HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, March 14 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, March 14 2023

March 16, 2023


 "What are your thoughts on chiropractic care? Is it worth it and does it make a difference? Particularly with the neck."


I'm in favor of chiropractic care, I'm in favor of all the diversity of medical and healthcare providers attempting to help their people. The osteopathic doctor, the allopathic doctor, the chiropractic doctor, the naturopathic doctor, people are all doing a service to the body. The alignment of the spine is enclosing the nerves that go out to the whole body and those nerves can impinge, our posture, our health, and our tone, as far as muscle tone and holding up our bodily structure are very important so that we don't pinch these nerves which will reduce the function of those and organs that the nerves are serving. So yes, I'm very much in favor of it.

Not any one healthcare provider can do everything. I can’t do everything. But if we all work together respectfully and understand areas that have the expertise and work together, then I think there is value in it. Some will be better at their business of serving the public than others. But I think in general chiropractic care has always been of service and supportive as well. So yeah, I'm in favor of it. 


"I have been diagnosed with a 4 cm hiatal hernia. It can be repaired with surgery and the only reason I would do that is because the acid reflux causes nasal congestion at night and I have to wake up several times to use nose sprays or irrigate my sinuses. The problem is they want me to do a marshmallow/bagel swallow and a barium swallow 3 days later to determine my ability to swallow. Both of these procedures allow me to ingest radioactive material. I am almost ready to just continue with my nose treatments rather than ingest this stuff. There are also chiropractors that say they can manipulate the hernia so that the hernia won't bother me. Any suggestions you can add would be helpful?" 


I don't know you specifically, I can't give you specific advice. Apparently, you've been a patient here. And so, I'm going to say four centimeters is not quite two inches, which is a very, very small hernia. Surgery is a very, you know, invasive and drastic thing. Lifestyle changes typically help control hiatal hernias. And for the audience, when the esophagus meets the stomach, right at the junction of the diaphragm, right around here, that can get dilated open and some of the stomach can bulge into this area. The stomach acidity is quite low, can be 1.5 or a pH of 2. And then, the esophagus really should be about a region of a 7. You can get heartburn and so forth. It’s not uncommon, any woman who has carried a baby would have great pressure on the diaphragm and that little juncture where it gets stretched. Very often, after women have babies, we get hiatal hernias.

So, it is a drastic measure to do surgery. But some people have very, very sensitive esophagus and are more complaining of symptoms. There can be erosion. There can be bleeding, and chronic inflammation of that reflux into the esophagus can create a recurrent problem over and over, such that even esophageal cancers can start. So, there are many reasons that a doctor and you should make a decision on the pathway to choose.

I'm going to say, I have really never seen, I'm familiar with the maneuvers being spoken of by the chiropractor to try and pull the stomach down. But it's probably going to go back up. But I'm not a chiropractor. I'm not an expert in this.

I am for the lifestyles, commitment to not eat past, you know, if it's necessary, just don't eat past five or four o'clock in the afternoon. Become a person that eats between you know, 7 am and 1 pm. Whatever it takes to keep you upright and use your stomach so that it's empty by the time you go to sleep. Because remember, the older you get, the less motility, the longer the food stays in your stomach, and that can take 4, 6, 8, or 10 hours to empty your stomach. So, if you finish at five o’clock, and it’s nine, that’s only four hours. You are going to get seepage back up there. Using phospholipid powders, using L-glutamine powder, using aloe, and things like this first thing in the morning and last thing at night to help the healing of the lining of the gut are helpful elements.

But I'm going to say you need to make that decision with your doctor. And then I have never seen chiropractic successful adjustment of the hiatal hernia, but I'm not an expert. Maybe there is some value and there are patients who have had great success. But I do know that lifestyle, don’t lay down after eating, if necessary change your feeding window to seven and one in the afternoon, or eight and two in the afternoon to really never have evening dinners, using the aloe, using phospholipid powder, and use a digestive enzyme as you get older. Use glutamine aloe, and I would exercise the more tone in your own body, the better off you are going to be. And of course, if you're overweight, losing weight will help you have less of a hiatal hernia pressure on the abdomen.  


"My pastor is 70 years old, with a titanium heart valve, macular degeneration, one kidney, and currently a type I diabetic. My question is, would chelation therapy be beneficial in improving any or all conditions? I've seen the TACT UPDATE 2019 with Dr. Lamas and Dr. Dorothy Merritt, and have seen the outstanding benefits of chelation therapy. However, what is your opinion, and would chelation be safe for him? He doesn't eat much carbs or sugar and he's on an insulin pump. Any opinion would be helpful?" 


The answer is given with what you've told me, it sounds like this gentleman would benefit greatly from this in the hands of a doctor who is trained by the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, certified in giving chelation therapy, which pays close attention to kidney function and can help them through. Along with a healthy diet, and controlled carbs, it will help them microcirculation throughout his body. It'll help every tissue, even the blood vessels of the aorta that are holding up his valve, and the kidney glomerular filtration will improve. So, the answer is yes, it'll be a big help. And I would proceed forward with someone who knows what they're doing and go down that direction.

I have never seen EDTA chelation not help someone. I have never seen EDTA chelation harm anyone. I've had patients on dialysis with such poor kidney function, and we just lower the dose of the calcium disodium EDTA and gently start chelating to improve the circulation.  


"What is the difference between adrenal overload and adrenal fatigue? I have adrenal overload - how do I help alleviate this? Also, will chelation help with iron overload and adrenal overload?" 


I don't know that I'm an expert on the difference between adrenal overload and adrenal fatigue. The adrenal gland can be stressed chronically by so many conditions, every health condition, psychological stress, environmental stressors, dietary stressors, and lack of activity. And the precursors to healthy adrenal function depend on eating healthy fat in your diet, and cholesterol. That cholesterol when you eat it is then hydrolyzed or chopped up and as one of the first chopping blocks of the cholesterol in your diet, you get the molecule pregnenolone and DHEA. DHEA will then go down a pathway biochemically that will help make cortisol and help restore adrenal function. I always give DHEA. Once again that's DHEA in the range from 5 milligrams up to 100 milligrams a day.

And then, of course, I recheck the cortisol. I recheck the DHEA. And it will help also make testosterone for muscle tone. So, I would strongly encourage you to eat a real food diet, a healthy diet. That has healthy fats, butter in it, meats, fish, chicken with the skin on it, roasted, not fried or anything like that. And then, use a digestive enzyme if necessary, especially if you're a blood type A. And not to eat late, maybe consider having someone check your DHEA level, and giving your DHEA and other natural hormones like estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone. Not eating late, doing exercise, and EDTA chelation helps everything because EDTA improves the tiny, tiny capillary microcirculation throughout the whole body.


So, there isn't anybody that wouldn't benefit. There isn't any condition that wouldn't be benefited, any disease state that would not be helped. They are all helped. When you improve microcirculation, you improve it all. That is the direction that I would go with that. Hopefully, that was helpful to you.  


"What is your opinion about Applied Kinesiology for allergy food testing? I was at a chiropractor who told me about this laying foods on one's chest and testing muscles for weakness to determine which foods would potentially be irritable or cause an allergy. It sounds odd. Is there any validity to it?" 


The answer surprisingly is yes. Again, you have to understand the big picture here. When I did a second doctorate in integrative medicine in the late 1990s to 2000, the Capital University of Integrative Medicine is no longer functioning. But back then it was functioning and had many of the Great Eastern and great European functional experienced physicians teaching it. So, that's where I went early on long before there was YouTube, and videos, and all this kind of supportive material.

And the idea is we all are vibrating. The room is vibrating. Every piece of furniture is vibrating. Every molecule has a vibrational resonance. So, we have to understand that an apple will have a different resonance than an orange, or a piece of meat will have a different resonance than a shrimp. Because they're constructed in a different way. They're unique in their construct and DNA.

Now, let's say your body has a problem with shrimp or a problem with a certain food. And you bring it nearer and nearer to your body close to your body, holding it in your hand, or putting it on your chest, and then someone's going to push on your arm or try and break out by digital O-ring testing for strength on your pinch grip there. When you bring an irritant into your field of energy, your body goes into a little dissonance, and the energy, you won't even realize it but it will get weaker. So, this is real science. This is not ready for primetime in my opinion. There are computerized systems, where you hold these energy plates, with various ways to assess this. But it isn't standardized. It can be abused.

So, the answer is yes and it’s possible. Now, the same thing is is have you ever been in the presence of a human being that when you just came into their presence, you had a sense of this, I don't feel safe or I'm not secure. I feel threatened by this person. Some of this can be that resonance energy. Or let's say that person just had a blowout argument with their spouse right before you met them, and so their resonant energy is in discordance and off and in a stressful situation. So, there is no particular ability to be pleasant with you or minister to you, or help you.

The same thing can happen to the person who's testing you with that applied kinesiology, there are things where you can take a pendulum and see how your energy is that morning. But it's a huge process to try and make sure you're grounded when you start. I read my Bible. I try to read my Bible four chapters every day before I come to work. This gives me peace. It screws my head on right to why I am here, what my purpose is, and when I go to God’s great creation, seeing each living soul in front of me, I get appreciation for my role and what I'm supposed to do, and how I can try to minister to them, not represent myself more or less than what I can do. So, I believe that's the best way. I am not into New Age material, although there are some, you know, herbs and various medical treatments that you might think are new age, but they have real science grounding in them. So, I try and put all of this together to help my patients here. And I would then say applied Kinesiology is a real thing. I don't think it's ready for primetime. I don't know if the instructor or the doctor can be really clinically able to do the testing day after day after day without bringing their own influence and energy into the situation. So, these are the problems with applied kinesiology, the control mechanisms.  


"What would you recommend to improve posture? I've seen little devices that go on the back of the neck and vibrate if posture is bad to remind the wearer to straighten up. Do you think this is worth trying?" 


I'm going to say, that as we get older, we don't exercise. As we get older, we put on weight. The stress of aging is cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid. Steroids are always known to increase your weight. So, I'm just going to say you have to exercise. So, like tomorrow morning at 7 am. I'll be in with my Pilates instructor for an hour to work on my stretch, my posture, and my tone. And then three times a week, I'm doing heavy weightlifting. Drinking my water.

So, all I can say is I asked my patients to do two types of exercise. One is resistance training. And the other is the aerobic stretching, a range of motion, such as something like Pilates. And then take walks and watch your weight. And that's all the best I can say about it.

As far as the device that stimulates you if you're leaning forward or out of alignment, unless you exercise you're going to sell a bazillion of those because everyone's going to collapse and not have tone because you're not exercising. So, you got to exercise. 


"What does a sleep apnea doctor do?" 


Well, they do a sleep test. You come to their facility, and they assess your risk factors, and comorbidities if you're obese, if you have asthma, if you're a diabetic, if you have known heart disease, if you're on certain medications, beta-blockers, in particular slow the heart rate down, metabolism. And they watch you sleep. If you stop sleeping, and you have prolonged periods of time without taking a deep breath, this puts a metabolic oxidative strain on your body. And this is called sleep apnea, you're not breathing.

We have moments in our brainstem as it quiets down, where you can have these kind of what we called paralyzed like moments in certain dream states. You're locked, and your body is kind of somewhat paralyzed. And the same goes as we're learning more and more about the neurosciences of sleep. So, this doctor specializes in this, and they watch you for several hours, and then they'll come up with a prescription about the type of sleep trouble you're having and their recommendations for remedy. So, after they do that sleep apnea test very often, you'll get a CPAP, which is a pressurized breathing to help keep the back of your glottis open, of course, weight loss, exercise, drinking plenty of water, not eating late, all these things are very important. 


 "My 7-year-old granddaughter had blood testing a few years ago for food sensitivity since she has eczema. Per the testing, she is dairy-free, and gluten-free, and avoids canola oil and certain nuts. It’s helped control her eczema. But lately, she’s had stomach bloating. And she at times complains about stomachaches. She does have constipation too. She doesn’t like any vegetables but we do hide some in her tomato sauce to get it into her diet. The only fruit she eats is apples and strawberries sparingly. She won’t eat much meat, just carnitas and hamburgers occasionally and chicken nuggets. We make sure to buy good meat, grass-fed, organic, etc., and organic fruits and vegetables. What can we do about her stomach bloating? Should we use some sort of supplement to make sure she’s getting enough nutrients?"


I would want to know her blood type. likely she's blood type A, the second likelihood is O. She probably needs digestive enzymes. That’s one thing. She probably needs Juice Plus. Juice Plus is 30 different fruits, vegetables, and berries in a capsule form or in gummies. So, find a Juice Plus person that can help you or call here at 714-544-1521 and we can find someone to help you with that.

The other thing is she needs to be drinking enough water and she needs to have regular bowel movements. I would give her the digestive enzymes. Very likely I would give her Juice Plus. I would find out her blood type.

And the digestive enzymes are based on if she's a blood type A. If she's not a blood type A, then systemic enzymes can be given on an empty stomach at the end of every evening with magnesium and vitamin C drink. There is powdered vitamin C and powdered magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate. Those are if you take it with a multi-mineral capsule should help her have regular bowel movements which you've got it to insist on a certain amount of water per her weight. So, let’s say 60 lbs., she should drink 30 ounces of water a day. That is two 16-ounce bottles of water. That is the direction I would head with her. Get her blood type. Get a functional doctor who can find her blood type, who can give her the powdered C, powdered magnesium drink. You could do that morning and evening. Give her a reward for every day she drinks 32 ounces of water, never let her eat late, find the blood type, and give her digestive enzyme if she is an A. Give her vitamin D and a probiotic and the multi-mineral capsule. Those kinds of things. That’s how I would begin with her. 


"Are doctor-prescribed, plant-based, CHK Nutrition Supplements a viable source to naturally raise Dopamine Levels? (NeuroReplete or CysReplete)?" 


I'm not familiar with that brand. So, I cannot give you that answer. I’m going to have to write this down and check this out. CHK Nutrition Supplements. And that’s for dopamine. Now, dopamine is made from serotonin, and serotonin is made largely in the gut. About 90% of all the serotonin made is in your own gut. The gut GI system makes serotonin. It can be picked up on the vagus nerve and transported to the brain. So, a very healthy gut and having good gut bacteria are very, very important. Having five hydroxytryptophans, having magnesium, having protein with amino acids, all of them in there to make your neurotransmitters. Having butter, having fat cholesterol, to help you make your hormones. All these are very important for that. So, I can’t say whether that is so, but I will look into it. Maybe next week, I will have an answer about that company. But yes, your diet impacts. They call your gut your second brain. 


"Am I breaking my intermittent fast if I put Lion's Mane powder in my morning coffee? I normally have my first meal around 12:00."


What is lion’s mane powder? I don't know what that is. But I suspect it's probably something that's got maybe some dried, powdered phospholipids. In it something along the collagen, I’m not sure. 

But the answer technically is yes, you are breaking your intermittent fast. But unless you have a glucose monitor, and you can check your blood sugar to see if it stimulates insulin. See, the whole purpose of an intermittent fast is to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance. So, by having an empty stomach without foods that will stimulate insulin, that's the goal in doing the fasting. And Americans are terribly, terribly insulin resistant. And they aren't satisfied with normal amounts of glucose. They're eating insane amounts of glucose because they're insulin resistant.

But in general, if you put butter in your coffee, if you put heavy cream in your coffee, these are usually not things that are will break up the fast to a degree that the insulin will rise from glucose. So, you'd have to test your own blood sugar before and after drinking it. 

Lion’s mane is a mushroom powder that has some phospholipids and some carb effects. It tastes like coffee too, I think I have had it. I would still say that it technically breaks your fast. But it’s very good to stimulate non-killer cells. 


"Is radiation treatment for cancer benefited by iodine supplementation? If so, why?"


You know, there's research that says if you take iodine or iodine sufficient, if you were in a nuclear explosion, like the people in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, they had adequate iodine and often Japanese eat enough seaweed, so they had enough iodine. There seemed to be less cancers, and less thyroid, in particular, one of the most cancers that are at higher risk for emerging because it's such a metabolically active organ. So, iodine sufficiency tends to protect against nuclear radiation from exposure. The same would apply to radiation.

Therefore, if you are taking iodine, and you're getting radiation treatment for cancer, would that benefit you? And I would have to say yes because remember, the radiation is targeted wherever it's going to be sent. And so, if the rest of your body has iodine, you're just maintaining healthy nutrient levels of iodine for each cell function. And so, I'm going to have to say the answer is yes. And the why is because of iodine, I don't know if I know the chemistry or the biochemistry or the physics as to exactly why iodine seems to protect other tissues. I do know that hyperactive or metabolically active tissues that are more active like your gut, and your thyroid, their skin cells seem to be better protected with iodine. And so, that's the benefits area of it. Maybe because of their higher metabolic function.  


"Due to dietary restrictions associated with long-term IBS diarrhea, my gastroenterologist feels I may be nutritionally deprived and a multivitamin. I am limited to white potatoes, chicken or turkey, and oatmeal to keep my GI symptoms under control. What multivitamin would you recommend?"  


I don't know how you're coming up with white potatoes, chicken, turkey, and oatmeal in your diet. I would use the phospholipids. And I would use the SBI Protect powders with the probiotic powder and the essential oils. Every single case I've ever seen of any gut damage has been benefited from this. So as far as a multivitamin, I would have to say you must first go to giving the building blocks that make up the cell membranes, the phospholipids, the essential fats, and the proteins. So, I would use phospholipids, the SBI protect powder, the probiotic powder, and the essential oils. Start there. And then, you should be able to extract, find out your blood type, and see if you need digestive enzymes.

And as far as a multivitamin, I think a high potency, we have the Mito Core. We have TLC energy core. So those would be good choices.  


"Do you have a therapeutic IV that could help a gentleman recovering from significant radiation for prostate cancer? Are those types of IVs tailored to the patient's specific issues? He has extreme fatigue and weakness and his recovery has been very slow."  


We use high-dose vitamin C, Immuno drip, which is a high dose of vitamin C of 25 grams or you can go to 50, 75, or 100 grams. And the immuno drip has the multi-minerals, B vitamins, and things like this with it. But you would have to be seen by the doctor if you wanted more specific guidance. We do have a walk-in, where you can get a half-strength, 12.5 gram IV and that should be beneficial as well. If you did it twice a week, you should see an improvement as well. But the phospholipids are what should also be taking that phospholipid powder should be used to help recover from all the cell membrane damage to the healthy cells.  


"What is TLCs perspective on set point theory and how does that factor into weight loss recommendations?" 


 Well, what she's pointing out is, the body will adjust itself to the stressors you put on it. For instance, if you're doing intermittent fasting and only eating between, you know noon and 6 pm or 10 am and 4 pm That's a stress then your body will during the process improve on your blood sugar, weight loss, and various aspects. But then it accommodates or adjusts to the style of stress you're under. And then, the continued weight loss seems to cease. This is a preservation of the body as written in our DNA by God.

So, I do believe in set points. And that's why changing things up, having cycles, God always works in cycles, day/night, seasonal cycles, and everything. So, for people who are having trouble with weight loss, you know, you add in pulses of exercise, or you can change up and just eat from say 7 am to 1 pm one week, and then the next week change up and eat from 11 to 5, you know, always changing things up to try and stop set point theory. So, yes, that is a true phenomenon.  


"I just completed my first ever 36-hour water-only fast. I am going to try and do intermittent fasting for the next 6 days. Then fast every Monday again. So it’s 6 days IF and 1 day Fast each week. What do you think? Any suggestions?" 


I think that's a great idea. I think it's going to do loads of good in general, as long as you don't have any severe disease, or insulin-dependent diabetes, stuff like that. But for the average person, eating a more limited time frame allows for greater hours of healing and better sleep, better memory, better skin, and better joint function, everything will be great. I like the sound of it. 


"I have a friend of a friend that was just diagnosed with liver and colon cancer, I don’t know what stage but being that’s in two places it sounds serious. She did her first chemo today. She was told it was a “new” chemo that won’t lose her hair. What chemo is this? And since she is not open to alternative medicine, what are the chances of recovery?" 


What chemo is this? I don’t have that answer.

Well, yeah, it is. I'm not familiar with chemo that's brand new. I'm not an oncologist. I don't work in this field. We don't treat cancers here. Instead, we're working to help patients with cancer with your immune system, their nutrition, and for detoxification. 

So, she should watch, Fasting and Healing Cancers. There are people that go on a 21-day water fast, now they should be supervised by a physician. But we've seen stage four colon cancers heal when they kick off with a 21-day water fast, even a 14-day water fast would be helpful. But look at those YouTubes on that and see how that might be something that might interest her. And hopefully, she can find a doctor who would be informed and helpful. 

And you know, she might be losing weight too rapidly and not able to do that. But if it was just diagnosed, very often, people can start with a three-week fast, and have very good results. But it's worth looking into at least more information is better.


"Is it possible to grow new cartilage in the thumb joint where presently bone is on bone? If so, how?" 


Well, there are people doing stem cell therapy and they're doing joint injections. Of course, if you do intermittent fasting, the longer you are fasting, the more there is a growth hormone produced by your own body, which stimulates healing everywhere. So, all of us are aging and cells are dying throughout our whole body. So, those of us who do these intermittent fasting and a day of fasting or two, once a week, we are the ones who are giving the greatest long-term possibility for growth factors repair to reach these sites. If you have an injured area, or a diseased area, some doctors are doing stem cell injections into the area, and the answer would be yes, it is possible that it appears. 


"What do you know about pulse electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF)? Would this dissolve thyroid nodules?"


Well, I have this machine, pulsed electromagnetic frequencies. This will help contract a certain part of the body in cycles. And you could put it anywhere on your back, your lower back, even your stomach, your knees. PEMF machine. It has been shown to be very helpful in stimulating joint repair, even some systemic benefits to bowel and constipation, and some issues with neuropathies. And so, I'm very familiar with this. I'm very happy that you're interested in this.

Would it dissolve thyroid nodules? I have never seen any report on that. That really is much more a low-carb diet with systemic enzymes, and taking iodine, maybe even some progesterone. But see your doctor and talk about that.


"IF I get sick, is it wise/safe/helpful to start the daily 5-day Ivermectin you prescribed for COVID, whether I know it's COVID or not? I would also start the 5-day high dose Vit D, 5/day 5-7 day Immune Protect, and up my Vitamin C, plus try to get in for an immune drip." 


The answer is yes. That's exactly what I would do. And that's how I can stay working continuously, year in year out, decade in decade out. I will do my high-dose vitamin C drip here, I will increase immediately my vitamin D for about a week, I will take ivermectin or I take Quercetin, a high dose for that time. I take extra vitamin C and the zinc that is in the immune protect I will up. I often will go on a fast the first day that I’m ill. So, there you go. 



"My mom (59 years old) has the following blood work results: Total Cholesterol: 323, Triglycerides: 5, HDL: 102, VLDL: 6, LDL: 215. She has been on strict keto/intermittent fasting now for over a year. She also leads a very active lifestyle. Anything else you would recommend? Could this be caused by stress?" 


I think her cholesterol is wonderful, 323. And her LDL 215 is wonderful. The HDL to triglyceride ratio is well over one is beautiful. You have to realize I used to see patients in the 1970s and they had cholesterol levels of 430, and 560. You know, so cholesterol has nothing really to do with anything in general. There's a very extremely rare genetic disorder. This is not it. Her triglycerides when they are less than the HDL, she's wonderful. Don't worry a thing about it.  


"I am a 28-year-old female. I have been experiencing cramps around day 17 of my period and occasional spotting over the last year. Some months are very excruciating (on the floor in the fetal position) while other months aren’t as severe. I also experience cramping and migraines during my period. What do you recommend? 

I have PCOS, type A blood. I have been on the keto diet since 2019 and exercise 4 days a week with weightlifting and cardio. I take 4 pumps of your progesterone cream on days 15-25. I found this has helped my symptoms so far. I take Juice Plus, digestive enzyme, preferential oils, myo & d-chiro inositol, vit d+k, energy core, metabolic formula, iodine, and probiotics. I don’t drink alcohol and rarely deviate from my keto diet."  


I would say what you're missing here is the systemic enzymes. So, as you get closer to your mid-cycle, and the days before your menstrual cycle, I would take Vitalzym or Vascuzyme. I would take five on an empty stomach first thing in the morning when you wake up and last thing at night when you go to bed. You need that and you might take water with magnesium powder. It’s called Opti Mag Neuro. Put some vitamin C powder in it. 


"Do you recommend pneumonia vaccines? Do collagen supplements help with hair growth and improvements in skin quality?" 


 No, I don’t. I recommend all the things to do to stay healthy that the others have asked on the onset of getting ill. 

I've got to say, no. If you're looking for allopathic alternative complementary medicine, that is where one vitamin will solve some problems. And then, you are acting like a standard medical doctor. It’s the whole package. You have to exercise. You have to drink the water. Probably chelate. You have to eat enough meat, fish, chicken with the skin on it, pork, and eggs. You have to take systemic enzymes, especially if you are getting older for inflammation. EDTA chelation helps the microcirculation of your hair. So. collagen supplements are not just the individual thing.


"I’m blood type B and I fast for 21 hours. When should I take vitamins for adrenal health, morning or evening? My handwriting is atrocious and heard this is a symptom of poor adrenal health. After fasting for 2 months my handwriting improved but now it’s atrocious again. What are the main symptoms of poor adrenals? What do you recommend for improving the adrenals?" 


That’s a very loose association. 

The older we get the neurons, the nerves, and the feedback along these long messaging trails of the sheath that is the lining of the nerve get injured too. The myelin sheath is also a cell and this myelin sheath that covers these nerves gets dinged. So, by eating enough healthy meat fish, chicken, turkey beef, so we prepare these little damaged holes in the cell membranes. So, part of having a healthy adrenal is eating healthy fats, eating healthy proteins, and having all those little plugged-in spots right there. So, the message stays uniform and smooths down the highway of the nerve axon. 

The other thing is exercise helps it, drinking enough water helps with having good evening hygiene helps it with going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time. I'm proud of you for your exercise and your intermittent fasting. But what you might need is a heftier amount of phospholipid powder. You could take the anti-inflammatory systemic enzymes, Vascuzyme five in the morning, and five in the evening. See if that will reduce inflammation which helps with your writing. Exercise, sleep hygiene, healthy phospholipids, cholesterol, and fats. Magnesium would be very important. You could take a drink as I stated above. Take the Opti-Mag Neuro with vitamin C in the evening. That is extremely healing to the adrenal glands, and calming. You know vitamin C, we don't make any. And our nerves are very dependent for many, many reasons to get enough of this in our diet.

When I go to bed tonight, I will take a glass about this big and I will put magnesium with vitamin C powder in it. So, I’m giving myself a little extra antioxidant at night with the relaxation of the magnesium. Hopefully, that helps. 


"Any ideas on how to address left-sided neck and trapezius tension that comes and goes throughout the day and sometimes feels in the back of the neck and forehead? Chiropractic treatment and massages have not resolved it. Last month, days after doing light overhead weights and pulling up a heavy patient my neck seized in a painful spasm, and couldn't move in any direction. My RBC Mg was 4.7 (4.2-6.8) in December and I added another capsule of combo mg citrate, glycinate, and malate so now I'm taking 400mg every day. Drinking more water." 


I think we need to have a regular program of stretching, especially as we get older. That's why I do Pilates twice a week. I need that stretching. I need to get on that reformer machine, and pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull myself apart, and then force myself to bend over, and reach my toes. We have all of these areas that need to bring in. I'm glad you're taking magnesium. I think a high-dose vitamin C would be smart to add to your magnesium. But I think Pilates is the answer to what you're talking about. 


"I have been seeing a urologist about recurring UTIs. CT results showing retroverted uterus and right uterine vein draining, asymmetrical uterus, and prominent cervix. Bladder, kidneys, etc completely normal. No stones, etc. Urologist is referring me to gyno at this point. Have you had experience with this causing UTIs? UTIs have been proven with culture several times in the last year so it's not just symptoms. Infection and symptoms return within 1 or 2 weeks of ending abx. Am now on low-dose long-term abx and symptom-free BUT this is not a long-term plan. Have had all manner of blood work done, and all labs normal, including hormone levels. I'm a 31-year-old female, otherwise healthy. Dr said himself he is puzzled why I can't fight infection, and so assumes there is an internal source causing it but obviously he isn't an expert in female organs. 

I am intermittent fasting, healthy weight, low carb, etc."


I hope you know, I don't know if you're vaccinated with that mRNA Yeah, it has some immune damaging problems. But even if you did have it, I would want to do an NK cell study, a natural killer cell, and do a lymphocyte profile on you. And then I'd want to see your vitamin D levels be up in the 100 to 120 range. And then I would want to make sure your insulin and triglycerides and fasting blood sugar hemoglobin A1C are really truly nice and low. And then I wouldn't want to do a zinc. If you did a red blood cell, magnesium, hopefully, you got a zinc level. And kind of look at it from their point of view. And your DHEA. We can also give D-Manos, something to help the bladder.


I've never heard of a retroverted uterus being the cause of UTIs. But see your doctor. Get a doctor who can check some of those things and go from there. 


“Sometimes at night when going to bed I get a pain in my right upper back that radiates to my jaw. Almost feels like a burning sensation. usually lasts hours. Any ideas?” 


That is so unusual. I would want you to see your doctor. Pain that radiates into the jaw, I always think cardiac. I would get concerned about cardiac pain. I would see a doctor. Or go to an urgent care if that happens again. I don’t like the sound of that.


“Any recommendations for rheumatoid arthritis and MS.” 


Well, everything that's involving avoiding food allergies, stopping autoimmune phenomena, EDTA chelation therapy to improve the microcirculation, and restoring the cell membranes, with phospholipids that kind of a pathway. 


“My grandmother is not getting any help from our MD or cardio. She gets short of breath, pain across her back and the center of her chest. It scares me. Any advice to give her?”


That sounds again cardiac also. I would have to say she has to go to the urgent care and have an EKG. Look for leads that would do some T-Wave and QR-Waves to see if she has myocarditis from it. I would take her to the ER when that happens. You don‘t have to wait, just take her, and get that done with a doctor. 


“How long after a TBI would you recommend getting back to chelation for detox?”  


I don’t know what that means. Total bilateral, I don’t know. You can get back to the chelation immediately. I don’t see any reason why anything would ever stop it. 

Traumatic brain injury, okay. I would recommend it immediately. The more oxygen and phospholipids you can get in there and vitamin C, the better off they will be. 


“I work with Dr. Klinghardt. He developed ART. I like bio-resonance testing like Xido. That helps to dig deeper with conventional testing of modalities.” 


That’s true. Dr. Klinghardt was one of the teachers way back in the ‘90s when I went for my doctorate there. 


“A stool test shows I have a metabolic imbalance. Very low short chain fatty acids, specifically butyrate.”


You need to use digestive enzymes when you eat. You have to get prebiotics and probiotics in your diet. Vitamin D in your diet that helps you make serotonin, makes you happier.