YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 24 2022
October 26, 2022
“I just found out I’m pregnant. What kind of exercise, dietary tips, and vitamins do you recommend during pregnancies?”
Congratulations. For our patients, as a general rule, we ask them to take Vitamin D3 with K2, that is 5,000 international units, one a day. We ask that you check your blood level after about a month to look at the ranges to confirm that they are well tolerated, or you might need more. We also ask them to use Juice Plus. We have found in our personal experience that juice plus works are fruits, vegetables, and berries, just the micronutrient concentrates, without any of the fruit or vegetable starches in it. And we have seen antioxidant protection. Remember, the baby is growing in a lower oxygen state. And so, we want the mother to have as little oxidative stress as possible. And over the many, many years, we're talking decades, we've seen many women who have superior pregnancies with regard to healthier weights on the babies, less C-sections, less children that had to go to neonatal intensive care units, and the placenta is actually are pinker and they are kind of like a known industry thing that if these girls have placentas that are so healthy looking, they are used for and are coveted for stem cell research and so forth.
So, Vitamin D, Juice Plus. We do recommend the Iodoral, 12.5-milligrams. And then, finally, we recommend a very good multivitamin-mineral supplement. We use our TLC Energy Core from Proven MD and we follow the dose on that. That will give you all that you need. We encourage you to eat meats, protein, and healthy fats because that’s what we are made of. We are not made of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and Vegetables contain micronutrients and energy, but it isn't the substance we're really made of in any comparison to proteins and fats. And so, good hydration. And then regular exercise that you normally would do is what we asked them to do. And to find their OBGYN doctor or their nurse, or midwife, and follow along with their advice and their testing. But those are the recommendations that we make. And congratulations to you.
“I will email you a short description of a one-month treatment that I did follow. I am not feeling well. Please call me at your convenience.”
Any of my patients, if you are contacting me on the live chat there, please call the office in the morning, at 714-544-1521. And leave a message or any information so that we can address that. We can not use this venue for individual patient management. I will be happy to look at that tomorrow morning as well. Of course, if there is any urgent thing, we advise you to use Urgent Care if necessary. But yes, let’s get those phone calls over there. We are not treating over the internet. But we want to support you.
“I just got done with a month on carnivore and using Silver for my acne. But it hasn’t even gotten a little better. Do you think I should get my hormones tested or something else maybe?”
I would want to know how old you are, what the stresses are in your life, and what your blood type is. Because I don't know who you are. And these things do play a feature. Labs will let me know if you have insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, your activity level, and your lifestyle style cycles. And then, to see what kind of acne you have. There are bad forms of acne, cystic acne, and pustular acne that might need other treatments. I wouldn't know what to say right off the bat without knowing those things.
If you're pre-menopausal, the most likely thing that is happening here is insulin resistance and not your hormones. If you're postmenopausal is a higher likelihood to have insulin resistance and hormonal problems as well. The testosterone can become more dominant as a woman ages and she loses her estradiol, then what testosterone she has becomes more active. And that can be associated with acne being more expressive. So, you would have to see the doctor and let them take a look at where you are, what your age and all those things are. And then, go from that point.
“Someone recommended the di-indole methane supplement for acne. And I’ve heard a lot of good and bad about it, what do you think?”
Di-indole methane, or DIM, is an element that is a natural metabolizer of estradiol so that it helps clear the body out of estradiol if you're pre-menopausal, and you have high estrogen levels, but you're not ovulating with stress, or you're getting peri-menopausal that makes your estrogen dominant, even if the estradiol isn’t actually in and of itself high. So, you have to put all things into a picture.
So, you could be having an estradiol level at 39 of, you know, 200, and this could still be the normal range. But if you don't have any progesterone because you're under stress and not ovulating, that estradiol is acting more dominantly and may have an impact as well. So, you need to see a functional integrative doctor familiar with natural hormones to kind of look at this whole picture and see where you're at.
I still think the carnivore diet is a smart direction to go because the likelihood of there being insulin resistance is very high, which is one of the aggravating features of an imbalance of hormones. And it is also a feature of promoting high insulin and growth and stimulation which would cause acne as well.
“Is taking prenatal necessary?”
Our girls here that have been pregnant have stayed on our multivitamin mineral which is very high quality. Whereas these prenatal are pretty much just a kind of knee-jerk baseline item. And I don't think they're made in the quality that we go through to use methylated b's and add in various antioxidants to our protocol.
“I’m wondering what to do about bladder prolapse. I’m 50. I had a hysterectomy about 10 years ago and I still have one ovary.”
Well, I would wonder if you had hormones put on. If you had hormones given to you, if they left one ovary, they probably did not give you hormones then. So, as we age, just like we get a double chin, saggy skin, and wrinkles, the same thing is happening to us internally. Our breasts sag, we get our skin under our chin sagging, and so forth. Internally there can be sagging. So, the bladder and the suspending ligaments there and stuff, are also not being repaired or maintained as well. And hormones are a part of that function, as well as many aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
So, it would be my suspicion that most women who start having a prolapsing bladder have too little estradiol, no progesterone, and they have low testosterone, and low DHEA. They tend to have high cortisol and they tend to, as most Americans do, eat too many carbs, and have a high insulin metabolic resistance, insulin resistance. So, there are pessaries that you can put in. There is a Mona Lisa touch that can, is like a speculum going into the vaginal canal with a light that stimulates the lining just through the action of the light. And this helps make firm, or firm up the thickness and health of the vaginal lining, getting appropriate hormone levels, and testosterone levels. There's a physical therapy for the pelvic floor called Womanology where they can help teach you when they do a pelvic exam to help you feel muscles in there and how to exercise. So, there are many, many things that we would recommend and suggest.
“What is your opinion about shedding from the viral jab? Is there anything that you recommend, I am a massage therapist worried about working on jabbed people. I seem to get something after working on them.”
Well, I’m here all the time at my age, nearly 70, and I just use Quercetin which is in my natural D-Hist. D-Hist is put out by Ortho Molecular. Ortho Molecular only sells to physicians, so you can't purchase that, you know unless you walked in here to the office here in Tustin. You could walk into the office, and you could purchase it. But you can't get it online or anything. Because they only sell it to doctors. Quercetin I think there are 200 milligrams and each capsule. It is very, very high quality. It’s the very first, I think, nutraceutical that orthomolecular came out with around 1989 or 1990. It’s their very first product. It is for antihistamine viral allergies. And it's very, very good. So, I would take Quercetin 500 milligrams even twice a day. I take 400 twice a day. And the other thing is enzymes, systemic enzymes.
And is there shedding? I know there was a 2015 paper on the publication, but I forget which article it was. But I read an article about mRNA vaccine research. I think they were doing on SARS, the original mRNAs. And they were concerned about the shedding of the spike protein. And so, they did make mention that pregnant, lactating women should be followed in this paper. So, there must be some measurable and physiological pathway that they have found.
So, I just use Quercetin, and I pray and trust the Lord. I drink plenty of water and I take enzymes and my vitamin D. And I seem to do quite fine. The other thing is, I do EDTA chelation therapy because the pathophysiology, and pharmacokinetics of the spike protein itself make it a cation, a positively charged molecule. And EDTA chelation is an anion-negative. And so, there seems to be an attraction to that which has validity in at least a pathway mechanism in pharmacokinetics to pull it out of the body. And we have all this anecdotal experience now two years that none of my patients died from it. None of them were hospitalized over it. And I've been chelating. I do it every month, once or twice on average. And we all stayed very well. It’s like we had no problem with that.
“I am suffering from post-nasal drip for a couple of months after having had COVID. What can I do to get rid of the mucus that is sitting on the back of my throat?”
Well, we were just talking about Quercetin and natural D-Hist. That would be something I would take in the dosing of four to 500 milligrams, two capsules of natural D-Hist from Ortho Molecular, morning and evening. The other thing is, of course, plenty of water and then your systemic enzymes to help chew up that mucilaginous discharge. Avoid food allergies, of course, dairy and wheat products, and genetically modified stuff. Don't eat late. And then, n-acetyl cysteine is associated with having a mucolytic capacity. It's also used in medicines for people with cystic fibrosis and so forth. So, it helps to break down that mucin. So, I would use probably 500 milligrams twice a day of n-acetyl cysteine, NAC. And if you asked for it here, we certainly know what it is and help you find that.
“I was recently diagnosed with superventricular tachycardia. I had an exercise stress echocardiogram and the doctor said the blood flow was perfect. And I have a very strong heart. However, no one ordered a cholesterol standard lipid panel for me. I was able to go to a public lab and order one myself. My blood pressure recently has been in the 128 to 140 range on top and the bottom is about 70 to 86. HDL is 81. LDL was in the range of 40, the reference range is 40. And I am 122.”
I’m not sure I am reading this right. But if your HDL is 215, I don’t think I have ever seen anyone that high. AD1 would be more typical. LDL, if you are 122, that is typical. Your cholesterol and HCL ratio is very good at 2.7.
A low-carb diet. Fasting, intermittent fasting. Eating a low-carb diet, and exercise, and doing some resistance training will always bring that down. But if I’m reading your writing correctly, it doesn't look like you have any concerns about your cholesterol. I would much rather you have asked, what is my fasting insulin and my fasting triglycerides?
Another thing I've been doing research on recently is doing a fasting insulin and triglyceride, which I do on all my patients, have for many decades. But then to do a lab anytime within a week after that of eating one meal, so after you eat your lunch, come in within about an hour after eating, an hour and a half at the most. And get another level and we can see how high your insulin shoots up after any typical meal that you eat and how high your triglycerides go. That is giving you some newly added data.
So, you're fasting blood sugar, you're fasting insulin, you're fasting triglycerides are the first little fat you make after you eat bread, starch, cracker, pasta, beans, rice, you know, cereal, bagels, anything like that. And that would be much more valid.
“I use Argentyn Silver and refill my small bottle with a large 16-ounce bottle. I use a funnel, which I used for my dishwashing liquid soap to put into a smaller container, evidently, I didn't properly wash the soap out of my funnel because last night my silver tasted like soap. Eww. Is that silver contaminated now? So, I start with a fresh bottle, or is the dishwashing soap okay for me? I just hate to throw away good silver.”
I think it’s much like perfume, you can sense it. It’s going to be fine. There's probably no reason to waste that Argentyn silver. I would go ahead and use it.
“I have had thyroid eye disease for three years. I did eight doses of infusions two years ago and had muffled ears for six months which was a side effect. My double vision was corrected by Tepaza. I’m thinking of taking one or two Tepaza infusions for maintenance purposes. My double vision occasionally happens because of it.”
If you have pressure behind the eye, it may not be equal and could make the dimension of the pressure on your eye back there unequal and give you double vision.
“IGF 1 receptor is an important part of the immune process that drives inflammatory and fibrotic changes seen in the eye disease, coupled with the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor or TSH receptor. These two work together to activate inflammation in the tissues around and behind the eye. What do you think about Tapeza? Does blocking IGF 1 receptors have any long-term side effects? What should I do to minimize my hearing muffled effects? I have done seven chelations at TLC. Please share your thoughts.
The number one thing is improved microcirculation and a lifestyle that is uninflamed. So, if we can be uninflamed through a healthy lifestyle, so all your body, the inflammation, and autoimmune in total goes down, and you are going to get benefits. And one of those would be insulin growth factor is promoted with certain lifestyle behaviors. We could say insulin is a growth factor. And so, eating a very low-carb diet is very important. Taking systemic enzymes to clear away inflammation and injured cell debris. Like our picture, we show all the time, the injured cell here versus repairing it this way. So, probably the most detoxing diet a person can do is a carnivore diet. It is the ultimate elimination diet where you just eat meat, fish, chicken, pork, eggs, crustaceans, and so forth. And that would be something that I would do, microcirculation, chelation, systemic enzymes, maybe some turmeric, or curcumin. These would be the things I would do.
Apparently, you're a patient here, because you're getting chelation. So, I don't know if you're my patient. But I don't recall that any one of my patients is on Tapeza infusion.
So, what do I think of it? It’s so new. I don't have an answer to that. It's very, very hard to address the immune system on a targeted missile directive. And so, they're trying to get something that is directed just to one area of your body, but there are many cross-reactions that IGF 1 has in your body. So, I am not an eye specialist or endocrinologist, I'm a general practitioner of 41 years. My suggestion would be to talk with your doctor, whoever it is you're seeing here, and we will be meeting in two weeks here. Every month, all the doctors here, all seven of us, we come together, and we discuss patients and clinical activities and new drugs and stuff coming out. And you'd be a great case to look at. So, if you would send an email or call the office at 714-544-1521, and let us know your full name so that we can have you as a case discussion for Tapeza and your Graves disease. I’d like to do a case presentation and look at it more.
“Question about why glucose would constantly spike to 140 around 4 a.m. and then go down to about 105 when I get up at 8 in the morning. This is a 53-year-old male who is wearing a glucose monitor. He does intermittent fasting and is reasonably good about keeping his carb intake low. After he eats it stays around 100, 110, And then slowly declines to 90 to 100. Why would it constantly spike to about 140 at 4 a.m. every morning?”
That’s called the dawn effect. That is the energy of the Sun and the Earth and the electromagnetic energy to get you awakened. And so, the electromagnetic energy is starting to build at that time, it stimulates your adrenals. Your adrenals stimulate epinephrine and epinephrine will stimulate glucose for the initial arousal and activity demands of your muscles. So, that is what's happening.
“My ears itch like crazy. I can’t help it but scratch it with a Q-tip. I know it’s bad, but it’s unbearable. It’s not deep inside, just the surface. What do you recommend?”
This is probably an autoimmune phenomenon because it sounds like it's chronic. Your age, your blood type, doing immune-food allergies for the slow-acting antibodies triggered by what we're eating all the time. You too could try a carnivore diet. That's the ultimate elimination diet. And do that for about a month. It takes about a month for your stomach to heal and for that inflammation to go down. Systemic enzymes like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme taken on an empty stomach, morning and evening. There are certain phospholipids that help repair the cell membranes that were published in here. That would be the Bio Pro PC powder or NT Factor Powder. And that helps quickly heal the lining of the gut probably taking a probiotic with the to like Ortho Spore IG. So, healing the lining of your gut stops autoimmune material, which your skin on your ear is so tight and taut, it is very sensitive. And a very common spot for people with immune acting up to show up with it.
Now, what could you do topically? Well, you could of course see the doctor and have someone look in there and make sure there isn't an external otitis irritation there, and redness, and so forth. So, you can have that checked out. But if that's not showing up, if it just looks like a normal ear, then this is probably food allergies that are chronic. So, I would do those things, and an elimination diet, like becoming a carnivore for a month, with no cheating. And then, see your doctor and take enzymes and take something that will heal the lining of your gut like phospholipids we have, Bio Pro PC powder, or NT Factor Powder. You take it a scoop morning and evening so that you kind of prime the gut to heal those little injury spots that you see right here in the wall. See that little hole that's right there? And then it will be healthy like this. Because remember, the lining of your gut is only one cell membrane thick, and it's so easily injured. That is the direction that I would go on that.
“I have an inflamed bladder. I have had two scopes, done six months apart, and nothing changed.”
Again, we have to look at all of you. We have to see how inflamed you are. Because obviously, the lining in your bladder is irritated. Is it heavy metals? Is it food allergies? Is it dehydration? Is it pH issues, or too acidic? It's too basic? I presume it's not infections or recurrent bladder infections, you're working with your urologist. But the lining is the same lining, every cell in your body is the same lining whether it's your ear this itching, or in your case, the bladder that's itching, or your heart muscles that are being irritated and triggered to go into SVT. That's why diet is so important and drinking enough water is so important.
There are many things that we could do and I would certainly ask you to see a doctor so we can help you to have less inflammation from the lifestyle that you're having.
“What do you think about the Shingex vaccine? Do you recommend getting it?”
I’m not familiar with it, so I can’t recommend anything that I’m not familiar with. Let me see if I can type it up here. Shingex. All right. What is this? It says here, Shingex was safe and immunogenic when administered five or more years after the Zostavax. This is for a varicella shingles recurrent type vaccine. I’m not familiar with it. So, I can’t speak to it.
And I would just suggest that there are many natural things that help prevent shingles, varicella viral illnesses, even Quercetin we were talking about earlier. Using Quercetin on a routine basis, 500 milligrams of Quercetin twice a day, lots of water, enzymes, and having enough vitamin D. These are things that help the immune system so there are fewer outbreaks of shingles or herpes activity. So, that’s what I would say for right now because I can’t look into it completely when I’m online. I’m not familiar with that next vaccine.
“Two doctors, including my bone surgeon, have found osteoarthritis in my left hip. I most likely started to get it when I came to you with that injury to my left hip. And you were puzzled because I could move but still had pain. What are the best supplements to help this? I’m doing specific targeted, corrective exercises from a corrective rehab, posture and bone specialists, also trained in the Rolf methods.”
Rolfing is a type of immune-modulating treatment that I do. We would say, water is the number one thing. And most of us, as we age, don’t drink enough water. The other thing is, we lose hormones. Hormones are helpful in part of our general contractors to repair and rebuild and include signals for all our tissue, our skin, and our lasting collagen to keep our chin and our sagging tissues up, including the ligaments and joints in our hips. And then with sagging, there are postural changes and then we tend not to exercise and we're losing our muscle mass because we don't exercise and just with age. And so, all these things work against our posture and our strength. So, doing strength exercises, things like pilates for stretching.
But as far as helping the joint, remember the joint is a-vascular. In the sense that cartilage has no blood vessels. So, the only way your cartilage is going to get what it needs, is if you're drinking enough water, and have little tiny capillaries to the synovial artery and that will bring repair, micronutrients, and remove debris, and waste. So, your circulation is critical in your joints. And you have to drink that water and have good capillaries. So, another thing is EDTA chelation therapy will greatly help microcirculation, natural hormone replacement will help it, and systemic enzymes will help it. As far as collagen and that kind of material for repair, we have a Chondro-Fix and we have collagen. Now, these are supplements that help the elements that are involved in building cartilage and tendon material. But if you eat a nice, rich, healthy meat, fish, chicken, turkey, or beef, there is plenty of collagen in your diet if you eat enough. I would say one gram per kilogram. So, if you are a 60-kilogram person, you would need to eat 60 grams of protein a day. A man, probably double that.
So, these are the things that I would be recommending. A supplement over the counter, there is so much hype as if a supplement is like a drug that can solve issues. And they are not. They are lifestyle supports with a healthy diet and exercise and hydration and sleep cycles.
“How does osteoarthritis affect the bone? Can it be reversed with internal treatment along with external movements? What are the best foods to be eating?”
I guess it covered most of that. Osteoarthritis is the second law of thermodynamics is entropy, meaning everything breaks down. We all will die, we all will age, capillaries will collapse, and we won't drink enough water, and we will clog it up with too much sugar and will clog it up with too much high fructose corn syrup, and autoimmune antibodies from genetically modified materials. And such like this. We lose enzymes and so the debris isn't cleared away and inflammation. So, everything about aging is losing the enzymes that help keep us young, not drinking enough water, not having enough general contractor hormones, exercising, losing our muscle mass, losing our posture, putting strain on the joints, and this oxidative free radical damage. As you can see this membrane here is blown out whether it's heavy metals, stress, radiation, or hypoxia from clogged little capillaries from these antibodies and high sugars and stuff. All these things choke cells, and they die, and they don't get repaired.
So, if we stress that here, and the number one thing we ask all our patients, our very first question is how much water do you drink?
“A good friend had a bone marrow transplant and her blood type went from O+ to A+. Which blood type does she use for her ideal food choices?”
You can have a bone marrow transplant even as a young kid with leukemia. But I would presume that we're talking about someone in their 50s here or older. And all of us as we get older, we need digestive enzymes to help digest our food to improve our health. And I would not eat right for your blood type thing, that is more of a gimmick. Who wrote that series was correct in saying different blood types have different types of risks as far as a manifestation of disease. Like I’m B+, I have all these horrible allergies. A’s, don’t digest well. So, they do not rebuild themselves well or repair well. And they can get a host of immune issues and low minerals. The O’s tend to have too much acid for digestion, and they get ulcers. And A/Bs are kind of a combination of both A & B types. So, these are general trends that we’ve seen over the years. It's not taught in medical school.
And what I would suggest is the person see an integrative doctor, a holistic, functional medicine doctor, so they can work with them and look at actual food allergies to avoid. You're always very good and do well if you take Ortho Digestive enzyme to help you chew up your foods. Especially if you're older, especially if you're blood type A, and if you eat a carnivore diet. That is just the most healing, replacement, what we’re made of, the fats and proteins, that is what I would be for gut reaction right there.
“When tests show no milk in a diet, does that include powdered milk also?”
Correct, because they're probably talking to you about the casein or whey proteins in dairy. And that from the cow. There are sugar-lactose intolerances. But yes, it would imply all of that.
“I'm concerned, the new bill recently passed will stop your ability to communicate genuine concerns about the safety of treatments and the use of alternative treatments. How will this be handled?”
Well, God is my provider, my defender, my creator, he is everything to me. He's my Savior. He loves me and everyone so much that He sent his only begotten Son to die for my sins. And so, I'm going to trust him completely. I am contacting, you know, my own personal lawyer and looking at what options I have. But I can only practice good medicine. And I have to treat each patient and each question as if I'm trying to answer in God's vision, you know. He wants me to care for His creation. And he died for you all, so I have to trust him to protect me. And that’s what I will do.
“Have you heard or read the book named, The Guide Prescription, by Neurosurgeon, Avery Jackson?”
No, I haven’t.
Also, my now 31-year-old daughter has been experiencing almost weekly headaches and migraines that cause her nausea. She has yet to see a doctor but has started paying attention to the amount of water she drinks and the alcohol she consumes.
Absolutely, absolutely. Alcohol is a toxin. I just don't think you should use it.
What else do you recommend for her to do? I think she's blood type A.
Maybe she can do a telephone consult with me. Water and magnesium probably would be your first bet. And use enzymes like Vitalzym. And I would use five twice a day for at least two weeks and see if that doesn’t calm things down. And always use the digestive enzyme when she eats. Have her see me or do a phone consult with me.
“I have a daughter-in-law and granddaughter who are vegan. How can they possibly be healthy according to your guidelines?”
Well, I think if you put enough effort into a vegan lifestyle. But there are known nutrient deficiencies, that are well established. Iron deficiencies, B vitamin deficiencies. So, it's hard not to discuss the problems with being a vegan. But if they took a very good multi-mineral, and if they took an iron supplement, but they need to be monitored by a doctor. Because at some point, if they're not menstruating, you could overload with iron. And they probably need their blood types done to look at their digestion and so forth.
So, I would just say if they're on a good multi-mineral if they're getting iron or supplementation. If they are getting Vitamin D supplementation, see fat-soluble vitamins are often deficient in vegans, because those are fats and fat and protein go together in the animal kingdom. But vitamin D, vitamin K2, and vitamin E is not so much a concern. But I would be tracking that with a physician and her B12 as well. So, hopefully, that would work out.
“My daughter is starting to get migraines and they are definitely tied to her period. What do you suggest could help her?”
Usually progesterone, I find that they are not ovulating with all the stress going on. And without ovulation, there is no progesterone. And without progesterone, your estrogen dominance will make you inflamed. Inflammation then can trigger, viscous spasms, and in the blood vessels, and so forth. So, I would take progesterone and that's what I usually find helps my patients. But see your doctor, see your primary, or your functional doctor who is familiar with these things. Systemic enzymes, and for goodness sake water. Half of her weight in pounds. So, she is 150. She needs 75 ounces of water, water, water, every day.
“What are your thoughts on oral chelation, such as oral EDTA for heavy metal detox?”
So, if you take oral chelators, it will grab onto whatever is in your menu at the moment. So, if you are eating a lot of swordfish, that the bigger fish have higher mercury content, it will have some benefit in holding on to it and keeping it from the gut so that you pass it out in your stool. But it will have nothing really to do at all with anything you bioaccumulation in your bones and fat. So, that’s what I think about that.
“If you are a proponent of oral EDTA, what would you recommend for the dosage days, on and off?”
I don't recommend oral EDTA. So, I don't have a dose on the top of my tongue. Because I really think that the IV chelation is the gold standard. I teach on it and I'm going to be teaching in two weeks. Many, many doctors around the world are in Las Vegas at a conference. So, I'm on the board there for teaching chelation to doctors and getting them certified. So, the research is voluminously supportive of intravenous.
Now, suppository EDTA is another potential. It tends to have some absorption through the rectum, which can have a more systemic effect. Virtually the oral has essentially no systemic effect.
“Does Vitalzym have blood thinner effects? I have low platelet. Is it okay to take it?”
It is a blood thinner in the sense that it stops clotting from, you know, inflammatory molecules, old dead cells, and things like this. So, systemic enzymes, all enzymes support the concept of not clotting. But is it a blood thinner per se? No, it's not.
So, it's not a blood thinner per se. It is an anti-inflammatory. And so, it's not going to harm your platelets at all, whatsoever. I've had many, many people, practicing medicine for 41 years, who have been on systemic enzymes on an empty stomach, and I have tracked them with their platelets. And we never really get concerned about a platelet level unless it's really lower than 40,000. So, your hematologists can track that. But no enzymes wouldn't have a problem.
“Can you please explain the reason for hair loss in women? And what type of tests can be done to get a diagnosis?”
I wish I had that answer. It is a $64 million question. We don’t have that answer. There are many ideas and potentials. Hypothyroidism is a cause and doing thyroid testing. What causes hypothyroidism, autoimmune cell damage in the gut here. And that autoimmune can attack, like that other lady the back of her eyes and get graves’ disease, or general other sites that cause, just Hashimoto, thyroiditis. And then you wind up with an underactive thyroid and then your metabolism drops and therefore with a lower metabolism, protein is shunted to more important organs like your brain and heart and so forth and muscles. Your hair would be the least of concern for the growth of your nails. Nutrient deficiencies have always been a key part of it, and B Complex vitamins are important. Minerals and selenium are very important. Zinc as far as a cofactor in the proteins of hair making. Chronic stress, cortisol, aging with losing our hormones, and dehydroepiandrosterone are a cause for that. These are multi-focal problematic issues. There is an absolute auto-immune attack of the hair follicles and that is far, far less, and easily noted on exam. So, see a doctor and have them look at many things.
“My aunt who is 71 is having problems with her kidneys and told me according to her lab work her kidney level is at 38 and should be 60. She has diabetes, and high blood pressure, which is under control. What would you recommend for her to do or take?”
Well, she’s talking about our glomerular filtration rate number. And that often is a cheap shortcut estimation that's done on your general comprehensive chemistry panel. And so, they're just doing estimates. These aren't accurate. You would have to do a 24-hour. The more important number would be her creatinine. And that is on the chemistry panel. Now if the creatinine level is two or higher, then she does have some microvascular failure of her glomerular filtration in her kidneys.
Now, EDTA chelation is tremendously valuable in improving this and many nephrologists are using EDTA chelation to improve the microcirculation in the teeny weeny little tiny hairlike capillaries. And a low-carb diet and systemic enzymes and avoiding food allergies and drinking enough water. That's what I would recommend there.
“What would you recommend for a woman that is 31 with ferritin levels of seven?”
Well, there are many things that we would be thinking about, what is your blood type? Is she digesting her protein? Eating enough meat? Getting enough iron? And does she have leaky gut? So, she needs to see a functional medical doctor who would be looking at these things.
“What do you use for cleaning your house? Is it bad to use Windex and other types?”
Absolutely it’s bad. I have terrible reactions. So, I like those cleaning elements. I have the blessing of having twice a month my daughter-in-law’s sister comes and helps me out. And does dusting because of my allergies. I have all wood floors. She wipes down with just a wet mop for me. So, yeah, I would stay away from those things. Organic soaps would be the only direction that I would aim for. And if you have to use anything like that, I would have the windows open and aerated very, very much.