YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 23 2023
May 25, 2023
“I just had an MRI with contrast. Today, my right side of my neck, right under my right ear is swollen. Could this be a reaction to the gadolinium?”
Well, it is possible. But usually, a localized reaction to gadolinium would normally be given into your arm or something through an IV there. It would be unusual to have something show up in one spot of your body.
“I’m having chelation tomorrow. What else can I do? I’m concerned about the big knot under my right ear.”
You need to have that seen. Certainly, chelation is fine. There is extra Vitamin C with it. Please be seen by a physician. I know I am totally booked tomorrow. I don’t know when you are coming in. You may have to see another doctor if one of them is open. But do call in the morning and try to get in with a healthcare provider here, we have quite a few. Maybe there will be a spot open. If not, you should go to Urgent Care and have that checked out and evaluated. We will take a look at you before you go to chelation. But try and call first thing in the morning for an opening.
“Can chewing sugarless gum raise blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C?”
Not essentially. Hemoglobin A1C should not raise that. But even the taste of sweet, the smell of sweet, even imitation sweeteners will cause the gastro cephalic phase in your brain to think food is coming. Your insulin will start to be produced in anticipation of a carbohydrate drop. Therefore, that can affect really more your insulin spiking episodes. So, we need to try and wean ourselves off of these sweets, habits of sweet. We have to have the taste of sweet. We must wean ourselves from that. We have to embrace the concept that we have been made addicts, all of us in this nation, to food. And in it, usually the sweet taste of food. And we must break this addiction. And we need to use our local government, our city, our county, and state to put restrictions on the marketing of these sweet things and entertainment foods, cereals, and drinks, to our children, and to ourselves. We need to get strength back into our bodies from what we're made of which is primarily protein and fat and not from sugar, and carbohydrate sources.
“What can help with someone with plantar fasciitis, beside shoe inserts or cortisone shots.”
Well, plantar fasciitis, from the heel to your toes are tendons, and that heel is where they kind of all attach. And over time this tendonitis material can get stiff and there are micro-tears in it. And with that, it produces inflammation and pain with walking. Oftentimes the starts breaking down just with age, especially if we're not eating enough collagen from meats and proteins, and healthy fats. Microcirculation to our feet is getting jammed up with sugary carbohydrates, starches, and antigen-antibody molecules, we're not drinking enough water, and we're aging. And then we have dying cells tendinous material, cartilage. It is very hard to repair and so we start getting pain there.
So, I once had plantar fasciitis. And right away when I noticed it in me, maybe about four years ago, I immediately upped my doing chelation therapy for microcirculation, really checked my water consumption, took extra systemic enzymes for the inflammation, and then I went to Pilates. Pilates is a program where if you get a one-on-one Pilates, not a group, then the instructor is literally going over your body putting you through the stretches. And she worked on my feet by pulling and stretching them and giving me exercises and rolls for my feet. Now initially it was painful. But I'm telling you after the very first day I did Pilates I've never had pain again. I want to preface that with the fact that when I had plantar fasciitis I diagnosed on myself, I did a five-day fast. It was just water, enzymes, and chelation therapy. I got rid of maybe 85 to 90% of the pain. Then I started Pilates. That’s when it really hit me in my mid-60s that I was really aging. And aging is a phenomenon that is going to happen to me I will pass away someday. And I had to really more actively work on my health. And that was one of the kickstarts to it. So, that is what I did. And I never used any of their fake, cover-up, band-aid, drug, steroid injections, or ulcer-producing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
“Is Pure Monk Fruit (25% mogroside) safe for a cancer survivor?”
I believe it is. Of all the non-sucrose-based, fructose-based sweeteners, Monk Fruit tends to be one that seems to be well-studied and well-supported. But again, I would like you to try and get away from thinking we should have sweet treats all the time. We should be thankful and content that we can have a good piece of protein and a good vegetable every day. Let’s get away from the entitlement that every day has to have a sweet reward. That was been trained into us. We are addicted to it.
“What do you know about methylene blue? I’m hearing good things about it but I don’t know enough about the benefits or how to use it. Where can I buy it?”
Methylene blue works kind of like a redox molecule, can both help transport and take on electrons. It can help in the respiratory chain pathway. And especially in oxidative stress tissue, it would be a benefit. Methylene blue is over-the-counter. I'm not sure about the quality of the providers. I have never needed it. I've never used it on my patients, not that we couldn't. And it is often in a liquid form. But it is in capsule form too. Again, it’s designed as an electron transport donor of the electrons and acceptor of electrons. It is very helpful, especially in four complexes in the citrus cycle of the respiratory chain and our mitochondria there. We take energy and again, it's designed as an electron transport donor of electrons and acceptor of electrons. So, it's very helpful. There are four complexes in the citrus cycle of the respiratory chain and our mitochondria there where we take energy, take glucose and water, and turn it into carbon dioxide and water. We produce energy ATP out of this. And when we do that, we need to be able to transport electrons. Methylene blue helps with this. Every cell of your body has hundreds and thousands of mitochondria. And it may be of great value in helping us manage that.
I have not needed it in my practice. But it could be something now that I'm seeing more science on it, and others use. It may be we'll start to use it as well.
“I have heard of hydrogen water is good for you. Do you use hydrogen water? Would it be something that everyone would want to do? Is there a certain water machine to use? Or could you just put food-grade hydrogen peroxide into your water?”
Yes, I use it. I think it would be valuable for everyone to do.
I have a book on that, it’s called Live Healthier Better and Longer with Hydrogen H2. It is called Izumio water. Izumio. Anyway, you have to understand that hydrogen is a gas. It will escape. It has to be sealed up. I have the water myself. I work with and helped with a study on hydrogen water. So the company that I buy it from is Naturally Plus, Izumio Molecular H2 Water. My contact is Debbie Vashuless (sp?) and that is 815-601-2480. She supplies that. She is my sister, in full disclosure. She helps with the hydrogenated water. I have seen people on workouts, very hard workouts, drinking two or three of these packets drinking it right away. It’s so powerful. A couple of those have really relieved the aches and pains after a heavy work day or a sports event. My nurse has migraines from time to time and she will take two or three of them and it will eliminate the migraines. It relieves inflammation which then helps relax oxidative stress and pain.
“I have been having a sharp pain on the top of my head. It hurts when I shake or move my head. I hit my head in this exact spot about 7 years ago. I haven't hit it lately that I know of. The pain comes and goes. The pain sometimes moves to my ear on the same side as the pain on the top of my head. Is this normal to have a pain like this? Should I be worried?”
Well, with that explanation I can't tell you exactly. But seven years is certainly comforting. And there are people who will have sharp pains like a knife stab, and they are associated with certain moves to their head. And it's there in a split second and gone. And it's random. And these that I've had over many decades of practicing medicine, we have done the CAT scan and MRIs. We have not seen anything necessarily come of it. But there are many other exams and questions and examples. Who you are, your age, trauma that you had, all would need to be addressed. If this is concern enough to bring to the attention of a doctor, please be seen and have this more thoroughly worked up.
“How can a person prevent colon polyps naturally?”
Stop eating the standard American diet. Colon cancer has now come up as about the third or fourth most common cause of cancer deaths in the US. These foods we are eating are glyphosate with the glyphosate insecticide, they are genetically modified, and they are full of lectins as we move to a high carbohydrate, starch diet. We suppress our immune system. The more carbs you eat, the harder it is for your immune system to work. Plus we are taking toxins in, plasticizers, fungicides, herbicides, polychlorinated phenols, benzenes, and topicals. We don't drink enough water. These lectins and plant foods scratch the inside of the one-cell lining of our gut. They are full of sugar with a depressed immune system. We have food reactions to this. And our gut has about a percent of the immune system lining to it so it reacts to the microtrauma, over and over again. You keep on trying to heal that irritation, but you keep on taking cereal, eating hamburgers with wheat buns, or taking in sugary drinks, and alcoholic beverages, on and on, over and over and over, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, decade in and out. Those chronically irritated spots are immunologically challenged and are trying to heal and trying to heal and trying to heal and it will develop your palate for you or develop your diverticular. So, it is our lousy American diet.
“After having an MRI with contrast how can I get rid of the poison in my system? Can chelation get rid of it and much do I need?”
Yes, the gadolinium dye is pulled out with EDTA chelation. So, yes, that is a very good thing to do.
“Can systemic enzymes be safely taken by children?”
Yes, they can. They are naturally occurring enzymes that are always in our environment. It depends on their size. If they are teenagers in sports on an empty stomach will really help them heal quicker, better, and faster from a workout, training, injury, or a strain they went through. If they are in grammar school, I would say you would want to have it on an empty stomach. I would want you to feed the child at 5 or 6 o’clock. If they go to bed at 8 or 9, that is barely enough time to get the stomach empty. You’d have to give it to them at that time. Maybe one enzyme or two enzymes. An adult would use 2 to 4. I use 5. But it’s quite safe.
“Can you experience detoxification symptoms like further bloating, etc.? And How long before these symptoms pass?
Detoxing is associated with the movement of toxins and our body reacts to that. Bloating can be one of them. It is not usually so typical of it. Diarrhea, constipation tends to be more of the cause. So, if you’re having bloating, I would tend to think that you need to have that addressed as a separate issue. Looser stools, constipation, achiness, and flu-like symptoms are typically the detox reaction. Not so much the bloating. But if it is minimal and it’s transient, I don’t think it should last more than a couple of days. If not, see your healthcare provider.
“Does raw milk and raw kefir have systemic enzymes?”
Yes, they do. You have to understand it isn’t the same as like kinase or nano-kinase. These are very special enzymes that you are not going to find the raw dairy and milk. But yeah, there are other lactase and amylase, these kinds of things that are in there. When you shake up water in the homogenization and you heat it up in the pasteurization with heat, you’re breaking up the cellular structure of the milk. The milk has cellular material in it, human milk does too. When you break up a cell, you are going to break up the lysosomes that are in the cell and the apparatus and these kinds of things. That is when you get the xanthine oxidase, another very potent, potent, potent free radical acid, and stuff. And we can even see antibodies in the human being, xanthine oxidase that should never be. That’s for drinking the stupid homogenized, pasteurized dairy. But yes, there are enzymes and milk.
“Is it true that if you eat fruit for the first meal of the day the sugar content is lower because it digests so quickly?”
Well, no the content is the content of the fruit. It is just the rate of absorption and the impact on your body. Normally, we have better digestion earlier in the day and more utilization of it early in the day. That’s why late-night eating, eating too late is hard on the body and is linked with weight gain, mental fatigue, poor sleep, gas, and bloating because it sits in the stomach too long. If you eat the fruit in the morning in the same context, with the same amount of fruit sugar, and it’s just that the utilization is quicker and more efficient.
“I have a fibrillation now for 5 days straight. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I’m not overweight, I eat healthily. My calcium score is zero. How can I get rid of this AFib without having an ablation surgery? I am on Xarelto and other medications to slow down my heart. It's not working.”
I would say we have patients who have taken the magnesium intravenously. That raises a nice high magnesium for smooth muscle, relaxation. We give them chelation to improve the microvasculature of the teeny weeny hair-like, web-like capillaries that are also in the heart, and around the electrical potential myocytes around the sinoatrial node, and so forth. These tiny, tiny capillaries also can get clogged for a lifetime and that's why chelation therapy helps. So, we improve the tiny microcirculation oxygenation. We give them systemic enzymes like little Pac Men to eat up the enzymes, and we tell them to be sure that they're well hydrated, and that they take regular walks for moving the hydraulic forces and moving all the lymph around. We have our patients who never eat past five or six in the evening. A very, very, very low carb with the chelation and magnesium. And working with the cardiologist, sometimes various medicines and other rhythmic prescription agents can stop that recycled electrochemical depolarization and restore it now. Eating enough healthy phospholipids, you have to remember the cell membranes have pokes and holes in them if they are not handled. We have to get that cell membrane smooth. That is made of phospholipids and protein. So, very often over the years, our generation from the 1980s, and 1970s on they have been hydrogenated the fat and damaged all of our cell membranes, especially the cardiovascular endothelial lining in our heart muscles. This will put us at a membrane-damaged risk which would allow for membrane potential to be disrupted and create an abnormal electrical circuit. That is why we stress the free-range meat, fish, poultry, and egg yolk type diet. We do have the phospholipid powders that we give. That's why I developed my bar. I got an update on the Drs. Nutrition Bar. It is under production. We are testing them right now. We are doing taste testing to make sure that the new manufacturer will stick with our rules and quality. Should be ready in about six weeks. But if you need an ablation, my general experience is it has always turned out well. I had one patient that had a bad, you might say experience, during the ablation. She came out of it. I saw her today and she has a beautiful heart rate and regular rhythm. It’s managed on two medicines, a beta blocker, and one other heart medicine. She’s doing quite well.
“After many different doses of Synthroid and then Amour I still have not found my sweet spot, is it possible that I have adrenal fatigue and how do you check for that?”
Well, there are many things that go into the concept of what we call adrenal fatigue. That’s often a lifestyle as well. There is NP Thyroid, there is West-Thyroid, Nature Thyroid, NP Thyroid, MP Thyroid, WP Thyroid, and Armorer Thyroid. I would get with a doctor who is a functional doctor with experience with all these things. Work with that and test your adrenal cortisol morning and afternoon. As well as your DHEA. And your testosterone levels. I would have your B vitamins and complete digestive stool analysis done. There is a connection between stress and gut health. All these things should be checked out. That would be a good starting point.
“Are there any benefits to Hemp Seeds? Also, is Sea Iodine the same as taking Kelp? Is the Iodine that TLC sells the same as taking sea iodine or kelp?”
Well, iodine is iodine in a biochemical sense. So, manufacturers kind of use marketing ploys to say, “We harvested from the sea. We harvested from the salt beds here or there. The kelp from here or there.” But what you are getting is thyronine, which is a three-iodinated, I mean the iodine salt for your functional thyroid hormone. But iodine is iodine is iodine is iodine. It’s always where they harvest it from. These harvest sites can become dirty. There might be dirty salt fields contaminated with pollution in the sea, the salt beds are contaminated. The kelp beds. Some of the best iodine sources are very high in the mountains or very deep in mining. I will say in the mountains now that we are doing geo-stratospheric engineering and dumping all this aluminum in the sky, that might be compromised now. I don’t think that there is any real difference between any iodine as long as it says as clean a source as possible. So, I use Ioteral. That is the work and research of Dr. David Brownstein, a family practice doctor in Michigan. His sources, I believe are impeccable. I have not gone to their plants.
Hemp seed oil is a polyunsaturated fatty acid or they are unsaturated fatty acids, which have multiple benefits and so I think using hemp seeds and all their products is good.
“I have a friend who had shingles a few years ago and suffers from Neuropathy in her left arm and in some of her fingers. Is there anything that can help this?”
Well, the nerve membranes have been frayed and injured. So, the membrane along that nerve that was attacked with the viral varicella from chickenpox, has entered the insulation fatty membrane, the myelin sheath. And so, if you eat the meat with the phospholipids in it, you eat the chicken with the skin on it, if you eat the egg with the yolk, eat the fish, eat the pork, you're getting these phospholipids that help replace that myelin sheath. You can take that powder of the phospholipid as I showed you, and that will help if you do chelation therapy. It'll help the tiny capillaries to get it there more directly and if you take inflammatory enzymes that helps too. The high-dose vitamin C that we put in chelation therapy is always helpful with nerve pain and neuropathy. It improves circulation and opens up the microcirculation. So yeah, there are lots of things that you can do for post-herpetic neuropathy is what it is called.
“I had recently asked about ways to help possible Immune Deficiency. Per your recommendations, I would like more info on how to improve these: lower fasting blood sugar, lower A1C, and increase triglycerides.”
You have to fast. You have to declare a window of eating time and maybe go just pure carnivore. You will see your blood sugar drop. That will lower the Hemoglobin A1C. And you don’t want to increase your triglycerides, you want to decrease triglycerides. Because the very first fat is made from taking in starch and fruit sugar and carbohydrates if you're not burning it off that same day, those carbohydrates, starches, fruit sugars, and glucose sugars are converted into the first fat called a triglyceride. So, you want triglycerides 50 or less low, low, low levels. So, it's really exercise. It's really intermittent fasting. It's really prolonged fasting, a 24 or 48-hour fast once a week or twice a week, or rather twice a month/ And that's how I would go about it.
“My 84 yr old mother was recently diagnosed with mild pulmonary fibrosis. Dr said she could have had it for yrs. She was around secondhand smoke for yrs. She only takes thyroid and cholesterol medicine. Pulmonologist wants her to take a Trelegy inhaler. The only symptom she has is coughing. What are your thoughts on Trelegy? How would you treat pulmonary fibrosis?”
Well, I've got a specialist, family doctor, general practitioner. I’m not familiar with the trade name Trelegy. It must be some kind of bronco-dilate and maybe as an anti-inflammatory. Sometimes they put chromium sodium in these inhalers. And I'm not necessarily against that, but I don't like statins. The cell membrane has to have enough cholesterol to repair the membranes and the fibrosis of the lungs, the stiffening is suggesting that the microcirculation is getting diminished. It is getting scarred down you might say. So, exercises, deep breathing, using EDTA chelation, and systemic enzymes, a very low-carb diet, and replacing with the building blocks of healing, which are the phospholipids, and don't be afraid of cholesterol is the way I would go with helping anyone with pulmonary fibrosis in my personal practice.
“Pre-workout drinks for 59+. Please let me know if drinks containing citrulline malate and beta-alanine are alright to consume for people 59+. Also, will it affect thyroid medication absorption? Unable to find anything clear on the subject and unsure whether this is helpful after a certain age.”
Yes, I don't see any problem with those amino acids and citrulline. They're fine. Natural-like products. I've never heard of it affecting thyroid medication absorption. You know we're using amino acids as we age because it's getting harder and harder to repair. So, the older you get digestion diminishes, absorption of amino acids diminish, muscle repair, and tissue repair, or cell membrane repairs diminish. We have more damaged injuries in our cell membranes and they poop out and explode and die. So, getting amino acids, getting protein, getting healthy phospholipids, and fat, cholesterol to repair our cell membranes are important. Citrulline is helpful in helping with our energy and nitrous oxide production. So, there's nothing wrong with that because that helps with microcirculation so I think it's fine.
“I have become completely dependent on the TLC good night. I have tried other supplements in an effort to get me off the long-term use of exogenous melatonin but I had no success… is there a way I can help my body start producing melatonin on its own and decrease the dependency on exogenous melatonin? I have been using the “good night for 2&1/2 years nightly now.”
Well, I certainly don't think there are any long-term disadvantages to using natural melatonin. Melatonin we're learning more and more about it, and I think it's now understood to be made not just in the pineal gland and in your brain, but it's made in your gut. And good gut health is very, very important with healthy flora. So, we're learning a tremendous amount about the microbiome in your gut flora. And even the melatonin production from the precursors of neurotransmitters, serotonin, and dopamine, and things like that. They are all in the gut. Gut health is where I would begin to work on that. Look at research from articles, and YouTube articles on melatonin and the gut. You will see what I’m talking about.
“I recently took some blood work, and I’m a little bit worried about some of my numbers that I saw from my thyroid! Three years ago my thyroid peroxidase was 65 and the doctor said that was too high so I started on some iodine so now when I took my blood work, it went up to 1203.2. My TSH 3rd generation was 9.49 T4 free thyroxine was 0.69 T4 total thyroxine was 3.6. I am 63 years old 105 pounds 5’,1” and I’m O positive blood my other numbers from the bloodwork. My insulin was 1.4 my HDL cholesterol was 106. My triglycerides were 56 my estradiol was less than 12 and my progesterone was 0.23. I’m thinking that my thyroid problems may be due to my hormone levels being completely off, so I’m thinking of going on bio-identical hormones, but I don’t even know where to begin. I’m afraid my doctor may give me synthetic hormones! So what type of Bioidentical hormones should I be looking to take?”
Well, bioidentical hormones are exactly what it says, bio-identical, and they are estradiol. So, if you ask your doctor for natural hormones, you say I want estradiol. And it comes as a patch commercially. And the patch is usually used twice a week. It comes as a pill, it’s called Estrase. That's a point-five milligram or one milligram and I think a two-milligram tablet. I'd probably start out with a 0.5 and then check levels on that. Or a 0.05 patch, twice a week. And then you can go to a compounding pharmacist like we do here, and we put it in the form of a cream. That’s how we do it in a clicker and it pops out the top here with each click. If you go on Estradiol, you should go on progesterone also, every day. And there's nothing other than progesterone. It should not be a progestin a synthetic. So, you say our mind human bioidentical progesterone and that's the only possible molecule out there. And it comes as a trade name. The trade name is parametrium or micronized progesterone, and it's all-natural. And then the s trace or the patch by Val, Val Dot, and Mini Val, are all estradiol in the patch. But what I really think you should do if you really want to see a tremendous drop, is just go carnivore for one month, even two would be better. Even if you go pure 100% carnivore for one month, you will see your thyroid peroxidase drop significantly from the 1,203 that it is and that is tremendous. I do think you need Free T3. You can ask for Armor Thyroid, a half grain, or one grain a day. You will feel much better. So, that’s the direction with the information that is here on how I would begin to approach this.
“What are your thoughts about getting the Shingles vaccine? I am a 55-year-old female who had a mild case of shingles in March 2020. My doctor at the time prescribed the antiviral medication, Acyclovir which I took. I'm being encouraged by my GP to get the vaccine. Your thoughts?”
I don't think about it. And I don't ever recommend it. You have to understand, there's been so much challenge about the truthfulness and integrity of vaccine producers. And so much data is coming out lately from the Pfizer documents that were forced to be released that they were going to hide for 75 years. And looking over the data when it came out, they asked for volunteers to look at this stuff. 3,500 of us, physicians and nurses and PhDs and biochemistry and pharmaceutical research and lawyers, many, many people all volunteered. And we got thousands and thousands of pages divided up into groups. And each of us took a group and we would study it and make comments on it from what we saw the data was telling us. It was collated and published in a report by Naomi Wolf and the War Room. It’s called, I don’t know the name. War Room and Daily Clout IO. It’s called Pfizer documents. And I have the first compilation of all our work. And there are 42 reports, I think we've gone through something like 200,000 of the pages. There is something like 350,000 pages. I know that they are up to 71 or 72 reports. So, there are 30 more on top of what I have in the paper documents that came out. And it's astounding.
So, with all this and all the history, I know of pharmaceutical lawsuits for unlawful deaths where they knew before they released the drug, the potential for damage and death, but they released it anyway as the cost of doing business. I just don't respect the industry anymore, especially when they're indemnified against any damages from vaccinations. So, why would I recommend anything at all that doesn't have the producer, who doesn’t already have felonies on the company and no legal risk for harming you with it?
“Recently I was diagnosed with osteoporosis on my left hip and osteopenia in my lumbar spine. How would you advise me to treat this condition? I don’t want it to get worse. How does your treatment differ from the mainstream doctor’s treatment?”
Well, I think mainstream, they're going to go to Fosamax, phosphates. They have many side effects, stomach ulcers, and even cancer potential. They are going to go to drug therapy. I’m going to optimize your vitamin D to a very high level in their eyes and to me they are very normal levels. I would get your vitamin D3 up to 100 or 120. I would safely check to make sure your liver enzymes are normal. There is no proof there is harm from these upper levels of vitamin D with K2. Then I would put you on natural hormone replacement therapy. And then, I would put you on plenty of water and enzymes and ask you to stomp, literally stomp. And put a little shutter into the activity that you do to shake your bones up and they're actually aware of the bond usage. The older we get, the more gently we walk. The soft shoes, like we are just floating in our skin nowadays. We have to bang our arms as if we are punching a bag. I have a punching bag in my backyard hanging, literally right next to my pool where I can hit it. My arms and wrist will have a sudden deceleration. I have the cement where I can stop with my little moccasins with no cushion and feel it shutter up my legs and so forth.