YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 20 2022
December 22, 2022
"Why are Glutathione IV no longer being administered and when will they once again become available?"
We are always trying to use the leading edge of nutraceutical research to help restore health. One of the things that Glutathione has been used, you might have heard of Dr. Perlmutter, he is a neurologist who put out a series of tests and clinical paper reports on Parkinsonian symptoms that were greatly modified and helped with the powerful antioxidant that is made in the human body and in our diets with glutathione intravenous IVs and this helps the brainstem and part of the Parkinsonian patient to dramatically improve their tremors.
What we need is to have our tax dollars or private research and just get the government out of this completely, to be free to do research on nutraceuticals, and natural items. And do this in the hands of experienced, licensed physicians, do our reports, and gather data
We have used glutathione, the antioxidant, intravenously. And we have seen benefits for the neurological challenges of Parkinsonian, like tremors. And we are not getting this supplied to us because the production of nutraceuticals is only done by probably the finest of pharmaceutical research, natural pharmacies, and we have to depend on them. If they can't get the base materials to make it, if regulations are so humongous from a huge bureaucracy laying upon the pharmaceuticals, or the pharmacies that are trying to make sterile available, vials with glutathione in it, and it makes it too costly due to ridiculous excessive bureaucratic rules. We've enjoyed these natural things for decades and decades. As they dump all this regulatory paperwork on us, the profitability of having these nutraceuticals becomes untenable. So, pray for individual responsibility, and limited government, I mean, if a pharmacy or a physician were to produce something that was contaminated, they should be discovered and it should be addressed. We have courts and malpractice for these things.
I have never ever in my 40 years of practice seen and my, you know, almost 60 years of experience around nutraceutical intravenous therapies, I've never seen anything but benefit to the patient of all ages from children to the very aged. So, that's what's going on. We are getting choked by bureaucratic overload in regulatory activities. While they loosen up on the most studied emergency use procedures, they're clamping down on the safest natural nutraceuticals with bureaucratic red tape. So, pray for us. And as soon as it's available and possible, I'll try and have it again.
"My mom was recently diagnosed with colitis and spent five days in the hospital. After doing a colonoscopy follow-up, they found a tumor in the colon which is malignant. They also found polyps that are benign. Just finished another CT scan and lung x-ray to see if the cancer has spread, if it hasn’t we have surgery scheduled for January 19. Wondering if there’s anything holistically we should be doing in the interim. My mom is very healthy otherwise and has always followed all of your supplement protocols, as I have been a patient of yours for 15+ years."
Colitis is an inflammation of the lining of the colon. This is very common today and doesn’t just show up. It’s usually a gradual thing that develops.
I would definitely say going extremely ketogenic. Very, very, very low carb, under 20 grams of carbohydrates. I would eat only in a window of time, which would be roughly four hours and 20 hours of fasting. Because that will rest the bowel. I would use high-dose vitamin C and I would use EDTA chelation to improve microcirculation so that the high-dose vitamin C could go in deeper. There's plenty of research over the many, many decades about vitamin C intravenous high-dose therapy having a very positive effect and having the ability to kill stem cells of all kinds of cancers, especially colorectal cancer, and stem cell research. And again, most of this is studied by private research because the nutraceuticals are not the desire of big pharma companies. They want to finance patentable, controlled, and highly profitable therapies, rather than looking at simple things like high-dose vitamin C, and FDA-approved EDTA chelation IVs. Getting a vitamin D level of up to the 80 range micrograms per deciliter. Using a powerful antioxidant, like Juice Plus. I would use the fruit vegetable and the berry. I would use enzymes such like a Vitalzym or Vascuzyme on an empty stomach three times a day to reduce inflammation. The diet should largely be grass-fed, wild-caught, free-range fish, chicken, beef, eggs, and things like that. If you had any vegetables, they should be cooked and very, very low carbs. Such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, and green beans. These would be used when you eat with digestive enzymes. Whereas the systemic enzymes on an empty stomach twice a day as a minimum, you could do it three times a day on an empty stomach would be like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme.
And we would use the NT Powder or it's called BioPC Pro powder. These are phospholipid powders that help to calm the lining and help repair the lining of the gut. And then I would take a multi-mineral, we have here TLC Multi Min that has a lot of selenium in it. Selenium acts in research very favorably 200 micrograms is associated with the prevention of the growth and metastasis of cancer.
Then the next thing I would take is Iodine. One iodine tablet, 12 and a half milligrams a day. That would be the base for any cancer, really, whatever it is. And colitis, these things are low-grade inflammation, and this low-grade inflammation has really been going on for years and years and years. In anyone that gets cancer, if you follow the trophoblastic theory of cancer, Dr. John Beard in 1909, was an embryologist who laid out that we all come from a single cell. We all started out as a single cell that divided into 2, 4,8, 16, 32, 64, and so forth. And the gene code for the initial rapid growth phase of the human being is written into the DNA. One of the driving forces of that rapid growth is to obtain nutrients and a blood supply. So, very much the original development of a baby from the fertilized egg to the implantation into the uterus is in many, many respects, very much similar to a cancer and its growth and invasion. It's interesting that the initial time that rapid growth starts to slow down is at the umbilicus near the belly button when that is around day 54, 56 in gestation. At that time, the baby has enough differentiation of the cells that the pancreas is starting to finish development and start secreting enzymes. Those enzymes then right at the umbilical cord are then picked up into the placenta and there is a feedback that is not quite understood, but the stops the invasion into the uterine wall of the placenta. And then, the baby just slows down and matures. This is differentiation of each cell group into the mature child to be born. So, this is called the trophoblastic theory of cancer, I think it is the correct answer.
Look I’m telling you about it, I’m a general practitioner. I have been teaching this for over 40 years. I learned this in the 1970s in my embryology classes. You can't tell me that this is not known by the multi, multibillion, trillion dollar systems in the pharmaceuticals and halls of knowledge in the lofty schools we think so highly of. So, the trophoblastic theory is saying, written in the DNA of every cell, is the potential to rapidly developing divide. Now, God has given us an immune system that is well capable to do surveillance, kind of like policeman in a city, always looking for the offender, and prohibiting them from offending, robbing, stealing, and locks them up, and bringing them to justice, and is tried, and so forth. The same thing with your immune system, we have this intricate T cell, B cell, innate, and cell-mediated immune system that is fabulous. And part of that immune system has specialized cells called non-killer cells that are associated with looking for cells that are behaving more primitively, acting more and more like they are originally DNA expressing the old, grow and divide, and break away from the original plan. So, this is what is happening, in my opinion.
So, let’s say you are a chronic smoker. You have chronic irritation to your lungs, year after year, decade after decade. And then finally, the scarring and healing and microdamage is so chronic, that some of the cells were so injured and chronically trying to repair, trying to repair, trying to repair. Finally, it is almost as if it is in the low oxygen desperate for a blood supply and nutrition, the DNA pops out of some lung cells and starts to repopulate on its own, you get lung cancer. The same for brain cancer, the same for bone cancer, and the same for every cancer.
In fact, if you look at cancers all over the world, they look very similar in that they're dedifferentiated. The more malignant, and aggressive the cancer, the more dedifferentiated. The more infantile, you might say it becomes like a very aggressive, growing, brand-new baby trying to grow and find a blood supply in the mother's uterus. So, all chronic injuries and damages can lead to this cell irritation and ultimate DNA, epigenetic environmental toxic environment, and hypoxia. And revert back to a very primitive state of metabolism, fermentation, facultative, anaerobic metabolism, and off you go then. If you don't have a good enough immune system to capture it right away, then it will overtake its surrounding area. So, you want to take care of your immune system for 100,000 reasons.
One of the things that we forget is that chronic food irritants are coming to us in the form of food allergies, slowly, every day, a little bit, just like the smoker. We are getting a food genetically modified feature or glyphosate-added component of a food that's irritating you and not enough to suddenly make you feel ill, but over the years and decades, it creates this problem. Or you're taking in so much sugar and fruit sugar and starch that your capillaries are constantly getting clogged with glycated little sticky sugar protein combinations and clogging up tiny capillaries in the distal little cells. They want their oxygen and their blood supply, and the pipe is clogged. Kind of like not flushing your toilet or your drain. So, the cells become chronically irritated and one of them just pops off and says I'll grow my own blood supply then. So, cancers can start anywhere. And we believe this is always been known the answer has always been available. This is the one I subscribe to.
So, that is why we here at Tustin Longevity Center, preach and teach you might say lifestyle control. Get your sugars, your starches, your bread, your pasta, your corn, your tortillas, your lattes, your sodas, your juicing, your crackers, or pretzels, your nuts, and seeds. All of these things add up every day to a higher than the average blood sugar that creates that primary cause. And you'll know that the vast majority of cancers are associated with obesity and high blood sugar. And remember all those foods I just listed, the starches and fruits and sugars and carbohydrates, all call for a growth-promoting hormone called insulin. And it’s one of the most dominant and promotional growth-promoting hormones out there. Insulin will stimulate the growth and help promote that cell that's chronically irritated into bursting out of its own control and growing on its own to find its own food source and blood supply. So, these things we teach here, and we have therefore enjoyed such a large population of health and preventative health, both for upper respiratory illnesses, this recent scare over the viral illnesses we've gone through in the past two, three years. We've done so well. We had no problems. We saw no differences. And we have done quite well. We have so much recovery from the vast majority of healthy extension of lifecycles from the cancers with these measures. We have prevention and such a lower incidence than the average. I just have to say that we are constantly hounding our patients every time we see them. How much water do you drink? How much exercise are you getting? Are you trying to watch your sugar, carbohydrate starch intake? Are you avoiding eating late at night? Are you doing any fasting, personal self-denial of eating, and just giving your gut some healing time intermittent fasting, a one day, two day? I will be doing my five-day fast from January 1 through January 6, as I do every year. I do it twice a year, Labor Day to Saturday, and I do January 1 to the 6th of January. Plus, I do this intermittent fasting, 20 hours of one meal a day fasting for the most time.
One of the interesting things that have come up lately. There are a couple of articles, I'll post them down here. It is associations of physical inactivity and COVID-19 outcomes among subgroups. Now this article is in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and it just came out, it was published, I think in the last week. But that’s the title. The primary investigator is Debra Young, Ph.D. The conclusion of this is very damning, to not allow exercise, and being outside, and getting circulation, and building up your muscles, and burning down the sugars, and getting the exercise in. It’s just a tremendous article. It concludes that there were protective associations of physical activity for adverse COVID-19 outcomes across demographic and clinical characteristics. Public health leaders should add physical activity to pandemic control strategies. I remember that being taught back in the 1980s when I was being trained on active duty for chemical biological and radioactive decontamination procedures as a medical corps physician and flight surgeon.
Then there was another article that came out. This is from the Food and Chemical Toxicology and it just came out on November 28 of this year, 2022. And the title is, Modifiable Contributing Factors to COVID-19, a Comprehensive Review. This came out of Israel. We are talking about something like 12 million people were involved in this research study. The basic point of this is they found about ten features of lifestyle and behavior activities that were extremely contributory to harming your own chances of fighting off a viral illness. And of course, it goes through the most common ones, lack of exercise, eating too many sugary carbohydrates, starches and fruit sugars, etc. Lack of sleep, poor circadian rhythm, eating late, and various items like this. So, this is a huge cohort of people, we're talking millions and millions of people in here. So, just in the last couple of weeks, we're starting to get a large dump of research data, reviewing the impact of lifestyle choices and good healthy outcomes for a long and healthy life, which is another way of saying, protecting your immune system.
I have a third article here, I'll bring it out next Monday night. I'll be here on the 26th of December. And that was a long answer to your question about your mother's recent colitis and then finding the malignancy, but I would be very encouraged, to work with your oncologist, and see if you can find a functional integrative medicine who is familiar with these principles and aggressively start your mother in these therapies now. Now, she can be a walk-in and get started. You can do all the nutraceuticals and diet that I've mentioned, but she can start right away getting the chelation and the vitamin C high dose. But not as high as we could go if we got other certain labs on her. But you can start her right away, twice a week, getting both walk-in chelation and walk-in vitamin c right afterward. That is very, very beneficial because it is so direct, 100%, right into the bloodstream. It’s just such a blessing.
"What's the best way to recover because people are shedding from the VAX? I've been getting a lot of dental work lately that requires antibiotics. What's the best way to recover from that?"
I’m not sure what symptoms you are talking about. I will just tell you, if you live these healthy lifestyles that I just enumerated in the prior question, and if you drink plenty of water, and you take systemic enzymes, and you take at least Quercetin 600 milligrams a day, and you take vitamin D, maybe melatonin as well at nighttime, with a molten minerals zinc in the realm of at least six milligrams to 10 milligrams a day, And then EDTA chelation is associated with removing cat ions. EDTA is an anion negative and all these toxic, like the head of the spike, they said pharmacokinetics as I understand it is positive. So, the chelation grabs onto it and pulls it out. Just like chelation pulls on to toxic lead or toxic aluminum or mercury or uranium and pulls it out. So those would be things that I would look into.
To your second question, well take good care of your teeth, preventatively. Sugars are horrible for the teeth. Brush your teeth, a minimum of twice a day, and use a medium brush because the very hard brushes can traumatize your actual gum lining.
The other thing would be you might make sure your vitamin D level is at least trying to reach about 80 nanograms per deciliter. So, a good vitamin D. There are a lot of studies on research about Juice Plus and its helping to work on periodontal disease. And so, this is real research really published so that is validated science on protecting your teeth. Now, if you've taken the antibiotics, then you have to be on a very good probiotic which would be probably dual therapy. One would be a very high-dose probiotic. What I use is the research over many many decades is the probiotic two to five packets. This is 225 billion per packet, one a day, for 14 days, a two-week therapy. And then, you could use the capsule form of it, Ortho Biotic.
But I would also include another spray of probiotics and that would be Dr. Ohhira’s Essential Probiotics. as essential probiotics. That has more of the E. coli, a healthy beneficial enterobacteria group. So, Dr. Ohhira’s Essential Probiotics once a day. And Ortho Biotic one a day capsule. But start that whole thing with the powder packet that I’m showing you right there. So, high strength for two weeks, then use the dual kind, one of each, and then use those healthy things to help your teeth and gums and a low-carb diet.
"Is Quercetin better than Quercetin dihydrate? What do you think of Zirconia dental implants?"
I’m going to have to tell you, I’m not up on Zirconia dental implants. I am going to have to make a note to myself and write this down, Zirconia dental implants. I have never seen much of a difference being emphasized in the nutraceutical world about the types of Quercetin as a dihydrate versus other forms. So, I'm not going to say that I know which is better than the other. The one I'm using and D hist. If you wait a moment, dihydrate in the D hist, that is the one that we are using. Let’s see the other one I use, from another company. So, it is also dihydrate. I guess the favored one is dihydrate. But I’m not up on the technicals of that question. I would say, D hist has been clinically researched by us for at least 35 years. And so, I'm going to say that if they're choosing the dihydrate, our research confirms that its effect is beneficial. So, I'm going to go stick with the dihydrate.
"My brother who is overweight and has been a smoker most of his life and is beginning to show signs of emphysema and is having more reoccurring spouts of breathing issues which seem like a cold so the doctor puts him on antibiotics and steroids. He is now quitting the cigarette but the nicotine urges are strong, what can he use for this? And can the emphysema be reversed at this point? His chest sounds like a cat purring and I’m wondering if it’s too late. He uses the nebulizer but isn’t using steroids bad long-term? Can chelation or supplements such as D hist, Argentyn silver help heal the lungs?"
I feel very proactive about this because we have so many patients with chronic cystic lung disease. We have patients with chronic bronchitis. We have some of the patients who came from 9/11 with all the dust inhalation, particles, and the implication that some of that had deuterium in it, radiation material. We have helped them all. So, it’s the exact same approach, improve the microcirculation.
Now on nicotine patches are beneficial, your doctor can give him some nicotine patches, or gum to chew. Interestingly enough with the concern over the last few years with this viral illness worldwide, it was always thought that your smokers were going to be the most at risk for death and hospitalization, it turns out the nicotine is associated with a somewhat protective active component. And we did not see the large numbers of chronic smokers as we would have expected. So, nicotine has some kind of an impact, protecting from the invading aspect of the spike protein. And there are various theories and studies out there. I'm not sure which is true, but we can't deny that we were all surprised to see the nicotine benefit seems to have been somewhat protective for the viral world illness that they brought upon us.
Okay. Now, so yes, Argentyn silver preventatively, but healing the lungs with phospholipids and a low-carb diet, taking enough vitamin D to build up the immune system, and zinc as well. And D hist as well preventatively. They might consider prevention usage of ivermectin and or hydroxychloroquine twice a week. Being well hydrated and then exercise. We do know that exercise and resistance weight training has been very beneficial for the elderly with all medical problems. And so, many of the elderly were chronic smokers. And we saw improved breathing and lung capacity because as you give up and give in to a disease, your diaphragm shrinks too with the other muscles that are shrinking with aging. So, exercise is very beneficial. So, I'm all for improved circulation with chelation, high-dose vitamin C, vitamin D, and a wonderful multi-mineral with extra zinc in it. Juice Plus had been looked at in smokers.
This is another research study and found that their lymphocyte count and activity were superior. Then even nonsmokers after usage and controlled trials. So, there are many, many things that are positive that can be done.
"Regarding chelation to remove metals, like lead. I had a blood test done earlier this year and then did a Chelation Challenge. I only did it once--but during my last appointment, Dr. Meric said I would need to do more. I guess I thought once would take care of it. They are very expensive for me to do, so I got an RX for the suppositories thinking I could do those and they are less expensive. Turns out, they cause more issues for me since I have a couple of internal hemorrhoids and I have only used 3 of them. My friend goes to another naturopath and does foot soaks to remove the metals. Do you offer those? Do they work?"
I have never seen foot baths have an impact that is associated with the known cardiovascular microcirculatory benefits of intravenous IV therapy. I'm not saying you're not going to get something from you know, a colonic, a foot bath, taking cilantro, high dose vitamin C using some oral formulations of EDTA. In fact, EDTA is a little bit of an antioxidant and preservative of benefit to many foods, if you look you'll see it in there. So, it's been around and useful for many, many things.
But as far as dealing with your body burden, only the intravenous therapies have had known measurable impacts. Now there's the volcanic ash, what’s the name of it? Anyway, they have had some hair studies, I don’t go by hair studies. They are not reliable. So, my answer is no. For any single IV you do, even if you do three a year, one every four months, ask someone to get it for you as your birthday as a gift, as your husband on your anniversary as a gift, and ask your children, three times a year. Just keep on removing it. The benefit of this 100% administration intravenously is very powerful.
"I recently gathered with a group of women for fellowship and the subject of menstruating past the age of 50 came up. I may have been the only woman in the group doing so and I didn't have the wisdom to tell these dear friends WHY taking progesterone and estradiol to ensure a monthly cycle was of benefit to their bodies. Can you please explain (again to me, I know!) so I can be comfortable sharing next time we are together?"
Well, in reality, if you go back to when I was a very young doctor in the 1970s, there were many women in their 50s and a large portion of them that were still menstruating. And over the years, and even women who hit 60, 61, 62, were still menstruating. They were not on any hormone replacement therapy. They were just very, very healthy women. They were aging very slowly. But as oxidative stress, glyphosate, and heavy metal toxins sprayed into the sky as chemtrails, falling into our land, into our organic fields, growing up into our organic foods, growing into our oceans, inhaling them, drinking them, and the high sugars and the lack of exercise and the light damage and too much light, staying up, being off our circadian rhythm, not sleeping well. We are aging more rapidly. Therefore, now it is uncommon to see women in their 50s menstruating. It is very common to see women in their late 30s, or very early 40s starting to go into menopause. This is unnatural. This is not normal. This is premature aging.
God gave us estradiol and testosterone and progesterone and cortisol and our thyroid hormones. Yay, all our hormones in our bodies are there for a benefit for reconstruction, general contractors, skin, collagen, hair growth, memory, repair with microdamage or damage, bone building, our immune system, and even our cardiovascular health, and more. So, hormones are not just something associated with being pregnant and having a libido and sex. It has to do with every aspect of our well-being. So, we give natural hormone replacement therapy to women who I feel convinced are going to do their best to have a healthy lifestyle. They'll drink the water. They'll exercise. They'll get a good night's sleep and a good sleep cycle. They will lower the sugar sticky carbs and fruit sugars. They will not eat late. They will take enzymes and use certain nutraceuticals. If these women will not do this and on follow-up testing to check levels that I see them not compliant, I will tell them it does not look like you are living a lifestyle that works in conjunction with anti-aging. And so, the hormones alone are not going to be the solution. It is in conjunction with a woman who is trying to incorporate healthy lifestyles.
Now no one's perfect, but I can see the trends. So, you are using natural hormones to have healthier everything in your body from your mental acuity to the depth of the sleep and repair of all the systems in your body at night. And having a cycle is reflective of your body's normal youthful repair cycling system. So, that is why you are on it and that’s why I’m on it at about 70 now. I still cycle. I am never going to stop and I will always do it.
"What is the best exercise for osteoporosis besides stomping your feet and hands? I do 25 small jumps from a stool and walk and try to do some jumping jacks. Should I do all those or less or what? I do toe raisers and stretching also on the mat. I have stretch cords and band. I stretch my back on the ball and use it for squats against the door. Is repetitive movement bad for your joints?"
That is like stomping, so sudden deceleration is the key element in triggering kind of sort of, let’s say shaking up the periosteum on the bone. And a stomp or a jump from six inches and slamming down, there’s enough to stimulate your periosteal, it’s called isometric impulse. That is kind of an electric chemical signature that happens under stress between the strands of the connection of the lining around the bone and the actual bone. When that's stretched, it creates an electrical impulse. And that stimulates the osteoblast for a building bone.
I think if you did, 15 to 20 seconds of stomping like you are an angry little child stomping your feet real hard, and hitting your hand on the hard table or railing, and get that shake of your hand or hit with the rubber hammer, twice a day for 15 seconds and had any other exercise, running, jumping, rebounding, pilates, weight training, you are going to build your bones. Now, it will be accelerated if you have a good enough vitamin D level. We find vitamin D serum levels of 80 nanograms per deciliter is kind of the dream point to really make a difference. It gives all my 80-year-olds normal bone densities, be on natural hormones, and drink enough water.
Well, it depends on how many repetitive exercises. But all these general routine exercises resistance bands and stretching are very good. So, keep it. That sudden deceleration is very important.
"What is your recommendation for the best Aspirin to take if needed for headaches, etc.? I usually take Advil, but lately have been looking at labels and noticing they contain dangerous ingredients and also questionable manufacturing such as Johnston & Johnston."
Yes, I’m concerned about everything, all manufacturers and our whole food system because of the corruption I see. They seem to be able to pay off any liability, law, damage, suit, or rewards, they have so much money, they don't care about what's safe anymore. They can just pay off their deaths with money. So, yeah, I can understand where your concern comes from and I share that concern. I will tell you, I use a product called Goody’s. And it's an aspirin powder with caffeine in it. And it's in a package like a package, a stick of gum. And it’s in a little box, like 30 to 40 of these little papers. You pull a paper out, open it up, and just let the powder slip into your mouth and drink your water. This is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatories and headache relievers. If you can handle it, I think it's got something like 30 milligrams of caffeine in it. That's what I use. That’s the best that we can do. We walk by faith, not by sight. God said that he would protect us.
"What do you think of Dr. Brian Ardis? He looked up the recipe for the jab and found venom as one of the ingredients. He's been using nicotine gum or the patch to rid people of the venom from the jab. This is what he says: "If you have a lot of venom tied to your receptors in your intestines, when you swallow the nicotine into your mouth and it goes into the bloodstream, goes right into your gut and starts releasing venoms and you could get very nauseous very quickly, gives you diarrhea and makes you want vomit. That's because there’s too much venom in your colon, your intestines. What you need to do is skip the colon and wear a nicotine patch, it goes directly into your bloodstream. It will be a slower process of detox but it won’t give you those poison side effects of venom. Get a 14 mg nicotine patch and put it on your arm and wear it every day. If the gum makes you nauseous, then use the patch. The gum releases the venom into your colon quickly, the patch releases the nicotine into your bloodstream. The spike proteins target nicotine receptors. The nicotine receptors are in your intestines, heart, brain, kidneys, testes & ovaries primarily. In regards to hair loss, the venom also affects the endocrine glands, your thyroid gland. I would recommend either a trace mineral supplement. We need to supplement selenium or iodine. When the thyroid gets stressed or injured you’ll see hair loss."
That’s a loaded question about Dr. Brian Ardis. He's a chiropractic physician. I think he's a very sincere physician. I think he's retired now. And he came out very early in 2020, with looking at various sources about the background because no one knew where did this virus come from? And in fact, there were reports that it wasn't just bats. The original reports were about snakes, bats, and pangolins. And if researchers looked into the sequencing in the genome, there is some overlap with the genome of the venom of Chinese Kahun, and viper venom in some of the genomes. If you know the history of snake bites, I used to be an ER doctor and snake bites were treated with anti-snake monoclonal antibody serums. And it was interesting how monoclonal antibodies were used to treat and successfully helped quite a few patients early on with this virus. So, I think there was a legitimate concern.
It's also known that nicotinic receptors seem to have a protective effect. Zinc has a protective effect. Quercetin and other off-label drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have the ability to detoxify venom. So, you can understand why he ascribes to that theory.
I don't have the answer. I find it intriguing. I am part scientist, part clinician, and medical doctor. I am published, I am an author, and a speaker, nationally and internationally on antioxidant and cell membrane repair and chronic fatigue syndrome. So, I'm intrigued by this. And I enjoy reading things like this. And I have listened to his speeches. He did a very good layout of the science that he was doing with Mike Adams, I think in the summer of 2020. I think he did a very good job with Mike Adams on one or two programs. I think he had him in a series. It was very compelling, the evidence. I would have to look at it again, I know that Dr. Brian Artis has been interviewed in many, many different places. He has been a speaker and expert witness on various components of this. I find it intriguing. I can see where his logic is rolling. And it happens to coincide with remember we said smokers were found not to have as bad of an impact from this viral exposure we've had for two years. And that's probably the nicotine component of smoking and you can get nicotine without smoking. So, there's a benefit there. So quite an interesting topic. Very intriguing for research.
"My daughter who is 36 years old and is on birth control found out she has a leaky heart valve. I was told that birth control pills cause this. Her cardiologist said that birth control pills have nothing to do with this. Is this true? As her mother, I’m concerned about this! What is your opinion about this."
Well, I'm not a cardiologist and I don't prescribe the birth control pills because I don't agree with the premise of dispensing them. They are synthetics. There are natural ways to prevent pregnancies. And we prefer the natural way. So, as to having a heart valve that leaks. Mitral valves prolapse, is extremely common. And very often, if you get an echocardiogram, I'll see reports over 40 years, people will have an echocardiogram for various reasons on routine workups for executive physicals or potential skip beats, and the doctor will do a thorough workup and look at an echocardiogram. And you'll often see trace mitral valve regurgitation, mild mitral valve regurgitation, and mild tricuspid valve regurgitation. And so, these trace and mild are very common in the healthy population.
If she had rheumatic heart disease, and she had actual valve thickening and vegetation growing on it, and plaque, that's more concerning. But I would have to know the background there because I am not going to say that I'm aware of anything as much as I don't like birth control prescribed, I've never seen birth control implicated in cardiovascular valvular disease at all. Now, the only possible way that I can imagine it, theorizing it, is if the birth control is used in very young girls, and often it is. And so, that their entire maturation and growth into their womanly full bodies are inhibited with these hormone manipulating and depressing synthetic birth control pill prescriptions, then maybe the actual full normal development of the womanly body that's including the heart and the beautiful valvular behaviors, opening and closing could be a mismatch. Now, that is something, you know, I'm just speaking as a scientific researcher as well as a clinician doctor. And so, I don't have your answer.
But there are many other safe ways to do this. She should have her testosterone measured to all healthy hearts are made of muscle. And so, you have to check that out. And she can use natural hormones for birth control, the lifestyle of her birth control, and various things. And it would be beneficial if she could see a functional doctor, an integrative doctor who could look at her unique situation and guide her correctly.
We are really going over today. I have so many email questions, complex. Let’s see if we can do some of these questions here on the YouTube.
“I will be getting an annual lab check next week. What hormone lab test should I request for? I’m a 70-year-old with a Blood Type B?”
I'm not speaking for you as a patient here, I don't know recognize your name, but I think you should get your, all women should have the estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, DHEA, your thyroid, free T3, your thyroid stimulating hormone, your insulin fasting hormone, and those are the ones that I think should be tested for. Of course, with a comprehensive chemistry and a blood count and a sedimentation rate, and highly sensitive C reactive protein and homocysteine vitamin D, B12. These would be the things, the direction that I would go in a complete blood count.
“20-hour fast started five weeks ago. A year ago, my blood work was normal. Now, liver and other enzymes are high. I fasted before the blood work. I’m 61 years old, Type A blood.”
So, she seems to be concerned about some elevated liver enzymes. There are many, many, many causes. It really depends on how high, what the numbers are. No, I do not think it’s related to a 20-hour fast. Not at all. I don’t think it’s related to that fast at all. But we need to ask if you're on medications, and we need to look at your lipid profile. Yeah, insulin fasting levels. So, there are many, many other things. Ask if you drink alcohol, ask if you're on certain medications, if you've had any recent injective therapy, vaccinations, all these various things would be important. But I can definitely say I do not believe or see how a fast 20-hour fast would do this. If anything, it will help your liver to heal. And we would have to go over what you are eating.
“20-hour fast, here again. More information. My life insurance company took the first normal lab, test cholesterol was up and liver enzymes were up.”
I can’t speak to that limited amount. You will have to see a doctor or your clinician. And they will have to put together, and examine you, listing to your family history, and personal history, looking at the labs and medicines, lifestyle, and diet. They then put that all together to try and put together what is the cause for some elevated liver enzymes. That should definitely be followed up.
“Can you recommend a natural enough remedy for adults? Things that I can do to help my family fight a virus?”
Well, our Argentyn silver or you could go over the counter of sovereign silver is half strength but it's still very good. And they're sprays that you can put on the face and around the eyes and on the hands when you're out. You could spray it in the mouth and swish and swallow. You can spray it on cuts and bruises.
Being low carb, getting the junk food out of your diet. Giving everyone vitamin D depending on their age or their poundage of weight. To give them some vitamin D3, just follow the age-related or poundage references for adults. Typically mature adults who weigh anywhere from 95 pounds and up, 5,000 international units of vitamin D3 once a day should be very safe. Taking extra zinc in the form of a multi-mineral like TLC Multi Min, zinc. Somewhere between six and 25 milligrams a day. I usually take it in a mixture so you get the magnesium and the boron and manganese and calcium as well. But zinc at least six to 25 milligrams a day. Then I would be on Juice Plus. I think taking the juice plus gummies if they're very tiny little tots have the gummies. We do have the capsules, it’s a good time to expect the children to be mature enough to swallow a capsule if they can swallow a piece of hamburger they can swallow a capsule. So, Juice Plus, vitamin D, TLC Multi Min, Argentyn silver. This would be very wise.
“Is it normal for Caucasian toddlers to develop dark spots that look like freckles the older they get? I noticed two on my toddler's belly and one by his clavicle. It feels slightly raised.”
Well yes, it's possible for that to happen, but you need to bring it to the attention of your physician or pediatrician. So, they can with all their years of experiencing people for decades and decades. The likelihood of it being normal is very likely. And if it's abnormal, they'll follow up with a repeat check in four to eight weeks. And just have it watched. It doesn’t sound threatening. But do have it looked at because I can’t imagine what it's really looking like from just this description.
“Do you know why generics have become unavailable as an over-the-counter item? Also, not available as a prescription. Active ingredients are pseudoephedrine.”
Probably the pseudoephedrine component of it. I think a lot of them are using this chemically in chop shops to make meth, methamphetamine street drugs. That's probably why.
“I broke my femur visiting my family in Tennessee. I was taking a blood thinner and now I am told to take one aspirin a day and noticed it has aluminum. What are your thoughts about aspirin?”
Everything has a price to pay, doesn’t it? Fortunately, you can come back here and you can get EDTA chelation therapy and we can rapidly reduce the aluminum risk. But I would look to try and not use aluminum products and deodorants, drink out of aluminum cans, and so forth. But I think, what’s in the aspirin, at least for now, I don’t know the situation and don’t recall your background. If you are my patient, forgive me. But having preventative care for blood clotting and so forth is important. But we can certainly manage the aluminum with detoxing EDTA chelation.
“What do you think of rebounding?”
I love rebounding. I think it’s one of the number one exercises that can be done pretty much for all people. It is a lymphatic circulatory balance, brain-enhancing, joint enhancing. It has so many benefits and it was developed in the 1950s, and 60s for NASA, for exercise because of the bone density concerns about space travel and being weightless and such. So, yeah, I think rebounders, doing a few minutes once or twice a day is tremendously beneficial.
“You mentioned nuts and seeds as irritants in regard to the cancer question this evening. Would you please explain more about that?”
Well, for instance, a lot of people eat cashews, they're so delicious, but they're really a legume. They are not a seed or a nut. And they're high carb and they're damaging. So, I would encourage you, if you're going to eat nuts, I would use just the walnuts. I would use pecans. I would use sunflower seeds. I would use macadamia nuts. I would use pumpkin seeds. These are the kinds that I would recommend.
“I recently began eating red meat, grass-fed only after nearly 40 years. Any changes I need to make with my supplements other than Digestzyme?
No, I wouldn’t recommend any. And good for you. It's one of the densest nutritious nutrients that you can find.
Alright, so it's well over seven we've gone beyond and apparently, the trolls are starting to show up. I'll have to ask my son to get rid of these pests. God have mercy on them and may they see the light of the gospel truth and stop this foolishness. So, we wish you a Merry Christmas. God bless and take care and be safe. Good night.