lot of protein to do this. So, that would be another suggestion there. 


“Now, that I’m 65, I’m having a Welcome to Medicare appointment with my primary care physician. I know she will be recommending one of the pneumonia vaccines. And I’m wondering if you recommend those also?”


I don't recommend them.


“I am allergic to eggs, but my research shows they don't have eggs in them like flu vaccines do. Also, what about the shingles vaccine?”


I don't recommend that either.


“I would not get it at the same time as the pneumonia vaccine. But I just want to know what you think?”


I have worked for 41 years in medicine every day. And I have the healthiest oldest Medicare population. I've even been recognized by the Medicare subsidiaries that are looking for doctors’ offices that have like internal medicine, family practice, and general practice doctors with Medicare patients, which generally have a lot of morbidities and medications and interventional costs for their healthcare. When they reviewed throughout the nation, those doctors and clinics that had the same amount of Medicare patients but the least amount of needing to use Medicare, they came to me. So, they came here in the past two months, their subsidiary to invite me to work with them and they wanted to reward me with a higher income per Medicare patient. So, I'm saying all that to say I have never recommended these shingles vaccines or the pneumonia vaccines, any of these, at all.

And within the last two to three years of concern about the quality of the medical journals, the quality of the higher educational institutions, and locations such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, and their recommendations, I am concerned about the censoring and censorship that I see of qualified scientists. I am concerned about, protecting, with government protection private companies, such as Pfizer, that wanted a 75-year protection from it, exposure of the original documentation of their research on their most recent vaccine, that is for the SARS, and emergency use authorization. Why would they want 75 years before they release it to qualified scientists and for open scientific questioning and discussion?

So, at this point, I’m losing any of my prior tolerance or support for any vaccination protocol. I think we have to revamp and relook at the entirety of it, and the first thing we have to do is stop giving them indemnification from being sued. I think we need to start there. They have to stand just like I have to stand if I error. I have to face if there is a challenge and go before a malpractice court. They ought to have no indemnification. 


“Being unvaccinated, I feel uneasy about getting a blood transfusion, if it is ever needed. They do not designate vax from unvaxed blood. Do you suggest holding your own blood as a blood bank so that you have some stored in the event that it’s needed, hoping it is never needed, but something that I have thought about?”


We can worry about everything. I do have similar concerns. I have not, you know, stock supplied B+ blood for myself. I don’t think we should live in fear as Christian, the only thing we should fear is God himself and not fear anything else. So, I think that is reasonable. I bear the same concerns that you have about contaminated blood work and the blood supply system. My answer to you is if you have some mechanism of storing and updating your own blood, but how do you know that they haven’t, you know, done something with it? I am so saddened by the very poor, scientific, and open transparency. I have lost my respect for the healthcare system as of late. And I don’t think there’s anything to do but to do preventive care and take the best care you can of yourself. And then, be at peace. Have a good night’s sleep. Tell the Lord every day, thank you for another good day to see my family, and my friends, serve my community and give him thanks. 


“I have had a cold and mild congestion for two and a half weeks. Is it okay to exercise and go into the infrared sauna? I feel fine, just tired.”


Yes. That would absolutely probably be helpful. 

This could be allergies, seasonal allergies as well. Just make sure you are taking plenty of water, and a low-carb diet so you are not suppressing your immune system with a high-carb diet. And that you are not eating late, getting a good night’s sleep. Infrared stimulates what we call, many things, but one of the notable ones is heat shock proteins. And that’s so valuable in your general immune defense system. So, I would support that. 


“I’m fighting a chest cold. Should I take your NIC supplement in addition to the D-Hist?”


This is helpful in acting in a mucolytic action for these, like a surfactant that is in the lining of the alveoli. It is involved in the precursor for glutathione. I take NIC all the time, anyway. And so, I certainly think that it is valuable as support with any chest cold or a history of asthma. So, yeah, I would use it. 


“I’m a 69-year-old female. I have had some lung issues as a child but grew out of them as an adult. However, I’m now more sensitive to colds going into my chest. I have not been vaccinated but did get COVID in August of 2021.”


Make sure you are taking a very good amount of Vitamin D and adequate water. Then you have natural immunity. And the papers, if they wouldn’t suppress them, there’d be a better review. But what I have seen from a qualified scientific review of natural immunity is that it is robust, certainly as good if not quite better. We have all known this for many, many years, natural exposure has always been the greater thing to build your immunity.

Having adequate Vitamin D, D3, and n-acetyl cysteine is wise, and adequate water, and adequate sleep. I would take a good multi-mineral, a good antioxidant, I would recommend the Juice Plus series. and I would recommend iodine. Iodine is very important also in all tissue functions. So, taking an iodine salt tablet like Iodoral, or I-Throid, it’s a 12.5-milligram, that helps also in a mucolytic fashion and building your immune system. 


“Can you share if Estradiol and hormone replacement therapy helps with joints as you age and/or other supplements that work well?”


Remember your hormones are general contractors in your body, repair, and growth. And certainly, in your breasts and uterus lining and areas like that. But it helps with your thinking and your memory and your sleep depth, and the thickness of your skin. So, you know it's going to be helping your joints as well.

I have found at 69, now, I just don’t have any joint pain. I don’t have any hip pain. I don’t have any of that. I work out five days a week with a personal trainer. And I will not give up my hormones. And you know once in a while I'll go on a two/three-week binge off of them, just to remind myself how good I feel when I go back on them. And so yeah, I'm going to say definitely hormones help your joints. 


“What do you think of California Law, AB 2098?”


What do I think of it? I am trusting in the Lord, my God, and Him only do I fear. AB 2098 is a law in California State that was passed by the House and Senate in California, Sacramento. Early in September, it is preventing physicians from having unapproved opinions outside of the medical dictum of the, I guess, the medical board of the State of California. And so, it's becoming a more centralized control arena to the point that they could even take your license to practice medicine. This is very unconstitutional. This will destroy the patient-physician relationship. This will put a damper on true scientific query discussion.

And I would just ask, why this misinformation? How can we have misinformation when they're suppressing the information and trying to keep for 75 years the data from the Pfizer trials? They had to be fought for by the Freedom of Information Act. And now, the judge has forced Pfizer into revealing this. But it's only releasing, you know, 10 or 15,000 pages a month, of which, if you go to the daily Clout.IO or look up Naomi Woods work on this, even just today there was new information released on the known risks from the trials to male fertility and sexual organ systems that they knew about. Which we would never have found out for 75 years.

So, we have to be able to ask these questions. We have to be able to discuss them and find out why this is so. And not have fear of being reported to the Board for asking reasonable scientific questions based on data that we do have or don't have, and want to know about. 


“I forget why we are no longer supposed to take fish oils. Is that because of mercury content?”


Well, that can be one of the issues. But remember, you're not a fish. Fish are in colder living environments. The water can get down to 28 degrees before it freezes, and the fish are still moving along. If you look at the fish that doesn't get frozen, and you ask how can a fish still wiggle in the water, you'll see that God put in there the fish oils, EPA. It has six double bonds in it. DHA has five double bonds in it. Those double bonds allow that fish to stay moving and activate because you cannot freeze oil. You can put your olive oil in the freezer and freeze it. It will not freeze because it is one double bond. So, God put five and six double bonds in the cell membranes of the tissues of the fish so that they can swim in cold water. If you check the content of EPA and DHA in a warmer water fish, like in the Gulf of Mexico, where the water is 70, or 80 degrees, you'll see a tremendous decrease in the amount of EPA and DHA in those fish. And we are 98.6 degrees and we're not going to freeze. And so, God has given us alpha-linoleic acid, which has a different and unique and very small amount of double bonds. These are the only human essential fatty acids we need. We don't need fish oil. So that's why.


“How many diseases do you think have the root causes of parasites, especially if they cross the blood-brain barrier?”


Well, when I did my doctorate of integrative medicine in 1999 and 2000, we covered the theory of pleomorphism and that regarding a theory that a bacteria fungi virus can also turn into, morph into a parasite. I'm not sure I believe that. But it certainly was part of the training I had to go through. And I know that our knowledge is a small chunk of the vast body of knowledge to learn about.

But I think our God has given us a great immune system. I think we have broken down our barriers, just like it makes me think of our own national borders. And so, we are having breaches of those borders because of the fake synthetic nonfood that we're consuming, that is packaged, processed, high fructose corn syrup, glyphosates, trans fatty acid, hydrogenated things we call food. And so are membranes to our cells, to the lining of our gut, and even the brain-blood barrier is being injured. So, yes, there's an easier transmissibility of anything whether it be viral bacterial, or fungal impacts to these sensitive areas.

So, rather than try and look for parasites, I would be about building up the wall, the membrane. And your immune system will work very well to identify once we repair the breach, and that puts it in perspective. When Louis Pasteur was dying. 

He was talking about, you know, the discovery of penicillin and the bacteria and how that caused disease. But in the end, when he was dying, he moved from the pathogen disease model, like one bacteria caused a disease to the terrain model, his friend, and I don't know if I can remember his name, but in Paris, there was another gentleman who did not feel it was the pathogen of the pneumococcus, whatever it was, the body was susceptible. The terrain was poorly fed, and malnourished. And Louis Pasteur really agreed, ultimately in the end. It was people not taking care of themselves.

So, yeah, I’m familiar with the impact of all this parasitology, virology, toxicities, and so forth. But we work on the barrier and the terrain, I think we have the greatest value. 


“What is Mirtogenol? Are you familiar with this unique blend of bilberry and pycnogonid? Also, what type of rebounder brand is good?”


I do not know what metrogenic is. I have never heard of it before.

Best brand, I’m not up on it. I can’t even tell you the brand of my rebounder. I have had it for so long. But I don’t think I would spend a million dollars on a rebounder. I just don’t have a name or referral for that.

Mirtogenol, looking it up, looks like it has various forms as a supplement. It’s mostly used with bilberry and as a strong antioxidant to help eye diseases that need your Vitamin A and so forth. Where is the science on it? Looking at a product here, like life extension, looking at their product and I don’t see any reference. But if you look at Juice Plus, I can show you an article here that has Juice Plus Science Institute and clinical research that is quickly referenced. We would start here with all the steps to do, go through the randomized single control of testing on the product, peer review journals, and ethics. Then we have all the articles listed here with hospitals and universities that have conducted research. So, there are many, many articles including my publications on multifaceted antioxidant health, and DNA protecting, going over all the articles here. This one is about bioavailability. This one is about dental health research and periodontal disease. In the Journal of Cardiology, published on homocysteine and heart health. This on the immune system, the lymphocytes, and the white blood cell count improvement. This is on DNA damage repair. I mean, how many nutrients out there have actual research, reproducible research on DNA damage and its repair, oxidative stress reduction, that’s what I did my work on and my publication. Healthy skin, reducing oxidative damage, reducing inflammation, and the research there on it, and reference articles. And here’s the lung health one with pulmonary functions, and weight management, especially on the children’s research study. And so forth.

I can’t say that life extensions, Mirtogenol, has a leg up on Juice Plus, at all. So, I’m sticking with Juice Plus. 


“Someone close to me, just 73, is struggling with memory problems and having an MRI to check for early onset Alzheimer’s. What are natural things to do to prevent?”


Everything we say about water, exercise, especially resistance exercise, and a low-carb diet. And I would do EDTA chelation therapy. I would get them on natural hormone replacement therapy. I would get their Vitamin D levels up. And DHEA, I would look at their stress hormones. That is where I would start. Chelation therapy, a healthy diet, natural hormones, Vitamin D, and Juice Plus because it stops DNA damage.


“I have a bunch of small bumps all over my face. It’s not acne but I think it’s milia. How would I get rid of this?”



Well, I would use Argentyn Silver spray, it is an antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. And you can just spray it, every night and every morning. This will help reduce the population of bacteria, fungi, and viruses on your face. 

The next thing is I would eat a very low-carb diet would drink enough water. And I would do like jumping on a rebounder will help with the lymphatic flow dynamics on the face. And you can do an infrared sauna that would be a help microcirculation with chelation would be a help, and taking systemic enzymes would be a help. So that would get a start there for you. 


“There is no explanation for Citronox and Bergamot. How do they help the cardiovascular system?”


Citronox is working on nitric oxide with the amino acid L-arginine. And that is part of the nitric oxide synthase and production of nitric oxide to vasodilate and to help microcirculation. Bergamot is a plant extract from a very unique part of Italy, I believe, that is associated without having side effects of modulating the production of cholesterol by inhibiting some of its pathways. So, I will tell the staff to get a little blurb up on the website about these, both are useful. Both are valuable products if you need them. 


“I will be traveling to Greece, mid-month. What extra supplements should I take in addition to my regular ones to keep my immune system high?”


Well, I would take the D 50,000 before I get on a plane, several hours before I get on the plane. And I would take it the day after getting off the plane. And then, when you come back, I would take it the day getting onto the plane, and the day after. So, you would use four of them. You want to boost your Vitamin D. It is a very good immune booster.

The other thing is to take TLC Immune Protect, that would be something of value. We created this to have the NIC, the Quercetin, the Vitamin C, the Zinc, and various elements that are very noteworthy in lifting up the function of your T-cells and your lymphocytes. So, I would take that extra Vitamin D and the TLC Immune Protect


 “Do you have some supplements for recurring swimmer's ear and ear infections?”


Well, I’m going to use Argentyn Silver for anything like that. If this is, you know, who is calling it swimmers ear, and how is calling it a recurrent ear infection? As we age, our skin dries and flakes. We can get itchy in there. And go digging after it. We create a cycle of problems. We have to keep our fingers and Q-tips out of our ears. Instead, I would moisten it with a drop of Argentyn Silver that would harm nothing. It would keep bacteria, fungi, and viruses down. That is how I would deal with it. If you swim, I would put it in after swimming and so forth. But that’s the natural way I would approach it. Of course, if you need to see your ENT or primary care doctor locally, and if you really need an antibiotic they can give it to you.