HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, April 2, 2024

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, April 2, 2024

April 4, 2024


“Dr. Rita, Dr. Mercola says linoleic acid can impair brain function by causing oxidative stress. There is organic high-linoleic sunflower oil in Clinician's Preference Oil. Is that different?” [0:04:42]


The answer is yes. Thank you. There's an article here called, Differential Effects Of Adulterated Versus Unadulterated Forms Of Linoleic Acid On Cardiovascular Health. So, this publication was published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013 because this issue keeps on coming up and there's obscurity over the data. What the facts are are linoleic acid is a two-double-bond fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic omega-3 is a three-double-bond fatty acid. And essentially, what they find is that – I’ll read you the findings here. Let me see if I can see the summary statement on these conclusions. This was published in January of 2023. It says, “Our critical review indicates that natural unadulterated forms of linoleic acid have significant cardiovascular benefits. That would include the brain, any part of your body, your eyes, and all cells, and should be consumed as a part of a healthy diet. In contrast…” And here's where you want to pay attention. “In contrast, adulterated forms of linoleic acid are atherogenic and harmful and therefore should be avoided. Given the consistent findings regarding the adverse effects of adulterated fats on cardiovascular health outcomes, it is critical to consider the source and form of linoleic acid when drawing conclusions about its effects on cardiovascular health. We strongly recommend that future studies using linoleic acid clarify, I'll repeat, clarify the form, namely unadulterated versus adulterated, of the fatty acid being tested to avoid further controversies. There is little evidence to support the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids as being critical for cardiovascular health benefits. Rather, both omega-3 and -6 polyunsaturated fats, meaning they have more than one double bond, polyunsaturated fats, appear to have independent cardiovascular health benefits with high levels of both fatty acids being associated with low levels of inflammation. Furthermore, there is very little evidence demonstrating dietary intake of linoleic acid is associated with increased levels of inflammation. On the contrary, high dietary intake of natural unadulterated linoleic acid is associated with reductions in inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk. Thus, the findings of the present review are in line with recent reviews, as well as current dietary recommendations of the American Heart Association, and suggest that increasing intake of natural unadulterated forms of linoleic acid provides cardiovascular health benefits.” 

And so, this study points out there are two essential fatty acids in a human being. One is linoleic acid, the one that you are asking about, the omega-6. The second human essential fatty acid is alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3. There are no other essential fatty acids. We can make cholesterol. We can make all the other forms. We can make EPA. We can make DHA through the delta desaturase pathways.

Therefore, if your doctor, if your dietician, if your therapist is not aware of enough biochemistry or how to look at scientific articles in a critical way, you have to understand that they are parroting than what they're being taught in school. And to be taught in school is to be taught the bias of the paid-off industries for the food industries that are for high carbohydrate, cheap food, long shelf life, and this long shelf life is only achieved if you hydrogenate the fats, meaning those double bonds become hydrogenated, they stick hydrogen in that double energy bond to quiet it down, so it won't react with oxygen, or burn, or oxidize, or rot, or become rancid. 

So, EPA has 6 double bonds in it. DHA has 5 double bonds in it. These are in fish and marine usually sources. And what that is telling us is the more the double bonds in a fatty acid chain, the more reactive it is with oxygen. That's why fish stink very fast after you catch them when they die. Fish stink because they are burning, they are combining with oxygen, all those double bonds. They're no longer stable anymore. They're falling apart and the tissue breaks down and it stinks. We don't need a lot of EPA/DHA. If you look at fish that live in very cold water, like in the Northern Atlantic Sea and near Arctic/Antarctic seas, the water there can be 29-30 degrees Fahrenheit, and very cold, near freezing or not freezing simply because of the turbidity of the water. And those fish that float around in very cold water need a lot of double bonds in their tissues, in their cell membranes, in these membranes here, these fatty acid membranes in the tissue of the meat of the fish. Why? Because that makes it impossible to freeze. So, if you take your oil, go take your olive oil, and that's only a monounsaturated fat, and you put it in the freezer, it will not freeze. Oils don't freeze, okay? So God, our creator, made fish with lots of double bonds because he knew the fish were going to be going to areas that were very cold, and in order for them to move in the water and not freeze would be to give them more double bonds so they don't die off and or get frozen.

Now, if you go and fish in the Gulf of Mexico, where the water is in the Caribbean, where it's warmer, the water is 70-80 degrees, you will find the ratio of omega, DHA, and EPA, the omega-6 and omega-5 fatty acids in the fish, are much reduced. They do not have to have as much because the water isn't as cold. And then if you go on land where we, who are at 98.6 degrees, we don't have a need for that. We don't need to consume it. And so, all this conversation about fatty acid and needing EPA and DHA is built on a faulty and degree of educational lack of training, preparing your advisors without having a degree in chemistry/biochemistry like I have, or my father who worked in the chemistry labs of Armour Food Research, when they were preparing to first market TV dinners, they would rot too quickly and fall apart. And so, one of my dad's jobs was to work on hydrogenating the fats that were in the foods that were in the TV dinners and to extend their shelf life. 

So, all this hydrogenated fat, and they lie to you about the concept of your being zero trans fatty acids, this is actually in it. So, they'll say less than 0.5 mg. of trans fatty acids for a certain tiny weight. But nobody eats one Dorito chip or one Cheeto, or one tortilla chip. If you eat 10 or 15 and you add up all those 0.5 milligrams, then you're getting in several milligrams of the trans fatty acids. It's a game. It's a legalese, a legal word at warfare, you might say. We can get away with it if we describe it in a way that they won't think to look at the size of the volume we're saying and they're eating way beyond it. 

You need to have physicians well well-trained and well-educated. I'm a general practitioner. I don't specialize in any one thing. I don't claim to know everything either. But I am very grateful for the organic extra biochemistry, analytic chemistry, physical chemistry, and general chemistry that I majored in, and this went on to greatly benefit me so I could help read scientific articles. I am blessed by the Lord to be published multiple times. I am most blessed to have my work cited every week. People are citing my work and my publications in fatigue and cell membrane health.

Now, I know Dr. Mercola. He probably doesn't even remember me. But anyway, he went through medical school across the street from where I went to medical school in Chicago. I think he went to Loyola, and I was at Chicago Medical School. I hope he knows his chemistry. I hope he'll look up this article called Differential Effects of Adulterated Versus Unadulterated Forms of Linoleic Acid on Cardiovascular Health

Now, God knew that our cell membranes, and let me get one of these here. That's why I always put it up here. Because this is life. Right here, I'm showing you life. This is the cell membrane. This is a double layer. And this area right here is the fatty acid with these double lines and a double line there, a double line. So, this is alpha-linolenic acid, and it's snuggled up close to this protein right here. This is the protein. And in the protein, you'll see this little SH here. SH means sulfhydryl groups. And there's that hydrogen that that little double bond wants, is attracted to, and it snuggles up to try and share some of the support of that hydrogen. But one of the benefits of this is it holds these proteins in place in these fluid membranes, so your cell functions optimally to have its receptors ready and to do the work that it has to do along there. And then again, this is cholesterol. These little globs right here, that's the cholesterol. And here's one here and here. You have cholesterol all over the place. So, all this warfare on cholesterol and saturated fat, I knew from the 1970s when I started practicing medicine, was a lie.

Just like I had my suspicions about the proclamations about the 2020 pandemic. And so, I'm able to protect my patients from such travesties and lies in science. God put linoleic acid everywhere because we need it everywhere, in every cell of our human body. God knew we needed linoleic and alpha-linolenic. It is the most and only two fatty essential acids we need. 

But because we hydrogenate so much of the food, and because we are not defining that in the studies that are making proclamations about omega-6, if people are consuming humongous amounts in their processed foods, meaning hydrogenated, adulterated omega-6, so it won't rot, then you can see how you can make an association with it omega-6 is bad for you. A ratio of omega-6 is 20:1 to omega-3. This is bad for you. Well, excuse me, you didn't define your references. That's already adulterated, damaged omega-6. It is not the life-giving, natural, unadulterated omega-6, which is what is in the Clinician’s Preference. That's why I use it.


“Hi, Dr. Rita. My 30’s coworker was asking, at what age should women consider taking bioidentical hormones? Thank you for your advice.” [0:19:47]


In today's stressful world, I ask my mothers of teenage girls, when they start their menstrual cycles, to use natural progesterone from day 15 through 25 of their cycles. And why? There's so much stress. The cortisol will inhibit the pituitary, endocrine access, and the follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones, and the development of an egg, and the production of the corpus luteum that produces progesterone to have a healthy natural cycle is being lost. And what is happening then is we're in estrogen dominance without enough progesterone to balance the estradiol. Worse is the use of birth control pills, which is stealing a young woman all the beautiful hormones of developing her brain, her skin, her bones, and her immune and cardiovascular. and many other aspects of her being. There needs to be a lot published on this. So, I believe natural progesterone, human bioidentical progesterone, not progestins that are synthetic and patented and people make money on it, natural progesterone is what a young woman, a young girl needs day 15 through 25 to be assured that she is being protected. I don't believe in birth control pills. I've never prescribed them. So that's my answer to that. 

We are also seeing premature menopause starting. When I was a young doctor in the late 70s, women would come to me who were 58, 59, 60, and 61, still menstruating. Today, they're 38, 39, 40, 41. We're losing 20 years. We're aging 20 years faster. The diet, the food, the toxins, the stress. So, yeah, start using your natural progesterone, day 15 through 25 is my personal experience and advice. But I'm never going to get money for a study on this because who's going to benefit? Nobody can patent natural progesterone. But at least I can be a good doctor and take care of my flock, which is my duty. I'm on active duty every day to serve my Lord and King Jesus, serving Him every day and His kingdom on earth here to try and love his beautiful creation, every single soul that comes to me.


“Hi Dr. Rita, my doctor said that he wanted to put me on progesterone 25 mg and DHEA to make PMS easier. My levels were normal though. Do you use progesterone and DHEA in early 30’s female? Thank you.” [0:22:47]


That sounds good. I think it's a low dose of progesterone. Yes, I do. I most definitely do. Of course, I check them, and while you're taking them, and within a month or two, at the most three, I want them all checked. But there is so much stress, and the precursor for cortisol in your adrenal glands is the DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). It also is a precursor to your testosterone to help you maintain your muscle mass. It is a precursor to your cortisol which helps you handle stress. So yes, I think that's very wise. I tend to think that that's too low of a dose at 25 mg of progesterone. 


“Dr. Rita, what are some recommendations do you give to your older patients who have balance issues? Thank you.” [0:23:53]


I recommend they do an aggressive weightlifting program to build muscle mass because, as we age, our entire musculature, the tiny little muscles in between our spine holding up our spine, the major upper cage of our shoulder and the pelvic cage, and then, of course, our massive gluteus maximus, our butt muscles, we must do weight training to avoid muscle loss. Our body senses the loss of these muscles and their weakness and their inability to support our tipping and our learning and our going forward or bending over or standing up. And as they do that, then our feedback sense symptom is fear of falling or imbalance. The only way you can combat that is to find a good doctor who will give you the testosterone, DHEA, and enough DHEA that you can maybe make enough testosterone or supplemental testosterone as a woman and will do your weight training. Men also need weight training. We all lose our muscles. 

We emphasize a very high-protein diet. I would say 100 grams of protein a day. I would recommend of course some aerobics as well. I also like Pilates. Pilates is also a stretch and proprioceptive engagement of your body. So, if you could do stretching and Pilates, but you must do heavy weight lifting training, twice a week minimum. And then you'll see, and there's so many biochemical activities of muscles, contraction, relaxation, and activity of the little muscle tubules and activity going on there, and that feedback to the body is saying we're being used, we're alive, repair. I mean, it's a multiplicity of signals.

We were fearfully and wonderfully made. That is what I would recommend. 

Now, you can see your doctor, go to them and maybe you can get a physical therapy referral. But I'm not impressed with physical therapy for all the many decades I've practiced medicine. I don't see the patients coming back enthusiastic and excited about how their therapist, physical therapist, really inspired them to do these range of motion, proprioception, balance therapy, do muscle training, seek hormone replacement, and find a doctor who will give it to them. Of course, be hydrated. Of course, go to bed on time. Do not eat late at night. So, I'm not impressed with, the vast majority of the physical therapists either, but that's another thing you can add in. 

Of course, you could see a neurologist. They are the ones who will do the actual nerve testing and make sure there isn't some spinal column cerebral, or cerebellar loss of function with testing, but the vast majority should be handled by your general practice doctor with healthy living lifestyles. 


“Speaking of Dr. Mercola, today the heading on his daily email “The Consequences of Low-Carb Eating”??” [0:27:44]


Well, bless his heart. I'm in diametric opposition to it. 

Now, there was someone a couple of weeks back who sent me this email asking me to look up this article on 8-Hour Time Restricted Eating is Linked to a 91% Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Death. And this was a poster. I brought it up last week, but I actually got the hard copy here to show you. This was a poster put up at the American Heart Association meeting in Chicago. It's an abstract paper number 192 at the American Heart Association Epidemiology and Prevention - Lifestyle Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Session 2024. 

Now, if you go through the paper, it is just epidemiology. Epidemiology is the lowest level of scientific data. It is not peer-reviewed, and it is doing eating questionnaires to people over the course of, I think, I think it was from 2003 to 2013, I think it was, 10 years at least. I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night, let alone filling out forms, and epidemiology studies, and not getting information about where their insulin is, where their blood sugar is, where their triglycerides are, where their hemoglobin A1c is. So, for heaven's sake, this is a paper that is meant to be a headline grabber. It's meant to throw you off and put fear in you, and we all know that diabetics have cardiovascular disease from high blood sugar. Therefore, if you eat less in some form of time-restriction eating pattern, you're going to decrease the inflow of these calories and you have to be fed better. The volume is, it's insulting to spend another minute on that. 

And then the source of the study has questionable ties with Chinese researchers and a Harvard, reviewer. It has all the suspicion of food-financed science to make people go back to eating, go back to your eating trough. You know, we’re all their cows and they say, you cow, go back to your eating trough. And it's just really sad. Bad science. A poster getting that much information in the news published is ridiculous.


“Admittedly, I have not read the article yet.” [0:31:20]


Okay, so I'm going to have to read the article, but the consequence of low-carb eating. Maybe it's health and longevity and low risk of diabetes and fewer infections and all that kind of stuff. I hope Dr. Mercola is doing it right. I appreciate what he has done over the years.


“What do you recommend to open detox pathways for slow detoxers?” [0:31:50]


Fasting, filtered water, not eating past 5 o'clock at night, aerobic and resistance training on a regular basis at least four days dedicated to some time regular exercise, aerobic and resistance, systemic enzymes, and having a rotational menu where you eat a one-menu day, such that, let's say, if you have beef and broccoli for dinner and lunch the next day, then you have chicken and green beans for dinner, and then that's what your lunch is the next day. And then you have pork chops and spinach, and let's say that's what you have for lunch the next day. And let's say you have salmon and asparagus and that's what you have for lunch the next day. You only use butter, real butter, and salt for your condiments. And maybe the fifth menu could be an egg omelet with raw dairy for dinner and lunch the next day.

Then you come back to your meat day. What this does, is it takes out a huge chunk of lectins, herbs, spices, anything that might trigger immune activity and inflammation in the body. The water that you drink, filtered, would enhance detox. The exercise will do the hydraulic pumping. The enzymes will work as little Pac-Man to chew up cellular debris that cannot be chewed up fast enough without some fasting autophagy, self-eating, and self-cleaning. A 24-hour water fast to kick it off, or do a 24-hour water fast every fourth day. That will help it. 

I don't think a lot of supplements are the direction you want to go. But if I were to pick a supplement, I would probably pick N-acetylcysteine and vitamin C. I can't help but always say to use my Juice Plus. I've just never seen anything with more research validation than the antioxidant polyphenols that are in the fruits, vegetables, and the berry, with the sugar removed from the Juice Plus fruit, vegetable, and berry concentrates. Anyway, that's how I would do it. That's how I would start. 

You could alternatively just go pure carnivore, get rid of even the vegetables, and that will add yet another quicker, better, faster, reduced inflammation, lectin exposure for a series, maybe two to three weeks, just to detox, and do intermittent 24-hour fasting there. That's how I would do it with enzymes, enzymes, enzymes. Water, water, water. Walking, walking, walking with some resistance training. That’s how I would do it. 


“Hi, sister. What is the difference between metformin and metabolic formula?” [0:35:19]


Metformin is a prescription medicine that was synthetically designed to mimic berberine. Berberine is the herb that has been known for hundreds of years, maybe thousands, that acts as an herb that facilitates sugar utilization in the energy production of the body and getting across that cell membrane there and getting in and getting used by the cell. So, metformin is a drug, patented, synthetic. Berberine is the herb that they copied to achieve that activity. 


“Also - asked for a recheck on electrolytes. What else should I ask for? She drinks a lot of water. Also, CML managed with Gleevec. Thanks, Dr. Rita.” CML managed with Gleevec


I don't know what you're talking about. We have to have our salts or electrolytes. We have to have our minerals which act as cofactors. I always tell my patients, that minerals, magnesium, iron, copper, and manganese, these metal minerals are God's pots and pans that work as a template upon which he brings the amino acid or the hydroxyl group or a sugar moiety, and there's the template, the cooking pan mineral, and then the connection occurs and you get a new molecule. And so, that is what I recommend. 


“Does NMN truly have benefits, and is it necessary to continue taking it indefinitely?” [0:38:08]


I assume that's nicotinamide mononucleotide. Nicotinic adenosine dinucleotide is the downline product after you have enzymatic action on NMN, which is part of the energy molecule and is needed in the Krebs cycle. But you also need coenzyme-Q10. You also need lipoic acid. You also need other factors. And so, the hype on saying there's one item, NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide, I think is hype. And I'll tell you why. I've been doing this for 43 years, and then my dad was in food research, so I've always been into nutrition. I started giving lectures in college at 18-19 years old on Edward Griffin's book World Without Cancer about Laetrile. So, that would've been 50 years ago, plus 53 years ago I've been, involved in this. I've known about the Krebs cycle, the facultative fermentation, aerobic/anaerobic, and the tricyclic Krebs cycle. And it's a symphony. It's like saying the oboe is very important in the masterpiece of some symphony being played. I agree. But also the violin, also the trombone, also the drummer, also the flutist, also the coronet, the French horn, and it is marketing that puts all this out there that there's any one item. 

I'll tell you one of the most energy-producing cell membrane healing things you can do, and that is too fast. When you stop eating and putting in, bringing in foreign material and your body has to sort out what's good, what's dangerous, use energy to transport it across this membrane right here in your gut that's so easily damaged where they can poke a hole in it with lectins from all the stuff in it, from the plant lectins, and you think of the membrane that's through your gut, then it goes into the lymph, and it is picked up in a cell membrane into some part of your body, maybe a muscle, and then it has to go into the cytoplasm of the cell, then it has to go into the mitochondria membrane of the mitochondria, and reach there, and be a part of a symphony of a city of mechanisms of relationships and actions and activity, physical chemistry, biochemical chemistry, hormonal chemistry. If you would stop eating for 24 hours and just drink water, and maybe put a dash of Himalayan salt in it, you're going to do more to revitalize your energy than I think anything ever studied before. 

Anyway. So, no, NMN is not, I think, the breakthrough. I wouldn't spend my money on it. 


“What vitamins, minerals, and supplements would you recommend for a young teenage boy athlete for optimal body and brain growth?” [0:41:02]


Well, if he eats enough meat, enough fish, enough chicken, enough eggs, enough shrimp, enough crab, enough lobster, and egg yolks. If he eats plenty of that, the highest density liver of minerals and nutrients are in those foods. That's the best diet nutrient you can do. 

Now, if you think he's cheating and eating at fast-food restaurants, donuts on Sundays, tortilla chips, crackers, roasted, salted, caramelized nuts and seeds, and foolishness, foolishness, foolishness, drinking energy drinks and soda pops and juices, then maybe you need to help him out with some multimineral, and the thing I would do for a teenager would educate him that he's made of protein and fat. All of this is protein and fat, and you're eating all the starch, carbohydrates, fruits, and sugar. How do you think you'll reach your maximum? If your brain is made of mostly fat and cholesterol, how do you think that potato chip or that French fry is going to help your brain power?

Juice Plus is the number one, first step, I would go with a child. At least get them on that. Number two, get them to drink enough water. That'll tend to stop them from eating so much. Number three, I would insist that they take vitamin D3 with K2 at least once a day. And number four, I would have them take Iodoral iodine 12.5 mg a day. So, that will help their Intelligence, their brain, their antioxidants, polyphenols for their thinking, anti-Alzheimer's, anti-cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory. So, Juice Plus, Vitamin D3 with K2. How much? I would say 10,000 IU. See your doctor, and get it checked once a year. And the iodine. Iodine is well-known to produce superior intelligence. In fact, we screen newborns to check their thyroid function because low thyroid is associated with, mental retardation.

That's the beginning point. And give them meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs, and they won't be so hungry for junk food. 


“Your opinion on effectiveness of herbal supplements and tinctures?” [0:44:49] 


Well, I think you can get the idea that I don't think the answer is going to buy a supplement so much.

Now, because the chemtrails and the blocking of the sun and these clouds and mists in the sky are so pervasive and damaging, full of aluminum and strontium and barium oxides that are dumping on us, we're getting in these heavy metals, we're getting toxic. We're not getting the vitamin D from the sunlight. We're eating all these bad foods too full of sugar. Yeah, I do think vitamin D makes an argument. The most researched nutraceutical will always be in my opinion and not my only. Go ask Siri what's the most researched nutraceutical in the world. It's Just Plus. And then iodine. That's core. 

But when I did the doctorate in integrative medicine in 2000 to learn about Eastern medicine, herbs and ayurvedic medicine, energy medicine, and the like, yes, these things have some value. I'm not against them. And if you invested, if you are 100 percent an herbalist working – I think Christopher was an herbalist here in Southern California. My sister who just died about 9-10 days ago, was always buying his tinctures and his herbs. She was trying to learn how to cook herbs and wild vegetation and put it in hundred-proof alcohol and extract from it and, you know, do these things. And it's a real thing. This is chemistry. But I don't think they will overcome you eating late at night. I don't think it'll overcome you eating candy bars and drinking orange juice and eating a donut every Sunday, and eating all this kind of junk food. No, I don't think it'll overcome it. 


“What is your opinion on HRT after breast cancer in postmenopausal women? What is your opinion on taking tamoxifen to suppress the cancer estrogen after a lumpectomy?” [0:47:06]


I'll give you my opinion, I am not an oncologist. And so, I don't treat breast cancer. What I do is I try and build up the health, the immune, the nutrients, and the detoxing of patients that may come to me who are also suffering from breast cancer. I always insist that they have an oncologist and that they should make a decision about following their oncologist on this, or get a second opinion from another oncologist to clarify things. 

But my experience is I don't blame cancer of the breast on estradiol. In fact, it is a good sign if you have estrogen receptor-positive, progesterone receptor-positive type breast cancers because it does show that the activity of the cancer of that breast tissue was not so angry and malignant that it was more invasive. It retained the cell membrane receptors of the proteins and the receptors that still made it resemble healthier breast tissue. 

Now, there are biopsies of, if you take a biopsy of my breast right now, I will have estrogen receptors. I will have progesterone receptors. Why? Because I'm a normal, healthy 70-year-old woman. So, the presence of estradiol receptors and progesterone receptors is not the cause of breast cancer. But they do test for that. 

Here's my suggestion. Why don't they test for insulin receptors? Hmm…How about insulin receptors? And why don't you do a study, Mr. Oncologist, on the density of insulin receptors in malignant cell lines, which is much higher than natural healthy cells? Why? Because cancer cells have to grow much faster. They have to allow glucose to come into the cancerous cells because they do. anaerobic facultative metabolism for sugar, like fermentation, and they need a ton of it. They're very inefficient, they're fast-growing tissue lines, and you have to have tons of insulin receptors. So, what about insulin receptors, huh? Hmm. Why don't you ask your oncologist about that?  

So, hormone replacement therapy after breast cancer. I have many women who have hormone replacement after breast cancer with me, especially probably what is considered the most serious diagnosis of breast cancer is triple negative, meaning negative estradiol, negative progesterone receptors, and negative HER2 receptors. So, it has no resemblance to the healthy breast cells that it came from. It's triple negative. These are the ones that are the most serious and aggressive. And working with an oncologist, and the surgery, and the mastectomy, and the chemotherapy, and the radiation, and all those treatments, and we come along building their immune repair and their nutrition status and detoxing them. I have many of my triple negatives right back on their hormone replacement therapy, alongside the informed consent or at least informed knowledge of their oncologist. And I know several oncologists who are aware and do give women hormone replacement post-breast cancer. So, no, breast cancer is not caused or proven to be caused by estrogen. There you go. 

Let's see, what's the next thing…Tamoxifen to suppress estrogen. Well, if you block the healthy estrogen receptors, and then you don't tell the woman to stop drinking alcohol, which builds up the estrogen, how good is that oncologist? How informed is that oncologist if they don't know to ask, and by the way, now that you have breast cancer, you better stop drinking alcohol. And what do many women do after getting depressed with breast cancer? They drink wine, lots of wine, and their estradiol goes up. Oh, but have you ever heard of oncologists testing for estradiol in breast cancer women with estrogen receptors or insulin fasting? Hmm. I wonder why. Maybe that's why my patients do so well. We give thanks to God Almighty for truth, because if you seek the truth, He'll give it to you. And if I sound sarcastic, I am because I'm fed up with the bad education and information that's out there. I'm fed up. 

All right. So, take Tamoxifen? I'm not an oncologist. You decide to follow your oncologist's advice. And I never, when I'm with a patient, tell them not to. But I informed them about asking their oncologist about, whether are they checking for estradiol. Are they warning about alcohol? Are they testing for insulin? And so, I'll never tell them not to take tamoxifen. 


“Do you advise for people diagnosed with Parkinson's?” [0:53:06]


Well, I'll see anybody as a general practitioner. I am not a neurologist. And so, if they're on levodopa, and things like that, to try and help the activity of the substantia nigra and their central brainstem, and it's helpful, but usually you develop a resistance to this, and you have to use higher and higher doses, and then you get side effects from the high doses and vascular instabilities for blood pressure control. 

So, are there other items? Yeah, there are other things you can do for Parkinson's. And do we help the general patient with Parkinson's? All the time we do. I would cross-reference heavy metal toxicity and Parkinson's disease. I would cross-reference melatonin, vitamin D, and Parkinson's. I would cross-reference nicotine, the nicotine patch, and Parkinson's. Learn about it. 


“What treatment do you do for cognitive impairment/confusion/processing numbers? Symptoms started one year ago, 55-year-old male. Currently doing EDTA chelations for metals, enzymes, phospholipids, testosterone cream (last labs 250), exercise, low carb, and sleep. Have you seen your patients improve cognition with the above? Anything else you advise?” [0:54:19]


Yes, they all get better. But exercise is critically important. And now, there's new research on nicotine patches, low-dose nicotine. Nicotine gum 2 mg and 4 mg. I'm looking at the literature on that. And so, I'm getting involved in researching that possibly as another thing that can be done. 


“Do you have an opinion on Biofeedback ADHD? Is it safe and effective for a 14-year-old boy? Have you heard of the Drake Institute? If so, what are your thoughts? Thank you.” [0:55:08]


Drake Institute I think is in Irvine. The Amen Clinic is in Newport Beach. They do brain mapping, biofeedback, EEG, these kind of things. I'm not sure how much they're up on detoxing and nutrient use. But again, if you would look up nicotine and autism and attention deficit and learning disorders, you might be surprised with some information on that as well. So, I've heard of it. I don't have pros or cons. I do know we have to have people involved in trying to use something to help these dear children. And if Dr. Drake’s institute is helping with brain mapping and biofeedback and the like, I would say good.


“I'm having a very hard time losing weight. What is the best way to eat that you can suggest? I have thyroid issues, but I see Dr. Cindy Mitchell regularly regarding that.” [0:56:17]


Well, yes, optimal thyroid function is very important, but getting your insulin down. I think it's impossible to lose weight if your fasting insulin is above 4.5. So, you need to ask your doctor to check your fasting insulin. If your triglycerides are much higher than 50, then you have to because that comes from carbs, carbs stimulate insulin, and insulin stimulates fat storage. You have to have a hemoglobin A1c at 5.2 or less. Then you have to have a fasting blood sugar well under 85. And so those are the pathways to go. A carnivore diet would be the best way. Find out your blood type. If you're a blood type A or you're older than 50, you might need digestive enzymes to help you on a carnivore diet to be successful. 


“I have numbness, tingling, burning in my hands, as well as pain in the forearm. Both arms and hands. Any supplements to alleviate? Should I get physical therapy?” [0:57:26]


Well, you should see your doctor. Anyone with those symptoms, it could be a variety of things. But from a nutritive point of view and aging point of view, I don't know how old you are, and I don't know what your correlated morbidities are, diabetics have this sooner than non-diabetics. Most people are becoming diabetics, so there's a high likelihood that your insulin, glucose, triglycerides, and hemoglobin A1C are too high. Fasting helps to reduce the damage of inflammation. It generates and hurts the lining of the cell membranes and the vasculature, the endothelial lining. Taking enzymes, using EDTA chelation to improve microcirculation to the nerves and the vessels and the tissues, posture, if you're leaning forward, how you're sleeping at night, if your arm is tweaked in a certain way, the exercise to help you with tone and your muscle carriage. These kinds of things are very important. 


“Hi Dr. Rita, can you explain how the carnivore diet is executed? Do you cook meat in coconut/avocado/olive oil? Do you use any herbs to cook with? Do you eat any bacon, sausage, or jerky, or just what you have cooked from scratch? Thank you for your recommendations. [0:58:47]


I never use seed oils. Period. Avocado or olive oil. Coconut oil is saturated fat, but I really never use coconut. I use lard and beef tallow. I use butter. 

Do you use any herbs to cook with? I use garlic and salt, and I use pepper. That’s pretty much what I use. Do you eat any bacon? All the time. Sausage or Jerky? All the time. Well, I cook a roast from scratch, chicken from scratch, pork roast from scratch, bacon from scratch, and hard-boiled eggs from scratch. I usually don't cook fish. I don't like the smell of fish, but I love to eat it. So, if I do go out and eat once a week, I usually order my salmon. Yeah. So, carnivore is carnivore. Anything that's moving, flying, walking, crawling, you can eat that stuff.


“Do you have a stance on wearing jewelry and what metals/materials are safe to wear as far as earrings, necklaces, and rings, etc.?” [1:00:09]


Well, I would say I don't, but nickel often is a dermatitis allergen to the skin. I don't recommend wearing a lot of jewelry. I think the more holes you poke in your nose and your ears, your toes, and your belly button, the more you're aggravating your immune system, and certainly I don't support tattooing either. So, I try and stay with gold or pure silver. So, I don't have much jewelry, and that's the way it's going to be for me because I'm not going to take it to heaven when I go. 


“Are there any Orange County pediatricians you would recommend?” [1:00:59]


Well, I know for sure Bill Sears, Bob Sears. I think the Juice Plus, NMD, or Super NMD, Dr. Sears, has written many children's books. His son practices in Orange County. So, that's where I would go. Their whole clinic is oriented to that, so it's a wonderful place. And any doctors he has working with him I would think were sympathetic. So, I would go to Dr. Sears. 


“I would appreciate your opinion on the use of calcium and/or multi-minerals for osteoporosis. I'm 73 and have mild thickening in my abdominal aorta and carotid artery. I’m recovering from bilateral wrist fractures. Two of your doctors, both of whom I respect, have different points of view. Calcium for bone growth? Minerals to avoid atherosclerosis?” [1:01:33]


I am for the low-carb, extremely low-carb diet. I'm for the carnivore diet. Very few vegetables to get your insulin down to under 4, to get your triglycerides around 50, to get your hemoglobin A1c to 5.2, and your insulin under 4. Fasting blood sugar well under 85. 

Number two, I am for exercise, both aerobic and weight training. 

Number three, I'm for enzymes, systemic enzymes, to help get rid of the inflammation. 

Number four, because all atherosclerotic damage is from chronic inflammation. So, the high sugars and the lectins, the food antigen-antibody complexes, and God only knows what this Moderna, Pfizer mRNA injected and did to create endothelial damage, but that inflammation damage of the endothelium will attract healing. And in that healing process, if it's chronic, then it just will pack down and get solidified with calcification. It's part of a chronic inflammatory healing response. 

So, if you take vitamin D3 and K2 and get your vitamin D3 levels, and you’re testing with your doctor somewhere to the level of about 100, and you exercise with weight training and aerobics, you're very low carb, and I'm also for natural hormone progesterone, natural hormone estradiol replacement, you might even use a little DHEA or testosterone, a good night's sleep, with those things, you should see improvement. You don't need supplemental calcium at all. 


“I'm traveling overseas next week. I'm wondering if I should up my vitamins in any way before the trip. I'm taking my basic vitamins, as well as around 10,000 vitamin D daily and extra zinc.” [1:04:01]


Well, I think if you use 50,000 IU of vitamin D before you get on the plane after you get off the plane before you get back on it on your return trip and the day after, I think if you do that and you take around 50 mg of zinc a day, you don't eat a wild, crazy, high carb diet, drink plenty of water, get a good night's sleep, then you should be well, and do well. But 10,000 a day vitamin D is the minimum I use. I use, I think, 15,000 IU. And if I go on a trip, I take 50,000 D3 before the trip, the day after, and then the other days, depending on how long I’m gone. And I never go anywhere, so I rarely do this, but I’ll just take my 10,000 or 15,000 daily until I’m going to get back on the plane. So, I take 50,000, and then the day after, 50,000, and then I resume my normal 10,000 to 15,000 a day. And I always put zinc in my multivitamin TLC Energy Core. If you take that every day, that’s 6 mg, along with what you eat in meat, fish, chicken, turkey, and beef, you should be getting well over 15 mg of zinc, wonderful chelated zinc a day.


​“What do you think of low-level red laser therapy as a means for healing a wide variety of conditions? Does your office provide this type of therapy?” [1:05:28]


We don’t provide it. Yes, I’m in support of it. And so, I believe in frequency medicine. I believe that it penetrates the skin, and stimulates the microvasculature and healing. So, I’m supportive of that. 


“On a scale of 1-10, how important is hydration to the body, and which water sources are thought to be cellularly hydrating?” [1:05:53]


100. Well, uncontaminated sources. How is that for an answer? We have so much garbage in our system, I think you have to filter the toxin, the microplastics out, the fluoride, the lead, all these things out of it. And then I think you need to take a good multimineral trace mineral supplement. There is also the argument of hydrogenated water. That’s why I use Izumi water and I drink hydrogenated water, and that’s also like Kangen water. Then the other thing is vortex water with magnets that help swirl the water. That’s another form of elevating the energy and healing potential of the water.


“I’m a post-menopausal woman who had stage 1 breast cancer in 2011. Also had a complete hysterectomy the same year due to large cysts (estrogen-positive breast cancer). I’ve never had any HRT. I’m 66, active, and healthy. Wondering if I might still benefit from HRT. My oncologist recently recommended NEXTSTELLIS (birth control) for estrogen. Thoughts?” [1:06:55]


I would use natural human bioidentical. Find a good functional medicine doctor who knows how to use natural hormones well, monitor you, work in conjunction with your specialist, and your oncologist, and help you with balancing it with progesterone. I won’t give it without progesterone. I won’t give natural hormones without a woman who exercises. I Won’t give it unless a woman takes systemic enzymes. I won’t give it unless she takes progesterone with the estradiol. I won’t give it if their blood sugar is over 85, their triglycerides are high, over 50-60, their hemoglobin A1c is over 5.2, and their insulin is over 4. I just won’t give it because insulin is the most powerful tumor-producing, fat-producing growth promoter in the human body. We’re inundated with our eating. And yes, good food becomes bad food when you eat too much food.