HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 03 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 03 2023

January 6, 2023


“I came down with a stomach bug on Christmas Eve, headache, and diarrhea throughout the night. The next day I rallied and seemed much better with less energy. Then around 9 pm on Christmas Day, I got the chills and couldn't shake them. I went to bed and finally warmed up, but the headache was worse, and I had diarrhea all night long. On Monday, I had a fever all day, fluctuating from 99 to 101. I was glad for the fever. Slept most of the day, the diarrhea stopped. and the headaches lessened. Today I am woozy and very little energy. I haven't indulged over the holidays and always eat well and stay very hydrated. I would love your advice on what to do to heal my stomach. I've been drinking my proper amount of water, and ginger tea, and ate some white rice and a scrambled egg.”


You're probably already resolved on this. I did not see this. But in general, when anyone gets what we call a stomach bug, a stomach flu, or gastroenteritis, the first thing we usually advise them to do is to stop eating solid foods and go onto a clear liquid diet. And by that, we mean in general going on chicken broth or beef broth. These are just clear liquids that have the brownish/yellowish color of the flavor of the beef or the chicken but there are no solids in it. It has a lot of the electrolytes, salts, and minerals that you need. And you can heat this up. It's nice and warm to be sipping on in a cup.

We also ask you to go get some sugared drinks like Ginger Ale. It has the sugar in it. Not Diet Ginger Ale. And then often will say add some water to it to get the fizz out of it. So, you don't get the gas from the fizz in it. And you keep on drinking the clear liquid chicken broth or beef broth and the Ginger Ale mixed with a little water. That way you're getting your sugar, and you're getting your salts and minerals. As you rest your stomach, whatever irritated your stomach means your stomach needs to heal. Give it a break from trying to do its work. Just like if you sprained your ankle, you know immediately to give it a rest, you don't go out and start walking on it to get you around. So, the same with your stomach, if it's giving you some upset stomach with loose stools and stuff, give it a break. And so, we do this from 24 or 48 hours, just on these clear liquid diets. All that fluid, the rest, the energy coming from the sugar which is in the Ginger Ale usually is what will clear almost anything up. And then, after 48 hours, then we use the BRAT diet. That's typically bananas, rice, applesauce, and T stands for toast. We never recommend toast. So, our solids usually would reflect something like applesauce, banana, and white rice. And if you tolerate that on the third day, then you can go usually back to your regular diet. But that's how we appropriately deal with it.

As far as there being some mystery herb or mystery treatment there isn't it's really letting your gut heal itself. It heals very rapidly. It's one of the fastest turnover areas in our body for trying to heal. That's often why if you're fighting cancer and you're getting chemotherapy or radiation, there's such a rapid turnover rate in the gut that people will get diarrhea from the secondary side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. So, that tends to heal itself if you give it a good rest. And usually, 48 hours is what it needs and not to be eating anything. And then on the third day, you start your very bland foods. And what is mostly bland, would be the sugar-based foods, applesauce, banana, and something like white rice. Then on the fourth day, you eat a regular diet. That's how we would approach it and we go from there. 


“Do you get enough fiber with your one meal-a-day diet?”


I certainly do. My fiber is largely, I’m mostly carnivore. I’m eating beef, chicken, pork, and then some fish. I will have the very low carb. If I eat any vegetables, it's broccoli, or asparagus, or Brussels sprouts, or green beans, or spinach. And that's typically it. And so, I use probiotics. And then, I can have a regular form stool right on time every day. So, yeah. You can get enough fiber on a one-meal-a-day plan.

Now, currently, I'm on my five-day fast. I'm starting day three now without having eaten anything, just a water fast. And I'm doing quite fine. I did my workout and I'm doing my workout in the morning as well. I have worked out five days a week. And I always do that on New Year's Day, January 1 after we have our New Year's dinner. That’s usually around mid to late afternoon, so that was Sunday to Monday to Tuesday and now I am starting into my third day. 


“Hair thinning and hair loss here and want to know what vitamin supplement can I take? And is laser treatment okay?”


We lose the approaching generation and repair and building as we age. Our hair all thins. Everyone who ages, it thins. Our nails, we heal less on scratches and cuts. It slows down. So, thinning hair is the course of aging.

Now, most people are not eating enough protein and most people are not exercising as they get older to build up their muscles. And so, their muscles dissolve away. As we’re losing muscle mass, how on earth can we expect your body to try and repair and build great thick hair when our muscle wasting is about 1% a year?

So, there is no mystery mineral. I have been practicing for 41 years. And in this, I am seeing women discuss thinning and hair loss. So, if there was an answer, I would certainly share it with you. The principles of health are what keep good hair and good nails. That is, you have to have good circulation. We promote EDTA chelation therapy IV. That improves the microcirculation. If you look up a YouTube called TACT Update, 2019 Dr. Lamas, you'll see a 15-minute video about the remarkable vascular improved blood flow throughout the body, even with diabetic foot ulcers and amputations that are being planned for poor circulation. And you'll hear a cardiologist discuss this. There are many other videos on this. But if you have good circulation, that tissue is going to get more of the daily nutrients. As we age everything is thinning, our skin is thinning, our hair is thinning, our brain is shrinking. And that's all because tiny little capillaries are getting clogged up with sugars, antibody-antigen complexes to foods, and other things. And so, we tell people if you live a lifestyle that is moving always toward good health, and that means getting a good night's sleep, drinking enough water half your weight in ounces as a daily amount. So, if you're a 200-pound man, you need 100 ounces a day. If you are a 150-pound woman, you need 75. Eating enough protein, because we're made of protein and fat. And some of the dietary research on the nutrient density of our food compared to the nutrient density research performed in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s shows that an apple today is not as nutrient-dense as it was 50 years ago. You might have to eat 5 or 10 apples to get the same amount of nutrient density and of course, you get all that sugar. And that goes for almost everything. Because we're moving to this industrialized farming rather than local farming and volume sales over quality is what's happening. And the soil is being raked and raked and raked and not allowed to rotate and rest enough. And then you have all the chemicals. And then you have in the food stores, you go grocery shopping and about 80% of what's in the the grocery stores didn't exist 50 years ago. You look around and all these packaged foods that dominate the largest volume space of your grocery stores are created and they're processed. So, the outside aisles usually have the meats and the dairy and the vegetables and stuff. And even the quality of these are starting to diminish.

Yes, your hair will thin with time and age. But you can slow that down with a good, wide, broad-spectrum multivitamin-mineral, with a good antioxidant. Our choices here are the TLC Energy Core and the TLC Multi Min. The Juice Plus series, EDTA chelation, systemic enzymes that work as an anti-inflammatory to keep the inflammation of your blood vessels down, drinking enough water, not clogging it up with a high carb sticky, starchy, fruity, sugary type diet. And exercise and a good night's sleep, natural hormones are maintained, natural estradiol, natural progesterone, natural testosterone, and thyroid function checking. And then with that, as a base, all the B vitamins you hear about, Biotin, being very valuable and doing all these things, you are going to get those things in it. 

The laser treatments, infrared lasers are these lasers that are skullcaps and such. They're valuable in that they have a very local effect on energy delivery to the scalp capillaries. That is improving the circulation. So, again, if you’re exercising, taking chelation therapy, drinking enough water, not clogging up the pipes with a lot of sticky sugars, eating late at night, food allergy antigens, and so forth, you'll see that that's the best way to look at preserving your hair quality. 


“Was wondering what your opinion was of the program Osteo Strong? Does it help to build bone in time as they claim?”


I don’t know the program called Osteo Strong. I’m not familiar with that game or gimmick or program. What we suggest here is bone building is based on the same health principles that all bodily health repair is based on. And I just listed most of them just now in the question before on the hair. The unique thing about the bone is that the bone has a sheath on it, you might say like a glove. And when you suddenly decelerate, like you stop or hit the table, what happens is there is a jiggling, a little shimmering, you might say, of the periosteum, a little shaking, a little tip pulling on it, you might say. That microsecond of that whole stress tear creates an electrochemical response. It’s called a piezometric response that stimulates the cells saying the bone is being used to repair it, use it. So, this electrochemical messaging is based on sudden acceleration, like that, or stomping.

So, people who go walking and they are wearing these big thick cushy gym shoes, you are getting all that softening of the pounding that our forefathers had. I just don't see in the history books, the hump, you see it in the old women and men. Because they didn’t have any cushy shoes. They had hard-soled shoes. They were often getting that hard stop. Now, if you're a runner, you are getting it. But those of us who are not runners, we need to purposely have like soft moccasins on our bare feet. And then stomp for 10 to 20 seconds, twice a day. This gives you the sudden deceleration going. I have a punching bag in my backyard, you know from my wrists, and so forth. You can also jam it on the table, 10 strikes for each arm. And then natural hormones, like progesterone on their own to help stimulate the osteoblast building and vitamin D getting levels up there higher than the average the 60, and 30/60 range. We take our patients to 80 to 100. And then estradiol stimulates bone building. And then we give them the vitamin D/K2. The K2 component with Vitamin D is superior in helping build those bones. And then, we stress the stomping and then we stress the natural hormones. We also stress the healthy lifestyle. And then we don't have to worry about calcium supplementation, strontium, boron, these esoteric things that are rich or available in eating grass-fed beef and wild prairie-raised chicken and pigs and fresh wild cod fish. This tends to be abundant in their tissue.

So that's what I would say. I'm not familiar with Osteo Strong. But you cannot get away from a low dose of vitamin D, lack of hormones, both estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and the sudden deceleration exercises are very key. Rebounders are good also. If you don’t want to stomp, you can do the rebounder 5 to 10 minutes, twice a day. That would be helpful. 


“I listened to an interesting interview of Sally K. Norton, talking about oxalates and how they affect our bodies. Are you familiar with oxalate issues and what do you think about it?”


Yes, oxalates, these are rich in foods like spinach, which I love spinach and I love to eat it. There are certain plants that are very rich in oxalates. This is a phytochemical. And you can concentrate on that and wind up getting stones and other crystal formations in your body. I suppose it's a risk, but I've never really seen anyone overdose on spinach, or these other cruciferous vegetables or oxalate-rich vegetables. What I really see happen is people don't drink enough water and then they become chronically dehydrated. And then when they're eating foods that are healthy but have the oxalates in them they can more easily form in their dehydrated state, chronic state, these crystal formations. I agree this is a concern. But I have really never seen a problem in 41 years of practicing medicine. If they drink water, I don’t see these problems. 


“Have you found any success for treating GERD with the use of Globulin supplements or with Colostrum?”


Our SBI Protect is a serum of bovine immunoglobulin. We use this a lot for reflux and gastritis, and yes is the answer. A lot of the time these protein immunoglobulins are very helpful in protecting the lining of the gut and giving relief from that heartburn. The answer is yes because it’s so full of immunoglobulins.

We use SBI Protect and when I say I use it, I'm telling you I use a ton of this. SBI Protect and serum bovine immune globulin are what it stands for from New Zealand, bovine that is grass-fed. And quite an excellent research product. I have been blessed to have a father and mother who raised me on a very healthy life extension type lifestyle on diet. So, I do believe that was a great help, those rules in the house when growing up, never eating late. If you didn’t make it for dinner, you don’t get dinner. 


“What do you think of Gallbladder Cleanse? and do you have a specific one you can recommend? Also, what do you suggest for aging eyes? My Dad is asking what are the best supplements, and any other advice for healthy eyesight.”


I don't think much of them. This concept over for many decades, and if there was value to it, believe me, I would be championing it for you. But I have never found gallbladder cleanses to be helpful. For instance, most of them involve having some olive oil consumed in large amounts. Then your bowel movements seem to have these stones that they call a gallstone, but these are really bile-coated missiles, which are little fatty globules. I think it's a stress that your body doesn't need. But I do think you should try if you don't have any other medical contraindications, which there are very, very few. But if you're an insulin-dependent diabetic, you could probably not fast. But basically doing 24 hours without eating, going from dinner to dinner is one of the most cleansing things. God has made us and written in the DNA is how to heal, how to repair. We are not smart enough to heal a deep laceration cut. There's a beautiful orchestra, there are millions and billions of cells and chemicals in our body that bring the beautiful healing to fruition. So, if you give your body a rest, once a week, especially as you get past age 30, if you don't have food in you for 24 hours, then your body is totally looking and scrounging around for repair and clean up for its needs. This is called autophagy. And then, there is mitophagy, even your mitochondria can get rejuvenated. And this is one of the best ways as we get older and elderly to stimulate healing and repair. 

Now for eyesight, I have found fasting tremendously beneficial, because I had some floaters show up. I would say about a year ago now. And as soon as this floater in my left eye showed up, it was tremendously irritating. And you know, just floating in my vision and messing, you know, my eye coordination up. And I just fasted for five days. And I cut that sucker almost totally down to nothing. And so, fasting helps your body. What is a floater? Just junk protein in the vitreous humor of the eye, which is kind of liquid gel. And for some reason, it got triggered by probably some stress, oxidative stress, or virus, or a combination, or dehydration, or lack of sleep, or too much stress. And I had a little of it congeal, and it was floating in there. So, I went on a five-day fast. And bingo. I also took the enzymes, Vascuzyme and Vitalzym. I took five of them twice a day, 10 a day, and it just tremendously got better.

The other thing is microcirculation is improved with EDTA chelation therapy. So, really the back of your eyeball is just a capillary cup, okay? It's just full of neurons and tiny capillaries that are dealing with all this informational light and transformation of this light and neurons. And so, you have to have good capillaries. Therefore, EDTA chelation always helps vision. I have my macular degeneration patients and my glaucoma patients have avoided surgeries simply because they did fasting, took enzymes, they used EDTA chelation therapy on a regular basis.

Then I always have everyone on Juice Plus. I have never found anything to be superior. And it has so many research papers, independent universities, looking at randomized controlled trials and many of them are blinded as well. And so, if you're going to say where is that wonderful vitamin A and the other nutrients needed, the nutrient condensation you might say from 30 different fruits, vegetables, and berries. Gives you all the resveratrol, anthocyanins, and all these strange concentrated in the Juice Plus of your eye. And of course, the low-carb, healthy lifestyle diet, exercise, and drinking your water. Those are the things that I would say I recommend. Juice Plus, chelation therapy, intermittent fasting, a 24-hour fast at least once a week, if not two times a week if you really have a problem, and then I wouldn't do any gallbladder cleanses. I just know, over decades that it's not necessary. That this healthy lifestyle will do it. 


“A question about my mother. She’s 79 and was diagnosed with focal dystonia a few years ago in her right foot. Her foot is now turning and curling under to the inside when she walks now, and it hurts. She wants a brace and uses a walker and may need a wheelchair soon. I’ve talked to her about chelation therapy you talk about as well as cleaning up her diet (no carbs and sugar) and wondered if you’d recommend chelation for people with neurological disorders like this. I’m still learning about moms condition. She’s lived a healthy life but did have some autoimmune issues from time to time mostly large hives on her legs then they would disappear.”


Absolutely. If you want the nerves and muscles tissues and bones, all tissue to get better, nutritional flow dynamics, and every beating second of your life, you have to have excellent microcirculation and that’s what EDTA chelation does. Then the low-carb diet will improve the circulation, hydration will improve it, not eating late, and getting on the healthy nerve-building lifestyle which is eating meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs, all this healthy fat, choline, and phospholipids help restore the nerves and repair the muscle tissues and so forth. And then, therapy, physical therapy. So, yes, and then I would take enzymes, anti-inflammatory enzymes, and so forth. 

And indeed, we develop these odd cross-reactivities with our own tissues from the immune system that we have. And we believe that this starts in the gut primarily. And this is a low-grade chronic inflammatory issue. You might love eating tomatoes, and you eat them all the time, or very often multiple times during the week. But the lectins in the tomatoes, the little protein signatures that make a tomato a tomato is in the skin. And it is known to be very irritating to the gut lining and your gut is only one cell membrane thick. So, we can be taking in these foods, these vegetables, which the vegetable kingdom largely has this whole arena of lectins, which is a general term that defines these little phytochemicals that define the vegetable for what it is. Whether it's a plant or tomato or potato or onion or garlic or whatever it is green bean and so forth. These lectins are there to try and repel mold and fungus and insects and bacteria. And they're very potent on a small scale to those insects and fungi and molds. But to human beings, it just creates a low-grade chronic irritation. And then your immune system gets confused and exhausted constantly fighting because marketing gets you to eat the same thing over and over and over and over again. And you putting that down your gut all the time because they've just juiced it up with you know high fructose corn syrup, MSG, salty, fake butter, chemicals, and so forth. And so, you get addicted to eating this and then you create this chronic irritation. Then you get the cross-over attack so to say and then you get these neurological, MS from this kind of process. You can get rheumatoid arthritis, you can get thyroiditis, you can get, you know, skin rashes, you can get headaches, and on and on it goes. So yes, we need to eat with much more humility and much less demand for entertainment. Of course, marketing wants to make it entertaining and marketed as your right, your privilege to entertain your mouth every time you open it to eat. But they have corrupted it. 


“With a food sensitivity (Immuno IgG lab results) of +1 to pineapple and +1 to papaya, is it still ok to continue taking Vitalzym given its contents of bromelain and papain, or would you recommend a different systemic enzyme? Thank you so much for your help. Very grateful.”


The answer is yes. I would continue taking it, Vascuzyme and Vitalzym. The food allergens are to the lectins, really not the internal enzymes. It’s like saying, you had a reaction to eating a strawberry and your lips swell. Then you say, I'm allergic to strawberries. Okay. But you're not allergic to vitamin C in that strawberry, you're not allergic to some of the B vitamins in that strawberry, other antioxidants in that strawberry, any of the minerals in that strawberry. So, to say the word papaya and pineapple is to be describing the defining leptin of that fruit, not the internal contents. And this is what is really giving you the benefit. So no, you're not having a problem by taking Vitalzym


 “Do you recommend discontinuing Vitalzym or other supplements before and after surgery? If so, for how long? Have Factor V Leiden.”


We stop them before surgery. Not because it’s really a bad thing. It just improves the tiny microcirculation. So, in a sense, it's a very slight mild, blood thinner. And then if you're cutting and doing surgery, if you've ever been in a surgical suite or you see it on the YouTube, you'll see they have cauterization tools, instruments, and the little capillaries, little arterioles will leak blood after you make an incision. And so, they cauterize all these little sites, but they'll tend to ooze if you're you have blood thinners or too much enzyme action in your body. So, we say about four or five days before any surgery stop your systemic enzymes. And then, we say the day after surgery, then you resume them and I often tell my patients to double up on them for a week or two, seven to 14 days to help clean up the inflammatory trauma of the site of the surgery. 


I fill 5 Gallon Containers (BPA free) with Reverse Osmosis water from a "Professional Water Processing Facility" to supply my family's drinking water needs. What is the preferred method for replacing minerals missing from this source? Is Reverse Osmosis water from a professional processing facility, which has invested in multi-stage filtration, the safest available for total body health?”


That could be a two-hour lecture right there. In general, hydration is very important. And getting filtered water such that you are not getting the load of heavy metal toxins, plasticizers, phthalides, toxins that are in the water system, arsenic, and such, we need to get that out of the water. So, you're doing the absolute good thing by getting filtered water.

Now reverse osmosis has that problem and that there are some mineral upsets. So, if you're eating grass-fed beef, grass-fed pigs, prairie-raised chicken and stuff like that, and wild-caught fish. And these things, they are very rich in minerals. But I also take a multi-mineral every day of my life. And that's because over the 40 years of practicing medicine, I have seen magnesium, probably the number one deficiency in minerals, and then number two would be maybe selenium. And so I've always taken it because I have seen this drop off in the available marketing of groceries. So take a multimineral that should be it, all you need, along with eating the meats, and chicken, and the fish, and the pork, and so forth.

The other thing I was going to bring up about that is if you have a home unit, like a Berkey water filter, these are these canisters and then a top canister and they have these filters in them. And then you just dump the water in and it filters through and let it out the spigot at the bottom. Very, very simple. I’m looking at mine right here. The Berkey unit is fabulous, fabulous. And it gets, you know rid of the absolute vast majority. I don't think mine has the fluoride filter.

I remember what I was going to say iodine is another salt that I find very, very deficient in the human community here. I would say a good 96% of everyone I've ever tested has been deficient. So, getting iodine in your diet, and a salt tablet would be good. But I think taking a multi-mineral is just fine. And not to worry about that so much. But any effort you put in from filtering from your community water source, I think is very necessary today.

Another thing I have in my office here is I have a room dehumidifier, it makes water out of the air and the humidity of the air. As long as you have humidity in your environment of at least 32%, this machine works to take that moisture in the air and condense it on a cool strip and it drips into a container and fills up. So that's a tremendous way to filter. But again, your minerals are not going to be floating so much in the air. So, I have been using that for a long time now. And I just take my multi-minerals and my labs are stellar. 


“Recently I had radiofrequency ablations on the great saphenous veins in my right and left legs. One is healing more slowly than the other. How long should I wait after these procedures before having enhanced chelation?”


You don't have to wait in my opinion, you can do them right away. I'm not a vain vascular surgeon. I'm not an expert on the you know management of treating these varicose veins if I understand the situation, what you're describing here. But the older we get the slower we heal.

Here's an excellent situation where fasting will stimulate more rapid healing fasting, an extremely low-carb diet. This is where eating meat, an egg yolks, and things that are rich and healthy proteins and fats will enhance the healing quality, and reduce scarring, this is where systemic enzymes will really help you. This is work drinking enough water will tremendously help you get a better result. You don't have to put off enhanced chelation, you can do that right away. In fact, I tell people to try and get enhanced chelation the day before or the hours before getting surgery. The reason is that we have researched all kinds of animal research on cutting off the blood supply to major organs in an animal. Those that get EDTA chelation prior to that ligation. When they do research, and they sacrifice the animals and they look at the organ in the chelated animal, they find that there's almost no tissue breakdown and damage compared to an animal that undergoes surgery and does not get chelation first. Because remember EDTA chelation, EDTA itself is an antioxidant preservative. It helps during hypoxia, it helps during low blood flow. It's just a tremendous thing to do. 


What kind of vitamin E is best for the body? What does it do?”


Vitamin E comes as tocopherols and tocotrienols. There are four different kinds of each. This is a family of vitamin E. Well, eating organic, farm-raised, and vegetables, and dairy, and animals, and poultry, and so forth, and fish. I don't have a brand name. I know it's in the Juice Plus. I know it's in the TLC Energy Core. But I do not know any specific brand name.

Of course, the internet has anything you want. Because you know where's the research though to say that it's quality and tested. We test our patients all the time. We do the nutrient density of assays, and micronutrient assays and vitamin E deficiencies are just not something I see when a patient is living a healthy lifestyle, and taking things like Juice Plus, vitamin D, enzymes, enough water, low carb, exercising, eating healthy, organic vegetables, and prairie raised beef, chicken, turkey, and wild-caught fish. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. It's very important in cell membrane integrity. It helps in regenerating micronutrient antioxidant pathways. It is very important in all the fatty membranes, especially in your brain for memory and cardiovascular, that heart is always exercising and pumping every day. So, you need very good antioxidants to help the repair phase and cycle of your heart tissues and muscles. So, it's very, very important.

But we could make an hour lecture on thousands of micronutrients in the human body that are very important. And we just can't take a thousand supplements. We have to live a healthy lifestyle. We need to consume what we're made of. And we are made of protein and fats and minerals. We are not made of starch and carbohydrates and sugars. Otherwise, we'd be hard as rock candy. So, if we consume grass-fed beef, and prairie-raised chicken, and poultry, and wild-caught fish, and prairie-raised pigs, and on and on like that, you see we are going to be having all those things that our body needs to repair itself with, if we don't clog it up with sugars and starches and fruit sugars and processed foods cheap, easy, addicting colored hydrogenated fat with trans fatty acids. These are the things we need to avoid and then we'll be doing fine.


Do you recommend NEAR infrared saunas or FAR infrared saunas? Besides that, what are the most important criteria to consider when buying an infrared sauna for regular in-home use? Is there a particular company/manufacturer that you recommend?”


Let me get my thinking right on this. Mine is an infrared, far infrared. So, I don’t have a near-infrared. I would say that I’m not an expert on that to give you a solid answer. My suggestion is to go onto the YouTube and look up the name, Rhonda Patrick. She’s a Ph.D. And she has done tons of research on saunas, infrared and far rad. And it's all favorable. I'm not sure that a near-infrared sauna exists. I have an infrared sauna in my bedroom. And I get the temperature in there up to like 150 146. And I sit in there for about 40 minutes and my body temperature goes from, I test my temperature with an oral thermometer, mercury-based. I'm about you know, 98.3 degrees before when I get out, I'm 101. And that's just fantastic. So, look up Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., and the word sauna. And you'll see so many wonderful lectures on this whole topic. The Finnish people in Finland, almost all of them every household has an infrared or a sauna, wet sauna, where you have the hot rocks and you put the water on it. That is a hotter environment that can get up to like 200 degrees. And I don't think you can stay in there as I do. I stay in mine for about 40 to 45 minutes.

The one that I bought was, Sauna Sure. I think it’s called Sauna Sure. It’s a tent, that I also go to the cage with it. So, it's got the canvas tenting, then it has the cage over that plus another canvas. So, mine is three layers thick. I have my four big bulbs for my infrared. It's only about five feet tall. So, I have to stoop my head to get in there and sit down on the stool. And it has a flap that secures with Velcro. And you know, you can hear anything. I have my YouTube playing while I'm in there. And I just listen. And then I rotate around on my stool like I'm a rotisserie chicken. Sauna Sure is what I use. And it's in my home. And it's the light, you know, electrical light bulbs that have that infrared. And that's what I use. But I know that Dr. Rhonda Patrick goes over other brands and such.

So, I don't have the time and the wherewithal to do the hot water over the rocks. Either build it on my outside with the wood enclosure. I know that you can do sometimes have that even in your home, but I move things around in my home so much, I have to deal with a simple system. And it works just fine in my opinion. And you'll hear Dr. Rhonda Patrick say, yeah, she thinks that using the light bulb method, just as long as your core body temperature rises, and I told you my temperature goes up to 101. 


 “Last week you asked if I was a patient of yours doing chelation and I'm not because I live out of the state and your office stated they only treat in CA when I called to inquire about becoming a patient. What dosage do you do EDTA at for gadolinium detox, or do you do for yourself? Is that once a week or more frequently?”


What I've found over many, many decades of being around chelation therapy. Remember, I was seven years old, and that's 62 years ago when my grandfather had his unstable angina. And my dad went to doctors, at Great Lakes College for the Advancement of Medicine, and they were doing chelation teaching for the first time in the 1950s. And my grandfather got chelation therapy. So, when I say I know chelation therapy, I'm telling you, I know chelation therapy. And we can give you according to the Cockcroft calculations, your body mass and your kidney function, we can do a calculation on the maximum dose, and we can give you of 50 milligrams per kilogram. But why use the maximum dose? Remember, you're pulling toxins out and the movement of toxins is irritating, it can make you feel sick. So, I have long since decided, I'm never going to use the maximum dose. I want happy, healthy, detoxing routinely, faithfully managed IVs with no problems. And that's exactly what we have here. Because I only use half the strength of the dose, 50%. And you can ask your local doctor to do a Cockcroft calculation, he'll know what that means. If he does chelation therapy, this Cockcroft calculation is based on 50 milligrams per kilogram body weight, and just tell them to cut it in half, you only want to do it at half the amount. That's what I do for myself, and all my patients, and I never have a problem.

Now, I would do this weekly, you could do it more than once a week, two, even three times. The most I've ever allowed a patient to do is four times a week because very often even at full strength 50 milligrams per kilogram. People do chelation twice a week. So, if I give you half that strength, you can do it four times a week, which would be the total equivalent dose. Nobody almost ever, ever, ever does four times a week, but some often do it once or twice a week. And if you can tolerate it, then you can move that gadolinium on out and talk with your local doctor there. 


“How is your five-day fast going? We are in day two. I also take Lutein and Xanthine for eye health.”


Yes, I'm on day three, David, and I'm doing just fine. You know, I've already taken my vitamins. And it goes up to about that, you know, there might be 23, 20 in the afternoon. So, I must take like 46 vitamins total a day. Anyway, all I eat are my vitamins. I’m drinking all my water in my glass, and then I have my black coffee. I'm going to bed probably sooner, I don't want to be triggered by a commercial or anything or anyone around the home eating. And so, it's going very, very well.

Yes, both of those are also in Juice Plus. So, they there are isolates like resveratrol in grapes. And there's tremendous antioxidant health from these things. But we can’t follow each biochemical discovery and then make a pill for it. So that's why I say put your faith in proven decades and decade’s worth of research and Juice Plus is just one of them. And then we have millions of children on it worldwide and we have such great outcomes for the children. So, Xanthine is an antioxidant that is a plant-based derivative and they are very good for your eye. 


“What brand would you recommend for oral mercury-based thermometer?”


Well, I don't have a brand name. I have the plastic, you know, it’s in plastic and tapers down to the tip. Mine is maybe 20 years old. I just don't know. I know nowadays, they have these light-reflective sensors that are absolutely pin precise. Or your touch your temple or you just take the wand over the forehead. These are typically what they're doing. I just mentioned it because I'm using an old thermometer. And it's in a plastic encasement. So, I can't break it. And it's probably one of the last products that were ever sold in that form 20 to 30 years ago. But I take good care of it like my other equipment.

I would say just to stay away from trying to look for a mercury thermometer. I don't think you can even find one today.