YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, April 04 2023
April 6, 2023
“Last week on your episode, you mentioned Juice Plus for children. Did I hear you right that children can get this for free? If so, do you know how? I believe my children would greatly benefit from this, but find it rather pricey.”
Well, the way they do this, Jay Martin is the owner. This is a private company. And he has determined that if the parent, one parent can nominate their child to get it for free for four years. This is the way it has always been. And we've had millions of children enrolled in what we call the Healthy Family Program. The parent will then get a questionnaire regarding the child, it's online. And then you'll ask questions like, how often do they get a cold, or miss school, or take medications, or need to see their doctor, or have, you know, illness days or various things like that. And then, once you answer it, they send out a six-month supply to the child, roughly from age four to age 18, high school. If they are in college, they have to have the email of the college they are going to. Anyway, it can go all the way through college. The parent can sponsor one child. If you have two children, each parent would have to sponsor them. So, one adult, one child. That can go on for four years.
After six months, you'll use up what you were given for free and then you answer another set of questions. Are they still missing as much school? Are they still having as bad allergies? Are they still needing to go to the doctor or taking so much medicine? They track the answers and the answers. And the answers have always shown a statistically significant downward trend so that the children on Juice Plus are more healthy, more active, have fewer allergies, fewer visits to the doctor, fewer miss school days, better academic and athletic performance, and various things like this.
And what's interesting is, this is around the world. So, it isn't any one socio-economic, cultural family units that you know are being assayed. These children are from all economic and world venues. So it’s quite interesting. If you have questions, just text us or call 714-544-1521. You can ask any one of our front office or my nurse, Teri. They can help you with your questions regarding how to get your child on it.
“We just found out that my daughter-in-law's baby is in the breech position. it is her first birth and she is due on April 20th. Their birth team has given them info on how to possibly help the baby move. Do you have any information or suggestions on this or anything she can be doing? She is in excellent health and plans on seeing her acupuncturist and chiropractor.”
In my experience over 40 plus years of practicing medicine, even though they find or determine that the baby is breech, very often the baby turns in the next few weeks into the normal position for delivery. It's unknown why this happens or what helps the child to move. That, I guess is in God’s domain.
Do we know of anything that can help with this? Of course, midwives, obstetricians, even chiropractors, and acupuncturists have worked to relax and augment the parasympathetic, you know, rest and digest systems, which are associated with gut health and mortalities with muscle action. And these things have helped in relaxing the mother and in some of the manipulative maneuvers that they try and do. Being well-hydrated is very, very important. Drinking adequate water. Usually, pregnant women are asked to drink a little extra water. So, when we say whatever your pounds are, so if you're a 200-pound man, we ask you to drink half your weight in pounds, so that would be 100 ounces of water. If you're pregnant, we would probably ask you to drink half your weight in pounds as ounces plus 10%. So, being well hydrated.
You know, there are very good obstetricians that have used the Juice Plus, by the way. And the C-section deliveries are reduced on their patient clinical findings. The birth weights are better on Juice Plus children, and the placentas of Juice Plus mothers are coveted for research because there are such healthy placentas. So, to say, oxygenated well, pink in appearance. You can actually see the difference when you deliver a baby from a mother on Juice Plus. The placentas are pinker. And the other thing you see on Juice Plus mothers is there's less ICU or neonatal intensive care and there are better Apgar scores. So, how taking a very good antioxidant is very, very valuable.
We've even noticed in studies with people taking Juice Plus during stress, that even using it for just weeks had made a tremendous difference in their oxygenation and the circulation to them. Even published in the Journal of Cardiology. I would recommend to be a wonderful antioxidant, Juice Plus, the fruit, vegetable, and berry capsule. I would enjoy Mother to be on a good Vitamin D, and probably some magnesium. Magnesium is relaxing and helpful with smooth muscle contractions. Adequately hydrated. I am in favor of working, as much as can be tolerated. Regular rhythmic motion, seeing her obstetrician, seeing her chiropractor often, and the acupuncturist for relaxation techniques.
But with all that, I still have seen so often, the breech position baby, weeks ahead of the delivery day often just turns within the last days or weeks. So that's all I can offer you about my experience.
“Am I correct that taking my systemic enzymes doesn’t break my fast?”
Correct. Systemic enzymes are very valuable during fasting periods of time. Remember when you fast, you move toward autophagy, meaning self-eating old cells, aged cells, and injured cells. These cells are broken up and the enzymes are very important in doing this. I would definitely say, systematic enzymes especially when you are fasting is very important.
“When would you use rapamycin? Are there labs needed?
I don’t use rapamycin. So, I’m not going to really speak on that. Rapamycin, I think was found to be, if I’m remembering my science reading correctly, is involved in cell metabolism enhancement. Also, you know, anti-aging activities. And so, since I never use it, I'm not familiar. There's a similar one that is sounding antibiotic and I think it's used in small intestinal bowel overgrowth and that is another one out there. But I think the rapamycin is involved in the mTOR pathways of cell anti-aging and signaling. So, I never use it. So, I wouldn’t be able to give you any information on that.
I try to use all-natural ways to slow aging.
“Can there be complications after surgical removal of internal prolapsed hemorrhoid removal? That muscle and opening seem vulnerable to infection and long recovery. The question whether better to live with it using creams, powders, ice, and warm baths. Eating more fiber and bowel movements are good. Just itchy and annoying!”
There can always be surgical complications.
There is such a thing as rectal prolapse. where the actual mucosa of the rectum can protrude out of the anus, kind of like the inside lining. And then, after the bowel movement, it can be retracted. Whereas, a hemorrhoid is really something that is a vein that is bulged out, often they have a blood clot in it. I don't know if she's talking about the actual rectal prolapse. What I would say is, it's rare. In today’s world, we have very good surgical training in our physicians. Very good technique. Very good anatomy, which is so much better than it was in the ‘60s and before that. Now with MRI and imaging, surgeons I think are much better trained. We do have the antibiotics. We do have a great understanding about the need for hydration, softening the stools, and even nutrition. Vitamin C is a very important protein, all the amino acids in helping make the collagen elastin. And magnesium, of course, relaxing smooth muscles.
So, I don't think I'd be worried about that. Hemorrhoids, they usually put a band around them and it tightens up like a suture. And then, the actual bulging skin with the blood clot in it will fall off. So, it’s very, very little risk. But whereas rectal prolapse is something depending on how much of the lining kind of comes out with the expulsion of a bowel movement, depending on how bad that is, a surgeon would decide whether or not an intervention for prolapse rectum needs to be addressed, which is a whole another proposition.
I would take the advice of your surgeon, be thoroughly examined, and maybe get a second opinion. And I would relax with it. Because I do feel very good about the surgical management of these items.
“I was told I need to go for a second colonoscopy because they found benign polyps 5 years ago. Is this necessary? I'm concerned about going to the hospital for anything now especially being put under anesthesia. They could give me the covid shot without my knowing! Am I being paranoid?”
Well, I don't believe that people would give you the shot without your knowledge. That's illegal. So, you would just have to declare and be very clear that you don't want any administration of any vaccines because it's not part of any colonoscopy protocol.
The other thing is, the reason why they want to look again is if you already had grown two polyps in the past, which were fortunately benign, the possibility that you may still continue to be developing polyps with your general state of health, and they might eventually become malignant. That is the rationale for doing it. And so, I am in favor of rechecking for polyps, if you've already been known to have had polyps that were growing. So, that's something for you and your gastroenterologist to discuss.
Going into the hospital, usually, this involves basically an outpatient kind of like a surgi-visit. You are only there for hours and you have someone with you that is your advocate. I don’t think I would worry much at all if you're in generally good health. So, that's the reason why they want to do that with the polyps. And the second thing is it would be illegal to administer any vaccination during a visit without your pre-informed and expressed permission. Because it's not part of any colonoscopy procedure. And I do not think that they would transgress that.
“Is it better to stretch before or after a workout? When is it harmful to stretch your muscles? How long does it take for muscles to repair?”
I would stretch before a workout. And that is what they call the warming-up phase. There is nothing wrong with stretching as well. But in general, getting your range of motion prepared for using them and putting them to task, requires stretching beforehand. Doing a stretch after exercise is probably a good thing to do. But it doesn't have as much impact I would say as far as protecting you.
The second part is when is it harmful to stretch your muscles. I don't know that there's any time that it's harmful to stretch your muscles at all.
And then how long does it take for muscles to repair? Well, I think it depends on which muscles and how big of a tear or damage was involved and their part on the body. In general, scarring, and scar reformation, I have seen research where it takes years for this to occur. But as far as acute management and use, reusing it for rehabilitation, I would say six weeks is the typical healing time for any rotator cuff of your shoulder injury and then going into rehab. Because if you don't start using it, you'll start getting adhesions and fixation of these stiffness of the joint. And therefore, we need to have some modest reuse and range of motion done. Of course, you need to be well hydrated, take systemic enzymes for inflammation reduction, and you need to use minerals, magnesium, potassium, and so forth. So that's the suggestion I have there.
“I think I have a sinus infection. I got the flu and a cold, one after the other. And I have lingering sinus pain, clogged ears, and a light persistent cough. I’m trying to get better with supplements and sleep. Do you have any additional tips or advice?”
Yeah, I would use fasting for 24 to 48 hours. I'd go on a water fast. And I would take you know my vitamins on my water fast, except for digestive enzyme because it's for digesting food. Systemic enzymes help reduce the inflammation, which might reduce the swelling and open up the plugged ears. And then Argentyn Silver, Argentyn 23, or Sovereign Silver, if you inhale it up your nose, you can get a bottle of it. Take a teaspoon, gargle, and swallow. So, I use this very liberally. I put it in my eyes and even the lacrimal ducts. I can feel it going into my sinuses. Then I squirted up my nose, I can feel it going into the back of my throat. Then I gargle and swish and swallow after I brush my teeth. I use it especially a lot during these seasons like this is a pollen season starting up for me.
Enzymes systemically reduce inflammation and I'm talking about using like four or five systemic enzymes. I have Vitalzym here and Vascuzyme, very similar, equal products. And I would do that morning and evening. You can even do it three times a day if you are really painfully clogged up and congested. That will reduce the inflammation.
Antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal in fact, Argentyn 23 helps to prevent infection. Getting adequately hydrated, which you will do if you do a water fast for 24 or 48 hours. And then, taking your multivitamins, your vitamin D, and your magnesium with zinc minerals help with a smooth muscle, and bronchial dilation and expectoration can be helped if you use n-acetyl cysteine or iodine or both of them. So that's what I would suggest there.
“How much IV vitamin C do you recommend for fibromyalgia and what else would you recommend to use in the IV? Or is chelation better to treat fibromyalgia? Is fibromyalgia just a way of saying “We don’t know what’s wrong?” Or is it real when one’s body completely flares up? Including thyroiditis? What comes first, thyroiditis or fibromyalgia?”
Fibromyalgia is probably a systemic mitochondrial dysfunction of the batteries inside every cell. The cell membrane of the mitochondria, it looks like a little kidney bean. It is inside every cell. You have thousands of them. They convert the glucose fatty acids into energy. So, that one glucose molecule will produce 36 ATP molecules. And if you have injured or stressed or harmed the mitochondria, and there are all kinds of ways to do that, like pesticides, organophosphates, volatile organic acids, heavy metals, aluminum, mercury, lead, infections, chronic infections, fungal infections, all these toxins can put a stress on the mitochondria, which are the little batteries inside of every cell. And then they cannot produce the energy. So, you get this profound fatigue. And it's aggravated by minor little things like seasonal allergies or minor stresses in your life. And there is no real testing for mitochondrial function.
And what we suggest is, you have to repair the actual membranes because it is on the membrane, which are a little foldings of this, you know, all the way around, that are called cristae. And these cristae have the enzymes that transport the electrons that lead to the ultimate ATP, adenosine triphosphate energy, bonds for making energy.
So, we very strongly, and that's part of my research that we did with phospholipids, showing that if you took the phospholipids like we have the phospholipid powders here that help repair not just the mitochondria, but the outside cell membranes, all the membranes in the body. And when we did that, giving a good multi-mineral vitamin that has the B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin C in it. We found that the energy recovery state was improved. We could actually watch ATP production increase through the various phosphorylation studies we did on the white blood cells.
So, cell membrane repair seems to be one of the early ways that we get an injury. The membrane of the cell gets hurt, and the inside membrane brains of the organelles within the cell like the mitochondria get hurt. Then the energy diminishes, then the immune system fails, and then you can get, you know, susceptibility to all kinds of things and infections. Very often, we will use high-dose vitamin C 25 grams, 50 grams, 75 grams, and 100 grams. But typically 25 to 50 is used. And we do this over and over for a month or two, maybe three, at least weekly, if not biweekly. We give EDTA chelation with it at least once a week. Because we know heavy metal toxicity is ubiquitous. It's everywhere. It's in all of us. And it is absolutely an oxidative cell membrane damager. We put everyone on a very low-carb diet to try and preserve the healthy metabolism with low stress on the batteries and engines of the cells. We know their proteins and fat help repair all cell membranes. So proteins and fat are rich in the phospholipids, like egg yolk, and the skin of the chicken with eating your chicken, your beef, your fish, your pork, your crab, your lobster, your shrimp, your clams, all those kinds of things are extremely rich in the phospholipids that helped make up the cell membrane, whether it's an inside cell membrane surrounding the little organelles, or whether it's the cell membrane itself, from your brain down to your toe.
Many things go into helping someone with fibromyalgia. Sometimes we will give a long-term trial of antibiotics like tetracycline or doxycycline. Now there are even studies looking at ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine as beneficial, long-term, over a course of three months as an antiviral. And then, we watch and we see how things go. So, hopefully, that helps you with understanding.
Because there's no research money sent by the Fauci at all, in our corrupted FDA, CDC, and NIAID systems. They're not interested in looking at this. They're interested in working for the international crime syndicate of the pharmaceuticals, developing drugs that they're going to probably make royalties off of, or how to invest in to make money for themselves rather than, really looking at these things that what is the infectious component of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia? Or what are the cell membrane and phospholipid components? So, it is unfortunate. We need laws because men are not angels, nor are women. And if we don't apply the law, then they get away with literal murder.
“Is it ok to drink ATP while you are fasting or does it break the fast? Also, does it matter if you drink regular or decaffeinated coffee while fasting? Does coffee break a fast?”
Coffee has in it, polyphenols, and certain phytochemicals that help stimulate the body through the sympathetic epinephrine pathways. And I would suppose technically, this is a breaking of the fast. But in general, I've never seen it make any difference whatsoever.
Now, if you put cream in your coffee, or if you put butter in your coffee, that too with medium chain triglycerides, that's fat. Even though it's not typical food, these will indeed, technically break your fast. But I think what is your end if you are trying to say I'm not going to eat food? And if you put a tablespoon of butter in your coffee, or you put an ounce of medium chain triglycerides in your coffee, I think you have not harmed the end goal. And I really think it'll be very, very minimal. And I think that's how I first started years and years ago. I was adding butter to my coffee. And that helped catapult me into more prolonged fasting. So, technically the answer is yes.
Now, what about ATP? ATP Ignite is a B vitamin, concentrated powder packet that you can put into water that raises your B vitamins. And I think it has some flavor and maybe some stevia in it or monk fruit. And I don't think that that is something that you should fault yourself on if you are fasting. Again, remember it’s the end goal. Are you learning to create these boundaries and achieve them even if you're using something valuable as a vitamin, or B vitamin nutrient, or MCT or butter? I think you're fine. Same with black coffee. I think you're fine.
“My sister and two friends have Parkinson’s disease. What would you recommend to help them?”
Well, I would certainly recommend a healthy lifestyle, EDTA chelation therapy, vitamin D, and n-acetyl cysteine glutathione. Probably those two nutrients. A powerful antioxidant that has all. I would go with the Juice Plus series. It’s the most consistent that I have seen. So, the antioxidant, n-acetyl cysteine glutathione is very valuable. I've actually seen that given intravenously for Parkinson's. The chelation to remove the heavy metal toxicity and improve the microcirculation. And then, of course eating the healthy fats, the phospholipids and maybe becoming more of a carnivore or a very good keto diet that is very very, very low carb with exercise. Lots and lots of exercise and vitamin D to get your vitamin D levels around 80 minimum, 80 to 100. And you put all that together with good a good B vitamin, pantothenic acid, B5, a good methylated B complex. Methylated B complex that'll have pantothenate in it. And then minerals, a good multi-mineral that will have your potassium, magnesium, and zinc in it. These are what are necessary. But the exercise is important. And a good night’s sleep.
“Does the chelation cause your body to have a different smell? Sounds silly? I felt like I had a strange odor yesterday afterward.”
Well, if you were using our chelation here, I would say that's unlikely. But I'm not going to say it's not impossible. Because as your body detox, there are volatile organic acids that are held in usually fat tissues. And when the body feels safe in detoxing which chelation promotes, you may see this “outgassing” of these materials. So, I think it’s a Herxheimer reaction that you're probably sensing and I would be happy that you are detoxing.
“I also wondered if you can explain how the systemic enzymes help!”
Enzymes are God's little soap suds. So, if you are trying to detoxify, and cleanse out old debrided cells, or break up fibrin in a module or a fibroid or anything like that, even sinus mucus congestion, God uses good hydration and enzymes usually to do this with. So that's why we recommend the systemic enzymes.
When I do EDTA chelation therapy on my patients, I'm always myself taking systemic enzymes, I use Vitalzym, and I use five. And I try and do it twice a day, always just as a general rule with plenty of water. And I do chelate on a regular monthly basis, a couple of times. So, I'm trying to cleanse like little PacMan cleaning through all the little capillaries in my body and having a better, cleaner, disinflamed, the enzymes cleaning out debris, junk, and stuff like that. Then I get better perfusion and the tissues of that area will stay healed and better oxygenated. And then hopefully I won't clog it up with a poor diet or a high-carb treat.
“I am having nightly leg cramps, three to four times a night. I take magnesium 380 milligrams, potassium, calcium, and vitamin D3 5,000. She's a blood type B. She fasts for 21 hours. Recommendations?” What type of magnesium should I take?
So, it sounds like you are on a one-meal-a-day program. Well, I would ask how much water are you drinking a day.
We like the amino acid chelate, which is magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, and magnesium sulfate. These are amino acid chelations. I take it as a powder, which is called, OptiMag Neuro. I mix it with Vitamin C. That seems to amplify the effects. I also take TLC Multi-Min which has additional magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and some other trace minerals with it, selenium, and the like. So, I take three of those in the evening.
The other thing I'll do if I'm getting a lot of cramps is I use Himalayan pink salt. I use my Himalayan pink salt. This is what I have from Sprouts. And I will literally put it in my hand and I will lick it at night and drink some water. I will twist it into a sip of water. I usually put a little twist in every cup that I drink. I like straws in my water. And I usually drink twice the amount of raw water when I'm using a straw because it's fun. But what it couldn't be, is your electrolytes are too low. So, between OptiMag Neuro, the powdered magnesium, the powdered Vitamin C, Vitality C, between that and some Himalayan pink salt, adequate water, you have to drink half your weight in ounces every day. Tonight, literally, tonight, if you take the Himalayan pink salt and get in 80 ounces of water in the day with your salt and these things, I think you will see a difference. Hopefully, it does. Let us know next week.
“What is Vitamin D good for? Someone asked me if it helps bone and teeth.”
Yes, it helps the bone and teeth. In fact, the face is actually the teeth formation that is very important in nutrition and the mother's nutrition. And mouth breathing versus breathing through your nose at night, and getting the vitamin D with K2 into the mother in her dairy is very important. And especially if she's pregnant. And then, when she nurses, and then as the child is growing, having these dairy products that are rich in vitamin D3 and K2 in the children’s diet.
And then as we get older, I think there's so much controversy because there's so little time spent teaching because if we were all adequate in vitamin D, I think our health would tremendously improve, our bone fractures would decrease, our oral health would be better, and we would have less speech and sinus issues. And autonomic goes D is involved in so many things, your immune system, your mental mood, being happy, your bone structure, it's involved in your gut health. In many ways, it's just an important part of so many activities in the human body, I would at least check it once or twice a year. And I would try to always keep it in the range of 80 nanograms per deciliter to 120. And then, always does your serum comprehensive chemistry so we can get some liver enzymes with it. So, if your doctor is fearful that you are over 100 if you have normal liver enzymes, you know that the fatty soluble vitamin D is not harming you at that level because you have normal liver enzymes.
“Can I make an appointment at your office if I’m from out of state?”
I think, typically the answer is no because our malpractice requires us to only be licensed to practice medicine in our state. So, theoretically, the only time you came for advice and management is when you’re physically here, then you probably could. But so often someone will come and then they will go back home, have a question at home, and we try to call or do a Facetime. And this needs to be addressed legally. I’d be happy to do it that way. It’s just the malpractice. We are in just such a litigious world.
“What is a good screening method for breast cancer besides a mammogram that can detect things well?”
I’m going to say an ultrasound of the breast. I think breast ultrasounds are probably the single most imaging-wise useful. Why? They will not harm you. They are not radiation like a mammogram. And they are not traumatic like a mammogram which is compressive and squeezing and very hurtful.
The other thing is thermography. Thermography will look at a heat picture emanating from your body. And if there's an unusual focus of heat in the breast, then the question arises, what happened? Were you traumatized there? Where did you hit there and have a bruise and more blood supply? Do you have an infection in one of your breast glandular ducts? Or is there a cancer growing with an increased blood supply? And so, that tends to be more variable as far as reliability, and predictivity, the thermogram.
If I had to pick between the three, I’m going to go with an ultrasound. You can do ultrasound after ultrasound and a self-breast exam every month when you are bathing. Once a year, have your doctor when they do your pelvic exam to examine your breasts as well. They can feel for lymph nodes up in your axilla that you can’t really feel. I think getting a good female exam annually, doing an ultrasound of the breasts.
No, but the best thing is to prevent it. Be on a low-carb diet. We eat far, far, far-- We don’t even know what it’s like to eat healthily. We are so marketed to and so blinded. We don’t even realize how much sugar and carbs get into our diet. So, we have to greatly lower that. Because carbohydrates stimulate the insulin hormone that stimulates growth. And of fat, thickening of blood vessels, and tumors to grow in our bodies. So, we have to do that.
We're probably all iodine deficient and so we need iodine. You can do an iodine test. I like the urine 24-hour collection. And then taking systemic enzymes. Taking enough vitamin D to prevent your immune system from failing us so you have good surveillance, natural killer cell counts with vitamin D. Having a good multi-mineral with selenium in it, which is always associated with protection against colon and breast cancer, prostate cancer, all those. And drinking enough water, exercising is a very important part of oxygenation, doing some high dose vitamin C, and chelation to improve microcirculation, pulling out toxic metals, and the antioxidant effect of the vitamin C. So, there are all kinds of wonderful things to do, rather than worry about getting cancer.
“What is your opinion on colonoscopies?”
Well, I’m biased. My brother-in-law died of colon cancer at the age of 45. And he was so healthy looking. He had no symptoms. And my sister asked me to check out her husband because suddenly after, you know, a week or two, he had been working with my husband. They were doing some construction together. Very healthy, good healthy looking young man with my husband, and building construction. Two weeks after the construction was done, he had bilateral leg edema up to his mid-calf. That’s not normal. So, I had him get the CT of his abdomen. It was already spread everywhere with Stage 4. He was dead in one month. This was back in 1995. So, I’m very biased about this. And it’s a silent killer. So, I’m in favor of colonoscopies.
The other thing is you could do a Cologuard. They're doing a full collection of a bowel movement and looking for polyps, and DNA signatures of polyps that suggest colon cancer. But yes, I think I would do a colonoscopy.
“When I went for supplements, they told me that you are out of your nutrition bars. I saw your son and I asked him and he did not have any other recommendation.”
Yes, we are, for a while. This is the supply and demand thing that’s hitting us. And unfortunately, that’s the truth. But we should have them back in about a month.
Well, we developed that bar because we wanted to get those phospholipids that help make the cell membranes. They will be out and they will be available. My understanding, it will take about six more weeks and we should have them back.