HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 10, 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 10, 2023

October 13, 2023


“Had my gallbladder checked and it doesn’t work, been suffering diarrhea for 14 years and no dr can seem to figure anything out.” [0:04:22]


We are not made not to be figured out and helped. I believe God has given us wisdom and knowledge to do most things, the vast majority to help everyone. So, what I would say is get a good functional doctor, find one near you. And call ahead and make sure that that doctor knows what a complete digestive stool analysis is where we can look at that and find out your blood type. And if they understand what your blood type lipids important and a complete digestive stool analysis, it's very likely, you're going to get some very good advice. But we would need to know your age, we would want to know your blood type. We would want to know that for digestion sake. All of us as we get older, don't digest as well. So all of us, you know, by our 50s, late 50s, need digestive enzymes to help us digest our proteins and fats. But A type blood needs it sooner, it needs it through childhood, throughout life.

The other thing is, we can help replace your lining of your phospholipids. We need to look at your stool to see how well you are digesting your vegetables, meats, fats, proteins, the fatty acid components in it, bacterial components, and whether there are starches that are undigested in the lower stool. If your doctor is using a complete digestive stool analysis, I used it from Doctors Data. Doctors Data is in St. Charles, Illinois by the Fox River. If they understand that, they will get a great deal of ways to help you with enzymes, probiotics, and dietary guidance. Phospholipids to replace the cell membranes there.


“Our dear friend was hospitalized for tests due to fluid in the lungs and a small amount around the heart. Results concluded congestive heart weakness/failure. He has been released and wants to do what is best to heal. He will be 82 in Oct., has been on a modified carnivore diet, is blood type O, and was generally doing well until he started getting shortness of breath recently. He also has had dental work done in the recent past. What do you recommend?” [0:07:33]


So much to find out about an 82-year-old man. Has he had prior heart damages, heart attacks, silent heart attacks? What is his echocardiogram which is the soundwave picture on the contractional strength? And is there only one part of the heart contracting versus another part? How much is ejected out of the heart? Overweight? What is his fasting blood sugar, triglycerides, hemoglobin A1C, and his fasting insulin level? Being on testosterone, if it is possible, most heart failure and attacks have been treated with testosterone in the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s.

Long before Dr. Christofferson/Christian did the first cardio open surgery in South Africa, long before that was done in the 1960s, they only had nitroglycerin and testosterone. So, that is how they help these people and that is something very helpful testosterone. That should be looked at.

And EDTA chelation therapy can improve the microcirculation and take off that distant resistance force of the tight little capillaries because you have tens of thousands of miles of capillary pressure to go through and vasculature. EDTA chelation would be helpful as well. That’s a good start. Find ACAM.org, American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine nearby you. And they can help you with chelation. They can help you with testosterone. They can help you with looking at the fasting blood sugars, things like that. Systemic enzymes will help with inflammation and clogging in the capillaries.


“My husband suffers from chronic pain from sciatica, and also from hallux rigidus. He is scheduled to go to surgery on his L4 and L5 but is now facing potential surgery on his foot as well. Is there anything that he can do naturally to support relief from the pain in his feet? he already follows a very low-carb diet, staying away from grains and gluten, cut out alcohol and sugar, and is exercising daily. He is 65 and living in pain. Is there anything we can do besides more surgery or drugs?” [0:10:31]


I’m not familiar with what hallux rigidus is.

I just went to a conference last weekend, SOP, what is the name of it? Well, it was on using EBOO, extra corporal blood oxygen ozonation with peptides. They are taking healthy placentas of a full-term healthy delivery they are taking the cord. It has a central cord jelly called Wharton’s jelly and that has a lot of growth factors in it. They take parts of the amniotic products and they are able to use this in stem cell, as well as peptide therapies injecting it. This stimulates repair for inflammation and relief of pain. Hylagel. I know they have someone in LA, but I’m not sure of the name of it. I will look this up for next week.

I am so impressed with the research and outcomes on this. I talked to the head marketing director yesterday on my admin day. I am arranging to fly out to their plant to make sure that it is passing all the tissue regulations for sampling and cleanliness and screening for disease. I have to do that before I take on a product. I always go to the company and check them out. I’m going to go to training and send some doctors to the training for injection therapy so if we can’t get relief of the knee, hip, joint, back pain. Some of the stories are so dramatic that I was amazed at the healing potential of the body.

And when you mix it with doctors like myself who do the integrative functional medicine, fasting, enzyme therapy, good hydration, physical therapy, you know, stretching, pilates, weight training, all those wonderful things, hormone replacement, testosterone, core strength, and you do the injections and get oxygen to stimulate the tiny, tiny cellular particles like in the Wharton's jelly polypeptides that stimulate the growth of healthy tissue regeneratively. So, it's the most exciting field that needs to be discussed. I’m in the midst of looking into this. Check in next week and will try to get the name of the local doctor here that started this. He was a lecturer at the conference. This just started up in the past six years or so. Research has been going on since the 1990s as we look at stem cells, fragments, platelet-rich plasma, auto injection where you spin down the blood and it’s a good therapy. However, the science has advanced since the 1990s, 30 years ago, and we have this down much more to a great science.

I don’t have joint pain. So, I didn’t avail myself to shots because I do not have pain anywhere. But the people there were very, very pleased with how that turned out. So, please stay tuned.


“My adult daughter suffers from bladder infections every time she has sexual intercourse. She has seen many specialists. The only thing that works is taking an antibiotic after sex. One time, one pill. However, she is a newlywed and I worry about how many she is taking. She has tried D mannose. What do you think? Does she need probiotics or would the antibiotics just kill them?” [0:15:16]


Well, obviously, it sounds like she's young, because she just got married. She's a newlywed. Although some people, some of my patients are in their 70s when they get married here. In fact, I just had a 90-year-old male, we were laughing in the office today because I have some 89 and 88-year-old female widows and this 90-year-old male widow. I said, why don’t I introduce you to them? I have to figure out a way to have a public meeting, like if we start up our live lectures on topics and have some show up live to get people to meet each other and befriend one another. Because my patients are doing quite well.

Anyway, back to this young girl. What would we do? On a good pelvic exam, we would want to see how well the lining of her tissue looks. These girls who have been on birth control for years and years and years, their net total estrogen to build up their skin thickness and build up their bones is diminished. And so, their vagina could be 23 years old, but the estradiol development and thickness of the lining could be 56 years old, secondary to the lack of estrogen to build it up. So, we can give vaginal creams that are very healthy. And if you have a nice thick urethra, so let's say that the thickness right here is that, and you want not to pee or have it tight, it won’t be opened up. But let’s say the urethra has very little estrogen, now she is like this. There is trauma here. And she can’t tighten it down enough. So, all that micro trauma occurs because there is not enough localized natural hormone develop of the peri-urethral orifice opening. So, if we give some estriol with testosterone, we can help her that way. I give this to a lot of postmenopausal women who have stress incontinence and it works. I’m 70 and I just don’t have that problem. A lot of women are just thinking it’s a miracle. We have been using this for decades. I’m surprised it’s not used more. That would be one thing we do.

Another thing we could do, of course, send her to woman-ology. That's physical therapy for the pelvic floor. There's also a similar thing for men's pelvic floor for erectile dysfunction, where they help with a very private pelvic exam and helping the patient identify the bottom of the bowl of the pelvic floor to tighten up while they do a manual exam so you can feel that muscle being stretched.

Another thing that we can do besides testosterone and localized estradiol, which is very safe even if you had breast cancer or estradiol, the natural bio-identical hormone is using things that will help the bladder wall, that would be the phospholipids here, okay? Also, we can inject intra-bladder, there was discussion about the oxidation of the water, you know, normal saline with oxygen along with certain things like peptides that help stimulate the healing of the lining of the inner bladder. So, there are all kinds of things that are opening up. So don't be depressed. Yes, use the probiotics. Yes, they all help. Yes, it's very common to use an antibiotic after sex. But you have to be very careful about, you know, hygiene. I would probably shower or wash afterward, and so forth. So that's how I would begin.


“I have had long COVID symptoms since January of ’22, (anosmia and irregular heartbeat and headaches), then a second round of COVID brought on exhaustion, post-exertion malaise and brain fog, and minor POTS. I had activated EBV that went down with IV therapy. I am interested in your thoughts on Dr Bruce Patterson’s protocol of maraviroc 300mg twice daily and atorvastatin 20 mg once daily. I would love to take this as nothing else has worked, but unable to find a doctor to prescribe.” [0:20:49]


I will have to write myself a note. I have never heard of this before. This is called Maraviroc. Atorvastatin is a standard statin. 20-milligram is a lower dose. This is for chronic COVID and Epstein Barre virus.

Oxidative treatments take your blood, mix it with some ozone, which is O3 oxygen, and let that fall back into your arm. This passes through an ultraviolet light, three dimensions, and this light kills off viruses. It’s quite potent and powerful. We usually do 10 passes of that, 10 different IVs. The results are quite exciting. EBOO is something that is a pumping fashion that requires a machine. They seem to be able to do a larger amount of blood in setting. We would have to buy a machine. I’m looking all the time to help my dear patients.

There are a lot of good exciting things. I may have to get with you. You may want to find a doctor with ozone blood and ultraviolet light radiation, and we can do that here. If we are nearby you, we may be a help to you.


“I just read in the newspaper that the FDA plans to regulate laboratory tests. I am concerned that the trend seems to be taking away options rather than adding them. FDA proposes to gradually phase in tighter regulations over five years. They are seeking public input. As you know, they have tried for years to regulate alternative healing products and methods and I feel a move in this direction would be similar. Government agents have invaded alternative healers, both medical and veterinarians.” [0:24:20]


I did not hear about the laboratory tests being regulated by the FDA. I will make a question for this and research it. You have to call and own your own country, own your own state, county, local township, and municipality. You have to call 202-224-3121. Call your local congressman, or senator, that’s the switchboard phone number. It will say, Capitol Switchboard, how can I help you? You say you want to talk to Congressman/Congresswoman. It will ring at their office. 99% of the time they will not answer but their staff could answer or you get a machine. But this is still good. The machine will take down a statement and be precise and clear. I would call and let them know what I think about funding to no ending undeclared wars. Say no funding for any of them. Get us out of the World Health Organization, no funding for that. I can just make a little statement like that. They take these things down and follow it. The more we call, the more they are aware we are watching them. They can’t just take our tax money and wrap them up in these big omnibus bills anymore and hide all the fundings in their plans. That is how they money launder and make money on these issues. You have to call.

I believe in less government. Localized control, localized accountability. That will save all of us money. If someone does wrong to you, take them to court through a local lawyer, prove you have been harmed, and it is adjudicated in your local area.


“My friend was recently diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. She is going in for surgery to remove 2 tumors and thyroid. They don't yet know what stage she is until after surgery. Her father died from Agent Orange. She was conceived after he came home from war. She's concerned that the Agent Orange is in her system and may impact her treatment or recovery. She also has Hashimoto's disease. Would chelation help?” [0:28:08]


The short answer is yes. And the reason is all of the tens of thousands of miles of vasculature that you have in your body are compromised. The older you get, the less water you drink, the more sugar starch, pasta, bread, bagels, pasta, you know, cereal, whatever you're eating that is starchy and fruit sugary. That raises the average hemoglobin A1C and sticky sugar factor. We lose our enzymes which are normally the little PacMan that chew up these little tiny, tiny, tiny debris and micro clots. And then we wind up getting less oxygen to certain cells. These cells then become low oxygen starved and the cells learn to behave as if they are preformed into the human embryo as a baby with lungs. So, the trophoblastic stage where nothing's fully formed yet and so there are no lungs. And that cell gene behavior operates in a low oxygen tension and is very rapidly growing because it needs to be fast to grow the lungs, the heart, and the pump, and everything. So, there's this transition time from fertilization of the egg until implantation into the uterine lining and the placenta starts. And that takes, you know, three days roughly to make the trip. The actual relief of those cells is amplified as the placenta and the blood supply goes.

Those cells are technically no different from a cancer cell, if you took out the most malignant aggressive cancer cell, and you looked at it under a microscope, and you took out the first clump of cells that are a human baby from a fertilized eggs, going from 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8, 8 to 16, 16 to 32, 23 to 64, 64 to 128 cells. There is nobody there yet. It’s just cells trying to organize. If you take a cell and look at the most malignant cell, you can’t see the difference. So, your environment makes a difference.

So, when those cells get close to that nice, beautiful, rich, bloody uterine lining, they can get relief and oxygen. And that sends back signals. When the oxygen is deprived, that also sends signals. That’s why smoking is associated with cancer. Agent Orange is a chemical that was designed as a defoliant and it is very anti cell membrane. And, yes, it can be very caustic. I'm not sure if it is something that can pass on to the sperm and have an impact. So, I think there's a very, very, very low probability of any impact. I think, rather, the thyroid cancer is our lack of iodine as a lousy nation, with now industrialized farming and the Department of Agriculture doing mega farming lobbyists paying them off. And big industrial farmers are buying stuff, like Bill Gates of buying up hundreds of thousands of millions of acres and just doing cheap mega farming and pesticide use.

So, the high sugar, the lousy of love of the land and nurturing of the land, the air contamination of the heavy metals landing on it, and all this, we need oxygen. So, if you improve your microcirculation, you're going to probably do well and avoid a lot of diseases. And it'll be pretty forgiving if you ever used to be a smoker like I was for many, many years. Everybody in the 1950s, and ‘60s, even the Surgeon General said, you know, I smoke Camels and it's good for stress. And especially when they were worried about stress and heart disease back then. So, your Surgeon General was telling you to smoke back in the ‘50s. I was in school in the ‘60s and medical school in the ‘70s. Almost everyone smoked. Military training, I had, everyone smoked. So, I smoked too for a while until I had my first son and I stopped. Anyway, so it's very forgiving. Do EDTA chelation absolutely.


I’m 20 and I have mono. I’m curious what supplements I should take. I am a musician and leave for tour on Friday. Should I be okay even if I only get fevers at night?” [0:34:08]


If you were my son, I would have you take a high dose of vitamin D 50,000 international units and I would use one a day for a week, seven days at least. And then I would use one a week thereafter. But use it every day for seven days to build up your level.

Number two, I would go on an extremely low carbohydrate diet. I would be more like a carnivore, or even fast the first day or two and just drink water and chicken broth. That will stimulate your immune system and get all the sugar immune-depleting things down. And then I would get a multi-mineral, we have Multi-Min rich in zinc. I would take that every day, the full dose of the TLC multi minerals every day. So, where you'll get zinc about 25 milligrams daily. Then I would probably take vitamin C for bowel tolerance, and most people who don't take vitamin C regularly will take vitamin C and then we'll get loose stool, diarrhea. But if you build up to it, high-dose vitamin C is antiviral. And if you could work up to taking four grams a day, five, six, eight, 10 grams a day, that would be helpful. So, that would be the D, C, zinc.

And then I would probably use something like Argentyn silver, or if it's over the counter, it's half strength called Sovereign silver, at the health food stores like Sprouts or Whole Foods. And sovereign silver is just parts per billion of elemental silver, which is an antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and you can squirt it up your nose, I do this almost every night. I put a drop in my eye, because I have kids and grandkids that are always sneezing on me and, and I have, you know, my patients. And then you could take a teaspoon of it three times a day, gargle, swish around, and swallow it down. I even spray it in a sprayer and inhale the spray of it with any cough symptoms. Let me show you how I do that. I have a little spray bottle here. I don’t have the mist, my bottle is empty. You can see how I would spray it and breathe it in like that. I use it all the time. I have run out. I think that’s how you can take care of yourself for a Friday trip. Fevers, if you are 102, 103, lots of fluid, low carb, chicken broth. They kill off viruses.


“My wife is on a second antibiotic to treat a urinary tract infection. I was wondering what she should do to ensure a return of her gut health. Is there a product you recommend?” [0:38:28]


I would use Probiotic 225 powder. These are packets and you can mix them with water. I would use Ortho Spore IG. You get the gram negatives and positives, all the good guys that way. I would do it this way. Once you run out of the packets, you would stay on the oral version. I believe it’s two or three a day. Because I know she has been on two antibiotics, I would, if I’m thinking of the right patient, I would probably use the Ortho Biotic capsules once a day. I would do this for the next two months, three months for sure.


“What is the best way to prevent meningitis?” [0:39:46]


Wash your hands, eat a low-carb diet, don’t eat late at night, exercise regularly, get a good night's sleep, take vitamin D, get your blood level checked, and have your blood level in the 80s range (80 international units per deciliter), and then I like to have it at 80 to 100 so a very good vitamin D every day. I would take zinc, just like I told before. I would take anywhere from six to 25 milligrams of elemental zinc in a multivitamin mixture that has copper to balance it in there and magnesium and potassium. That is in our TLC Multi-Min.

I would be very low-carb. The sugars depress the immune system. Lack of vitamin D is depressing the immune system. Lack of exercise depresses the immune system. Lack of good sleep depresses the immune system. Mineral depletion of our loosely processed diet depresses the immune system. That’s how I would take care of it.


“Can you share what chemistry causes “keto rash” and if you agree black seed oil and/or bile salts are the best choices to stop the rash? Or is it best to increase carbs for short term? I’m not clear if this rash is communicating a hidden problem that I shouldn’t try to cover up.” [0:41:18]


Keto rash, I’m not familiar with keto rash. Black seed oils, bile salts, I think what is happening, is all internet talk about diets and lifestyles is brought with a lack of good medical doctor input. Meaning you will hear someone with a blood Type A and they cannot digest fats and proteins as well and they will try a carnivore diet. I tell you, they are not going to do well, probably. Some As have more digestive enzymes than others. But in general, most don’t. Therefore, they are going to wind up needing bile salts to emulsify the fats. They are going to need enzymes to help them. And they are going to have an aggravation of their symptomology. This can be expressed with skin rashes. I think we are looking at different problems here and mostly the blood Type A person. Please find out your blood type.

If you are a blood type A, use a rehab digestive enzyme, one or two capsules with every meal you eat as a carnivore. Or I would take systematic enzymes that are cheaper. I think you will see everything improve. I bet this is what this is all about. And it’s unfortunate because the type A gravitates to a plant-based diet because it’s easier for them with their digestive abilities to break down simple starches and carbs better. They have less problems. That is the way that I see it.


“Does 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar effectively buffer blood glucose after a meal? Or does it falsely influence a blood glucose reading like high dose of vitamin C? Is 1 Tbsp ACV per day a healthy habit, in general?” [0:44:06]


This has not been proven. The apple cider vinegar is acting as a digestive enzyme. It helps break up the fat and the protein. That helps signal a slowing down of the absorption of the blood sugar impact and insulin response. That is what is really happening biochemically.

This no doubt helps. Now, vitamin C, and ascorbic acid look identical to glucose molecules. If you are checking your levels right after a high dose of vitamin C, don’t do it for the first six hours or so. You will get false elevations in your glucose monitoring, especially if you are on continuous glucose monitoring and testing things that way.

A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is a healthy habit in general, probably so. But mostly for blood type A people.


“I have airway reflux (LPR). It flares up every now and then. I do intermittent fasting, raise my head at night, and take Gaviscon Advance at night when needed. I've gotten it into remission twice over the past 3 years, with the last flare-up only lasting a month.

My question is, what digestive enzyme can I take, I'm allergic/intolerant to pineapple, avocados, and Papaya, which are in most of them. Is there anything else I can do to keep it from flaring up that I'm not already doing?” [0:45:43]


So, in general, these tests that say you are allergic to pineapple and papaya, these are IgG food allergies. These are because you have the damage right here to the breakthrough of the cell wall, right there. You want to fix it so it’s like this and not have a hole in it. When that happens, the food can leak through. It’s not a true allergy.

If you take it in a capsule, which is the enzyme itself from a papaya or from a pineapple, it does not mean that your bromalin is an allergen. So, get that straighten out in your head. You should be able to take a digestive enzyme when you eat.

Remember how I showed you that phospholipid powder? If you are eating not enough meat, fish, or chicken, you have to fix the damaged hole to have a nice cell membrane layer. That is what the lining in your cell, in your guy looks like. You have to heal at night. So, if you are afraid of eating enough meat, chicken, egg yolks, fish, etc., take the phospholipid powder, a scoop in warm water, and mix in the IgA immunoglobulin which lines in the salvia all the way down to protect your gut. And if you could, put a packet of probiotics in it. This will be done in two weeks. This stuff will last a couple of months. If you stop eating by five o’clock at night and don’t lay down until nine, that should fix this all up. Our patients do really well. And so do I. I have my own personal supply of this.


“What are your thoughts on taking Fisetin to clear out senescent cells?” [0:49:10]


That is another new thing, Fistein. Let me explain what this means. Everyone wants to do anti-aging right now, everyone wants to live forever. And one of the things you have to do is if you have damaged cells with holes in it, like this, I have, you know, holes in your cell membranes, this is going to sink to the bottom of your blood count and you're going to have trouble with the function of that. It won’t work well and you will age quicker. So, we measure sedimentation rate, and the more you have holes in your cells, the more they sink, the more they're damaged, the more you're not repairing them, and you need the building blocks to repair them. You need to eat the meat, fish, chicken, beef, and egg yolks folks. But you can’t eat late. You need the exercise. You have to drink the water. And you need to take the enzymes to help digest them.

Now, what they're learning is if you do fasting, and with fasting, that stimulates little enzymes chewing up, cells that are so damaged they can’t fix themselves anymore. They are so old they are not doing their job, they will die. Those breakdown products have all kinds of exosomes, and they have all kinds of biochemical names. What they are doing is trying to market this and make money off of it. I think Fisetin is some kind of enzyme or exposome to stimulate the autophagy to clear up these injured dead cells. So, just forget paying money for this. Just fast 24, 48 hours, and exercise on the same day and drink a ton of water. Do this as you can tolerate and you get this all free. I would take that and some systemic enzymes on an empty stomach, especially if I am fasting, and watch things improve.


“How do you know if you need a prebiotic or probiotic?? I have never taken either and am healthy. I am B+ blood type and am 85.” [0:51:37]


Well, you just know it because you have to. The prebiotic is the food for the good bacteria in your gut. That is if you ate some of the cellulose that is not digestible in a plant. That will often feed the bacteria in the gut that chews it up. These are beneficial to us. Artichoke, asparagus, prebiotic is that starch component, cellulose in the vegetable structure.

A probiotic is the actual bacteria strain or strains. You need both. For the probiotic to live, it has to eat prebiotic food. If it does it well, it makes good stuff for enzymes and makes short-chain fatty acids and bi-products to bind up toxins and lipopolysaccharides. This will help protect your cells.


“I'm 32 and the week before my cycle, I get a ton of neurological symptoms. Do you have any idea what type of hormone issue this indicates?” [0:53:21]


Well, it isn't a hormone issue of premenstrual, you're building up inflammation. And when you shed the lining of your uterus, that is a breakdown of tons of billions and billions of cells and their fragments, those cytokines. So, if you look at this picture, and if you see here, where all of these are blasted out, these little fragments. They are supposed to be in nice order right here. They are blasted out of place. Imagine having a bazillion of them all of a sudden and those little fragments of the cell lining your uterus, red blood cells, signal alarm. This inflammation and the lining of your nerves are supposed to have a nice fatty myelin sheath. But if you don't eat enough proteins, healthy fats, phospholipids, and cholesterol-rich foods, your myelin sheaths are going to have cracks in them like that. So, that blast every month, along with the toxic world we live in and their contribution is going to aggravate you. Because it's an inflammatory time for a woman when she breaks out lining and all those cytokines just explode through her.

So, I would take enzymes on an empty stomach, four or five twice a day. I would nearly fast premenstrual, a day or two before your period. And I would use progesterone day 15 through 25 of your cycle. I would never eat late. I would exercise and drink half your weight in water, as pounds in ounces every day.


“As a follow-up to my last question for my 30-year-old friend in Dubai who has PCOS…. If she cycles progesterone by starting it on day 14 of her cycle and stops on day 25, what if her period doesn’t start after? She’s already six days past her last progesterone dose. When does she start progesterone again if no period starts? She is working hard through diet and exercise to reduce her insulin level. She is using 200mg cream bio-identical. Would oral be more effective?” [0:55:38]


That’s fine. Do it as day 14 through 25 or 26 of her cycle. Normally you’d say, my period is on the 1st of October, day 15, and I should start my progesterone until the 25th. But if no period shows up by the 28th or 30th of October, you still pretend like it did show up and wait and count another 15 days until November 14th or 15th. Then you start the progesterone up as if it did. That’s how you do it. This is worth it because it will change her whole life and avoid a lot of diseases if she does this now.

Cream or oral being more effective, she needs to be seen. It has to be tested. And the placement of the cream has to be tested. She needs to see a good doctor who will follow her for that.


“What do you think of “apeel”, it’s what they are spraying on fruit and vegetables to last longer.” [0:57:13]


I did look into this. Apeel is mono and diglycerides. And it is used to coat the fruits and vegetables after they are washed and harvested. These are just like, literally they are part of this phospholipid structure. These triglycerides are like chains on a glycerol backbone, a three-carbon chain backbone with a moiety that can take on a choline phosphate. You have fatty acid chains, and if you have one, you have monoglycerides. If you have two, you have a diglyceride. So, it should be safe. Sounds safe. I did look into it. Seemed quite normal and fine.


“Is there a natural way to reverse a hiatal hernia or can they heal themselves? I was bulimic and caused what I think is a hernia. I suffered from reflux for years and started throwing up for relief. I no longer do that, but I feel a knot in the center of my chest that makes me feel like I'm having a panic attack, usually when I lay down to sleep. Also, is there a natural cure for h pylori?? What is the best detox for the liver and kidney?” [0:58:17]


I suppose they can heal themselves. But you know, I have had two big pregnancies and delivered 8.5-pound babies. I had trouble with my foot when I would eat at the end of the term and get some esophageal stomach where the stomach can bulge a little bit into, back into the chest cavity, and create a hiatal hernia. I just wouldn't eat late at night. It will be seven o’clock here and I should be stopping soon. And as hungry as I am, I should not eat. I have to discipline myself and say, don’t eat. You will have heartburn, reflux, and so forth. And exercise and eat a rich protein diet so you have collagen and elastin, and use your natural hormones to improve and have less of this sagging. It’s just a lifestyle way to be.


“My daughter just began her freshman year away at college, and her skin has begun to break out badly. Are there any additional supplements she should be taking to help with that? She is taking Energy Core and K-Force. Sadly, her dietary choices are limited as she is living in the dorm.” [0:59:40]


That is because she is eating badly and she is stressed with high cortisol. Sugars lower the immune system. There are all kinds of bacteria on her face because we are always touching it. I would get the Argentyn Silver and tell her to spray this on her face every night and morning. Cut the carbs down dramatically.

Do the best you can with your diet there.


“I am 64 female and on bio-identical estradiol and progesterone. My testosterone is low, 2.7, and have tried shots, creams and now the under tongue melts of testosterone but each has caused immediate weight gain so I stop taking it. Any insight or suggestions?” [1:00:31]


I have never seen that complaint, ever, ever with testosterone.

You need to see a good functional doctor and have this tested. You need to look at your insulin, your triglyceride, your hemoglobin A1C, and look at your inflammation markers. Use the hormones. Don’t stop or change anything on your own. A month later, come back in, see your doctor, get weighed, and get a repeat of the blood level of those items. You can come up with an idea of what is going on. And of course, you have to have a history physician and figure out your background.


“What can be done to heal an ulcer? I have an ulcer that seems to be bleeding and am worried about possible perforation. I have pain that wakes me up at night, it radiates to my back and feels like it's affecting my nerves and heart in that area. I tested negative for H-Pylori but did have it about 20 years ago along with IBS. I was told more recently by a gastroenterologist that I may have Crohn's so suspect the ulcer could be related. Any suggestions for a natural route?” [1:01:46]


Well, phospholipid powder and SBI protect. Do not eat late. And get away from the sugars and high fructose corn syrup foods. I would go almost all carnivores, at least for two to three months. I would use the powder and the SBI-protected powder for two weeks. Then when the powder is done, I would replace it with the capsule, one a day. But I would use the powder twice a day. I would never lay down flat. I would find out my blood type. I would digestive enzymes and eat mostly like a carnivore. If you're going to fill in the hole of an ulcer, you have to fill it with repair material. That is eating meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs.