YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 31 2022
November 2, 2022
“My aunt who is 71 is having problems with her kidneys. According to her lab work, her kidney level is 38.”
I think I did answer this before. She is probably talking about a glomerular filtration rate and that is an estimate on the chemistry comprehensive chemistry panel. It is the creatinine that you need to follow. If it is two or less, you should be doing good.
“She has diabetes and high blood pressure. What do you recommend for her to do or take?”
Well, most Americans do not drink enough water. So, you have to drink half of your weight in pounds as ounces every day. Water is diminished in our consumption as we get older, our thirst mechanism in our brain. That area shrinks with aging. And so, you have to buy discipline and maturity for your age. drink enough water every day. Also, you need to exercise and get a good night's sleep. We believe EDTA chelation therapy is very valuable for the microcirculation and that of the tiny little capillaries in the kidney that help filtration. They are called glomerular. There are tremendous research publications over and over about the value of EDTA chelation in helping with microcirculation even in the kidneys, by nephrologists. And then, on people who even were on dialysis, they had such bad kidney function. So, that would be our beginning point. There'd be other things like your diet, avoiding antibody formation with food allergies, to eat a more simplified diet, take systemic enzymes, and the like. And so, that would be a beginning point.
“What do you think about baking food in or on aluminum foil in the oven?”
Don’t do it. I would not do it.
“Do you think the aluminum leaches into the food?”
The answer is yes. If you have parchment paper, wrap your food in that. And then put aluminum over that. But do not cook on aluminum.
“My sister is 56 and lives in Mexico. She recently started suffering from migraines and asked me if I could recommend a supplement to help her. I asked her if she was on estrogen or any hormone replacement. She said that her doctor recommended to her to stay on the contraceptive pill till her period stops, then do a hormonal blood panel and evaluate what hormone she may need. What is your opinion about that? Also, can you recommend a supplement for migraines? Maybe magnesium?”
So, if she's 56, again, when I was a younger doctor in the 1970s, I started practicing towards the late 70s. We would see women who were in their late 50s Still menstruating on their own. It doesn't look like she's menstruating on her own and that she's on birth control pills, so she's on synthetics. But she clearly would not have at that age, any functioning ovulation. I don't like the birth control pill or the synthetics. I don't like progestins. And that's what typically is in a birth control pill. I like natural human bio-identical progesterone. And progesterone, in and of itself, has had a help in reducing migraines. So, 200 milligrams taken at night, every night, some people go up to as much as 800 milligrams. And that seems to do them very well.
But she needs to be under the care of a functional medical doctor who is familiar with natural hormone replacement therapy in women. And who are able to check the hormones and support with bone density. She would need a bone density. She would need to have her hormone levels done. Typically, the birth control pill does not have adequate levels. They're just kind of bare minimum, synthetic progestins. And some do have estradiol. So, if she were to see me, I would have her stop the birth control pill. I would put her on natural estradiol, somewhere in the realm of either topical or a patch or even an oral. And get a baseline dose, I usually start with one-milligram cream topical daily. And then, I give them the progesterone to take at night.
I would have her go on enzymes which are anti-inflammatory and help prevent the vasospasm from the inflammation that usually is triggering migraines. The enzymes I would use would be things like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme. I would insist that she drink half her weight and pounds as ounces of water every day, and to exercise daily, to put in at least about 20 minutes of a rather aggressive brisk walking. And then I would have her use those enzymes four or five twice a day on an empty stomach. And then, the magnesium, either straight or as a multi-mineral vitamin-mineral supplement. And then, I would have her avoid corn, soy, legumes, and beans, and just have her eat natural wild-caught fish, turkey, chicken, beef, and vegetables. But to stay away from corn, soy, legumes, and grains, I’m sorry. I wanted to add grains in there, like oats, wheat, malt, and barley. And then, let’s see how she does. That would be the direction that I would head if she was my patient.
“I have been diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes and epi retinal membrane in one eye. Both of which have started to affect my vision. I have been doing EDTA chelation monthly and I used the beamer pad on my eyes with a 2. I was recently told to get natural ophthalmic or Surma lactic eye drops to help treat the cataracts and hopefully prevent further surgery. Have you heard of these? Or can you recommend them or any additional ways to keep my eye healthy and seeing?”
I do not know how many total chelation you have had. Having 10 EDTA chelation a year is a very good thing. It’s preventative. The antioxidant damage of aging to the eyes through all the light that comes through can oxidize the proteins that are in our cornea, in the lens, and in the vitreous fluid that fills the bulk of the pressure of the inner eye. The retina, you know, hundreds of millions of rods and cones that supply nerve, veins, and capillaries. So, you need that microcirculation help with chelation therapy. Plenty of water, systemic enzymes, regular exercise, low carb diet, and avoiding food allergies that would clog up those little capillaries.
I am not familiar with those two eye drops that you have listed here. And so, I don't know what to say about them. So. I can't make a recommendation about that.
But as we age, we all dry up and you get a syndrome called Sicca, Sicca syndrome. And if your estradiol levels are not good enough, then your eyes will dry out more quickly. And that will add to the oxidative damage and stress. So, it is a challenge and we're all trying to work as best we can. But these lifestyle recommendations would be the direction I would go. And possibly you would need a burst of EDTA chelation, doing it once or twice a week, until you get through a series of 30 compressed into like six to seven months. And see if that doesn't lighten everything out and help you with that.
“A friend has rheumatoid arthritis. What suggestions can you give her? Any proactive steps to help?”
I would want to find out her blood type. This is so common in the O-type blood. It can happen in other types of course, but most common in O-type blood. I would get them away from all grains, completely, 100%. Probably the best thing I would recommend is to do a carnivore diet, eating wild-caught fish and grass-fed beef, things like that. And then, go onto a high dose of Vascuzyme or Vitalzym and drink half their weight as pounds in ounces, as ounces of water every day.
And then, I would have them see a doctor who would look at their sugar levels, their food allergies, their gut health with a complete digestive stool analysis, those kinds of things. Because we tend to do very very well with people with arthritis. So systemic enzymes, go carnivore with wild-caught foods, which is low carb, plenty of water, and let's see the direction she goes there.
“My thyroid levels have been in the required range but on the low end. I have been taking Iodoral 2.5-milligrams daily. But my endocrinologist said that the iodine will suppress my thyroid. What is your recommendation on this?”
Well, iodine is required for your thyroid hormone to behave and act as a normal thyroid hormone. So, I don’t quite understand why he said that, or maybe you misunderstood.
You can do a test. We can run a test which is a 24-hour urine iodine. We can see whether you are low on this and need this. But most Americans, I would say in the high 90s percentile, most Americans are deficient.
“Is there a supplement that can bring the thyroid level up to avoid taking a prescription?”
I will say, there really is not, not to my knowledge that has really worked. I know that there are some things out there that purport to do that. But I have never really seen any supplement that is able to do that.
We like to use Natural Glandular Thyroid products. But I would start out with a 24-hour urine iodine to prove that you need it.
“My husband has peripheral neuropathy. He has no pain. But is having increasing problems with his balance. I have heard of a treatment for peripheral neuropathy which includes a high level of progesterone and high levels of Vitamin D, combined with the use of a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Does this have some value?”
I have not heard of this treatment. I’ve heard of hyperbaric treatments enhancing neuro function and reducing peripheral neuropathy. The nerves are covered with a fatty myelin sheath. This is damaged with aging. Her husband, I know him, is in his early 80s. This is not unusual to see at his age.
EDTA chelation will help it, drinking enough water will help it, and eating healthy fats will help it. But I have never heard of this progesterone or high dose Vitamin D. That is something new to me and maybe that is something that I will look into down the road. But that’s all that I can say. Yes, to the hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
“MRI contrast contains gadolinium. Gadolinium is a heavy metal which highlights any abnormal physical issues for the radiologist reading the scan. Problem is, it has been found to store in the bones and brain. What is the best way to flush this heavy metal out of the body and how soon after one is subject to this metal contrast should one flush it out? Would taking charcoal right after the procedure help? And if so, how much?”
Yes, that is correct. The real thing would be EDTA chelation therapy. We do this all the time. We see the gadolinium go down after people take an IV chelation. So, I would certainly come in, we do take walk-ins, and we give a reduced dose. Our nurse screens you to make sure there are certain contraindications to it. And if you pass those questions and the exam brief exam they do, you can get a chelation IV here as a walk-in, you have to call to schedule first. But I would see a doctor who does EDTA chelation. You can go to ACAM.org. These are physicians that have been trained and certified in EDTA chelation administration, and that is the best way to do it.
Now, is charcoal of any value? Well, charcoal may have some minimum value. But I'm not going to say that it will do anything to pull this out of the brain or the bones. It's really going to have only an effect in, how do you call it, in your gut from what you were eating in your food. So, that’s what I have to say about that.
“Can calprotectin level in the stool be elevated if an x-ray of the abdomen showed backup stool in the right and left area of the colon? What is your approach to that?”
I would say absolutely the calprotectin can go up. We would have to find out why you are constipated and not moving. Are you drinking enough water? Are you exercising? Are you following healthy lifestyles and sleep cycles? Are you getting a diet that is supportive for peristalsis? Do you have enough minerals in you, like magnesium, potassium, calcium, and so forth? Usually, if we give the TLC Multi Mineral, it has the magnesium, the potassium, the molybdenum, and so forth. This is helpful, along with water, exercise, and a good night’s sleep, and not eating late. Enzymes help move it along. Probiotics help move it along.
The other thing would be to occasionally use herbal laxatives. We use here, Super Aloe 450. You can use it for a few days. But it is getting you out of constipation and getting your bowel moving. Hopefully, that helps and that is the direction I would head with your doctor.
“Can you give us an example of what you might eat on any given day and if you eat any extra carbs or any carbs?”
I tend to try to be mostly a carnivore. But if I eat, I'm going to have broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, asparagus, and spinach, and those are cooked. I tend to eat only once a day, or in a very narrow range of hours. Typically, I eat between 3 and 6 p.m. I try and stop eating completely by 6 p.m. I have meat, I cook up roasted chicken, salmon, and pork. I have in my refrigerator right now, I have maybe two pounds of bacon that have been pre-cooked. I have pre-made hamburgers. I have pre-made sausage. And then, I have hard-boiled eggs in my refrigerator. I do eat salad.
“Do you suggest eating the foods from the eat right for your blood type?”
Blood type A is the person who has trouble more. And they need digestive enzymes with hydrochloric acid to help them digest their proteins and fats. That's why most have trouble with staying well and built restoring their immune system and repairing themselves because if they don't digest their food well, they have trouble staying well and restoring and repairing their immune systems. If they do not digest their food well, they do not rebuild their body well over the years and decades.
So, outside of that, people are too unique to be able to have a book that says, if you are a B, eat this way. If you are an O, eat that way. If you are an A, eat this way. That is too oversimplified. Blood type A as a class in general, from even your youth, from childhood on need some help with a digestive enzyme with hydrochloric acid. All of us, as we age, we start digesting less well. By the age of 50/55, many of us, including myself, I have been using Ortho Digestzyme, which is the enzyme and hydrochloric acid since my late 50s. So, I have been on it for well over 10 years. And it has really helped me.
O-type blood people tend to make too much acid as a general rule. They can probably go later in life, maybe into their 60s before they need to use the digestive enzyme support. But outside of that, that is pretty much the only consistent thing.
“I have read that if you get COVID, you should begin rinsing your nasal passages with a saline solution within 24 hours of getting sick so that the bacteria cannot multiply. Does this work? My husband and I are around grandchildren that constantly have colds. So, would you recommend daily use of a .6 PVP oral one nasal spray? We also have allergies, stuffy nose all the time, and is there a nasal spray that would help us breathe?”
Well, I use Argenton Silver. Argenton is nanoparticulate hydrolyzed nanoparticles of silver. Silver is traditionally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial. And it is absolutely harmless. I will put it in my eyes every night to help moisten them before I go to bed. Also, to kind of cleanse them. I will put it up my nose every night. At times, I will brush my teeth and take a sip out of my jar, swish and swallow. So, I swallow it. So, that’s the number one that I use. It has been universally understood for thousands of years that people who have silver in their silverware or drink out of silver cups-- That’s why the rich could afford the silverware and stayed well healthier longer. You know, the term, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. This is quite well understood. You can take and do a test at home. Take some milk, to put two glasses in a room, 6 to 8 ounces each. One glass, do nothing too. The other one, take a silver dollar or a half silver dollar coin and drop it in the milk. Come back two days later, look at the two milks. You will see the one without the silver has already separated out, and the solids have fallen down. The other one will still look fully formed and appealing to drink. I wouldn’t drink it though.
But it just shows that silver is antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. That’s what I would do.
“I am currently doing the EDTA suppositories for heavy metals and wondering how they get rid of the heavy metals. And if there are any other benefits of using them? Also, a supplement called Ultimate IgG from Just Thrive, are you familiar with it? And if it’s helpful with detox?”
I am not familiar with Ultimate Ig. So, I can’t comment on that.
EDTA suppositories, I'm the one with the team out here and the science researchers, we were published on using the EDTA suppository on men who had proselytism, which means they had painful chronic prostate, swelling, urination flow problems, getting up frequently to pee, chronic prostatic pain, and so forth. And we put in the EDTA suppositories, 1,500 milligrams in each suppository, and they used it every single night for three months. At the end of that time, they had such improvement in the international prostate symptom score assessment on all these problems that were such statistically significant improvement, their microcirculation improved to their prostate and the area, even their erectile function seemed to have improved, and their pain reduced, their swelling diminishes, their flow improved, and their pain diminished. These suppositories work by catching on to free radical oxidizing heavy metal toxins that we're full of. And after we start getting age 40, our own bodies start losing our bone mineral density, and we kind of throw off the added heavy metal toxins we bio-accumulated for the half-century, you know, prior. So not only are you eating and drinking and breathing it from your daily exposure, but now your own body is eliminating it and you're getting a double whammy so to say of oxidative stress from these heavy metal toxins.
So, when you put it in the suppository, the venous plexus around the rectal area there is designed to reabsorb the water. So, you don't have this watery stuff coming out, you have formed bowel movements and stools. And when that venous plexus is there, where the EDTA is it enhances absorption of the EDTA, which gets into your pelvic region there and supports microcirculation and your own immune system works to heal you. Of course, if you drink enough water, move, walk, exercise, and take systemic enzymes.
And then we did the animal studies, we did the pharmacokinetics on this, and we saw there was a biphasic phase of absorption and enteral hepatic recirculation. So, we were quite pleased. We actually applied for a new investigational drug application using EDTA. It's been approved by the FDA for lead removal in children. And so, we were seeking new drug investigation for another purpose. But of course, you know, we're not multi-billionaires or millionaires, and who are we that we should even think of something with 30, 40, 50 years of medical practice and experience that we could come up with some good idea that benefits mankind? And so, after spending our money, and hundreds of thousands of hours on it, they just squashed us.
So, that’s how it works. It pulls out oxidative stress, and heavy metals.
“I had three bouts of vertigo. The first was around five years ago, and then two more in the past three years. I have done the Epley Maneuver each time with success. I understand that this is a crystal in the ear that becomes dislodged. However, I don’t know what causes that to happen.”
It’s aging. Benign positional vertigo comes on to most of us with time and age as we dry up, wrinkle up, and crack up. So, to say. That’s why it is so important to drink your water, not have sticky high-carb diets, and to exercise regularly, not eat food allergens that make stick antibody-antigen complexes in your blood.
“Is there anything that you know that brings these episodes on?”
Yeah, not drinking enough water, not getting a good night’s sleep, eating a sticky high-carb diet, eating food allergies that create antigen and antibody complexes, and so forth.
“Do you recommend a flu shot for a 92-year-old man? He has Parkinson’s and a little difficulty walking but doing very well other than that.”
I am not a primary care physician. And because so many, hundreds of my YouTubes have been taken down, I'm going to have to say I have been muzzled. And have not been able to tell you what I really think of this stuff.
I am for taking Zinc. I’m for using Vitamin C. I’m for using Vitamin D. I’m for a low-carb diet. I'm for drinking enough water. I'm for doing exercise. I'm for stressing the importance of not eating late. I am for suggesting getting a good night's sleep, going to bed, you know, 9 to 9:30 the latest, and getting up early. So, that is how I would approach that.
“Is glutamic acid good for a 92-year-old Alzheimer’s patient? I’ve read something both ways so I am confused.”
When people take supplementations in isolated high doses of individual supplementation without a doctor's oversight, then there are possibly some issues with the glutamate pathway and this can be an excitotoxin to the brain. So, I would say eating a healthy meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, and eggs, and using a good multivitamin, vitamin D, systemic enzymes, iodine, a good multi-mineral, and systemic enzymes. These are the things that I would suggest as opposed to looking for these weird protein shakes and amino acid concentrates. So, that's how I would approach that.
“My husband wakes up often with these red marks on his face. What causes these? Usually, they are on the side cheek.”
That can be all kinds of things. I would assume, presuming that you are in your 50s or 60s. And microcirculation can be diminished with the pressure of the head on the bed. And you can get a tiny capillary rupture. But I would have to see it, in order to see exactly what he's describing. Hopefully, you guys don't have bedbugs or stuff like that that would be attracted to him as opposed to you in the bed. But I have seen that where a couple where one will have all the bug bites and the other will not. So, that is something you need to go to a doctor and let them actually see this. It can be all kinds of things.
“I just started Ciprofloxacin today, and want to make sure that I treat my gut biome right. I would appreciate reminders on how to fix the biome. This is my third diverticulitis flare in the last two years, stress decrease and exercise have always been part of the cause. This one did not clear up as quickly with non-antibiotic interventions and the diet. So, I took the first pill today.
Well, I would take the powdered form of probiotics. We use Ortho Biotic 225. These are little packets. They are 225 billion CFUs per packet. I would mix that in water. Typically mixing it with our protein immunoglobulins and the phospholipids that make up the lining of the gut. These double layers here are phospholipids, which is Bio Pro PC Plus. These are the immunoglobulins, like immunoglobulin A, salvatory secretion to help you protect your gut. This is the probiotic that I would use. I would do that for two weeks. And then, I would get on the capsule of Ortho Biotic and I would take a double dose, two capsules a day. I would do that constantly until you are stable.
“I am 70 years old from Fullerton, CA. I’m visiting my son in TN and fell a few steps. I ended up in the ER and was admitted into the hospital and had surgery for a spiral femur break. Was in hospital for four days and am now at my son’s home. Given anesthesia, antibiotics, pain meds, and blood thinners, and have not taken my supplements. I had problems and did not have a bowel movement until my sister shipped me three Drs Nutrition Bars. Once received, I ate one, drank lots of water with lemon, and had bowel movements. What supplements do you recommend?
The Drs Nutrition Bar is a powerful bar that we created to put all these phospholipids into it to help with healing the gut immediately since most people don't eat enough meat, fish, chicken, turkey, egg yolks, and stuff. So, we created this for that reason. There are 15 grams of protein, 15-grams of fiber, both soluble and insoluble in here, and will not raise your glucose and insulin levels. So, that’s why we developed this. Everything we do is to try and help our dear patients here. Yeah, that really works.
And the other thing is drinking that water, you can so easily fall out of getting in your, you know, 60, 80, 90 ounces that you need every day. And then probiotics wouldn't be the other thing I would suggest as well.
“My stay was for eight days. Now, my orthopedic surgeon says no flying, and no weight bearing for 10 to 12 weeks. He stated femur is one of the biggest bones. He stated I am now with osteoporosis.”
Natural hormone replacement like progesterone and estradiol and vitamin D 10,000, probably 20,000 would be good to take. And then when you get back, we could check your levels. Maybe 10,000 one day, 2,000 the next. I would try to have your doctor measure your vitamin D level. But take close to 20,000 international units a day to help you rebuild your bones and strengthen yourself. And talk to Dr. Carr about your natural hormones to support that and many other things that we can do.
“I would like advice regarding high blood pressure. I am 73 years old and have blood type O-. I am slightly overweight, active, in Pilates, aqua exercise, dance, eat organic produce, and dairy products, wild-caught fish, grass beef, poultry, whole grains, fermented foods, and dark chocolate. I drink alkaline water, green tea, red wine, and homemade goat milk kefir. I don’t drink enough water according to your guidelines, but I am close. I likely eat too many carbs and generally sleep six to seven hours a night. I go to a chiropractor twice a month.
Several years ago I weaned myself off of medications for high blood pressure, ventricular tachycardia, enlarged thyroid, and sinus allegories. I still do not take any medication but take lots of supplements. I see an endocrinologist yearly. My annual blood work has been in the normal range for many years except for a white blood cell count which is slightly low. My D level is 67. I took hormone replacement therapy for nine years in my 50s and 60s. I'm currently under some stress due to family issues. I had a total knee replaced 11 years ago. Revision surgery several months later. I have not had any shots. My blood pressure was always running on the high side.
I take Hawthorne tincture, fermented beet powder, flaxseed, Co-Q10, vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin D, K2, garlic, cayenne, several other things including Quercetin, vitamin C, minerals, glutathione, and more. A long list.
I appreciate any advice you can offer and wish that you were taking new patients.”
It looks like you are doing many, many wonderful things. So, I am going to suggest enzymes, systemic enzymes, like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme, twice a day on an empty stomach, before you go to bed and right after you wake up in the morning. And I would get a rebounder. A rebounder is that mini trampoline with a bar and I would first thing in the morning get on the rebounder for three to five minutes just to get the lymph and the circulation going. And then, I would do the rebounder in the evening.
And then I would find a doctor who does EDTA chelation therapy because that improves circulation as well. So, between a rebounder, and the enzymes, drinking enough water consistently, and chelation therapy. And a beamer, I don't know if you've ever heard of a beamer mat. We have them here in our IV suite. But you can get this for your home use. There is well-established science that this tiny microcurrent is associated with helping the nitric oxide and dilation. So, a beamer mat you might put onto your bed and turn it on every night for a cycle. That'd be a direction I would go. And watch your blood pressure, and if it is going up, and you have to go on a medicine for a season, get on it with your doctor. And then, we can always look to see if it is possible to get you off. Do not, not use the blood pressure if you do need it.
“A friend has high blood pressure. What are the natural ways to lower it? The medication makes her feel bad.”
I just reviewed it with the previous question. The EDTA chelation therapy, the beamer mat, rebounder for lymph massage and microcirculation, adequate water, don’t gum up and sticky up the blood vessels with a lot of sugar, starch, carb foods, allergen, antibody complexes. And go from there.
“My friend has a fever and seems to have flu. Do you have any recommendations for flu besides rest and staying hydrated?”
Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc. And if needed, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, high dose vitamin C. We do take walk-ins for vitamin C. But you have to call first to make sure we can fit you in.
“To fast or not to fast, that is the question. When sick, is it better to fast or not? Starve a fever, feed a cold, and the body is weak when sick. So, should we eat or not? And if so, what?”
I always fast when I’m injured, sick, hurt, or anything. Because I want my whole immune system to focus on that part of my body that is malfunctioning. And when you eat, blood will flow to your stomach and to your gastrointestinal system for at least three hours, if not more. And that's about a third of your whole blood supply just to watch and look and make sure there are enough white cells and stuff around your immune system lining the gastrointestinal system to protect you from what you just ate. So, I am for fasting anytime you are ill.
Now, if you're not getting better in two, or three days, then you have to eat something. And I would say while you're fasting. if you have to have something the first 24 to 48 hours, I would have broth, chicken broth, or beef broth. And that'll give you all the salts and minerals and electrolytes you need and go from there. So, that's how I would answer that.
“I got my diagnostic report from you and think you are concerned about my triglycerides at 93. I know that I eat too many carbs and wondering about a metabolic reset program that I have heard about. It is basically going four weeks with only eating eggs, meats, and cheeses. Do you think this is a good idea?”
I do. Basically, that's a carnivore diet.
“I haven’t been eating cheeses or eggs due to stomach issues. But the doctor who talks about the program says it will clear up gut issues. Here is the link to the doctor telling me about the program. There are four videos, but I will just send one.”
I will see if I can get time in to take a look at that. One of the reasons is, meat, cheese, and eggs are so full of these phospholipids that you see here, this double line right here. This is all the way down to your gut. We have been frightened away for the last 50 years from eating this. The roofs and the windows have cracks in them, on the exterior of our cells. So, by eating this, it tends to help strengthen the lining of your cut and you can digest better and stay healthier longer.
93, most doctors would say, what on Earth are you saying 93 is a concern? Well, 93, what I’ve seen over 40 years plus of practicing medicine is, before you become a diabetic, and I see people eat way too many carbs, I see their blood sugar's when they're fasting, if it’s 90 or 93, then their triglycerides are 90, 93. We tell them to please cut back and they come back 6-months later and their fasting blood sugar is 95 and the triglycerides are 95. I tell them that they are eating too much and playing too close to the street or too close to the cliff.
One other example I like to use, on missionary work, in Ecuador, we went up into the mountains and those people in Ecuador or mountain goat people, the oldest man up there was maybe 100 years old or so. There are quite a few very elderly people all the way down to the young boys. And these guys would go out after eating, in the morning, their breakfast, but we got their fasting blood sugar, and their fasting blood sugars were 45 to 55. Then they would eat they're like curds and beef jerky, which was their main food. Because they are not agricultural, they were herdsmen. Then, we would check their blood sugar an hour after eating, and they would double their blood sugar. If it was 50 to start with, it would be 100 after eating in an hour. They would work all morning. If we got there before lunch, the level would be back down to 50. And then, they would eat again, their lunch, and it would go back to 100. They would work the afternoon and get the before-dinner reading and it would be again 50. After dinner it would be 100 or 105. Then they wouldn’t work through the night, they’d sleep. That blood sugar would serve them. So, their blood sugar was always between 50 and 100.
Now, when I was in training, as a young doctor, I remember being told, you want to get your diabetics always to have a blood sugar, try and get them to have their fasting blood sugar at least 120. And then they're under good control. Well, where did 120 come from? That is because we know cell damage begins at 120. Some will argue 140. But most Americans have been lulled into thinking that a fasting blood sugar of, you know, 90, 99, 104 is fine. And the minute they put anything in their mouth, their blood sugar is shooting up well above 180 to 200. God forbid even higher. So, we Americans, are in high blood sugar ranges throughout the day and the insulin pulls it down and then we shoot back up. So, we are in the damage zone way too long. So, this is what I think is the real problem with it.
“I suggested D-Hist to my son for his allergies. He bought Quercetin at the store and his doctor said that he should not take it because his lab shows liver damage, asking what he was taking. So, when I visited him I left him some D-Hist to show him the better product. But would Quercetin cause liver damage?”
I have never heard of that before, never, never in decades and decades and decades of using it.
“He drinks beer often and exercises daily. He is healthy for 52.”
Well, I think the reason is that these liver enzymes are from the doctors who are allowing these high blood sugar levels. They are damaging. And then, you bring it down to a range fasting that is barely passable. I would not say that it is the Quercetin at all.
“I have heard that there is a fluff test as part of the LDL reading for cholesterol that further breaks down the LDL info, showing all the good parts and bad parts of LDL. What is this? And can it be added to my blood test next time?”
Well, that’s the particle size. The larger fluffy, big LDL cholesterol is the healthy form. The small, tiny ones are the dense, small particles, and are the damaging ones. And yes, it can be added in. It’s called an LDL subfraction.
“My lips have been chapped for a few weeks. Have been using Vaseline a couple of times a day and before bed. Also tried Carmex which made my lips puffy with a burning sensation. Any suggestions you can share?”
I do not know what Carmex is. I use my moisturizer as my liquid Clinician’s Preference. I just flip this up, a drop on my finger so it’s shiny, and then to my lip. I put it on my legs and my skin. Why do I do that? Because that has the essential fatty acids that your skin needs. Part of the connection of the biolipid membranes is to have that essential fatty acid. There are only two in a human, and this is it. I take this every day. So, that’s what I would do. I carry it with me all the time.
“What is the best form of pilates?”
I am not a specialist in that. So, all I can say is that I go to pilates, twice a week, for one hour. And I work with a dear lady about my age. She is very sensitive to my limitations of being nearly 70 years old. I just feel wonderful. I also do heavy weightlifting three times a week with another trainer. So, between building up the muscles and then stretching them with pilates, I feel like probably like I did in my mid-40s.
“55-year-old healthy female taking the TLC Metabolic Formula that helps metabolize your sugar better and reduce my A1C. I am not taking any prescription medicines. I am having a yearly checkup with my primary care physician in two weeks. I know he is going to tell me to get a flu shot. Do you get the flu shot? Should I? What do you recommend? And what is your recommendation regarding the two-part shingle shot and at what age should it be taken?”
I recommend vitamin D. I recommend zinc. I recommend vitamin C. I recommend high-dose vitamin C. I recommend a good night's sleep. I recommend exercise. I recommend drinking enough water. I recommend a low-carb diet. I recommend not eating late at night. I recommend going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. I recommend, you know, systemic enzymes. And I recommend eating a humble diet and leaving all the wild eating to true days of holiday activity. You know, like Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving dinner, and so forth. That's what I recommend. So, there you have it. And now, you know what I do. That is what I do.
“Does everyone need to take electrolytes?”
The answer is yes. The most dense nutrient foods are meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs. I know the heart functions on sodium-potassium balance, plus so much more. It has to have a healthy cell membrane. You know, you can have all the healthy amounts of salts and minerals and antioxidants and herbs you want. But if you don't have the phospholipid, from eating meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, egg yolks to fix these things, and to get it looking nice and healthy like this, and what good are all your electrolytes? So, it does matter, everything does matter.
“A knowledge friend says that everyone needs 2,500 milligrams of sodium, 4,700 of potassium.”
I do. By eating enough meat, fish, chicken, beef, eggs, and yolks. If we all eat, about a half to 1-milligram per kilogram, men 1 to 1.5 or 2 if they are doing a heavy workout. We need about 50 grams of protein for women a day. I would say it would be better to have 75. Men need roughly 75 to 150. If you are eating meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, shrimp, lobster, crab, and those things, you are going to get all of the potassium and sodium that you need.
“Do you recommend non-fortified nutritional yeast be taken, and sprinkled on food?”
No, I don’t. I would say that you can talk about a narrow square on a big floor and talk about that little square and the big floor in the gymnasium. That is how I see these supplements. Yes, of course, we need protein. Yes, of course, we need healthy probiotics. Yes, of course, we need these amino acids and fiber and all these things. You can have all kinds of conversations and try and sell stuff. But you want to know what really is important is trying to get people to change their lifestyles and eat healthy foods. And isn’t that an interesting coincidence that they're trying, the prevailing controlled media, wants you to not eat meat and to eat their fake stuff and to be a bug eater. Anyway, what a world.
“For someone who is getting a cortisone shot for temporary pain relief for joint arthritis and tendinosis, what would you recommend to take to minimize the harmful effects of the cortisone shot?”
Enough water. I would take systemic enzymes, I mean not just one or two, I would try and do four or five or six twice a day. And I would take a multi-mineral, magnesium, potassium, zinc, molybdenum, you know type multi-mineral. I would also do EDTA chelation therapy so it can reach those areas.
“I am currently working with a urologist due to a recurrent infection. I will and do take antibiotics when prescribed. But my question is, what do I need to do to help my body fight infection? I’m a healthy body weight, already drinking half my weight in water, low carb, intermittent fasting, taking enzymes, probiotics, fermented foods, as well as various vitamins and supplements. I am perplexed as to why I am not able to get rid of infections, especially with the added help of antibiotics. I will appreciate any advice.”
I'm going to presume that you are postmenopausal. When we lose our hormones, the lining of the urethral passage in the vaginal area there gets thin, just like the thin skin on all old men and women. It can easily get damaged, bruised, and the structure of the urethra to hold it shut versus-- If your urethra is so thin that the hole is like that, and you don’t have muscles to shut the pee down from leaking out, instead of nice and thick firmness as a young woman, the thickness and ability for the testosterone to shut off the urine flow, these kind of things show the break down of aging. So, natural hormone replacement therapy is the direction I would probably go. Because it sounds like you're doing everything else. And I would see a functional doctor that knows what they're doing and help you with that.
“I have low secretory IgA, shown on both stool and saliva. I am certain this is due to stress over the years. Thoughts on how to increase this and can this cause inflammation?”
The answer is yes. Secretory IgA is in your saliva and in the secretions. That is part of the reason why we give SBI Protect Powder. This has the immunoglobulins that are very rich and supportive along the lining of the gut. And, of course, a low-carb diet, eating a simple diet, not a wild crazy diet full of spices all the time, and changes in variety every time you eat. So, the more simple you eat, the less stress you put on your immune system here, you might take something like that with the probiotic and the fat. This is the phospholipids. The fats that make the lining here, this thing right here, with the immunoglobulins. That is how I treat it with my patients. I very often will give them two weeks of powdered probiotics. So, a packet of this, a scoop of this, scoop of this and mix it in water. Then you should see it improved.
Now lactoferrin is something that is prescribed as a supplement that helps the lining along here. This has the lactoferrin in it and helps the immunoglobulin A also. Avoiding food allergies, staying low carb, and using digestive enzymes, and probiotics.
“Is it safe for young adults and teens to drink protein drinks? Will it cause any kidney harm?”
It will not cause kidney harm. I just like eating normally and not buying protein drinks. But Ortho Molecular does make good products and they will not hurt the kidneys.
“When you use estradiol and progesterone, do you also use testosterone, and how much?”
I do not use testosterone. I use DHEA. Because that will naturally, in a woman, make my testosterone go up. Because I don't want to have a level of a man. And that is enough to give me enough muscle tone. I just use the DHEA.
“Would you recommend a vitamin fusion versus chelation for severe fibromyalgia and depression? What is more beneficial?”
I'm going to say the EDTA chelation because fibromyalgia really is a chronic situation where your mitochondria inside your cells, those are the batteries, they need that phospholipid stuff in your diet. They need the healthy essential fatty acids. And so, it's only going to get there with microcirculation.
“Is there a natural supplement, tea, etc., to help with depression?”
I would use vitamin D. I would try and get my vitamin D levels up to the 100 range, 120. You might need to use 20,000 a day. And then, do that for a month and check your levels. And then, I would use the parent essential oils, not fish oils. These are the linoleic, and alpha-linolenic acids. I would use six a day. That is the same as the liquid form of it. I use this because I also put it on my body, my lips, hands, and legs.
I would be low carb and I would exercise. Exercise is a very important part of mood, working as an anti-depression. And getting up in the morning, outside, into the sunshine before 10 a.m. And getting at least 10 minutes, kicking my shoes off, and getting my feet in the grass where you can get your body grounded. That’s what I would do there.
“How much exercise a week do you recommend?”
I recommend exercising every day. Get a rebounder. Get on that. Start with three to five minutes and have fun jumping up and down every morning. Every often, it might be the very first thing I do in the morning. Even if it is just two to three minutes, it wakes up your body. I also do about 10 sit-ups every day. I do a 10 to 15-minute brisk walk as I can. Even in that minimal cycle, you will lift your spirits and energy.
“What is the difference between prebiotic and probiotic?”
Prebiotics would be getting the insoluble starches and cellulose and stuff that probiotics need to eat. See we cannot digest prebiotics, so that is like the artichoke, etc. The prebiotic is the food for the probiotic. We did put into the bar both prebiotic and probiotic. That is why we have such good bowel movements because we really do feed our good bacteria.
“If I take several supplements, is it okay to take them all at the same time or space them out?”
I usually have a bunch in the morning and a bunch in the evening. The only thing that I take with eating is my digestive enzyme.