HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 17, 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 17, 2023

December 21, 2024


“Are there any effects from high dose 25 mg melatonin use?”  [0:01:41] 


My experience with that is I have no knowledge of any untoward or bad effects of high-dose melatonin. The only thing I've ever heard would maybe be occasionally patients would feel tired from using a higher dose of melatonin, but that goes away easily. So, again, this is not meant to be trying to treat you over the internet, this is for educational purposes, but melatonin is really quite safe. So, if you want to take it and try to go up to levels, usually above 10 mg are considered high doses. I have known many, many patients over 40 years who have been on higher doses of melatonin, and they have done quite well. So, there are some considerations with further research over the years that melatonin has a very strong effect as an anti-cancer agent. There's research on new gut metabolites that indicate that we make a large degree of melatonin in our gut. We also make more serotonin in our gut than we do in our brains as neurotransmitters or melatonin in our brainstem there. So, it's quite interesting if we start going back to natural things and, and stop financing research into a drug protocol. Let's look at research into healthy, nutritional lifestyles, dietary, these kinds of things as well. At least match whatever is being used in drug research and get the lobbyists out of it is my suggestion, but I think it's safe. 


“I’m asking for your help for a friend of mine who is a caregiver of Eunice, 94 years old, has Dementia of 15+ years, and short-term memory loss. She complains of dizziness every day. The medications she is on: Memantine 10 mg 2x a day; 2) Sertraline 25 MG 1x a day; 3) Donepezil 5mg 1x a day; Otherwise, doing ok. Any suggestions to help relieve her of dizziness or reduce the meds?”  [0:03:55] 


The medication she's on, she listed here she's on Memantine. That’s Namenda. I think it's an agonist of serotonin uptake. Anyway, this is itself serotonin 5-HTP uptake, antagonist itself as a medication Namenda or Memantine 10 mg two a day is associated with dizziness. So, if she's complaining of dizziness every day, the prescribing doctor should know about this because that's one of the main side effects of Memantine dizziness. She also says she's on Sertraline 25 mg. That's Zoloft, that's a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. That might be working antagonistically with the Memantine, which is also a competitive agonist of the 5-HTP uptake. The other one is  Donepezil, which is Aricept. That's an anticholinesterase drug. She’s on three different things, and this can definitely be associated with dizziness. So, whoever her prescribing doctor is, point out that the main side effects of the competitive agonists of serotonin are Aricept, and Memantine, and very much associated with dizziness. Then on top of that, she's on Sertraline (Zoloft), which is an SSRI, and gets involved in that as well. 

Okay. So, that's the first thing I would do with this patient. You have to realize, ladies and gentlemen, there has never been a study where they look at human beings who are put on Aricept, Zoloft, and Namenda, and all three together. This is your doctor's invention, just practicing medicine, trying to do things to help patients, I presume, but you have to understand, that you, yourself, are the experiment. They might have studies on each one individually, or they should, but this is an experiment, to put all these things together in this age group of a woman. So, medicine is truly a clinical practice, and you have every right to second guess, mixing and sharing medicines at the same time together, especially in the elderly, where the metabolism is often diminished in their ability to handle any medication for that matter. There's a home prescribing medications. You would give a normal healthy adult to elderly people with slower metabolisms. So, I would do that. 

The other thing, of course, is all the healthy things you can do. If you can get this dear patient to exercise, that has clear evidence of helping with memory. Exercise, weight-bearing, aerobic. Adequate hydration helps. Natural hormone replacement therapy helps. EDTA chelation to improve the microcirculation of the brain helps. A methylated B complex helps. Vitamin D to get the level up to around 80 on the lab tests would be very valuable. Vitamin D helps with memory. So, there are many things. Mineral depletion and salt are necessary. So, everything is important and you just need to have a doctor who is willing to work with some functional lifestyle changes as well. 


“Hi, I'm really interested in a heavy metal detox, and so wondering whether it is safe to have EDTA or DMPS chelation therapy if someone is very malnourished, scoring a 4/5. Post-chemo struggling with oral intake but in desperate need of heavy metal detox. Also, which is more effective, or is one preferred over the other depending on what's being detoxed?”  [0:08:35]


This is a score that they use in trying to describe patients who are suffering from side effects of disease or chemotherapy, things like that, that kind of wears them down and emaciates them. Well, in general, my experience with EDTA chelation is it's a wonderful, safe, broad-spectrum detoxing, chelating agent for all the free radical damage done by heavy metals, like lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, tin, lead, uranium, cobalt, titanium, and on and on it goes, boron. These heavy metals are cations, they have a double balance, and they injure the electronegative coverings of cell membranes that are very important in cell function and structure. So, heavy metals harm cell membranes. They disrupt the cell function, and even the DNA will then with this chronic dysfunction be irritated and many systems will become stressed. It's associated with cancers. It's associated with mental disorders. It's associated with cognitive disorders/memory issues. It's associated with cardiovascular damage. It's associated with immune blood, bone marrow damage, and the list goes on. So, it is very important for you to be aware of the fact that our world uses metals, many of the various kinds of metals, in the industry for various purposes, especially electroplating and putting into paints to enhance the adhesion to the surface membrane. Metals are malleable. They can be associated with many aspects of cell premature death and even human death, and mortality.  

Dorothy Merritt is an internal medicine doctor I've worked with chelation therapy at the American College for the Advancement of Medicine while we teach chelation therapy together. She has a YouTube that I think is excellent, and the name of it is ‘Chelation Therapy Data Review & Development: An Inside Look’ by Dorothy Merritt. This is an ACAM lecture at the American College for the Advancement of Medicine. Once again, the YouTube is called ‘Chelation Therapy Data Review & Development: An Inside Look’ by Dorothy Merritt, MD. That's probably the best summary in 40 minutes I've ever seen. So, why try and repeat it? She did a great job. 

So, it is a universal safe 70-year plus history of helping with vascular flow, microcirculation, improving all these things, mental acuity, vision, joint stiffness, atherosclerotic calcium buildup, and peripheral vascular disease. The numbing paresthesias, tingling nerves, that kind of stuff, numbness, it's associated with the release of those essential tremors. Heavy metals are just bioaccumulated. We have no way to remove them. We don't have enzymes. You can't break down an inorganic piece of metal. Once it's in you, it's in you, like lead shrapnel during World War II or Vietnam, or other wars, Korean wars. So, what we want to tell you is EDTA chelation therapy is the most availably studied. Millions and millions of doses worldwide have been given. I'm sure it's probably reached a billion doses by now. Since the 1950s, clearly for primarily atherosclerotic coronary heart disease and improving the perfusion from your brain to your toe. So, it's quite safe. Safe enough for little children or toddlers who accidentally ingest lead or drink water with lead contamination. Those poor children in Flint, Michigan should have had doctors that would have known about EDTA chelation. But again, much like they banned hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, they have put a ban and kind of just ignored all the wonderful health-giving benefits of EDTA chelation. And yes, it's very helpful with cancers, in particular, because cancers are an oxidative stress toxic buildup and this tremendously improves blood flow, oxygenation, and perfusion, which makes it difficult for cancers to grow successfully in. 

Now, you asked, can you take it if you're malnourished? And the answer is yes. I especially give it to people who are malnourished because they desperately need better microcirculation to improve the nutrients that we put in with chelation. So, we don't just have chelation, we always put it in with a very rich dose of trace wonderful necessary nutrient minerals, nutrient B vitamins, methylcobalamin, and vitamin B12. So all these various things go in, high dose vitamin C with it. So, it is of tremendous value to malnourished people, and people with cancers, and other severe debilitating diseases. 

Then you had the question, do I prefer one over the other? I definitely use EDTA chelation over DMPS (dimercaptopropane sulfonate). DMPS has more side effects, you know, nausea, irritation, some bowel irritation side effects, and I just never use it because why use something that doesn't have as broad a detoxing capacity as EDTA chelation that's so extremely well tolerated? So, I don't use anything but removing DMPS, which is really mainly designed to detox mercury. DMSA is another dimercapto product, I think it's a sulfur methyl diamine or something like that. DMSA is another dimercaptomethyl sulfur-based detoxing chemical that really works, they claim, better on mercury. Well, I know mercury needs to be removed, but EDTA does it just as well. So, why not use something with a broader spectrum that is safer, even so safe, a child can use it?


“Hi, other than chelation therapy- which reluctant to get due to being malnourished and low in weight, I was considering treatments such as EBOO, The Hemo-Hyper-Oxygenation perfusion — HHO uniquely combines the process elements hemoperfusion and what you offer extracorporeal hyperthermia perfusion (EHP®). Do you know much about these to purify blood?”  [0:17:16]


Well, I wouldn't be reluctant to do it. I would do it especially because you get all the nutrients with it if you're with a good functional doctor who is using it, and even the standard protocol has the minerals, the vitamins, and stuff with it. 

The question then is do you know much about these? Yeah, well, we do, the EBOO type of therapies here as well. That's where we take like 50 cc of your blood and we use ozonated oxygen, which is just to make the oxygen essentially stronger, and we then inject the oxygen into the bag with the blood, then we re-perfuse that right back into you. We'll usually pass it by ultraviolet light A, B, and C tubes that kill viral bacteria kind of things, and that oxygenates and is a powerful antioxidant. So. I'm in favor of both together. You can do them together. Usually, I'll do chelation, but on a different day, I will do my hyper-oxygenated ozone of the blood. So, yes, we do them, and I'm very much in favor of these therapies.  


“Good evening, doc. What are your thoughts on L-tryptophan use as a sleep aid? Is it safe to take 2 grams each evening? I am a 58-year-old woman, 120 pounds, not on any meds.”  [0:19:02]


L-tryptophan is a safe amino acid, and it should not be considered harmful. Right off the top of my head, I don't know if 2 grams is a high dose or not. I suspect that it's very safe because it's a naturally occurring item. L-tryptophan is an amino acid, so I would think that it would be very fine. I would probably just go on the computer and say, what is the average dose of L-tryptophan supplementation and stay close to the upper limits of that. That's the general feeling on that. Quite safe. Quite valuable. In a sense in studying the biochemistry of L-tryptophan and making neurotransmitters, it's very important. Now, the question is, we need studies financed to look at supplementation with L-tryptophan, as well as many other isolated nutrients to see if oral supplementation can affect intracellular in our living human beings and living animals. Better sleep, better energy, better memory, better cardiovascular outcomes, things like that. And there are many books, many conjectures on this. But I really haven't seen, in all the years I've done this, a lot of very clear identification. Usually, it's associated with sleep and mood, and I have not seen clear studies on clinical trials saying a certain dose of L-tryptophan orally will turn into better sleep or better mood., that kind of stuff. So, I can't definitively say, although anecdotally we've certainly heard this for many decades.  


“What is your opinion of DMSO? My 89-year-old mom has terrible back pain from scoliosis and had a laminectomy many years ago. I started reading about all the studies/applications for DMSO besides pain issues.”  [0:21:20] 


DMSO is a solvent, and if you apply a pain reliever with DMSO, its penetration into the skin is amplified. So it has value. But it smells extremely garlicky. That's from the sulfur component of it. If you can tolerate the strong sulfur smell, you can talk with your doctor about pain patches, and you can use some DMSO on the skin first, and the penetration of that patch for pain will be enhanced. So, I can see it for that purpose. 


“I can't get in contact with the pediatrician. My son is commuting. Son has been vomiting for the past three hours, on average every 20 minutes. Temperature is low and no other symptom, but at what point do I seek medical care?”  [0:22:25]


This is a case where you have to go to urgent care or the emergency room. This is not a place for personal management. If you're having this kind of symptoms, I would go to the emergency room. 


“Hi, Dr. Rita. My 8-year-old boy has been waking up in the morning, saying he is shaking. I haven't witnessed it since he's up and seems normal. No known health issues. What are your thoughts? Thank you.”  [0:23:00]


Sometimes shaking in a child represents a sense of fear. They’re a simple way of saying, they had a bad dream or something that shook them up emotionally during their sleep. Usually, a dream or a night tremor is what they used to call them. I remember having this as a case when I was a young, young doctor. So, find out about his sleep. See if he's watching scary things or If he's eating food before bedtime. That tends to make sleep less good. Of course, that kind of thing, if it continues, you have to find him a good doctor to evaluate him, a pediatrician, and talk about his sleep, his evening activities, how late he eats, what he eats, what he's watching, what he's listening to. Maybe even electromagnetic energy. There might be an electric meter outside his bedroom wall or the electronics there. You can have someone come in and see if there's a lot of interference/electronic energy waves there. Maybe he has iPads and cellphones and things near where he's sleeping, and this is irritating his brain, and he will use the term that he feels that he's shaking. But do follow that through because that's unusual and not typical. So, I'm not an expert in it, but those are some ideas to look into. And let us know if your child is doing better. Okay. 


“What are your thoughts on MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) Detox?”  [0:25:21]


Well, you guys are doing all kinds of deep biochemistry. MSM is usually an anti-inflammatory for joint pain. And yes, it helps. And yes, you can buy it over the counter. And I haven't needed it, so I don't use a lot of it. What I go for mostly as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever are systemic enzymes. I use Vitalzym. Systemic Enzymes is the name of what we have or Vascuzyme. On an empty stomach, five capsules or so twice a day or three times a day on an empty stomach. But these are just anti-inflammatories. So it's reasonable but it's more esoteric. See, I like using things that have many, many purposes, and MSM can act as an anti-inflammatory, but it's not going to work to be really any kind of a blood thinner to protect from blood clots. So, if we take systemic enzymes, like Vascuzyme or Vitalzym, it also works to help prevent blood clots. One of the many other wonderful functions of systemic enzymes on an empty stomach. So, although MSM has helped with pain relief and anti-inflammatory, systemic enzymes are really something that will be more beneficial.


“Will PA Patel be back in the office? In the meantime, is anyone else doing visits for her patients?”  [0:27:22]


Yes, I am doing them. Dr. Majid is doing them. Our new physician assistant, (0:27:37) Dr. Fahdi Rusk is doing it. Their last name is Rusk, first name is Fadi, so we call him Dr. Fadi. And myself. So, yes. And we don't have an answer yet from PA Patel if she's going to be coming back after the baby. She has now two children, and she has strong and correct ties to stay home and be a mother to her children. I totally endorse that, and I personally failed in life by not being home enough with my children when they were young. I had so many people saying it's important for me to stay. Of course, I was on active duty. I had a 9-year commitment to serve in the military. So, the best thing I could hope for was to be home when they were ages 9 and 7. But even still, I stayed essentially the main working person in our family, and this was an error. So, I greatly respect PA Patel if she decides to stay home as a mother because ever since my boys were 18 or 20, that would have been a better time for me to come back full-time and work caring for God's creation. So, I erred in not staying home. So, good for Dr. PA Patel. She's doing the right thing, and I pray for her and her wonderful children, I thank God for his forgiveness of my errors.  


“Hi, Dr. Rita! We got sick with flu/COVID-type illness in early November, and I am still clearing yellow stuff from my throat every day. Other than that, I feel mostly back to normal. Should I go on antibiotics? I take one Seasonal Shield morning and evening, and vitamin D 15,000 IU. I took oregano for a few weeks but felt it was bothering my stomach.”  [0:29:17] 


So, my thought would be how much water are you drinking? It's a drier time of the year. We get all dried up and more sticky and congested. So, get your water up to half your weight in pounds as ounces every day. Be very low carbohydrate. This is the time of the year when we're junking down food and food junk comes to us left and right. Please, that will suppress your immune system. So watch the carbohydrates and get committed to trying to have a more humble, healthier Christmas for yourself and your children. The other thing is zinc. Taking a multi-mineral. I have 25 mg in my TLC Multi Min, and that, along with the other wonderful minerals, helps with muscle relaxation of the smooth muscles with magnesium in it, the zinc helps with the immune system in it, and so forth. So a good multi-mineral, we use the Albion amino acid chelated. Minerals. So zinc, vitamin D, a natural anti-histamine quercetin. I probably would maybe use three. I use two or three a day during the season. I'm very good with my water. Exercise if you can. That stimulates the immune system. Don't over-exercise but do exercise. A good aerobic walk and some weight lifting are very appropriate. You might use Argentyn nasal spray, that's the nanoparticulate silver. And I squirt this up my nose. I have it right here all the time as an antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal, morning and evening. You can take a teaspoon of the liquid, gargle, swish, and swallow after you brush your teeth. So, it's a powerful natural way to stay healthy. That's what I would do. 


“Are you familiar with the new RSV vaccine that is being offered to pregnant women, which is apparently shown to reduce hospitalizations of newborns under 6 months? Do you feel the risk vs. benefit is significant enough to warrant taking a new vaccine?”  [0:31:56]


I think the name is ABYENSA (0:32:21). This is the respiratory syncytial viral. It's a protein subunit. There are two RSV components to it, A and B, and it is made by Pfizer. Just saying that name should make you hesitate because they are coming under tremendous scrutiny for medical shortcuts alleged over this past COVID experience we went through, and there are many questions about the ethics of their vaccine development and protocols. So, my statement would be, I would eat a low-carb diet, I would take a good multi-mineral vitamin, I would take enough D, I would drink enough water and exercise with my low-carb diet, and I would stay healthy that way. That's how women have done it forever without these created vaccinations. 

There's a wonderful book out there called ‘Dissolving Illusions’. ‘Dissolving Illusions’ is written by Suzanne Humphries. She's, I believe, a Stanford-trained college. Then she went into, I think, physics. After physics, she did the medical school, and after medical school, internal medicine, after internal medicine, she did nephrology. And she was against the vaccinations for her ill nephrology patients, and she got into hospital wars over their policies that everybody in the ICU, even her nephrology patient will get a flu shot, but the flu shot can create kidney disease. So, she and they didn't get along. I think they fired her if I'm correct. And then she's been on a deep study into vaccinations and why she found them associated with increased harm to her kidney patients. So, her book is an absolute dictionary on the entire history of vaccine development and safety, and she says the safety is really missing. It's tremendous, the book. It's called ‘Dissolving Illusions’ by Suzanne Humpries, a medical doctor, ‘Dissolving Illusions’. And those are the illusions that we think we have to do vaccines just because the government said to do it. So, no, you can think this through and you can read that book. You can go on the internet and look at some YouTube videos. She has videos on graphs throughout the years back to the 1830s about the history of vaccinations and how just better nutrition, and better sanitation. So, your electrician, your plumber, and your carpenter did more to protect your health than any one medical intervention, really. And that's through water flushing toilets, plumbing in, and taking baths and washing hands. 


“What does it mean when urine has a foul fishy smell even when drinking the accurate amount of water? Taking UritraX and Cystistatin. Any additional recommendations?”  [0:36:14] 


She's taking UritraX and Cystistatin. One is a cranberry extract and the other is a D-mannose to try and inhibit bladder infections. Well, urinary tract infections can create a fishy odor. Vaginal infections/sexually-transmitted diseases can create a fishy odor. Not drinking enough water can do it. There are certain foods that are associated with it. I think it's trimethylamine digestion. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) at high doses makes your urine turn kind of a yellow color and can give a fishy odor. There are others. So, I think you should see your doctor and have a pelvic exam and get a clean catch urine and check these things out. Get your metabolism checked chemistry panel, look at your blood sugars, and go for that. 


“I have a lymph node under my right ear, at the top of my jawbone. An employee at Mother's Market in the supplement department recommended Solaray Total Cleanse for the lymphatic system. It has red clover, red root of kota, burdock, etc. What are your thoughts regarding this product?”  [0:37:50]


Well, lymph nodes, there can be a blackhead or a sebaceous cyst on the side of your face, and then your lymph node chain right along here. Or if you have earrings, pierced ears can irritate the skin, and you'll feel a lymph node right along the side here. It should go away. The more you manipulate it and poke at it, it'll get reactively inflamed and stay there, so try and leave it alone. I would be very low-carb, take enzymes, and drink plenty of water. Don't eat late at night, and it should go away on its own. If it's not resolved within a week, you should have someone take a look at it. You can have also some dental issues that might need to be taken a look at. But they can look at the lymph node chain in the anterior and the posterior aspect there and kind of check that out for you. So, that's what I would do about that. 

Do I think any product like that would help? My answer is no. You see, they're not going to address things, like water and low carb and a local cause, like a little earring or sebaceous cyst glands irritating and needing draining through the skin into the lymph nodes there. So, all these things need to be taken a look at, but I think it's just another way to try and sell something.  


“If money was not an issue, what kind of research would you like to undertake?”  [0:39:51] 


What a delicious question. I think the number one cause of people dying in America is cardiovascular disease, and EDTA chelation therapy has already been established and suppressed it, even with the National Institute of Health study that they did from 1999 to 2010, roughly over 10 years, and it was very favorable showing revascularization and less death from all people who had a heart attack.

However, EDTA chelation helps in so many aspects. I have macular degeneration, people who are recovering their sight back, not needing eyeball injections anymore, people who have peripheral vascular toes that are turning gangrenous or poor circulation that are resolved. So, I think probably the biggest area that will have the biggest bang of blessing on humanity is supporting the well-known EDTA chelation. That's probably where I would put my effort. It would have the biggest bang for the buck. And if we could get young mothers to reduce their amount of EDTA chelation, I mean take EDTA chelation so it would reduce their lead, their mercury, these kind of things, the babies that they have will not be detoxed into because every generation born has a higher and higher burden of toxic metals just dumped into them. So, that's the direction I would go. Thank you for asking. That was fun to think of that thought. There are so many wonderful things, but that would be an absolute true turnaround. 


“E-D-T-qu-la-tion? EDTA-chelation?”  [0:41:56]


EDTA chelation is the second word. C-H-E-L-A-T-I-O-N. Chelation is a Latin word ‘chelate,’ to grab onto. And so, the amino acid EDTA, which is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, you grab onto these divalent toxic metals and you urinate them right out. So, EDTA chelation. Yes, that is exactly how you would say it. Yes. 


“Hi, I purchased the Enagic SD501 from your office in 2010. I have been maintaining it and changing filters annually. I just had it professionally cleaned but not reinstalled. It may be time to stop using it. I never hear about alkali/acid-balanced water anymore and the machine is 15 years old. Forever Grateful to you for your knowledge and help!”  [0:42:45] 


Enagic SD501, that’s a Kangen machine that alkalizes the water using electroplates. The electricity runs between the plates, and as water passes through it, amplifies and creates variable hydrogen ions, hydrogen ions are wonderful electron donors and they extend health and life because our body gets toxic with free radicals. We're making them all the time from our mitochondria in every cell in our body and those engines are spitting off exhaust, that exhaust is waste material free radicals. So anytime you drink something like water, you are literally taking in hydrogen ions. If you have an Enagic machine, the Kangen machine, which is a pH water alkalizer, you're enhancing the capacity to have donor hydrogen molecules and ions that will absorb these free radicals that are generated from just living.  

I would say, no, I think the Enagic Kangen machine is valuable. It's some of the early research providing hydrogen ions and higher pH water. This then is associated with anti-inflammatory aspects of the human being, longer life, and better cell membrane protection. So, I would use it and just keep on doing it. The structured water, the Analemma wand, there's a new technology that's using this in a wand form with a crystal with it, and that's how I'm generating my hydrogen water enhancement, you might say. So, I would just keep on using your Enagic Kangen machine. 


“You are very emphatic about not eating after 6 pm, especially for seniors. I know part of the reason is intermittent fasting. Is there anything else that makes this such a priority? I generally follow this as a 77-year-old.”  [0:45:25] 


Well, the reason is the food does not go through your system as fast as it did when you were a child, a teenager, 20, 30, or 40 years old. By the 50s and 60s, the rate of movement of the food you ingest is significantly slowing down because we're secreting less and less stomach acid and digestive enzymes into our gut for processing this food. As that happens, the food moves slower, we extract less nutrition from it, and we start to fall apart because we don't get the things we need. Do you have good eyesight, better hair, better skin, better bones, better muscles, and that's just a process toward our death? So, we say don't eat late because the highest secretion of stomach acid and enzymes is in the morning and lunchtime. So, breakfast and lunch should be the menu preference for people certainly over 60 to 65, and they should be eating breakfasts and lunch, and then fast from lunch 1 or 2 in the afternoon until 6 or 7 in the morning when you wake up and eat, that would be the new recommendation. That will allow you to extract more nutrients from your food in the morning and at lunch. I think all people who are older should take a digestive enzyme anyway. 

The other thing is that will put less of a strain on your gut. The immune system, 70 to 80 percent, lines your gastrointestinal system from your mouth all the way to your anus. So, if you eat in a time-restricted intermittent fasting way, you're preserving your immune system, which is yet another reason why you'll live better, younger, and longer if you do it that way. There are other things, but those are the main reasons why.  


“What do you suggest a good protocol for Crohn’s disease for a 64-year-old female? Do you think diet can make a difference with flare-ups? What supplements would you recommend?  Thank you!”  [0:47:56]


I don't even think, I know it can. First, you have to find out your blood type. A type blood people, well you're 64, all people who are 64 roughly should be on a digestive enzyme to help them digest their food better. But the most healing diet for about 4 months is a carnivore diet because the lining of your gut is a single cell membrane, and that membrane is easily disrupted by plant anti-nutrients, called tannins or oxalates or phytates or other plant materials that are designed to try and fend off mold and yeast and insects. So, these plant products are natural defense elements built into the structure of the molecules of their foods that they create to fend off insects viruses, fungi, and bacteria. So, when you bring them into your gut, that toxic food element, be it an oxalate or a phytate or a plant tannin or any of these lectins they're called collectively, will scratch that single cell membrane, harm it, and create a leaky poked hole in your gut, where food that is supposed to stay in your gut and pass out into the toilet is going to wind up leaking into your lymphatic and blood system, and that alarms your immune system, and then the fight begins at the lining of the gut, and you get these ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disorders, inflammatory changes. So, a carnivore diet is the number one thing. And since the cell membrane is composed of phospholipids and protein, we recommend a carnivore diet because fish, meat, chicken, egg yolks, pork, lamb, ham, all these meats, and fish are composed of fats and proteins that are rich in phospholipids to repair the lining of your gut. Plants don't provide this anywhere near what is required for healing. So, a carnivore diet for about 4 months is the immediate quickest way to heal. And you won't have bowel movements. Most people stop passing stool because they absorb so much of the meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, lamb, ham, whatever it is, with their digestive enzymes, that it goes right into their body construction and they don't have to pass a bowel movement. They don't have abdominal discomfort or bloating. So this is a very different type of “constipation”. And then after about a week or two, then bowel movements start occurring because once your body has taken up the repair materials that it needs, then it can start letting some pass through and you start having wonderful regular bowel movements.  

The next thing would be, besides taking the phospholipid powder to use SBI Protect (Serum Bovine Immunoglobulins). These are in the colostrum of New Zealand, I think type A Jersey cows, and they have immunoglobulin A in it that helps protect the immune system and give it a break while you're healing. So, we mix the Phospholipid scoop with the SBI Protect protein scoop in warm water because fat doesn't dissolve easily in water, kind of like you're making a bottle of milk for a baby, about that warm, maybe 99 degrees, right around there. You mix it in, and then you drink that first thing in the morning to kind of get your stomach prepped for use during the day. And then if you're only eating carnivore foods, it's very easy then to eat rather than have all these spices and varieties of foods and their various lectins come in and irritate you. Usually, I have healed patients by the fourth month and they're so, so grateful. 

Probiotics would be another very important thing to do. Taking a good probiotic. We have Ortho Probiotic. We have Ohhira’s Essential Probiotics, so we have some of the gram-negative probiotics and the gram-positive probiotics, and we also have it in the powdered form. So, those are things where I would begin to do that. Plus, I would just take a good vitamin D, a good multi-mineral, and a good B complex that is methylated. That would be the core that I would do. I hope that helps you. 


“My sis gave me her estradiol. What is the best way to use it? It is 0.01% for each gram. It states vaginal, but can I use it on my skin? What are the benefits? Thank you so much!”  [0:53:27]


Well, God gave us estrogen for a multitude of reasons, for our bone health, for our skin health, for our mental acuity and our sleep, our rest. Estradiol is very important in the immune system as well. Estradiol is helpful in our mood. So, I would definitely say, please consider using the natural hormone bioidentical estradiol, but I would only use it with progesterone because God also insisted that we use progesterone. So, if you do use 1 gram of the estradiol that your sister gave you and you rub it on the insides of your wrist where your blood vessels are and you can see them, that will be picked up by your blood system and start helping you. Your skin texture, your hair, your bones, all these things will benefit from it. And then try and get the progesterone from your doctor, to take natural progesterone, there's only one progesterone, and that is called progesterone. And if you take that as a cream, also you can put it in the same spot, maybe one side progesterone, one side estradiol. You can switch them around because, after about an hour, it's all absorbed. So, yeah, I think it's very valuable. But have a doctor measure your levels, and then have them re-measure it after you've been using it about 3 to 4 months later just to see the impact, and then correlate how you feel, what improvements, are sleeping better, your mood more stable, is your memory better or intact. That kind of thing is what I would ask.


“Can you repeat the colostrum supplement?”  [0:55:29]


It's called SBI Protect. SBI Protect. And it looks like this. I use it so much. Almost all Americans are having gut problems from the corrupted food system. This is the Phospholipids, and this is the SBI Protect powder. I put these two together in some water, and I have people drink it morning and evening. Oftentimes I'll have them take the Probiotic and mix it in also. So, these three things are a fantastic, wonderful way to heal an irritated gut from any and all causes. So, that's what we do here. 


“Is it okay to take all of my supplements at bedtime?”  [0:56:30] 


Yes, it's fine. It's just if you take B vitamins, you might get energized and not sleep as well. But I take my B vitamins in the evening and I do fine.  


“Is advanced osteopenia reversible? If so, what supplements and/or medication should be taken, and what type of exercise? ”  [0:56:45]


We reverse it here all the time with exercise, diet, and good supplementation. What supplements or medication should be taken and what type? Weight training and jogging or jump roping or jumping on a rebounder. These things create stress on the bone. Estrogen and progesterone, these natural hormone bioidenticals, help build the bone. Eating a high protein diet, and drinking enough water. All these things certainly help with it. Vitamin D with K2 helps with it. But I do not ever, ever, ever use supplemental calcium. I never use that. And we have great, we have 80-year-olds with normal bone densities here. 


“Greetings Dr E! I was wondering if you believe in coffee enemas? Can they help with prostate issues (enlargement, inflamed, or prostatitis)? Many thanks!”  [0:57:37] 


I have never seen that. I have been doing this for 44 years. I've never seen the coffee enemas make any real breakthroughs. That's an old therapy. It will stimulate the movement of the bowels and help with that, but it is itself nothing that I would have thought even biochemically beneficial for anything else. There is a thing called deuterium. Deuterium is abnormal hydrogen ions that are built up. We're all exposed to them. And if you drink deuterium-free water, prostate swelling…and again, here, this person said, what would you spend money on if it wasn't worth it without any restriction of money, research in water, deuterium lower water is clearly being shown to have a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer remissions. This is in Hungary, I believe. Deuterium and water and cancer. You can Google and look at some of those reports. It's very rare. And so, that's the direction I would go. 


“I'm wondering about how to treat quiet belching/burping. I take Digestive Enzymes with my meals, usually at the beginning as this seems to work better for me. I also take BioPC Pro, Glutagenics, and SBI Protect AM & PM. I drink much of my water through a stainless steel straw, but it happens even when I drink from a cup. Not always right afterwards.”  [0:59:25]


I think this has more to do with tension, being tensed, abdominal pressure, like you're going to semi-bear down your tense, and you can easily eructate with that. So, I would just conscientiously think how relaxed I feel, how my stomach is doing its job and digesting and moving things along because anyone can eructate by will through abdominal tension. So, if you feel your stomach is getting tensed, you're probably unconsciously doing this from a subconscious level. So, think about that. 


“What do you recommend to heal a 6-month-old with congestion and a snotty nose? She is getting liquid D daily and sleeping in a room with a dehumidifier. Also, what do you recommend for fevers if she gets one? God bless you and your family!”  [1:00:42]


Well, breastfeeding them, to just be breastfed. Mother has to be taking her vitamin D and she has to be drinking plenty of water. I am not in favor of dehumidifiers because they often get mold in them and then they can perpetuate that. So, I'm not a dehumidifier support for that. She has to be seen by her pediatrician, but I would use instead the Argentyn silver nasal drops. It comes as an eyedropper and you can just drop that in her nose. That will make her sneeze and push away the teardrop going down, and it will help her literally clear her own nose. And you can’t overdose with Argentyn silver. You could use 10, you could use one drop, you could use 1000 drops. So, it’s very safe.


“What is the proper timing for taking Systemic Enzymes? I understand to take them on an empty stomach, but how long before a meal or after a meal is optimal? If you’re taking them before bed is it ok to take them alongside progesterone and magnesium? Does the system change the efficacy of supplements if you take them together? Many thanks!”  [1:01:56] 


Just so long as it’s on an empty stomach and you haven’t eaten, let’s say, in the prior three or four hours. I would try not to eat for at least two to three hours after taking them. That’s why we say first thing in the morning and you clearly have an empty stomach with plenty of water. That gets the action rolling. And then try and put off eating for a couple of hours. And then before bedtime. If you stop eating at 5 and you go to bed at 9, that’s four hours separated. Yeah, you can take them together. That’s quite safe. I do that all the time. It’s quite safe. It’s fine.


“Do you have on your website the information on the low-carb diet you recommend?”  [1:03:04]


No. The low-carb diet is a carnivore diet, where you just eat meat or fish chicken or ham, pork, or eggs, or lamb, and that’s what you eat. That’s the number one. So, let’s say you don’t want to be 100 percent carnivore, then the only other thing I would do is eat low-carb vegetables, like broccoli, asparagus, green beans, Brussels sprouts, and spinach. Those are the lean five vegetables that you can butter and salt and pepper. And we just stick with those statements. We don’t make food an entertainment source here and we just keep on talking about it as servicing our bodies. So, we can stay healthy for the service of the Lord and our family.