YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 12, 2023
December 14, 2023
“Hi, Dr. E. My 18-year-old daughter had septoplasty and tonsillectomy. Can I give her Vascuzyme after the surgery to disinflame instead of steroids? Or would steroids be necessary? Thank you so much.” [0:04:07]
Well, indeed, you should follow the advice of her surgeon, and ear, nose, and throat specialist. But indeed, the systemic enzymes can certainly be given. I'm not saying to put them in place of his order for steroids, but if you want to, you can easily give the Systemic Enzymes four or five twice a day, and try and have her fast and be on clear liquids only, because that helps the body to disinflame very, very quickly. You can spray the mouth with the Argentyn Silver. You can do the nasal spray with your Argentyn Silver. These are all good, safe, and supportive things to do. I hope your daughter does very well. So, yes, you can use it. You'd have to talk with your ear, nose, and throat doctor to see if it would be okay to use it in replacement of that.
“Hi, Dr. Ellithorpe. Juice Plus sent me a sample of their complete protein. Do you recommend it?” [0:05:28]
I don't recommend protein shakes in general from anyone. I respect the company of Juice Plus. They have very good quality control, organic sourcing, local and small farmers and their places and their water irrigation and testing sampling is very, very thorough. Now, anytime you take a protein shake in and you use it frequently, you're doing something like I think they have a pea protein base, or maybe the new Juice Plus protein has a rice protein base. I'm not sure which it is. There are pea bases and rice bases. There are dairy casein-based ones. So, when you take the same protein in over and over and over, you amplify the intimate contact with that protein. And if it is seen frequently enough, and it gets to these damaged spots here on the lining of your gut, so this is a single cell membrane and you have hundreds of, you know, trillions of cells, and it can easily get through there and trigger your immune system because of the frequency of seeing it to make antibodies against pea protein or antibodies against whey or casein proteins from dairy or antibodies against the rice type. So, if you do use it, I would encourage you to just use it periodically once or twice a week but not as a habit.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. My dad drinks alcohol and becomes a different person. Almost possessed. Very mean. What is happening in the brain to cause this?” [0:07:33]
My heart goes out to you and to your father. The body and the membranes have receptors, and these receptors in the brain can be excited or they can be depressed. Some people react to the toxin of alcohol and these excitotoxins that are irritated can make a person agitated. So, instead of alcohol being a depressant, it can agitate. I would ask you to walk in love and to try and help your dad to get some supportive help with counseling. Maybe you have a church or a pastor. Maybe he has some brothers, your uncles or maybe your grandfather could get involved, the men can help talk with him and express our care and love for him. And our pure understanding that we are in a stressful world. Many people feel isolated, lonely, angry, hurt, disenfranchised. And so, the only comfort they're getting is from using addicting type substances.
This is also aggravated by a poor diet. There are usually B vitamins that are deficient in people who drink alcohol frequently and heavily. These can create syndromes in the brain, irritability, and even seizures. So, we would encourage you to try and get him to be on vitamin D, which lifts up the mood, to give him a multimineral that helps calm the membranes of the nerves, magnesium multimineral amino acid chelate, like our TLC Multiminerals. And I would give him the methylated B complex. Methylated is calming to the brain and the membranes. And try and give him eggs with the yolk. Try and give him meat, fish, turkey, and chicken, trying to build his immune system and vitamin D, which is a natural antidepressant. Also, If you have the alpha-linoleic and linoleic essential fatty acids, that would be in the Clinician's Preference Oil. Plus, butter things up because to repair the brain, you need a lot of these phospholipids, these double membrane phospholipids which make the bottom and the top half of the membrane of the brain. These are injured with inflammation, and these excitotoxins can irritate and damage it.
So, I certainly want the best for you. And God loves everybody, and He gave His life for everyone. So, your dad matters. Everyone matters. And I pray that you can get help. Support him nutritively. Support him emotionally, if you can, with all the love you can get him. Try and get him into counseling and intervention and with specialists who can help him. Hopefully, that helps you. My heart goes out to you.
“By the way, two weekends in a row – fasted 24 hours. That’s a big move for me – feeling good.” [0:11:33]
Good for you. Good for you. There you go, because fasting stimulates growth repair factors in our body doing everyday intermittent fasting. Like only eating in a 6 or 4-hour window is very healing for the body. So I'm so proud of you.
“Hi, doctor, can diabetics taking oral or insulin fast 18 to 20 hours and what do they do with their meds during fasting? Thank you. [0:12:02]
You need to be under the care of your physician and express to your doctor what you would hope to do. There are many things that are very beneficial, fasting is one of them. But I don't know you personally, and I would want to know you to guide you through this. There is a doctor, by the name of Jason Fung. He is a nephrologist, and kidney specialist, in I think Montreal, Canada. Anyway, he's on the YouTube, and he's a very famous doctor talking about repairing diabetes, even insulin-dependent diabetes. And yes, it does involve the intermittent fasting, and yes, under the care of a physician who knows you and walks you through this. So, please go to Jason Fung on YouTube and diabetes and fasting. And you'll see many, many, many, YouTubes on this. F-U-N-G is his last name. And so, he's written a book and that'll help you greatly. But you see your doctor, and yes, you can do it but you need to be under a physician's management.
“Thank you so much! Blessings!” [0:13:42]
Amen, Christina. And, you know, the holidays are a time, when expectations rise. And we put demands out, either without knowing it subtly or by request, saying, well, this is Christmas, at least this one day you should do this. Or this is Thanksgiving, at least this one day you should behave like this. You know, we can't make another person do a thing. If I have learned anything at 41 - 42 plus years of practicing medicine, you cannot make anybody do a thing. You can express your care and your concern, and you can express to them your support. You don't have to be a pushover. You don't have to endorse their bad behavior or their addiction. But we do have to reach out to them and be available and not withhold our love. Withholding love is probably never, ever right. So, these are hard times. A lot of people are having less income and more stress. And so, if there's anything you can do, it's show some love, hold a hand, pat a back, stare into their eyes, and say, I'm here. I don't know necessarily what to do, I'm not a professional necessarily, I'm not a psychiatrist or a counselor, but I care. And can I take a walk with you, or can I have a cup of coffee with you, or can I get you anything or help you out? God bless you.
“Hi, Dr. Ellithorpe, I so appreciate these chats. Would you recommend someone who has been on Iodoral 12.5 milligrams twice a day for 12 years to continue with that amount? Thanks for all you do.” [0:15:29]
Thank you. I have usually prescribed it as 12. 5 milligrams once a day, and I have found that my patients have done very very well on 12.5 mg a day. Now, the reference point on that is from Dr. David Brownstein. He's up in, I think, Lansing, Michigan. He's a family practice doctor. And his father had prostate issues, and that drove him into looking into the care of the prostate, which led him to iodine research and breast health because breasts also are very helped with iodine. And what he found is the research was, in Japan, the natural diet of the women there for centuries up until recently has been rich in iodine-rich foods and they’re fishing and seaweed and so forth. So that even a woman in
Japan would have had up to 50 milligrams of iodine in her diet daily, 50. So certainly 12.5 milligrams is, very safe. We find, the intelligence, the IQs go up when there's enough iodine. Thyroid function improves. Metabolism improves. Memory improves. The immune system improves. So, it's very, very good for pregnancy and for the developing child.
So, I think if you stuck with at least one a day for the rest of your life, at least that's what I'm planning on doing. And we can't spend all our money on testing. I wish we had an uncorrupt government that doesn't follow the bias of a particular click influenced by pharmaceuticals. That way, maybe we could finally get some financial support for nutritional research for doctors like myself, where we could do 500 patients. I certainly have thousands. But I have published, but it keeps me broke, and in my 2006 Saturn SUV and in my humble lifestyle of living, because I do try and spend money on the clinic, my patients, and research, but I am not wealthy at all. I'm just pure middle class if anything. And it would be nice to have income to do a study long term with hundreds, maybe even a thousand, patients. And I know my patients are the best, and they would love to help me, and they would easily do a 24-hour urine. But it takes money to run the test. It takes money to have staffing, to track and follow and educate the patients on the protocol. It takes about a year to get at minimum this kind of thing back to see if one 12.5 milligram is adequate.
So, pray for a decentralization of government and that we can all grow and prosper, and that each of us can donate into private research all over the place. So, there are lots of competing things looking for the best for all of us, rather than thinking three or four Ivy Tower universities have all the wisdom in the world. No, they don't. In fact, we find most of the corruption is there now.
Anyway, hopefully, that's a long-winded way of saying, I think it's probably safe for you to do two a day for many, many years, but you probably don't need that much. And a 24-hour urine iodine challenge test by David Brownstein in his book called Iodine is available for more information on that if you want it.
“Good evening doctor. I'm considering donating a kidney to a friend. I would love your thoughts on it. And perhaps any concerns for my future post-donation, and if I do, what do you recommend for preparing my body? Thank you so much. God bless you for taking time each week to answer questions.” [0:20:12]
Well, how generously of you to be willing to share a kidney. I am very much in favor of a low-carb lifestyle, intermittent fasting, eating between noon and 6 P.M. the latest. Exercising in spurts, so like a 20-minute brisk fast walk, like you're in a time constraint to get somewhere, and then every two and a half minutes, take 30 seconds to break out in a run or go faster. And then after that little spurt there, then resume your brisk walk for another two and a half minutes. So, this would be a little bit of high-intensity interval. So, exercise, and doing muscle training to build up your musculature helps build up your immune system, and helps reduce sugar that would depress your immune system. It'll improve microcirculation. Of course, drink half your weight in ounces. So, if you're 150 pounds, you want 75 ounces of water every day. So, exercise, hydration, a low-carb diet that does intermittent fasting with regular daily exercise, with little spurts of intervals to recreate stress, all stimulates a body to be very healthy and immunologically in an ideal position.
If you're able to get with a physician who provides EDTA chelation therapy, the research by Dr. Lindt is very much established. We have his references here, and many of his publications. He is a kidney nephrologist. And he found using EDTA chelation really extended the longevity of the kidneys. He also noted that in animal studies, those animals that had EDTA chelation before surgery, like the morning of or the day before, they had far better outcome survivals, if there was any stress or damage to them compared to the ones that didn't have any EDTA chelation therapy, which improves your microcirculation throughout your whole body. That's why it's an anti-aging protocol. That's why we do it here. And it reduces heavy metals and stimulates nitric oxide for a better vision, better brain function, and better erectile function for men, various things like this. The way we do it is we mix this with some vitamin C intravenously because vitamin C is very beneficial preoperatively because the stress of surgery is an immune stress to the body and vitamin C is well able to help you manage that better.
After the surgery, I would continue the same lifestyle program. I would try not to eat the first day or two after surgery, and I would be on a clear liquid diet with lots of systemic enzymes, like Vitalzyme Xe, using five twice a day on an empty stomach to disinflame your body immediately. That would be very, very beneficial. So I would start enzymes right after surgery. And I would go from there. Hopefully, you can find someone who might be able to do chelation for you.
“Family came back from Arizona with light cold symptoms with lasting fatigue and intermittent fever for 3 weeks. 2 weeks for hubby, 1 week for me. COVID - something new under the sun?” [0:24:21]
Well, we're always going to be around viruses. We're always going to be around fungi and allergens. And they're messing with the food. We don't know what they're genetically modifying. What kind of intercalated pesticides, and fungicides are being put into the food? So, you can have febrile malaise from many, many different things, not just a viral cold. I would make sure you're seen by your doctor to be screened because lasting 2-3 weeks is a bit long. I would want to know what your temperature ranges are. I would not treat a fever unless the fever is debilitating. The fevers are designed to kill viruses. So, the heat shock proteins help to invigorate the immune system and to kill off invaders. So, unless your fever is like 102 or something, I don't think I would be treating it with Tylenol or anything like that.
I would take high-dose vitamin D for five days, five days only, and that on top of your normal daily dose. We have the 50,000 International Unit, one capsule a day for 5 days to really boost the vitamin D level. And then you could always, if you're in the area, try and find a functional integrative doctor, like ourselves, who can give you a vitamin C drip, vitamin C 25 grams or so for a couple of days in a row. That usually helps get you over the hump. And doing fasting. If you can do pure fasting with just chicken broth or beef broth for 24 hours, that's a nice way to jumpstart or kick the immune system in the butt, so to say, and wake it up as well, but a very low-carb diet. So, those are some of the suggestions I would say.
“Thanks for always answering these questions and for your guidance. Do you have suggestions for a supplement to help sharpen focus and minimize brain fog? My diet is low in carbs, higher in protein, and no dairy. I eat from 11:00 to 6:00. Also, every afternoon between 3:00 ash 4:30, I become extremely tired, sleeping.” [0:27:02]
Well, the question then is how old are you? Are you on hormone replacement therapy? What is your fasting blood sugar? What is your insulin? What is your triglyceride? What is your hemoglobin A1c? And then, aging has an impact even with very good numbers. Some people do need a 20-minute power nap in the afternoons as you get older.
The other thing is, are you exercising? Are there other things that you notice that you eat and then you suddenly become tired after eating because there's a lot of blood rushing to your stomach to address the new income of food and all these antigenic signatures? Therefore, the blood flow rushing to the stomach may be something challenging. So, you need to see your doctor. You need to check your sugar levels. You need to let us know your age, your hormone status, whether you're using it or not. See if there are any other comorbid factors or diseases.
And then, there is a supplement that we carry that has vinpocetin. Vinpocetin is used as a neurotransmitter enhancer to help neuroplasticity, and Membrin is what we use, and it has helped. So, those are the various things. But I think the most exciting thing is a fast. A 24-hour water fast stimulates the brain like nothing else, with some brisk walk or exercise. So, I don't know your general state of health. If you're able to do that, that's another stimulating factor for the brain as well.
“Hello, Dr. Rita. My sister is concerned about her health. In less than three months, she gained 20 pounds. She began to have swollen hands. She had never had thyroid show up in her blood work. She's 26 years old, 5'2, 174 pounds. She saw an endocrinologist. All they did was inject her. Today, they injected her with Mounjaro. She is not diabetic. Any thoughts?” [0:29:45]
Mounjaro is a medication that is a GLUT2 blocker in the duodenum to try and suppress the appetite.
There are problems. These are new medications. I don't think it's been well-studied enough. I have a general principle. I will not recommend any medication because I don't trust the pharmaceuticals anymore with all the confusion and deception that has been clearly been going on. So, I can't give informed consent anymore on the vast majority of things because of the cavalier nature of pharmaceuticals pushing drugs for their income with less than robust studying and transparency. So, this concerns me.
So using these diabetic drugs designed for diabetics which, themselves, Mounjaro is new and marginal, and then transferring it into a treatment for weight loss in otherwise young that should be healthy women, rather than setting them down to the reality check of looking at her fasting blood sugar, looking at her fasting insulin, her fasting hemoglobin A1c, which is the sugar sticking to protein hemoglobin in her body. The higher the percentage, the more you have ruined your proteins in your body from them doing their work. And looking at the triglycerides, blood sugar insulin, and hemoglobin A1c, get a grip on having to do some exercise and intermittent fasting, and a low-carb diet, and she should do well.
When you have a doctor who is sitting in that office year after year, decade after decade, like we do here, you get to know the people, the families. You get to care about them like your relatives. And then you get some endorsement, you might say, from the referrals, the family, the people who have seen that doctor, and they start saying that doctor is, a regular, faithful, they're not going to do anything wild or experimental or testing new on you. They're going to tell you like it is. They're going to work with you and get to know you. And so, that's the kind of doctor you want to go to. You don't want to go to some doctor who sees you one day and you're gone and that's the end of it. A good doctor is going to be a doctor who is, we need many, many more family practice doctors, many more general practitioners, many more internal medicine, generalists who will see you for anything, and will have a global complete knowledge of you, and will protect you and try and not abuse using the specialist, but rather try and take time with you to inspire you and teach you and educate you and treat you with respect, believing you that you can do these good things, you can move toward exercise, you can move toward intermittent fasting, you can drink more water, and just look at patients with, yes, the possibilities are good.
Now, that's what I think your sister needs. She sounds like a typical young lady who has fallen into the pit of social pressure, marketing, and pharmaceutical advertisement, that is sounding like a prince on a white horse reining in and there's some drug out there that solves everything. And this is not the case, ladies and gentlemen. What we have are white and shiny armored horse-riding friends and family and spouses and children and pastors, and your local, friends, pharmacists, your checkout lady, people who care about you and have that smile – I care, I'm glad to see you here again today. This is what motivates us to take care of ourselves. So, your sister needs a lot of love and a lot of stimulation about how high fructose corn syrup is hidden in all this junk food and frothies and lattes and coffee drinks and eating and eating and eating all these marketed junk Christmas treats. Please help her to say she's far better than that.
“Does your office do genetic testing?” [0:35:27]
It depends. I'm in agreement with Dr. Thomas Seyfried. He is the book ‘Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Mitochondrial Disease’. And so, all this high fructose corn syrup and glucose, the starches, the late-night eating, the snacking, the polyunsaturated fats, the trans fats, the mislabeling, the deceit, all of this is harming our cell membranes. And that's why I do so much research and have published on it, we are eating junk, we're not eating food. We're harming ourselves. And genetically the epigenetic or the way you live influences the gene reading. So, if the environment is bathed in high sugar, acidic, inflammatory lifestyle fluids, and foods, and I hate to call it food because it isn't food, then the genes are going to sense that stress and you can flip on a gene or flip off another gene. And so, to that extent, I'll say genetics are useful, but it is too complex. I think most learned geneticists, learned microbiologists, and biochemists have to now agree that cancer is not a genetic disease. Cancer is really, massively a lifestyle epigenetic stress, the way we're living, and that's how we should more properly look at it. So, there are some testings that we do, but it's very specific.
“Have you reviewed Dr. Vik Veer's work on YouTube on sleep apnea?” [0:37:49]
You know, I didn't get to it. With this new EMR, we have been just overwhelmed and my work is like going through molasses. And I had huge work, six days a week of work. Dr. Vik Veer's sleep apnea…No, honey. So, I didn't get to it. But I have a note on it, I have many stickies here, and as soon as things calm down a little bit with our new EMR, I will look at this. Thank you for asking. My patients help educate me and keep me tuned in, so to say.
“Dr. Berg on YouTube mentioned B1 deficiency may influence dysfunction in brainstem operations.” [0:38:43]
Well, yes, it will of course. I mean, these are so critical as a class. That's why they're essential, okay? And we have essential vitamins and minerals and amino acids and fatty acids. So, yes, that's rather superficial to say that. And so, vitamin B1 would be important.
“Would taking a tablespoon of nutritional yeast be an inexpensive way to help?” [0:39:19]
You know, we have so many food allergies that are showing up yeast sensitive. So, taking brewer's yeast is not the way to go just because of what I've seen in all the immune-food, food allergies, yeast, yeast, yeast everywhere. Now, is that because we're so highly sugared up that we have promoted Candida and other fungi in our body and that's what's showing up? You see, we need money to do this research and to help people. But there is one wonderful solution, and that's exercise and a low-carb diet. plenty of water and systemic enzymes. That's why I test. Our items here, our methylated B complex, have all that wonderful stuff in it to help the brain function and the energy, and a bazillion other needed biochemical functions and mitochondrial functions in the human body. So, I wouldn't recommend that you use a tablespoon of yeast every day. No, I wouldn't do that. I'd go to the methylated B complex.
“What are the most important tests and levels to boost hair growth in perimenopause?” [0:40:43]
Well, your hair is made of protein. That protein shaft has its root in your skin. And that skin has to have all these little capillaries, okay? And if you eat a bowl of cereal, donuts, bagels, croissants, sugar latte, frothies, then you think you can afford to eat a piece of fudge or a candy bar or have ice cream or a piece of pie or a cake, and mashed potatoes and rice and beans and tortillas, you are clogging up those little capillaries big time. So, you’ve got to get a grip and understand that low-carb intermittent fasting cleanses the body. You need the hydrolysis of the water pumping through. You need good microcirculation to the root of all your hair. And EDTA chelation therapy is very, very valuable, plus all the many anti-aging, organ-preserving, micro-circulatory enhancing functions of it throughout the entire body, not to mention, prostate and breast and cancer is the circulation and oxygenation and delivery of enzymes to break down tumors and mass and deliver in high dose Vitamin C better is just wonderful with chelation therapy.
Now, biotin in the B vitamins, eating a high protein diet, try and get 1 mg per kilogram. So, if you're, 80 kilograms, 70 kilograms, 60 kilograms, a woman, if she's 150 pounds, is probably 65-70 kilograms, and that would be 70 grams of protein she needs every day. Well, that's hard to do. But what did I have for lunch? I had a slab of liver with onions. What did I have for dinner before this? I'm trying not to burp because I rushed it down before starting this 6 o'clock program. I had salmon and broccoli. So, the salmon probably gave me 20-25 grams of protein. The liver probably gave me 40 grams of protein. And so, I've had probably 70 grams of protein today. I eat a lot of protein. I eat a rich protein-based meat, fish, chicken, and organ meat. All the time I eat in a restricted window, I exercise, and I do chelation. Enzymes act like little Pacman to help clear out the microcirculation. So, that the roots of your hair have the protein they need to grow, the B vitamins they need to grow, the microcirculation to deliver all that stuff to them, and get a good night's sleep because stress will stop it. So, that would be the direction I would go.
And, of course, check your thyroid. You can do an iodine test, a 24-hour urine iodine. I do take Iodoral. So, that does help my metabolism. But that's the direction I would head. You can look at dihydrotestosterone. You could eat pumpkin seeds to try and stop aromatase activity. That would be a beginning point.
“Hi, Dr. Rita! I am just starting to learn and read about chelation therapy. Do you happen to know the protocol of Andy Cutler? He feels that it should never be IV, but round-the-clock oral agents.” [0:45:08]
No. Well, I disagree totally, and I've been around it for 63 years. So, I think I know something. I've got to look up this Andy Cutler. Look, in general, I don't know this Andy. Maybe he's a wonderful God-fearing man. But I tell you, I think the alternative world has become as corrupt almost as the standard medical, allopathic, pharmaceutical, imaging, and surgical intervention, because you have to pimp, so to say, the only solution is a drug or the only solution is surgery, the only solution is imaging. Anything to make that big mega complex of the hospital more and more money. Well, guess what? The only way you can really chelate is effectively, and under a controlled, managed situation, is intravenously because the oral chelation, the molecule is so large, its ability to pass through that membrane is almost nil, maybe 5-7 percent of what you would take orally. So, I'm not saying you can't do oral chelators. A high dose of vitamin C is an oral chelator. Cilantro is an oral chelator. Chlorella is an oral chelator. So, these oral processes, the oral methodology, usually will try and capture what is in the oral cavity, and the gastrointestinal system and chelate out heavy metals there. And that has benefits, I won't deny that. But I do medicine with people with heart attacks, and angina, and hypertension, and heart failure. I manage these things with a cardiologist, with a specialist, as needed. And nothing orally is ever going to come a fraction of a millimeter to helping these people. They need intravenous chelation. So, I'm going to have to look up this Andy Cutler. And I hope that he's not just saying this on the internet just so that he can push a sale on the internet of an oral product. That would be disheartening.
“My GGT has been in the low teens, but my last GGT was 40. I don't drink and at ideal weight and eat low carb. Do you have any idea why GGT went up so much?” [0:48:54]
Well, it is a very, very sensitive liver enzyme and it could have been just something that you ate within, you know, hours, 24 hours that irritated your liver. So, I would just wait and repeat it and take a look at it. Yes, GGT is a very, very good sensitive liver test, but sometimes it's too sensitive. So, just repeat it.
“Can a typhoid infection cause leaky gut syndrome?” [0:49:44]
Well, any infectious problem has multiple impacts throughout the body. So, if that's an infectious disease, then it will impact the lining of the gut just on many, many different levels. So, the answer in general is yes. I would encourage you to see your physician and find out what your history is and what your symptoms are and go look at that.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. How many grams of protein for men per pound?” [0:50:20]
There's, I think, 2.5 kilograms per pound. So, if a man is 200 pounds, then he would be roughly 125. So, I would say close to 100 protein, you should get about 100 grams in a day.
“What do you recommend, approach, books, doctors (what to look for in one, questions to ask)…when working with kids with ADD/ADHD. Hoping to find a non-medication route that works/helps enough. Thank you.” [0:51:37]
Alright. So, she wants to know what I recommend, what my approach is, what books, and what doctors. There are quite a few. I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to say everything I've said for the adults here applies to ADHD, to the children. You’ve got to get this processed food totally out of their diet.
You have to get the electromagnetic wave energies out of the house and their rooms. You have to control mobile phones and not have them in the position of the children. You have to look and see if your energy box, wherever the transformer for the energy, the electricity to your house is, and not have your bed or head near those transformers. You have to be on a low-carb diet. The kids need to play. They need to exercise outdoors and not have this closed and locked-in syndrome. They need plenty of water, not juice, not soda, not fizzy drinks. They need water. They need and they're growing, and they're made of protein and fat. So, these kids have to get away from TV commercials, the influence of Instagram, TikTok, and all these things that are making them think. Well, my little experience, at 11 years old, "I don’t think my family entertains me enough or shows me enough of the world because look...this kid is this and that and that." This is so corrupting. And so, getting them to eat healthy food means getting them away from the social influencers that are going to promote the cereals and the drinks and the pop culture foods and stuff like that. They need eggs, fish, chicken, and beef. They need vegetables. They need butter. They need water. They need exercise. They need a lights-out time, darkness, and quiet, so they can sleep at night. They don’t need to eat late in the day because that will stimulate their activity and thinking. And then they need to be, probably Juice Plus is a very good antioxidant. They need to be on vitamin D, probably 1000 to 2000 IU from toddlerhood on, a day. They need the Clinician's Oils linoleic, alpha-linolenic half teaspoon a day. You can mix that in a little cold unsweetened apple sauce and have them take it down.
“Two questions: (1) Is there a way to cure SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) without taking antibiotics? (2) Taking Farxiga for heart failure has a side effect of UTIs due to altered pH in the urine. Is there a way to prevent this altered pH? And does a UTI always need to be treated with antibiotics?” [0:55:14]
These are questions that we need to see you for. I have to see what your symptomology is. It could be that you’re just getting older and you’re getting a lot of vaginal atrophy and that vaginal atrophy is thinning the lining and the entrance to the urethra, to the bladder, and it’s easier for trauma and irritation and bacteria to climb up a thin frail mucosa of a younger woman. That alone could solve that problem.
Is it possible to cure SIBO? SIBO is newly defined. I think all of us who have been in integrative medicine for decades and decades and decades have finally driven all this research to look at the biofilm flora. And with that biofilm flora and it getting into the small intestine, because really most of this bacteria should be not going past the cecum up into the small intestine. And this kind of reflux in all this excessive appendicitis and the valvular problem and ascension of this bacteria is promoted by the high carb diet, the lack of water, the lack of exercise, the inactivity, and the lack of good mineral nutrients, our minerals are being depleted in our industrialized farming. So, if you work with a good functional medicine doctor who will do a complete digestive stool analysis on you, do a food allergy immune for the IgG, food allergens, slow-reacting, who will put you on a simple menu, what we call one-menu a day where if you eat chicken and green beans for dinner tonight, you would have made enough so that you would have it ready for you to start eating at lunch, the same chicken and green beans. So, you have a one-menu simple. You made it at dinner and you made enough to be ready for lunch the next day, so your whole immune system is destressed, and simplified. The wild spices and entertainment push of food is retracted and your immune system can calm down, then you can look at repairing the gut lining with phospholipids, rich in fish, turkey, chicken, beef, eggs, and then maybe phospholipids, support of probiotics, and then we can go from that position. But you’ve got to work with a good, experienced, functional doctor. So I would say, yes, you can cure SIBO without taking antibiotics.
And to look at what is causing urinary tract infections, for the pH, we can change it with alkalized water. We can change it with minerals to use, hormone replacement therapy, and lots of things to do. So, see your doctor for that that’s a good functional experienced doctor.
“My husband recently went to the doctor and was told he has high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I don’t want him to go on meds as the doctor suggested. He is 71. Are there supplements and/or lifestyle changes you would suggest?” [0:58:48]
Well, tons of them. So, if he would do intermittent fasting seriously, not playing it as a game. I mean we’re talking maybe going carnivore immediately, using digestive enzyme, and just having that, taking a brisk walk, doing some weight training twice a week, walking briskly every day, no less than 30 minutes, drinking half his weight in pounds as ounces of water every day, getting a good night sleep, doing Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Glycinate, try and get in about 500 mg a day, 300 mg twice a day, something like that. A good TLC Multimineral is very valuable. So, the water, the exercise, the minerals, the low-carb diet, the intermittent fasting, that will go a long, long way. Now, you’ve got to work with a doctor who will watch. I don’t know how high your husband’s blood pressure was where it was terribly high, then he should start something with a goal of slowly getting off of it as he does things like this. So, find a good functional doctor who can work with your husband, who will inspire him and encourage him in these ways, because it’s hard to change against all this social pressure and marketing and friends, family, and church all pushing on you to eat this junk food and lifestyle.
“Trying to learn about 5-HTP and its many benefits. Apparently, it doesn’t work if you have the methylenetetrahydrofolate (MTHFR) gene. Does it need other things to work…Enzymes, B vitamins? Very confusing to me. Thank you.” [1:00:32]
It isn’t exclusive with methylenetetrahydrofolate. If you take a methylated B complex, we have the TLC methylated B complex, and you take 5-HTP at night, yes, it helps with mood, it helps with sleep, and it helps with neurotransmitter production. So, yes, that is what I would suggest.
“Hi Aunt Rita, I am 30 weeks pregnant currently, due in February. I am taking the topical progesterone every night plus all my supplements (Juice Plus, Systemic Enzymes, Digestive Enzymes, preferential oils, Energy Core, vit D, iodine, probiotic). Is there anything else I should do before/after giving birth with my supplement schedule or in general?” [1:01:10]
No, I think you’ll do very well. I’ll call you on the phone. I know I sound very busy, and I am. I think if there’s anything I’ve really done wrong in my whole life is I’ve always put my family really second. I’ve said to my boys, Mommy’s got to go to work or Mommy has a patient on the phone or all this kind of stuff, and I repent that I’ve been like that. I just see such a great need. And so, my dear family, my dear own children, my dear husband has always kind of understood I’m trying to serve people, but I didn’t serve them. So, I should acknowledge that and apologize to them. And so, honey, if I sound abrupt, please understand. It’s just Aunt Rita. I’m never not working, and I guess that’s wrong. So, call me on the phone and we’ll talk about it. And I need to talk with you and your daughter. And so, we’re going to do a three-way talk and this weekend would be a good time.
“Do you have concerns about CPAP machines having cleanliness risks or causing lung infections through misuse? Can continuous humidity promote problems if humidity settings aren’t accurate?” [1:02:49]
The answer is yes, yes, and yes. So, the goal is to try and lose weight, exercise, do all these things that will enhance the airway function here, and weight training to build up your muscle strength. Even there are vocal trainings that you can do to build up your tongue strength and all these many muscles in here. I would work with not a specialist in CPAP. I have not seen many attributed infections due to it. But if you use the Argentyn Silver spray on parts, that will go a long way to get rid of fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
“What remedy do you recommend for resolving/eliminating neuropathy – joint pain in the feet, hands, and fingers?” [1:03:51]
Everything that I’ve said. You’ve got to be low-carb. You’ve got to try and get you at ideal weight. You have to have a good night's sleep. You have to have muscle strength, so you hold your posture up, so you don’t slump over and pinch your nerves. You’ve got to drink your water, take Systemic Enzymes to disinflame you, do intermittent fasting, do EDTA chelation therapy, and do the multi-minerals. All the healthy proteins that are in meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, and the yolk and things like that are very valuable in helping to re-wrap up the insulation along the nerves. EDTA chelation will help the microcirculation to these very delicate areas, and over time they usually all do better.
“I’m hearing about more people who never took the CV that are also getting sick with brain aneurysm or bacterial pneumonia because some spike proteins are sleeping from the vaccine to the unvaccinated. Please feel free to rephrase my question on video. What can we do to protect ourselves?” [1:04:44]
Well, this is why I’m just working so hard and many days I don’t get time to pre-read anything. What can we do to protect ourselves? Well we know that the Systemic Enzymes are very valuable as an anti-inflammatory and help to chew up, these proteolytic enzymes chew up the spike proteins. Drinking enough water, the low carb. But EDTA chelation also has an electrochemical reaction that helps pull out spike proteins because the spike electromagnetically is a cation positive and EDTA is electrochemically an anion negative, so the two attract and it can help extract it. So, in a person who’s drinking their water, exercising, taking Systemic Enzymes, and doing chelation therapy is going to do fine.
Now, look at me, I’m starting my 70’s. I’m working my butt off, folks, six days in a week. And so, my questionable doctor colleagues shut their doors and hid behind screens when I had my patients begging me to see their father, their sister, their brother, their uncle, their cousin, niece, nephew, all these things, and so on. I increase my days, never shut down, and I have been going like a mad woman for over three years. And so, why aren’t I getting sick? And I’m touching all these vaccinated people and I’m walking through their air expression. So, when I listen to their chest out and take a deep breath and they breathe out, then I walk to the other side and listen, I’m walking through people’s breath all the time. Why don’t I get sick? Because I’m doing all these things that for decades and decades have proven and long before McCalla, long before all this, you know, (01:06:53) pure Corey and bless their heart for all their work, but I’ve been doing this stuff. The enzymes, all these things we’re talking about, the vitamin D, the zinc, we were doing it all, and all these people in my practice, if you can be allowed to teach practical healthcare and stop this idea of self-glory and money and wealth and junk, just be a doctor, settle yourself down, put your feet down in one planted area, raise up your little family, take care of the people in your environment, be loved by them and love them. And that’s what being a doctor is. Not some fancy dancy person going to conferences and buga buga activity on a boat under the fake title that you’re at a medical conference. Give me a break. I have never been so disgusted with my profession. So, look, all these things protect you. I take Quercetin every day in the form of seasonal allergies or D-Hist.
“Is there anything to do to help my female friend, age 73, who has been diagnosed with dementia? She has no short-term memory. She uses Kaiser for her care. She can't/won't change her diet. Will Chelation Therapy make a difference? What would you do to help a friend in this situation?” [1:08:01]
It will. Well, chelation will help her and hormones will help them and enzymes will help them, and not eating late and exercising will help them. So, if you take them on a walk every day, take them to the gym and have them do a little bit of weightlifting, get them chelated every week, get some natural hormones into their body, get some enzymes in their body and vitamin D, watch the wonderful difference there.
“What do you suggest for muscle pain?” [1:08:40]
Stretching, a lot of water, TLC Multimineral, good magnesium, potassium, calcium, and then always chelation, always doing aerobic exercise and Systemic Enzymes. You can take 5 to 6 two to three times a day on an empty stomach.
“Do people with total hip replacement have certain restrictions for life? What are they? How does it affect the quality of life?” [1:09:03]
Well, yes, but I’m not an orthopedic specialist. I’ve seen people with hip replacements walk and behave almost to the level that you would never know they had it. So, I’m not a specialist in this but you can regain massive quality of life, and return of function, if you do all these wonderful things, like do chelation before your hip replacement, then take chelation with vitamin C afterwards as soon as possible, and do some fasting afterwards.
“Is it okay to eat farmed salmon?” [1:09:47]
Well, look, farmed salmon is fed genetically modified corn. So, I don’t think it’s good. Now, if it’s that compared to eating tofu, yeah, I guess I would eat the farmed salmon. But look, I’m so busy, I'm doing my best to live right now. My husband just brought me before this meeting salmon from the black marlin. Then he asked is this farmed, Atlantic, or is this wild-caught? You know what, I don’t have the time. And so, we have to start just serving others, doing the best we can. We know darn well when we’re eating junk food. Let’s stop it. Let’s stop this Instagram, social media junk food. Everything in our mouth is an oral gratification. Stop it. And these grocery stores are pornography stores for the mouth. These grocery stores are pornography stores for the mouth. So, love everyone. Be strong. Be vigilant. Resist the devil and he will flee from you, even the bad food.