YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 8th, 2022
August 10, 2022
“I just got three to four more plantar warts on the bottom of my foot. What causes them and how do I get them off?”
In general, these are viral infections that get into the skin with the moisture, darkness, and level of your blood sugar, this tends to support the growth of fungus. I would see your doctor and get your fasting blood sugar, fasting insulin level, your hemoglobin A1C, and your triglycerides to make sure that you’re not supporting fungal viral growth and that you have a good immune system. Your doctor could also do some lymphocyte functional studies, your natural killer cell count, your CD4, and your CD8 counts. These are special tests about your ability for your innate immune system to fight viruses and fungi.
You might want to look at your environment. You might want to get a new pair of shoes. And that is the first direction that I would head.
The other thing that I would do is get some Argenton Silver. Argenton is 23-parts per billion nanoparticulate silver which is antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. You can get it in a spray like a mist or a liquid bottle and use a cotton ball to apply to the area. I would do that morning and evening.
“I’m four-years post bilateral mastectomy for a very small non-invasive breast cancer. I’m 71 and have been on estrogen blockers for four-years. I know that it is standard of care but believe that there are new studies that may debunk it as standard of care. Most of my family members have died of heart disease versus cancer.”
I suppose your question is, are you then interested in the possibility of doing some natural hormone replacement therapy for all the many benefits of natural benefits, Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, and so forth? It would depend on you seeing your healthcare provider, talking with your oncologist, and going over the pathology report. There is a book out there called, Estrogen Matters, and it will address these more recent updates about the loosening up and favorable value of hormones and all the wonderful immune health building, bone health building, mental health building, sleep enhancement (which also helps your immune system), and the list goes on. Bring that up with your oncologist. Read the book.
We do have on Tustin Longevity Center, if you go to our website or to our YouTube channel, in 2019 there is a YouTube of two of our gynecologists here, Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Meric, both spending a little over an hour talking about that book and this very question. They are certainly open to the possibility of using some natural hormones. But again, information is what is needed. So, please do add in the questions with your oncologist and your primary care doctor.
“Any advice on dealing with or getting rid of tinnitus?”
Tinnitus, there are more and more studies talking about it being related as well to your tongue and the glossal nerve and heavy metal toxicity. If it’s one sided versus bilateral, all these implications mean something. I would certainly see your ears, nose, and throat doctor to follow up and discuss this and get your hearing tested. Find out if it is unilateral or bilateral. If everything is normal on their workup, then you can see a functional doctor who will start looking at things like heavy metal toxicity, good micro profusion, micro-circulation with EDTA chelation, looking at the inflammation in your body to bring it down. There are many functional medical ways to do that. So, yes, there looks to be more and more we can do.
“When I take probiotics, aren’t they destroyed by stomach acid?”
It depends on the product. The probiotics that we work with are encapsulated so that they are designed to get through the first pass of the stomach acid to get into the small and large bowel. So, if you are getting cheap qualities, then it might not be valuable. However, we here are doing stool testing and working with companies that have third party assays and do a very credible job of standing behind the manufacturing of these things.
So, the answer is yes, if you don’t have a quality product that has been encapsulated in a manner in which the probiotic should be able to pass through the stomach acid.
“Would you please advise, what can be done to stop hair loss from a 46-year-old female, overall healthy, but had to deal with lots of stress throughout her life? What kind of vitamins could help to prevent more hair loss and what kind of testing can be done to determine the cause of hair loss?”
In general, your hair is made of protein. And over the years, and certainly now, the powers that be are really demonizing eating meat, fish, and chicken. They are trying to move us to a plant protein, bugs, and things like this. Your hair is made of protein, and you need to eat plenty of protein. Not only that, you have to have the microcirculation to your scalp in order to have hair follicle health. Very often we over wash our hair, over do things with our scalp, and create micro-irritation. I am one who is not in favor of excessive showering, bathing, or washing of your hair.
The other thing is testing to look at your thyroid function, look at your dihydrotestosterone level (DHT). There are pathways in the hormone, hypothalamus, adrenal axis, pituitary, in which stress will create changes in the dynamics of your hormones such that you might be producing excess testosterone and then that being turned into dihydrotestosterone.
These are things that we have to check among other things. Stress itself, cortisol can upset this access and information and suppress natural hormones. Therefore, stress, cortisol, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, of course your natural progesterone, estradiol, as well as your thyroid hormones. Everything does matter, eating enough protein, getting enough sleep, trying to have good sleep hygiene, having good microcirculation, and not clogging up the tiny capillaries with a lot of excess of sugars or food antigen antibody complexes, and so forth. All of those things matter.
“My 83-year-old mother received the J&J vax and booster at the beginning of the pandemic. Since then, she has been suffering with neuropathy in the legs. She is not a diabetic. The pain has restricted a once vibrant and active person to a virtual recluse, unable to travel. Is there evidence that the vaccine exacerbates neuropathy? And are there protocols that can detoxify and remedy her symptoms?”
I’ll give you my best understanding clinically on this. It is the spike protein itself that the injection of the mRNA in these J&J, Moderna, Pfizer shots that is an uptake by the cell and then used as a template for your own cell machinery to produce an unknown amount of these spike protein that has cardiovascular toxicities, neural toxicities, and so forth. Therefore, how much is produced from any one injection of the mRNA to your system, how much that person will produce, where it will travel, and how long it will last was never defined. And this is why I could never give informed consent to do it.
Given that is said, and we know from the various reporting and papers that are coming out, peripheral neuropathy, cardiovascular toxicities are among many of the common side effects that are suffered by people who have used these.
What can be done? Well, because these are inflammatory reactions, an inflammatory protocol would be a very good thing to do. Such as a low carb diet, adequate water, and a diet rich in healthy cell membrane repair phospholipids. We hear, your doctor, a functional doctor could help by looking at her sugars, looking at her protein level, and encourage her to eat a rich phospholipid in meat, fish, chicken, all free range, wild cod, prairie raised, the egg yolks. There are supplements that have phospholipids in it. Our Drs Nutrition Bar is very rich in it. And this helps repair the injured cell membranes whether they are in the myelin sheath on a nerve or on the endothelial lining of the cardiovascular system.
The other thing is EDTA chelation, being that it is an anion and the design from the pharmacokinetics that we do know about the spike protein that's produced, it is a CAT ion, which is positively charged. EDTA is an anion. And that tends to attract it to help pull it out. I have had lots of patients who have continued with chelation therapy. Some of my patients, maybe 15% of them, use these mRNA injections and really their side effect profile was not as bad as any of the things that I've been seeing in the reports and in the media. So, EDTA chelation helps.
And then taking systemic enzymes as an anti-inflammatory on an empty stomach. Being well hydrated. And then movement, you do have to walk and get circulation going, because inactivity is a pro-inflammatory, and it will aggravate the problem.
So, you want to eat the things that repair the cell membrane lining, you want to eat things that will help repair the nerve lining, these are the rich phospholipids that you get an egg yolks and the chicken with the skin on it and the meat and the fish and so forth. Then you want to have systemic enzymes to dis-inflame. You want to never, ever eat late. You want to be low carbs so you are not inflamed from a high sugar content. You would probably want to avoid very typical food allergies, process foods, grains, and the legumes would be a good place to start. Find a doctor who does chelation therapy. And then, they can look at other things like natural hormone support, looking at her sleep cycle, getting her into therapy, and hopefully that would be a big help. That’s the starting point.
“I shared some research with my 84-year-old mom about oral versus topical estrogen. And she got her HMO doctor to switch her to a transdermal. She had a hysterectomy in her 40s or 50s. I’m wondering if there is any research, much benefit, to start progesterone at this late date? Thank you for all your information.”
In general, I always use progesterone when I’m using estradiol because God designed us this way. Progesterone has management qualities to the estrogen effect. It’s kind of like opposing one another so that it isn’t any one dominant hormonal effect.
The other thing is if you look at Dr. Lee’s book, now Dr. Lee has passed on, but he wrote a book on progesterone. There are dozens, I can’t even list the number of valuable impacts of natural progesterone and its ability to manage and properly balance estradiol. Just because you don’t have a uterus does not in any way mean that is the only organ in the body that God made progesterone for. Progesterone, there are receptors in the brain, in the limbic system, in the immune system, and various areas throughout your body and in the bones for bone building.
So, yes, I would very clearly say that natural progesterone is very valuable. I would certainly use it in conjunction with the estradiol. And remember that Dr. Lee, he has passed on, but his book is just called Progesterone. There are YouTube’s that he has made, you might find some good YouTube’s on it. There are many, many effects. I always use them in conjunction with one another.
“Do you remember the X39 Lifewave Patches that connect via your own stem cells through photobiomodulation from the heat of your own body?
Many people have had great results from pain reduction, lowering of blood pressure, better sleep and skin, and more energy. My husband and I ordered some and we are trying them. Blessings and thanks to you.”
Yes, I do remember that. Yes, I have them. And yes, I’ve used them.
When I did my second doctorate in integrative medicine in 1999, 2000, and 2001 at Capital University, many of the great natural physicians back then met at Washington D.C. to run this. The university is no longer functioning. But it was going well for about 10-years. I was fortunate to get in right in the middle of it.
Anyway, we learned all about natural energy, body electric, vibrational medicine, and the very valuable impact of acupuncture and other energy types of medicine. These patches have crystals in them that are warmed, and they have a tone, you might say, or a vibration just like every other part of the body and the world has a vibration. Even the Earth has a vibration.
“My daughter and I recently had COVID about 8-weeks ago. We decided not to take Paxlovid like my husband did. Would you have recommended to take that? Also, we still have some brain fog, some fatigue, and we can’t walk as far as we used too. We used to walk all over listening to your YouTube videos. Also, the main concern is the brain fog over the other symptoms. So, what would you recommend getting rid of the brain fog quicker?”
Brain is one of the symptoms in the symptom complex which is making up what they are calling long haul COVID syndrome. Usually this isn’t entertained as a problem until you’ve had passed about 12-weeks, 3 to 4-months since having it. So, you are at the 8-week part.
If you have the ability to do a prolonged fast for 24 to 48-hours and just be on water, maybe some black coffee. You can take your supplements, sip on some chicken or beef broth. And just to relax, you can take a casual walk. See if the healing stimulation of natural hormone growth factors will help promote this.
At the same time, take systemic enzymes that are anti-inflammatory such as Vascuzyme or Vitalzym on an empty stomach, twice a day or three times a day. Drink plenty of water and see if that will jumpstart healing. Healing has really turned into a jumpstart when you are fasted about 48-hours. With the enzymes, it is quite provocative and quite helpful.
The other thing is, EDTA chelation helps that. Always keeping your carbs low will help the brain fog. And natural hormones help the brain fog. So eating healthy, phospholipids, healthy fats, butter, medium chain triglycerides. All these things can be done. But if you jumpstart everything with a 2-day fast, 48-hours, that would be really speculator if you are able to do that.
Otherwise, work your way to it. Most people can do an intermittent fast where they just give up breakfast and learn to eat between noon and 6-p.m. If you can do that for a week or two, try to skip not only breakfast, but skip lunch. Then you would go from dinner to dinner. If you can do that well enough for several days, you can try and go from 24 to 36 and then ultimately to 48-hours. This is all at your own pace, but it stimulates our own growth factors which help us heal.
“Do hormones affect constipation? Do thyroid?”
Yes, they do. In general, it helps stimulate the pathway that is in the bowel of the innervation, the parasympathetic balance there and sympathetic stimulation with your thyroid. So yes, thyroid is usually associated with constipation, if you have an under functioning thyroid.
“What, if anything, should be added to water for enemas?”
I'm not in favor of enemas as a general practice, for a general rule. So, I'm not informed on that to tell you. A fleet enema is basically a salt kind of enema. But I would not get dependent on enemas. If you’re in a position that you are using enemas, certainly I would see your doctor and maybe see a gastroenterologist and consider some evaluation, have them do an evaluation of when your colonoscopy was, what your diet is, how much fiber is in it, how much water you drink, how active you are, how good your sleep, hygiene is, what other medications you're on, that could be causing constipation. And then, if all of that is negative, there are other studies that can be done.
But using enemas, as a management is not something that I would just do without the care of a physician understanding why and what you're using in them.
“Are colonics good to do? Does TLC offer this?”
Well, are colonics good to do, I tried them. I try many things just to understand what my patients are going through. But I find that people who drink enough water, who are trying to do, you know, four or five days of activity, and who have a good sleep, hygiene, drinking enough water, they're taking enough minerals, they're low carbs, they're getting fiber, their thyroids are checked and functioning. Often, I have them on natural hormones. This is enough.
And doing colonics, I don't want to take away the work of hydro-colon therapists, but I don’t see that as an end result. Probiotics can have some value. Mineral replacement can have some value. So, I think everything is an individual case. I'm not going to say hydro-colon therapy is bad, but if you're dependent on it all the time, then I would have to ask, what have you done as far as seeing your doctor to address why you're dependent on it?
She has a prescription for Ivermectin. “I haven’t taken it yet because I’m feeling better. I’m not accustomed to taking any type of medication and always worry about the side effects. Can you tell me more about Ivermectin, results and side effects?”
If you were known to have COVID, COVID is a virus, and these viruses as they try to cross the cell membrane, it helps create the ability of Zinc to get inside of the cell which will stop the replication of the viral RNA into formation of more viral particles and bring the virus to an end quickly. That is basically what Ivermectin is.
Hydroxychloroquine is similar. Quercetin is similar. I have used Ivermectin since the 1980s when it first came out when I was on active duty. So, I have a good 35-years of experience with it. Never have I seen a problem with it, even with children. We had soldiers and families that flew all around the world.
I would say that Ivermectin is one of the safest, most studied, worldwide as far as dosing from the pregnant, to the breastfeeding, to the young, to the old, to children. This is probably one of the most dosed. That is why it also got the Nobel Prize for its great health impact especially in the under privileged worlds.
I would reassure you about the value of Ivermectin. However, we are also designed with Zinc, with Quercetin, a low carb diet, adequate hydration, Vitamin C, Vitamin D to also be able to throw off viruses. So, if you were able to do that using your own innate immune system, that’s ideal.
So, if you are already past it and feeling better, I don’t think there is a reason. You can keep it on hand. The general thing is, you should start out on Ivermectin in the first 7-days of being diagnosed or suspected of having COVID. If you are doing better, obviously it hasn’t taken over and created a cytokine storm and so forth. I would be reassured.
“You mentioned polycystic ovarian syndrome to take enzymes and progestins. Which ones do you recommend, there are many.”
Progestins are synthetic imitators of natural progesterone. We would use natural progesterone, 15 through 25 of the menstrual cycle.
The only ones that I have clinically tested here are the Kokoro which is over the counter. Kokoro, I have used them for about 35-years. They are a quality company. We have done a lot of clinical testing on it, and it works. It comes in two forms, a milder in a taller pink, and then a little stronger in a purple pump over the counter. There is really no limit. You can use 2, 4, 6-pumps. It’s all natural. It’s all very beneficial.
Then by prescription of course, we can give it to you in a much, much higher concentration. But you should have a doctor who is looking at progesterone cycling to see if the young lady is cycling and starting to have her own ovulation and progesterone made. This will help it. But it won’t work if you don’t also go on a low carb diet and the enzymes help to dis-inflame and kind of chew up the old cystic ovary injuries.
I support Kokoro and work with your doctor on that.
“I had yearly blood work with my bad cholesterol slightly high.”
I don’t think there is such a thing as bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is essential for cell membrane health, integrity, receptor response, fluidity of the membrane, and for making your hormones. There is no such thing as bad cholesterol.
There are bad pollutants, toxins, and eating a high carb diet that injures cells. And then the injured cells have fragments that send out messages through the body, you can call it a cytokine message. The liver will produce more cholesterol in an effort to try and heal up membranes. It is kind of like a catch 22. If you don’t stop injuring yourself with a poor lifestyle, then you’ll always have higher readings on cholesterol because your blood sugars are allowed to be too high.
“Any good cholesterol is good. Guessing it is nothing to be concerned about. Nurse says, white blood cell count is low. She will have me take it again.”
I have seen so many low white blood cell counts for decades now. They are dumping heavy metals, tons of it in the sky, through chemtrails, geo-engineering of the weather, we have all the lead dust from all the lead from industry, we have the Fukushima radiation, we have the high carbs in our diet, and in our drinks, lattes. We are eating too much, too often. We have high insulin. All of this stress is going on and that suppresses the immune system.
Most of my patients, all improve, and all get better white blood cell counts as they walk through the lifestyle change where they are saying, I’m going to eat less carbs. I’m not going to eat late. I’m going to drink enough water. I’m going to start moving my body and exercise. I’m going to use enzymes. I’m going to use some basic supplementation and healthy proteins so that I can make these white blood cells. And so, it goes.
“I submitted a question on the website about chronic insomnia. I wanted to add, I’m 46-years-old.”
Chronic insomnia, this is really becoming a large problem with all the stress, electromagnetic energy waves, poor sleep hygiene, the blue light coming from the screens we are looking at. You can get blue light lenses for your glasses, which I have. Lack of exercise, lack of hormones, high cortisol, and imbalanced cortisol spurts, eating too late at night. And what is eating too late? Well, really eating anything past 6 o’clock. That is a biochemical and stretch receptor message to your body. If you eat in the evening, I know the restaurants are open and everyone goes out to eat at 6:30, 7:00, 8:00. But that’s not the right thing to do and will harm your sleep cycle.
Melatonin is ruined with all the light contamination. We have too many light sources in our house. Night lights, blue lights, lights on the alarms. So, melatonin secretion is not occurring.
There are many, many things that could affect this. Very often, when we start addressing healthier lifestyles, exercise and all these things, and giving some natural progesterone at night, very often people see a great improvement in their chronic insomnia.
“In reference to the LifeWave x39 patch, could it possibly help a friend that lost their taste and smell months ago when she had COVID? Many foods taste like chemicals to her. What do you recommend?”
Yes, the answer is yes. I really already mentioned it, I would do a 2-day fast. Prolonged fasting stimulates our natural somatostatins, stem cell growth, and is promoted by the somatostatins released at night. Good night hygiene, exercise, low carb. That along with very good circulation. Drink plenty of water. Certainly, the energy medicine, acupuncture, is another very good thing that helps with smell and insomnia, things like this. I would give it a try. It certainly will not harm you.
“I have a stye in my eye. I have Argenton 23. I sprayed it in my eye, it seems to help. What causes a stye?”
Yes, I have found that with many, many of my patients. Bacteria lives all over us and as we age, the cell membranes and the ducts and so forth are so much more easily damaged as our skin integrity begins to fail and the cracks occur. The bacteria that live on us can invade us easier. And then, our immune system declines with time. There are toxins in the world.
I almost, every night, put Argenton Silver in my eyes with a Q-tip. I rub my eyelashes with it. It’s just a habit that I’ve been doing as well.
“I have UE blockers, exercise daily, wake up early, get sun in the morning, and don’t eat past 7.”
That’s wonderful. That is a very healthy thing to do, getting natural daylight in the morning. Get your body out there and in front of the sun. You know, I’m fortunate to have a little home and a little backyard when the sun comes up, I can have my chair out there. That is my Bible time and prayer time too. It’s just wonderful to see the first rays of sunshine come through. And then, of course, the bad UV radiation is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so I am so much in favor of that.
“What enzymes do you recommend?”
What we have studied here and clinically tried are the Vitalzyme. That is the most powerful one. It is made in Japan. It is a prescription medicine in Japan. In the United States, we can have it over the counter. Vascuzyme, that’s an orthomolecular company. They’re high quality. We greatly respect them. They are third-party testing. Their record keeping is very, very good.
“Blue blockers for the eyes?”
Yes, yes.
“I am starting a new position and the employer requires a medical exemption or religious exemption for refusal to get the COVID vaccinations. Can one of your doctors write me one? I am a pharmacist.”
You’d have to be a patient here because if we are going to stand with you for your health and be your advocate, we have to see you as a patient.
Now, what our problem is, we are so booked up and we are pretty much booked up with new patients for all our physicians. Dr. Johnson should be coming here in a week or two from Virginia and be here. Then we can start getting him filled up.
In general, I cannot force my doctors to practice medicine identical to me. I mean, in general, we are all similarly minded. But just because you come, doesn’t mean that I would give you a guarantee because every individual is unique.
Nevertheless, the concept of this is an experiment still, there are no FDA approved mRNA injectables out there that are approved. Everything is under emergency use authorization. There is no legal constitutional authority for anyone to force you to get it. But we do have to see you as a patient here unfortunately. But I pray that you get in. Believe me, I’m working six days a week. And I have never worked as hard in my life.
“I’m 92 and don’t have much energy. Years ago, I was on Synthroid for hypothyroid problems. I went off it sometime later. I wonder if I should be taking it now to feel more energetic. I heard that once you are on Synthroid, you should never go off of it. Also, can you recommend a B12 supplement that might help me?”
A methylated B complex is a very good beginning point because stomach acid diminishes with age. And if you are 92, your ability to produce a lot of stomach acid has declined. That means your digestion is going to not be as good as well as your ability to repair yourself. There are many things that I would do if you were my patient. One of them, as a functional doctor, would be, I would want you to use a digestive enzyme after you eat every meal. But then, I would want you on a B Complex that is called Methyl B-Complex, which is a very special, high-quality type of methyl b. You can get the Methyl B-Complex here. You don’t have to be a patient. If you are in the area, or call and ask for the TLC Methyl B-Complex. I would use two in the morning and two in the evening.
Taking iodine would probably be another valuable thing to do. Iodine is a precursor for the strength of your own natural production of thyroid for energy. Plus, it helps on so many other levels. Iodine supplementation is a very wise thing to do. I like Natural Glandular Thyroid, not Synthroid. But I would suppose, if you saw a doctor and had your body tested and labs and it was under functioning, that would be a help to you as well. But that’s a beginning point where I would start. But find a good functional doctor or ask your doctor to do that for you.
“My 13-year-old daughter has an ingrown toenail. She clipped the nail too much on the side and it’s red and swollen.”
Well, I would probably use Argenton Silver, morning and evening. And let it stay open to the air and dry. And then, of course, you would have to see your local doctor there if that doesn’t show improvement right away.
“Do you see an advantage to adding bioidentical testosterone to my bioidentical progesterone and estradiol for a 62-year-old?”
If you are using DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, which is the precursor to testosterone, and it supports your adrenal gland and the stress of aging, it does convert to testosterone. So, I have almost all my females, including myself, on DHEA, so that my testosterone will be about 100 for trying to maintain my muscle mass and my energy. So, I think the first step I would go to is using DHEA.
“How do you feel about Paxlovid to treat COVID-19?”
Again, that’s an emergency authorization. So, I don’t have to feel anything right now. I’m not going to recommend something that doesn’t have adequate testing, adequate review, and adequate long-term effects when there are other things that are available for treatment that can be early used like Cortisone, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, a low carb diet, high dose intravenous Vitamin C. And so, no, I would never go to something new, unpracticed, experimental stuff on my patients. So no, I do not endorse that at all. Besides, if there is any value, it’s really for the elderly.
And even there, what little data they were able to spit out to us, my trust in the FDA, NIH, and the CDC, and HHS has become so damaged with so many of the publications retracted publications and the downright false information published. We are all together here on the starship enterprise trying to find a new grounding because I’ve lost the respect that I once had, if any, for these institutions. So many people and other people who are acquaintances of mine are resigning from the CDC, resigning from the NIH, resigning from these magazines. I was just reading an article and listening to some podcasts discussing John Ioannidis, probably one of the most world renowned, Stanford I believe, physician immunology, epidemiologist. And he wrote back as far as 2005, 85% of the publications in so-called scientific peer reviewed journals are junk and they're all bought by captured pharmacy influences.
That is why I have to study so hard. I have to study, study, study, and stay on top of everything so I can be a help and a light for my patients. It’s quite challenging. But my faith in God gets me through.
“I can’t log in to the live broadcast, only link from the email is to this question submission form. In case this works, how can probiotics that I take orally survive in my digestion long enough to do me some good?”
That depends on the manufacturer. We have worked with supplement groups that I have been able to fly out there. I was an analytical chemist before a doctor and so I understand testing and sample size and all these things. Orthomolecular has an excellent ethic. I know the owner, I know the model, and I know their moral grounding. I have watched this company do excellent work. They make their probiotics encapsulated with stomach acid resistance quantity so that it should make it into the intestine to help you.
“I have been unable to post questions on live chat. Can see other chat questions, not sure why. I just turned 72. I walk most days, 45-minutes or longer, at a moderate pace. Long slopes and somewhat not fast due to heart disease. Flat walking is quick paced. I want to lose flabby fat but not muscle. I weigh 142, 5’4”, small frame, with arthritis from old accidents. I do watch my carbs, salt, and read the labels. I’m on Losartan 25. How can I gain muscle and lose this flab? Not looking to be skinny, just toned. Is there a supplement I can take? I eat pretty healthy but just seem to be stuck with flab. I have had high blood pressure since 2011. I sleep pretty well. I try not to eat after 7 but I have low blood sugar so it’s hard to do. Thoughts/suggestions?”
I would do weight resistance training. I would literally go to the gym, there is an organization called The Perfect Workout. It’s 20-minutes, twice a week. Hands down, the research data and science on geriatric medicine, elder care, all of this is saying if you would do 20-minutes, twice a week of supervised resistance training, then you will see an increase in stamina, strength, and endurance. And you will see tone and better muscle mass which helps you to burn your dietary consumption down to be able to trim up some. You need resistance training. That’s what you need to do.
“I can’t log in to the live broadcast, only the link from the email is to this question submission form. In case this works, how can probiotics that I take orally survive in my digestion long enough to do me some good?”
That depends on the manufacturer. We have worked with supplement groups that I have been able to fly out there. I was an analytical chemist before a doctor and so I understand testing and sample size and all these things. Orthomolecular has an excellent ethic. I know the owner, I know the model, and I know their moral grounding. I have watched this company do excellent work. They make their probiotics encapsulated with stomach acid resistance quantity so that it should make it into the intestine to help you.
“I have been unable to post questions on live chat. Can see other chat questions, not sure why. I just turned 72. I walk most days, 45-minutes or longer, at a moderate pace. Long slopes and somewhat not fast due to heart disease. Flat walking is quick paced. I want to lose flabby fat but not muscle. I weigh 142, 5’4”, small frame, with arthritis from old accidents. I do watch my carbs, salt, and read the labels. I’m on Losartan 25. How can I gain muscle and lose this flab? Not looking to be skinny, just toned. Is there a supplement I can take? I eat pretty healthy but just seem to be stuck with flab. I have had high blood pressure since 2011. I sleep pretty well. I try not to eat after 7 but I have low blood sugar so it’s hard to do. Thoughts/suggestions?”
I would do weight resistance training. I would literally go to the gym, there is an organization called The Perfect Workout. It’s 20-minutes, twice a week. Hands down, the research data and science on geriatric medicine, elder care, all of this is saying if you would do 20-minutes, twice a week of supervised resistance training, then you will see an increase in stamina, strength, and endurance. And you will see tone and better muscle mass which helps you to burn your dietary consumption down to be able to trim up some. You need resistance training. That’s what you need to do.
“I have a 9-year-old son on the autism spectrum. We believe he has vaccine injury as a baby in conjunction with other factors that led to several development delays. We have since stopped all injections once his adoption was finalized at age 2. He is a wonderful boy, caring, imaginative, and a blessing daily to our family. I’m noticing regression lately and a bigger gap with his peers socially. He has some attention deficient and fine motor weaknesses. He wants to eat non-stop throughout the day and I believe that he has parasites. His brain is always firing. He is constantly talking and interrupting. What would you suggest for some first steps to help him heal? And does your office recommend chelation for children to reduce heavy metals?”
The answer is yes, we do recommend chelation even for children. Get a doctor, find out his weight, and calculate a dose to get a measurement, urine challenge test, and then a schedule for doing that. But he’s probably eating too many carbs. At 9-years-old, he is probably getting out more socially and getting into bad foods.
I would certainly think that I would do some immune food allergy, immune-food allergy testing. I work very closely supervised his schoolroom, classroom, and the teacher that he just cannot eat certain things. He needs healthy brain foods, essential fatty acids. He needs Vitamin D. He needs plenty of water. He needs good sleep cycles. And he needs good light hygiene, so the lights are out. And then, he needs, besides Vitamin D, and to check his heavy metals, probably working with his pediatrician to find out where his digestion is as far as stool. If we can get some stool samples and look for chronic inflammation, this is where a lot of this problem is. Those are the suggestions that I would give you.
“I watch your YouTubes frequently and appreciate your wisdom. I have a question regarding the new Novavax vaccine. In your opinion, is it safe?”
No, I am not going to endorse. Again, the contents are not revealed, and it is experimental. Especially when we have other therapeutics that are much more safe. And especially when your risk, you have a 99.9997% chance of survival. If you are 65 and older, you probably have a 99.6% chance of survival. Why would I put you on something that I am not allowed to know what it is composed of?
“Is there a supplement that helps to toughen up the emotions? After having kids, it seems I cry for any little thing. I’d like to have more control over my emotions. Any advice would be appreciated. Also, does caffeine affect hypothyroidism?”
Probably not in any detrimental way. So, I wouldn’t worry about caffeine.
I think DHEA is what we call the stabilizer, pre-hormone. It helps you handle stress better. So, DHEA 25-milligrams a day, 50-milligrams a day. I’m on 50. But I would see your doctor and get it measured, see where you are at.